<?php namespace Hamcrest; class Thingy { private $_result; public function __construct($result) { $this->_result = $result; } public function getResult() { return $this->_result; } } /* Test-specific subclass only */ class ResultMatcher extends \Hamcrest\FeatureMatcher { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(self::TYPE_ANY, null, equalTo('bar'), 'Thingy with result', 'result'); } public function featureValueOf($actual) { if ($actual instanceof \Hamcrest\Thingy) { return $actual->getResult(); } } } class FeatureMatcherTest extends \Hamcrest\AbstractMatcherTest { private $_resultMatcher; protected function setUp() { $this->_resultMatcher = $this->_resultMatcher(); } protected function createMatcher() { return $this->_resultMatcher(); } public function testMatchesPartOfAnObject() { $this->assertMatches($this->_resultMatcher, new \Hamcrest\Thingy('bar'), 'feature'); $this->assertDescription('Thingy with result "bar"', $this->_resultMatcher); } public function testMismatchesPartOfAnObject() { $this->assertMismatchDescription( 'result was "foo"', $this->_resultMatcher, new \Hamcrest\Thingy('foo') ); } public function testDoesNotGenerateNoticesForNull() { $this->assertMismatchDescription('result was null', $this->_resultMatcher, null); } // -- Creation Methods private function _resultMatcher() { return new \Hamcrest\ResultMatcher(); } }