--- layout: page title: Plugins --- AdminLTE comes with color overrides & extras for the following plugins. ### Bootstrap Slider You can override the color for bootstrap slider tracks with the following classes: - `.slider-*` Example: ```html <div class="slider-red"> <input type="text" value="" class="slider form-control" data-slider...> </div> ``` You can also change the layout of the slider with the following classes: - `.slider-vertical` - `.slider-horizontal` Example: ```html <div class="slider-red"> <input type="text" value="" class="slider slider-vertical form-control" data-slider...> </div> ``` ### iCheck Bootstrap You can override the color of a iCheck checkbox/radio input, add the following class: - `.icheck-*` Example: ```html <div class="icheck-primary"> <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1"> <label for="checkbox1"> Checkbox Label </label> </div> ``` ### Pace You can override the color for all pace themes, load your desired theme and add one the following classes to `body`: - `.pace-*` - barber-shop - flat-top - minimal - `.pace-big-counter-*` - big-counter - `.pace-bounce-*` - bounce - `pace-center-atom-*` - center-atom - `pace-center-circle-*` - center-circle - `pace-center-radar-*` - center-radar - `pace-center-simple-*` - center-simple - `pace-corner-indicator-*` - corner-indicator - `.pace-flash-*` - flash - `.pace-fill-left-*` - fill-left - `.pace-loading-bar-*` - loading-bar - `.pace-material-*` - material - `.pace-mac-osx-*` - mac-osx Example: `<body class="pace-success">` ### SweetAlert If you use SweetAlert and load the SweetAlert CSS before AdminLTE's CSS, then the colors of any icon changes to AdminLTE's default colors. ### Toastr If you use Toastr and load the Toastr CSS before AdminLTE's CSS, then the background colors changes to AdminLTE's default colors.