/// <reference path="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc.js" /> /* * Print Element Plugin 1.2 * * Copyright (c) 2010 Erik Zaadi * * Inspired by PrintArea (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/PrintArea) and * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/472951/how-do-i-print-an-iframe-from-javascript-in-safari-chrome * * Home Page : http://projects.erikzaadi/jQueryPlugins/jQuery.printElement * Issues (bug reporting) : http://github.com/erikzaadi/jQueryPlugins/issues/labels/printElement * jQuery plugin page : http://plugins.jquery.com/project/printElement * * Thanks to David B (http://github.com/ungenio) and icgJohn (http://www.blogger.com/profile/11881116857076484100) * For their great contributions! * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Note, Iframe Printing is not supported in Opera and Chrome 3.0, a popup window will be shown instead */ ; (function (window, undefined) { var document = window["document"]; var $ = window["jQuery"]; $.fn["printElement"] = function (options) { var mainOptions = $.extend({}, $.fn["printElement"]["defaults"], options); //iframe mode is not supported for opera and chrome 3.0 (it prints the entire page). //http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?tid=2cb0f08dce8821c3&hl=en if (mainOptions["printMode"] == 'iframe') { if ($.browser.opera || (/chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()))) mainOptions["printMode"] = 'popup'; } //Remove previously printed iframe if exists $("[id^='printElement_']").remove(); return this.each(function () { //Support Metadata Plug-in if available var opts = $.meta ? $.extend({}, mainOptions, $(this).data()) : mainOptions; _printElement($(this), opts); }); }; $.fn["printElement"]["defaults"] = { "printMode": 'iframe', //Usage : iframe / popup "pageTitle": '', //Print Page Title "overrideElementCSS": null, /* Can be one of the following 3 options: * 1 : boolean (pass true for stripping all css linked) * 2 : array of $.fn.printElement.cssElement (s) * 3 : array of strings with paths to alternate css files (optimized for print) */ "printBodyOptions": { "styleToAdd": 'padding:10px;margin:10px;', //style attributes to add to the body of print document "classNameToAdd": '' //css class to add to the body of print document }, "leaveOpen": false, // in case of popup, leave the print page open or not "iframeElementOptions": { "styleToAdd": 'border:none;position:absolute;width:0px;height:0px;bottom:0px;left:0px;', //style attributes to add to the iframe element "classNameToAdd": '' //css class to add to the iframe element } }; $.fn["printElement"]["cssElement"] = { "href": '', "media": '' }; function _printElement(element, opts) { //Create markup to be printed var html = _getMarkup(element, opts); var popupOrIframe = null; var documentToWriteTo = null; if (opts["printMode"].toLowerCase() == 'popup') { popupOrIframe = window.open('about:blank', 'printElementWindow', 'width=650,height=440,scrollbars=yes'); documentToWriteTo = popupOrIframe.document; } else { //The random ID is to overcome a safari bug http://www.cjboco.com.sharedcopy.com/post.cfm/442dc92cd1c0ca10a5c35210b8166882.html var printElementID = "printElement_" + (Math.round(Math.random() * 99999)).toString(); //Native creation of the element is faster.. var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME'); $(iframe).attr({ style: opts["iframeElementOptions"]["styleToAdd"], id: printElementID, className: opts["iframeElementOptions"]["classNameToAdd"], frameBorder: 0, scrolling: 'no', src: 'about:blank' }); document.body.appendChild(iframe); documentToWriteTo = (iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument); if (documentToWriteTo.document) documentToWriteTo = documentToWriteTo.document; iframe = document.frames ? document.frames[printElementID] : document.getElementById(printElementID); popupOrIframe = iframe.contentWindow || iframe; } focus(); documentToWriteTo.open(); documentToWriteTo.write(html); documentToWriteTo.close(); _callPrint(popupOrIframe); }; function _callPrint(element) { if (element && element["printPage"]) element["printPage"](); else setTimeout(function () { _callPrint(element); }, 50); } function _getElementHTMLIncludingFormElements(element) { var $element = $(element); //Radiobuttons and checkboxes $(":checked", $element).each(function () { this.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); }); //simple text inputs $("input[type='text']", $element).each(function () { this.setAttribute('value', $(this).val()); }); $("select", $element).each(function () { var $select = $(this); $("option", $select).each(function () { if ($select.val() == $(this).val()) this.setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); }); }); $("textarea", $element).each(function () { //Thanks http://blog.ekini.net/2009/02/24/jquery-getting-the-latest-textvalue-inside-a-textarea/ var value = $(this).attr('value'); //fix for issue 7 (http://plugins.jquery.com/node/13503 and http://github.com/erikzaadi/jQueryPlugins/issues#issue/7) if ($.browser.mozilla && this.firstChild) this.firstChild.textContent = value; else this.innerHTML = value; }); //http://dbj.org/dbj/?p=91 var elementHtml = $('<div></div>').append($element.clone()).html(); return elementHtml; } function _getBaseHref() { var port = (window.location.port) ? ':' + window.location.port : ''; return window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + port + window.location.pathname; } function _getMarkup(element, opts) { var $element = $(element); var elementHtml = _getElementHTMLIncludingFormElements(element); var html = new Array(); html.push('<html><head><title>' + opts["pageTitle"] + '</title>'); if (opts["overrideElementCSS"]) { if (opts["overrideElementCSS"].length > 0) { for (var x = 0; x < opts["overrideElementCSS"].length; x++) { var current = opts["overrideElementCSS"][x]; if (typeof (current) == 'string') html.push('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + current + '" >'); else html.push('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + current["href"] + '" media="' + current["media"] + '" >'); } } } else { $("link", document).filter(function () { return $(this).attr("rel").toLowerCase() == "stylesheet"; }).each(function () { html.push('<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="' + $(this).attr("href") + '" media="' + $(this).attr('media') + '" >'); }); } //Ensure that relative links work html.push('<base href="' + _getBaseHref() + '" />'); html.push('</head><body style="' + opts["printBodyOptions"]["styleToAdd"] + '" class="' + opts["printBodyOptions"]["classNameToAdd"] + '">'); html.push('<div class="' + $element.attr('class') + '">' + elementHtml + '</div>'); html.push('<script type="text/javascript">function printPage(){focus();print();' + ((!$.browser.opera && !opts["leaveOpen"] && opts["printMode"].toLowerCase() == 'popup') ? 'close();' : '') + '}</script>'); html.push('</body></html>'); return html.join(''); }; })(window);