
We are developing this library to be used as global for accounting systems for any software we are going to build

Currenyly, in this function we are drawing balances based on selected branch and selected fiscal year. 
We are supposing branch and fiscalyear is set to session. if no session values are found, we are assuming, fiscalyear is 1 and branch is 1

defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
class acc
    private $FY;
    private $Branch;
    public function __construct()
        $CI = &get_instance(); // Get the CodeIgniter instance

        $CI->load->library('session'); // Assuming CodeIgniter's session library is already loaded

        // Check if Branch is set in session
        if ($CI->session->has_userdata('BranchID')) {
            $this->Branch = $CI->session->userdata('BranchID');
        } else {
            $this->Branch = 1; // Default value if not found in session

        // Check if FY is set in session
        if ($CI->session->has_userdata('FiscalYearID')) {
            $this->FY = $CI->session->userdata('FiscalYearID');
        } else {
            $this->FY = 1; // Default value if not found in session
        // echo $this->FY;die;
    function getAccountGroups(&$ACBalances = array())
        $CI = &get_instance();
        $t = "select * from tbl_acgroups where status=1";
        $AccountGroups = $CI->db->query($t)->result();
        foreach ($AccountGroups as $AccountGroup) :
            $AccountGroup->dr = 0;
            $AccountGroup->cr = 0;
            $AccountGroup->openingdr = 0;
            $AccountGroup->openingcr = 0;
            $ACBalances = array();
            $TotalBalance = $this->getGroupBalance($AccountGroup->acgroup_id, $ACBalances, 'getThisYearWithOpening');
            $OpeningBalance = $this->getGroupBalance($AccountGroup->acgroup_id, $ACBalances, 'getOpeningOnly');
            if ($AccountGroup->posting_side == "DR") {
                $AccountGroup->dr = ($TotalBalance);
                $AccountGroup->openingdr = ($OpeningBalance);
            } else {
                $AccountGroup->cr = ($TotalBalance);
                $AccountGroup->openingcr = ($OpeningBalance);
        return $AccountGroups;
    function getAccountCategories($group_id = 0, $condition="showAll")
        $ACBalances = array();
        $CI = &get_instance();
        if ($group_id == 0)
            $t = "select * from tbl_accategories where status=1";
            $t = "select * from tbl_accategories where status=1 and acgroup_id='$group_id'";
            $t.=" AND parent_category_id=0 ";
        $AccountCategories = $CI->db->query($t)->result();
        foreach ($AccountCategories as $AccountCategory) :
            $AccountCategory->posting_side = getFieldfromValue("tbl_acgroups", "posting_side", "acgroup_id", $AccountCategory->acgroup_id);
            $AccountCategory->dr = 0;
            $AccountCategory->cr = 0;
            $ACBalances = array();
            $TotalBalance = $this->getCategoryBalance($AccountCategory->accategory_id, $ACBalances);
            if ($AccountCategory->posting_side == "DR") {
                $AccountCategory->dr = ($TotalBalance);
            } else {
                $AccountCategory->cr = ($TotalBalance);
        return $AccountCategories;
    function getAccountsByCategory($accategory_id)
        $accounts = array();
        $CI = &get_instance();
        $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accategories WHERE accategory_id='$accategory_id'";
        $AccountCategory = $CI->db->query($t)->row();
        if ($AccountCategory) {
            $accounts = $this->getAccountsRecursive($AccountCategory);
        return $accounts;

    function getAccountsRecursive($category)
        $CI = &get_instance();
        $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accounts WHERE accategory_id='$category->accategory_id'";
        $accountQuery = $CI->db->query($t);
        $accounts = $accountQuery->result_array();
        $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accategories WHERE parent_category_id='$category->accategory_id'";
        $subcategories = $CI->db->query($t)->result();
        foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
            $subcategoryAccounts = $this->getAccountsRecursive($subcategory);
            $accounts = array_merge($accounts, $subcategoryAccounts);
        return $accounts;

    function getAccountBalanceByGroup($acgroup_id, $abs = true)
        $total = 0;
        $accounts = $this->getAccountsByGroup($acgroup_id);
        foreach ($accounts as $account) {
            if ($abs)
                $total += (abs($account->balance));
                $total += ($account->balance);
        return $total;
    function getAccountsByGroup($acgroup_id)
        $CI = &get_instance();
        $query = $CI->db->select('a.*')
            ->from('tbl_accounts a')
            ->join('tbl_accategories c', 'c.accategory_id = a.accategory_id')
            ->where('a.status', 1)
            ->where('c.acgroup_id', $acgroup_id)
        $accounts = $query->result();
        $ACBalances = array();
        foreach ($accounts as $account) {

            $account->balance = $this->getAccountBalance($account->account_id, $ACBalances);

        return $accounts;

    function getGroupBalance($group_id, &$ACBalances, $condition = 'getAll')
    When $condition is set to 'getOpeningOnly', the function retrieves only the opening balances (where voucher_id = 0).
    When $condition is set to 'getThisYear', the function retrieves balances for the current fiscal year (where voucher_id <> 0 and fiscalyear_id = $this->FY).
    When $condition is set to 'getThisYearWithOpening', the function retrieves balances for the current fiscal year, including opening balances (where fiscalyear_id = $this->FY).
    When $condition is set to 'getAll' and $this->FY is not set, the function retrieves overall balances (where voucher_id <> 0).
        $ci = &get_instance();
        $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accounts WHERE accategory_id IN (SELECT accategory_id FROM tbl_accategories AS a WHERE a.acgroup_id = '$group_id' AND a.status = 1) AND status <> -1";
        $Accounts = $ci->db->query($t)->result();
        $DrBalance = 0;
        $CrBalance = 0;
        foreach ($Accounts as $Account) {
            $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_voucherdetails WHERE account_id = '$Account->account_id' AND status <> -1";

            // Condition: Opening Only
            if ($condition == 'getOpeningOnly') {
                $t .= " AND voucher_id = 0";

            // Condition: This Year
            if ($condition == 'getThisYear') {
                $t .= " AND voucher_id <> 0 AND fiscalyear_id = " . $this->FY;

            // Condition: This Year with Opening
            if ($condition == 'getThisYearWithOpening') {
                $t .= " AND fiscalyear_id = " . $this->FY;

            // Condition: Overall
            if ($condition == 'getAll' && !isset($this->FY)) {
                $t .= " AND voucher_id <> 0";

            $t .= " AND branch_id = " . $this->Branch;

            $Vouchers = $ci->db->query($t)->result();
            foreach ($Vouchers as $Voucher) {
                $DrBalance += $Voucher->dr;
                $CrBalance += $Voucher->cr;
        $ACBalances['DrBalance'] = $DrBalance;
        $ACBalances['CrBalance'] = $CrBalance;
        $ACBalances['Balance'] = ($DrBalance > $CrBalance) ? ($DrBalance - $CrBalance) : ($CrBalance - $DrBalance);
        return $ACBalances['Balance'];

    function getCategoryBalance($accategory_id, &$ACBalances)
        $ci = &get_instance();
        // $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_accounts WHERE status=1 and accategory_id ='$accategory_id' or accategory_id in (select accategory_id from tbl_categories where parent_category_id='$accategory_id')";
        // $Accounts = $ci->db->query($t)->result();
        // $groupBalance = 0;
        $DrBalance = 0;
        $CrBalance = 0;
        $Accounts = $this->getAccountsByCategory($accategory_id);
        foreach ($Accounts as $Account) {
            // $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_voucherdetails WHERE account_id = '$Account->account_id' AND status <> -1";
            $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_voucherdetails WHERE account_id = '" . $Account['account_id'] . "' AND status <> -1";
            $Vouchers = $ci->db->query($t)->result();
            foreach ($Vouchers as $Voucher) {
                $DrBalance += $Voucher->dr;
                $CrBalance += $Voucher->cr;
        $ACBalances['DrBalance'] = $DrBalance;
        $ACBalances['CrBalance'] = $CrBalance;
        $ACBalances['Balance'] = ($DrBalance > $CrBalance) ? ($DrBalance - $CrBalance) : ($CrBalance - $DrBalance);
        return $ACBalances['Balance'];
    function getAccountBalance($account_id, &$ACBalances)
        $ci = &get_instance();
        $t = "SELECT * FROM tbl_voucherdetails WHERE account_id = '$account_id' AND status <> -1";
        $Vouchers = $ci->db->query($t)->result();
        $DrBalance = 0;
        $CrBalance = 0;
        foreach ($Vouchers as $Voucher) {
            $DrBalance += $Voucher->dr;
            $CrBalance += $Voucher->cr;
        $ACBalances['DrBalance'] = $DrBalance;
        $ACBalances['CrBalance'] = $CrBalance;
        $ACBalances['Balance'] = $DrBalance - $CrBalance;
        return $ACBalances['Balance'];

    function showTable($Accounts, $abs = true, $showHead = false)
        $total = 0;
        $accColWidth = "col-9";
        $balanceColWidth = "col-3";
        <table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
            <?php if ($showHead) : ?>
                        <th class="<?php echo $accColWidth; ?>">Account</th>
                        <th class="<?php echo $balanceColWidth; ?>">Balance</th>

            <?php endif; ?>
                <?php foreach ($Accounts as $Account) :
                    if ($abs)
                        $total += abs($Account->balance);
                        $total += $Account->balance;
                        <td class="<?php echo $accColWidth; ?>"><?php echo $Account->account_name; ?></td>
                        <td class="<?php echo $balanceColWidth; ?>"><?php echo ($abs) ? myCurrency(abs($Account->balance)) : myCurrency($Account->balance); ?></td>
                <?php endforeach; ?>

            <!-- <tfoot>
                    <th><?php echo myCurrency($total); ?></th>

            </tfoot> -->
