Sampanna Rimal 53c0140f58 first commit
2024-08-27 17:48:06 +05:45
2024-08-27 17:48:06 +05:45
2024-08-27 17:48:06 +05:45
2024-08-27 17:48:06 +05:45
2024-08-27 17:48:06 +05:45
2024-08-27 17:48:06 +05:45
2024-08-27 17:48:06 +05:45


A small library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML.



You can add this library as a local, per-project dependency to your project using Composer:

composer require theseer/tokenizer

If you only need this library during development, for instance to run your project's test suite, then you should add it as a development-time dependency:

composer require --dev theseer/tokenizer

Usage examples

$tokenizer = new TheSeer\Tokenizer\Tokenizer();
$tokens = $tokenizer->parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/src/XMLSerializer.php'));

$serializer = new TheSeer\Tokenizer\XMLSerializer();
$xml = $serializer->toXML($tokens);

echo $xml;

The generated XML structure looks something like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<source xmlns="">
 <line no="1">
  <token name="T_OPEN_TAG">&lt;?php </token>
  <token name="T_DECLARE">declare</token>
  <token name="T_OPEN_BRACKET">(</token>
  <token name="T_STRING">strict_types</token>
  <token name="T_WHITESPACE"> </token>
  <token name="T_EQUAL">=</token>
  <token name="T_WHITESPACE"> </token>
  <token name="T_LNUMBER">1</token>
  <token name="T_CLOSE_BRACKET">)</token>
  <token name="T_SEMICOLON">;</token>