Sampanna Rimal 9cd05ef3cb commitall
2024-07-10 18:28:19 +05:45

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# Changes in PHPUnit 5.7
All notable changes of the PHPUnit 5.7 release series are documented in this file using the [Keep a CHANGELOG]( principles.
## [5.7.27] - 2018-02-01
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2236]( Exceptions in `tearDown()` do not affect `getStatus()`
* Fixed [#2950]( Class extending `PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite` does not extend `PHPUnit\FrameworkTestCase`
* Fixed [#2972]( PHPUnit crashes when test suite contains both `.phpt` files and unconventionally named tests
## [5.7.26] - 2017-12-17
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2472]( `PHPUnit\Util\Getopt` uses deprecated `each()` function
* Fixed [#2833]( Test class loaded during data provider execution is not discovered
* Fixed [#2922]( Test class is not discovered when there is a test class with `@group` and provider throwing exception in it, tests are run with `--exclude-group` for that group, there is another class called later (after the class from above), and the name of that another class does not match its filename
## [5.7.25] - 2017-11-14
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2859]( Regression caused by fix for [#2833](
## [5.7.24] - 2017-11-14
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2833]( Test class loaded during data provider execution is not discovered
## [5.7.23] - 2017-10-15
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2731]( Empty exception message cannot be expected
## [5.7.22] - 2017-09-24
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2769]( Usage of `setUseErrorHandler()` produces `Undefined variable` error
## [5.7.21] - 2017-06-21
### Added
* Added `PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError`, `PHPUnit\Framework\Test`, and `PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite` to the forward compatibility layer for PHPUnit 6
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2705]( `stderr` parameter in `phpunit.xml` always considered `true`
## [5.7.20] - 2017-05-22
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2563]( `phpunit --version` does not display version when running unsupported PHP
## [5.7.19] - 2017-04-03
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2638]( Regression in `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase:registerMockObjectsFromTestArguments()`
## [5.7.18] - 2017-04-02
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2145]( `--stop-on-failure` fails to stop on PHP 7
* Fixed [#2572]( `PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase:registerMockObjectsFromTestArguments()` does not correctly handle arrays that reference themselves
## [5.7.17] - 2017-03-19
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2016]( `prophesize()` does not work when static attributes are backed up
* Fixed [#2568]( `ArraySubsetConstraint` uses invalid cast to array
* Fixed [#2573]( `getMockFromWsdl()` does not handle URLs with query parameters
* `PHPUnit\Util\Test::getDataFromTestWithAnnotation()` raises notice when docblock contains Windows line endings
## [5.7.16] - 2017-03-15
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2547]( Code Coverage data is collected for test annotated with `@coversNothing`
* Fixed [#2558]( `countOf()` function is missing
## [5.7.15] - 2017-03-02
### Fixed
* Fixed [#1999]( Handler is inherited from previous custom option with handler
* Fixed [#2149]( `assertCount()` does not handle generators properly
* Fixed [#2478]( Tests that take too long are not reported as risky test
## [5.7.14] - 2017-02-19
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2489]( `processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist` is not handled correctly
* Fixed default values for `addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist` and `processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist` in `phpunit.xsd`
## [5.7.13] - 2017-02-10
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2493]( Fix for [#2475]( does not apply to PHPUnit 5.7
## [5.7.12] - 2017-02-08
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2475]( Defining a test suite with only one file does not work
## [5.7.11] - 2017-02-05
### Fixed
* Deprecation errors when used with PHP 7.2
## [5.7.10] - 2017-02-04
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2462]( Code Coverage whitelist is filled even if no code coverage data is to be collected
## [5.7.9] - 2017-01-28
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2447]( Reverted backwards incompatible change to handling of boolean environment variable values specified in XML
## [5.7.8] - 2017-01-26
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2446]( Reverted backwards incompatible change to exit code in case of warnings
## [5.7.7] - 2017-01-25
### Fixed
* Fixed [#1896]( Wrong test location when `@depends` and `@dataProvider` are combined
* Fixed [#1983]( Tests with `@expectedException` annotation cannot be skipped
* Fixed [#2137]( Warnings for invalid data providers are suppressed when test execution is filtered
* Fixed [#2275]( Invalid UTF-8 characters can lead to missing output
* Fixed [#2299]( `expectExceptionMessage()` and `expectExceptionCode()` do not work without `expectException()`
* Fixed [#2328]( `TestListener` callbacks `startTest()` and `endTest()` are not called when test is skipped due to `@depends`
* Fixed [#2331]( Boolean environment variable values specified in XML get mangled
* Fixed [#2333]( `assertContains()` and `assertNotContains()` do not handle UTF-8 strings correctly
* Fixed [#2340]( Data providers that use `yield` or implement `Iterator` cannot be combined
* Fixed [#2349]( `PHPUnit_TextUI_Command` does not `exit()` when it should
* Fixed [#2392]( Empty (but valid) data provider should skip the test
* Fixed [#2431]( `assertArraySubset()` does not support `ArrayAccess`
* Fixed [#2435]( Empty `@group` annotation causes error on PHP 7.2+
## [5.7.6] - 2017-01-22
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2424]( `TestCase::getStatus()` returns `STATUS_PASSED` instead of `STATUS_RISKY` for risky test
* Fixed [#2427]( TestDox group configuration is not handled
* Fixed [#2428]( Nested arrays specificied in XML configuration file are not handled correctly
## [5.7.5] - 2016-12-28
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2404]( `assertDirectoryNotIsWriteable()` calls itself
## [5.7.4] - 2016-12-13
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2394]( Do not treat `AssertionError` as assertion failure on PHP 5
## [5.7.3] - 2016-12-09
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2384]( Handle `PHPUnit_Framework_Exception` correctly when expecting exceptions
## [5.7.2] - 2016-12-03
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2382]( Uncloneable test doubles passed via data provider do not work
## [5.7.1] - 2016-12-02
### Fixed
* Fixed [#2380]( Data Providers cannot be generators anymore
## [5.7.0] - 2016-12-02
### Added
* Merged [#2223]( Add support for multiple data providers
* Added `extensionsDirectory` configuration directive to configure a directory from which all `.phar` files are loaded as PHPUnit extensions
* Added `--no-extensions` commandline option to suppress loading of extensions (from configured extension directory)
* Added `PHPUnit\Framework\Assert` as an alias for `PHPUnit_Framework_Assert` for forward compatibility
* Added `PHPUnit\Framework\BaseTestListener` as an alias for `PHPUnit_Framework_BaseTestListener` for forward compatibility
* Added `PHPUnit\Framework\TestListener` as an alias for `PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener` for forward compatibility
### Changed
* The `--log-json` commandline option has been deprecated
* The `--tap` and `--log-tap` commandline options have been deprecated
* The `--self-update` and `--self-upgrade` commandline options have been deprecated (PHAR binary only)