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# PHP_CodeCoverage

**PHP_CodeCoverage** is a library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information.

## Requirements

PHP 5.6 is required but using the latest version of PHP is highly recommended.

### PHP 5

[Xdebug](http://xdebug.org/) is the only source of raw code coverage data supported for PHP 5. Version 2.2.1 of Xdebug is required but using the latest version is highly recommended.

### PHP 7

Version 2.4.0 (or later) of [Xdebug](http://xdebug.org/) as well as [phpdbg](http://phpdbg.com/docs) are supported sources of raw code coverage data for PHP 7.

### HHVM

A version of HHVM that implements the Xdebug API for code coverage (`xdebug_*_code_coverage()`) is required.

## Installation

You can add this library as a local, per-project dependency to your project using [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/):

    composer require phpunit/php-code-coverage

If you only need this library during development, for instance to run your project's test suite, then you should add it as a development-time dependency:

    composer require --dev phpunit/php-code-coverage

## Using the PHP_CodeCoverage API

$coverage = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage;
$coverage->start('<name of test>');

// ...


$writer = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report\Clover;
$writer->process($coverage, '/tmp/clover.xml');

$writer = new \SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report\Html\Facade;
$writer->process($coverage, '/tmp/code-coverage-report');