Sampanna Rimal 9cd05ef3cb commitall
2024-07-10 18:28:19 +05:45

143 lines
6.9 KiB

defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
| Display Debug backtrace
| If set to TRUE, a backtrace will be displayed along with php errors. If
| error_reporting is disabled, the backtrace will not display, regardless
| of this setting
| File and Directory Modes
| These prefs are used when checking and setting modes when working
| with the file system. The defaults are fine on servers with proper
| security, but you may wish (or even need) to change the values in
| certain environments (Apache running a separate process for each
| user, PHP under CGI with Apache suEXEC, etc.). Octal values should
| always be used to set the mode correctly.
defined('FILE_READ_MODE') or define('FILE_READ_MODE', 0644);
defined('FILE_WRITE_MODE') or define('FILE_WRITE_MODE', 0666);
defined('DIR_READ_MODE') or define('DIR_READ_MODE', 0755);
defined('DIR_WRITE_MODE') or define('DIR_WRITE_MODE', 0755);
| File Stream Modes
| These modes are used when working with fopen()/popen()
defined('FOPEN_READ') or define('FOPEN_READ', 'rb');
defined('FOPEN_READ_WRITE') or define('FOPEN_READ_WRITE', 'r+b');
defined('FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE') or define('FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE', 'wb'); // truncates existing file data, use with care
defined('FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE') or define('FOPEN_READ_WRITE_CREATE_DESTRUCTIVE', 'w+b'); // truncates existing file data, use with care
defined('FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE') or define('FOPEN_WRITE_CREATE', 'ab');
| Exit Status Codes
| Used to indicate the conditions under which the script is exit()ing.
| While there is no universal standard for error codes, there are some
| broad conventions. Three such conventions are mentioned below, for
| those who wish to make use of them. The CodeIgniter defaults were
| chosen for the least overlap with these conventions, while still
| leaving room for others to be defined in future versions and user
| applications.
| The three main conventions used for determining exit status codes
| are as follows:
| Standard C/C++ Library (stdlibc):
| (This link also contains other GNU-specific conventions)
| BSD sysexits.h:
| Bash scripting:
defined('EXIT_SUCCESS') or define('EXIT_SUCCESS', 0); // no errors
defined('EXIT_ERROR') or define('EXIT_ERROR', 1); // generic error
defined('EXIT_CONFIG') or define('EXIT_CONFIG', 3); // configuration error
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_FILE') or define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_FILE', 4); // file not found
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_CLASS') or define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_CLASS', 5); // unknown class
defined('EXIT_UNKNOWN_METHOD') or define('EXIT_UNKNOWN_METHOD', 6); // unknown class member
defined('EXIT_USER_INPUT') or define('EXIT_USER_INPUT', 7); // invalid user input
defined('EXIT_DATABASE') or define('EXIT_DATABASE', 8); // database error
defined('EXIT__AUTO_MIN') or define('EXIT__AUTO_MIN', 9); // lowest automatically-assigned error code
defined('EXIT__AUTO_MAX') or define('EXIT__AUTO_MAX', 125); // highest automatically-assigned error code
defined('MS_CLIENT_ID') or define('MS_CLIENT_ID', 'cbab4954-057c-40c2-bb15-a6f87593f048');
defined('MS_CLIENT_SECURITY') or define('MS_CLIENT_SECURITY', '3-WViiNF_5e-k8JD0R77L--JTPefr9pROe');
defined('MS_USER_ID') or define('MS_USER_ID', '1c2d9d4a-eb8b-4bfa-ab64-7a84ca24e506');
// 07-10-2021
define('MY_DATE_FORMAT', "d-m-Y");
// define('SUBJECT_SUCCESS_ADD_MSG', "The Subject has been added succesfully");
// define('SUBJECT_SUCCESS_EDIT_MSG', "The Subject has been updated succesfully");
// define('SUBJECT_SUCCESS_FAILED_MSG', "The Subject Insertion failed");
define('RUPEE_NAME', 'Rs');
define('THE_INSERT_FAILED_MSG', "The %s Insertion failed");
define('THE_UPDATE_FAILED_MSG', "The %s Update failed");
define('THE_ADD_SUCCESS_MSG', "The %s has been added successfully");
define('THE_UPDATE_SUCCESS_MSG', "The %s has been updated successfully");
define('THE_ADD_ERROR_MSG', "Oops.. Something went wrong while adding the %s");
define('THE_UPDATE_ERROR_MSG', "Oops.. Something went wrong while updating the %s");
// Afras Khan
define('THE_DELETE_SUCCESS_MSG', "The %s has been deleted successfully");
define('THE_DELETE_ERROR_MSG', "Oops.. Something went wrong while updating the %s");
define('THE_DELETE_ALERT_MSG', "Are you sure you want to delete this %s?");
define('THE_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG', "The %s already exists");
define('ERISN_WEB_URL', '');
define('CLASSROOM_NOTEXISTS_MSG', "ClassRoom is Not created, Please Create %s");
define('CLASSROOM_ALREADY_ASSIGNED_MSG', "Then Mentioned %s students are already assigned to Another Clasroom, Please Check");
define('ALREADY_ASSIGNED_MSG', "The Selected %s is assigned with another module ");
define('ONLINE_SESSION_INSERT_MSG', "The Session link has been Inserted successfully");
define('ONLINE_SESSION_UPDATE_MSG', "The Session link has been updated successfully");
define('ONLINE_SESSION_UPDATE_FAILED_MSG', "The Session link Updated failed");
define('ONLINE_SESSION_INSERT_FAILED_MSG', "The Session link Inserted failed");
define('ONLINE_SESSION_CHECK_FAILED_MSG', " The Session Already assigned with other subject at the same time.");
define('NO_IMAGE_PATH', "/common_assets/No-Image.jpg");
define('ALREADY_ASSIGNED_TIMETABLE_MSG', "The %s Already Scheduled So We Can't Delete");
define('THE_UPDATE_NO_CHANGES_MSG', "No Changes");
define('STUDENT_PREFIX', 'S');
define('TEACHER_ID_PREFIX', 'T');
define('FROM_EMAIL', '');
define('FROM_EMAIL_USERNAME', 'Blackboard');
// define('ACCOUNTING', true);
// define('GRADE_SETTING', 'GRADE');