export default { navContainer: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ // Position 'relative', // Misc { 'overflow-hidden': props.scrollable } ] }), navContent: { class: [ // Overflow and Scrolling 'overflow-y-hidden overscroll-contain', 'overscroll-auto', 'scroll-smooth', '[&::-webkit-scrollbar]:hidden' ] }, previousButton: { class: [ // Flexbox and Alignment 'flex items-center justify-center', // Position '!absolute', 'top-0 left-0', 'z-20', // Size and Shape 'h-full w-12', 'rounded-none', // Colors 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400', 'shadow-md' ] }, nextButton: { class: [ // Flexbox and Alignment 'flex items-center justify-center', // Position '!absolute', 'top-0 right-0', 'z-20', // Size and Shape 'h-full w-12', 'rounded-none', // Colors 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400', 'shadow-md' ] }, nav: { class: [ // Flexbox 'flex flex-1', // Spacing 'list-none', 'p-0 m-0', // Colors 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'border-b border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700', 'text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0/80' ] }, tabpanel: { header: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ // Spacing 'mr-0', // Misc { 'opacity-60 cursor-default user-select-none select-none pointer-events-none': props?.disabled } ] }), headerAction: ({ parent, context }) => ({ class: [ 'relative', // Font 'font-medium', 'text-md', // Flexbox and Alignment 'flex items-center', // Spacing 'py-4 px-3', '-mb-px', // Shape 'border-b-2', 'rounded-t-md', // Colors and Conditions { 'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700': parent.state.d_activeIndex !== context.index, 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800': parent.state.d_activeIndex !== context.index, 'text-surface-700 dark:text-surface-0/80': parent.state.d_activeIndex !== context.index, 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800': parent.state.d_activeIndex === context.index, 'border-primary-500 dark:border-primary-400': parent.state.d_activeIndex === context.index, 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400': parent.state.d_activeIndex === context.index }, // States 'focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:outline-offset-0 focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset', 'focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:focus-visible:ring-primary-400', { 'hover:bg-surface-0 dark:hover:bg-surface-800/80': parent.state.d_activeIndex !== context.index, 'hover:border-surface-400 dark:hover:border-surface-600': parent.state.d_activeIndex !== context.index, 'hover:text-surface-900 dark:hover:text-surface-0': parent.state.d_activeIndex !== context.index }, // Transitions 'transition-all duration-200', // Misc 'cursor-pointer select-none text-decoration-none', 'overflow-hidden', 'user-select-none', 'whitespace-nowrap' ] }), headerTitle: { class: [ // Text 'leading-none', 'whitespace-nowrap' ] }, content: { class: [ // Spacing 'p-6', // Shape 'rounded-b-md', // Colors 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'text-surface-700 dark:text-surface-0/80', 'border-0' ] } } };