export default { root: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment { 'flex flex-col': props.scrollable && props.scrollHeight === 'flex' }, // Size { 'h-full': props.scrollable && props.scrollHeight === 'flex' }, // Shape 'border-spacing-0 border-separate' ] }), loadingoverlay: { class: [ // Position 'absolute', 'top-0 left-0', 'z-20', // Flex & Alignment 'flex items-center justify-center', // Size 'w-full h-full', // Color 'bg-surface-100/40 dark:bg-surface-800/40', // Transition 'transition duration-200' ] }, loadingicon: { class: 'w-8 h-8 animate-spin' }, wrapper: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ { relative: props.scrollable, 'flex flex-col grow': props.scrollable && props.scrollHeight === 'flex' }, // Size { 'h-full': props.scrollable && props.scrollHeight === 'flex' } ] }), header: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ 'font-semibold', // Shape props.showGridlines ? 'border-b' : 'border-b border-x-0', // Spacing 'py-3.5 px-3', // Color 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-600', 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80' ] }), table: { class: 'w-full border-spacing-0 border-separate' }, thead: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ { 'top-0 z-40 sticky': context.scrollable } ] }), tbody: ({ instance, context }) => ({ class: [ 'border-t border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-600', { 'sticky z-20 font-semibold': instance.frozenRow && context.scrollable } ] }), tfoot: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ { 'bottom-0 z-0': context.scrollable } ] }), footer: { class: [ 'font-semibold', // Shape 'border-t-0 border-t border-x-0', // Spacing 'p-4', // Color 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700', 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80' ] }, column: { headercell: ({ context, props }) => ({ class: [ 'font-semibold', 'text-sm', // Position { 'sticky z-20 border-b': props.frozen || props.frozen === '' }, { relative: context.resizable }, // Alignment 'text-left', // Shape { 'border-r last:border-r-0': context?.showGridlines }, 'border-0 border-b border-solid', // Spacing context?.size === 'small' ? 'py-2.5 px-2' : context?.size === 'large' ? 'py-5 px-4' : 'py-3.5 px-3', // Color (props.sortable === '' || props.sortable) && context.sorted ? 'text-primary-500' : 'bg-surface-0 text-surface-700', (props.sortable === '' || props.sortable) && context.sorted ? 'dark:text-primary-400' : 'dark:text-white/80 dark:bg-surface-800', 'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700 ', // States 'focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:outline-offset-0 focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:focus-visible:ring-primary-400', // Transition { 'transition duration-200': props.sortable === '' || props.sortable }, // Misc { 'cursor-pointer': props.sortable === '' || props.sortable }, { 'overflow-hidden space-nowrap bg-clip-padding': context.resizable } ] }), headercontent: { class: 'flex items-center' }, sort: ({ context }) => ({ class: [context.sorted ? 'text-primary-500' : 'text-surface-700', context.sorted ? 'dark:text-primary-400' : 'dark:text-white/80'] }), bodycell: ({ props, context, state, parent }) => ({ class: [ //Position { 'sticky box-border border-b': parent.instance.frozenRow }, { 'sticky box-border border-b': props.frozen || props.frozen === '' }, 'text-sm', // Alignment 'text-left', 'border-0 border-b border-solid', { 'last:border-r-0 border-r border-b': context?.showGridlines }, { 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800': parent.instance.frozenRow || props.frozen || props.frozen === '' }, // Spacing { 'py-2.5 px-2': context?.size === 'small' && !state['d_editing'] }, { 'py-5 px-4': context?.size === 'large' && !state['d_editing'] }, { 'py-3.5 px-3': context?.size !== 'large' && context?.size !== 'small' && !state['d_editing'] }, { 'py-[0.6rem] px-2': state['d_editing'] }, // Color 'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700', // Misc 'space-nowrap' ] }), footercell: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ // Font 'font-bold', // Alignment 'text-left', // Shape { 'border-r last:border-r-0': context?.showGridlines }, 'border-0 border-t border-solid', // Spacing context?.size === 'small' ? 'p-2' : context?.size === 'large' ? 'p-5' : 'p-4', // Color 'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700', 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80', 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800' ] }), sorticon: { class: 'ml-2' }, sortbadge: { class: [ // Flex & Alignment 'flex items-center justify-center align-middle', // Shape 'rounded-full', // Size 'w-[1.143rem] leading-[1.143rem]', // Spacing 'ml-2', // Color 'text-primary-700 dark:text-white', 'bg-primary-50 dark:bg-primary-400/30' ] }, columnfilter: { class: 'inline-flex items-center ml-auto' }, filteroverlay: { class: [ // Position 'absolute top-0 left-0', 'mt-2', // Shape 'border-0', 'rounded-md', 'shadow-md', // Size 'min-w-[12.5rem]', // Color 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'text-surface-800 dark:text-white/80', 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700' ] }, filtermatchmodedropdown: { root: ({ state }) => ({ class: [ // Display and Position 'flex', 'relative', // Spacing 'mb-2', // Shape 'w-full', 'rounded-md', 'shadow-sm', // Color and Background 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-900', { 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700': !state.focused }, // Transitions 'transition-all', 'duration-200', // States { 'outline-none outline-offset-0 ring-2 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': state.focused }, // Misc 'cursor-default', 'select-none' ] }), input: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ //Font 'font-sans', 'leading-6', 'sm:text-sm', // Display 'block', 'flex-auto', // Color and Background 'bg-transparent', 'border-0', { 'text-surface-800 dark:text-white/80': props.modelValue, 'text-surface-400 dark:text-surface-500': !props.modelValue }, 'placeholder:text-surface-400 dark:placeholder:text-surface-500', 'py-1.5 px-3', //Shape 'rounded-none', // Transitions 'transition', 'duration-200', // States 'focus:outline-none focus:shadow-none', // Misc 'relative', 'cursor-pointer', 'overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis', 'whitespace-nowrap', 'appearance-none' ] }) }, filterrowitems: { class: 'py-1 list-none m-0' }, filterrowitem: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ // Font 'sm:text-sm', 'leading-none', { 'font-normal': !context?.highlighted, 'font-bold': context?.highlighted }, // Position 'relative', // Shape 'border-0', 'rounded-none', // Spacing 'm-0', 'py-2 px-4', // Color { 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80': !context?.highlighted }, { 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800 text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80': !context?.highlighted }, { 'bg-primary-500 dark:bg-primary-400 text-white dark:text-surface-700': context?.highlighted }, //States 'hover:bg-primary-500 dark:hover:bg-primary-400 hover:text-white dark:hover:text-surface-700', 'focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:outline-offset-0 focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-inset focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:focus-visible:ring-primary-400', // Transitions 'transition-shadow', 'duration-200', // Misc 'cursor-pointer', 'overflow-hidden', 'whitespace-nowrap' ] }), filteroperator: { class: [ // Spacing 'p-4', // Shape 'border-b border-solid', 'rounded-t-md', // Color 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80', 'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700' ] }, filteroperatordropdown: { root: ({ state }) => ({ class: [ // Display and Position 'flex', 'relative', // Shape 'w-full', 'rounded-md', 'shadow-sm', // Color and Background 'text-surface-800 dark:text-white/80', 'placeholder:text-surface-400 dark:placeholder:text-surface-500', 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-900', { 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700': !state.focused }, // Transitions 'transition-all', 'duration-200', // States { 'outline-none outline-offset-0 ring-2 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': state.focused }, // Misc 'cursor-default', 'select-none' ] }), input: { class: [ //Font 'font-sans', 'leading-6', 'sm:text-sm', // Display 'block', 'flex-auto', // Color and Background 'bg-transparent', 'border-0', 'text-surface-800 dark:text-white/80', 'placeholder:text-surface-400 dark:placeholder:text-surface-500', 'py-1.5 px-3', //Shape 'rounded-none', // Transitions 'transition', 'duration-200', // States 'focus:outline-none focus:shadow-none', // Misc 'relative', 'cursor-pointer', 'overflow-hidden overflow-ellipsis', 'whitespace-nowrap', 'appearance-none' ] }, trigger: { class: [ // Flexbox 'flex items-center justify-center', 'shrink-0', // Color and Background 'bg-transparent', 'text-surface-500', // Size 'w-12', // Shape 'rounded-tr-md', 'rounded-br-md' ] }, panel: { class: [ // Position 'absolute top-0 left-0', 'mt-2', // Shape 'border-0', 'rounded-md', 'shadow-md', // Size 'min-w-[12.5rem]', // Color 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'text-surface-800 dark:text-white/80', 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700' ] }, list: { class: 'py-1 list-none m-0' }, item: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ // Font 'sm:text-sm', 'leading-none', { 'font-normal': !context?.highlighted, 'font-bold': context?.highlighted }, // Position 'relative', // Shape 'border-0', 'rounded-none', // Spacing 'm-0', 'py-2 px-4', // Color { 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80': !context?.highlighted }, { 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800 text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80': !context?.highlighted }, { 'bg-primary-500 dark:bg-primary-400 text-white dark:text-surface-700': context?.highlighted }, //States 'hover:bg-primary-500 dark:hover:bg-primary-400 hover:text-white dark:hover:text-surface-700', // Transitions 'transition-shadow', 'duration-200', // Misc 'cursor-pointer', 'overflow-hidden', 'whitespace-nowrap' ] }) }, filterconstraint: { class: [ // Spacing 'p-4', // Shape 'border-b border-solid', // Color 'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700' ] }, filteraddrule: { class: 'pt-4 pb-2 px-4' }, filteraddrulebutton: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Alignments 'items-center inline-flex text-center align-bottom justify-center', // Sizes & Spacing 'text-sm px-2.5 py-1.5 min-w-[2rem] w-full', // Shape 'rounded-md', 'bg-transparent border-transparent', 'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400', 'hover:bg-primary-300/20', 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-current', 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', // Transitions 'transition duration-200 ease-in-out', // Misc 'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden select-none' ] }, label: { class: 'flex-auto grow-0' }, icon: { class: 'mr-2' } }, filterremovebutton: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Alignments 'items-center inline-flex text-center align-bottom justify-center', // Sizes & Spacing 'text-sm px-2.5 py-1.5 min-w-[2rem] w-full mt-2', // Shape 'rounded-md', 'bg-transparent border-transparent', 'text-red-500 dark:text-red-400', 'hover:bg-red-300/20', 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-current', 'focus:ring-red-500 dark:focus:ring-red-400', // Transitions 'transition duration-200 ease-in-out', // Misc 'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden select-none' ] }, label: { class: 'flex-auto grow-0' }, icon: { class: 'mr-2' } }, filterbuttonbar: { class: [ // Flex & Alignment 'flex items-center justify-between', // Space 'py-4 px-4' ] }, filterclearbutton: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Alignments 'items-center inline-flex text-center align-bottom justify-center', // Sizes & Spacing 'text-sm px-2.5 py-1.5 min-w-[2rem]', // Shape 'rounded-md shadow-sm border-0', 'text-primary-500 ring-1 ring-primary-500 hover:bg-primary-300/20', 'hover:bg-primary-300/20', 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', // Transitions 'transition duration-200 ease-in-out', // Misc 'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden select-none' ] } }, filterapplybutton: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Alignments 'items-center inline-flex text-center align-bottom justify-center', // Sizes & Spacing 'text-sm px-2.5 py-1.5 min-w-[2rem]', // Shape 'rounded-md border-0', 'text-white dark:text-surface-900', 'bg-primary-500 dark:bg-primary-400', 'ring-1 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400', 'hover:bg-primary-600 dark:hover:bg-primary-300 hover:ring-primary-600 dark:hover:ring-primary-300', 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', // Transitions 'transition duration-200 ease-in-out', // Misc 'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden select-none' ] } }, filtermenubutton: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', // Size 'w-8 h-8', // Spacing 'ml-2', // Shape 'rounded-full', // Color { 'bg-primary-50 text-primary-700': context.active }, 'dark:text-white/70 dark:hover:text-white/80 dark:bg-surface-800', // States 'hover:text-surface-700 hover:bg-surface-300/20', 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'cursor-pointer no-underline overflow-hidden' ] }), headerfilterclearbutton: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', 'text-left', // Shape 'border-none', // Spacing 'm-0 p-0 ml-2', // Color 'bg-transparent', // Misc 'cursor-pointer no-underline overflow-hidden select-none', { invisible: !context.hidden } ] }), rowtoggler: { class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', 'text-left', // Spacing 'm-0 p-0', // Size 'w-8 h-8', // Shape 'border-0 rounded-full', // Color 'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/70', 'bg-transparent', 'focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:outline-offset-0', 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:focus-visible:ring-primary-400', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'overflow-hidden', 'cursor-pointer select-none' ] }, columnresizer: { class: [ 'block', // Position 'absolute top-0 right-0', // Sizing 'w-2 h-full', // Spacing 'm-0 p-0', // Color 'border border-transparent', // Misc 'cursor-col-resize' ] }, rowreordericon: { class: 'cursor-move' }, roweditorinitbutton: { class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', 'text-left', // Size 'w-8 h-8', // Shape 'border-0 rounded-full', // Color 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/70', 'border-transparent', // States 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', 'hover:text-surface-700 hover:bg-surface-300/20', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'overflow-hidden', 'cursor-pointer select-none' ] }, roweditorsavebutton: { class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', 'text-left', // Size 'w-8 h-8', // Shape 'border-0 rounded-full', // Color 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/70', 'border-transparent', // States 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', 'hover:text-surface-700 hover:bg-surface-300/20', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'overflow-hidden', 'cursor-pointer select-none' ] }, roweditorcancelbutton: { class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', 'text-left', // Size 'w-8 h-8', // Shape 'border-0 rounded-full', // Color 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/70', 'border-transparent', // States 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', 'hover:text-surface-700 hover:bg-surface-300/20', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'overflow-hidden', 'cursor-pointer select-none' ] }, radiobuttonwrapper: { class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex align-bottom', // Size 'w-4 h-4', // Misc 'cursor-pointer select-none' ] }, rowRadioButton: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Flexbox & Alignment 'inline-flex', 'align-bottom', // Size 'w-4 h-4', // Misc 'cursor-default', 'select-none' ] }, box: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ // Flexbox 'flex justify-center items-center', // Size 'w-4 h-4', 'text-sm', 'font-medium', // Shape 'border-2', 'rounded-full', // Transition 'transition duration-200 ease-in-out', // Colors { 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80': !props.modelValue, 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-900': !props.modelValue, 'border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-700': !props.modelValue, 'border-primary-500 dark:border-primary-400': props.modelValue }, // States { 'outline-none outline-offset-0': !props.disabled, 'peer-focus-visible:ring-2 peer-focus-visible:ring-offset-2 peer-focus-visible:ring-offset-surface-0 dark:focus-visible:ring-offset-surface-800 peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-400': !props.disabled, 'opacity-60 cursor-default': props.disabled } ] }), input: { class: [ 'peer', // Size 'w-full ', 'h-full', // Position 'absolute', 'top-0 left-0', 'z-10', // Spacing 'p-0', 'm-0', // Shape 'opacity-0', 'rounded-md', 'outline-none', 'border-2 border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-700', // Misc 'appearance-none', 'cursor-default' ] }, icon: { class: 'hidden' } }, headerCheckbox: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Alignment 'inline-flex', 'align-bottom', // Size 'w-4', 'h-4', // Misc 'cursor-default', 'select-none' ] }, box: ({ props, context }) => ({ class: [ // Alignment 'flex', 'items-center', 'justify-center', // Size 'w-4', 'h-4', // Shape 'rounded', 'border', // Colors 'text-surface-600', { 'border-surface-300 bg-surface-0 dark:border-surface-700 dark:bg-surface-900': !context.checked, 'border-primary-500 bg-primary-500 dark:border-primary-400 dark:bg-primary-400': context.checked }, { 'ring-2 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': !props.disabled && context.focused, 'cursor-default opacity-60': props.disabled }, // States { 'peer-focus-visible:ring-2 peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-400': !props.disabled, 'cursor-default opacity-60': props.disabled }, // Transitions 'transition-colors', 'duration-200' ] }), input: { class: [ 'peer', // Size 'w-full ', 'h-full', // Position 'absolute', 'top-0 left-0', 'z-10', // Spacing 'p-0', 'm-0', // Shape 'rounded', 'border', // Shape 'opacity-0', 'rounded-md', 'outline-none', 'border-2 border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-700', // Misc 'appearance-none' ] }, icon: { class: [ // Font 'text-normal', // Size 'w-3', 'h-3', // Colors 'text-white dark:text-surface-900', // Transitions 'transition-all', 'duration-200' ] } }, rowCheckbox: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Alignment 'inline-flex', 'align-bottom', // Size 'w-4', 'h-4', // Misc 'cursor-default', 'select-none' ] }, box: ({ props, context }) => ({ class: [ // Alignment 'flex', 'items-center', 'justify-center', // Size 'w-4', 'h-4', // Shape 'rounded', 'border', // Colors 'text-surface-600', { 'border-surface-300 bg-surface-0 dark:border-surface-700 dark:bg-surface-900': !context.checked, 'border-primary-500 bg-primary-500 dark:border-primary-400 dark:bg-primary-400': context.checked }, { 'ring-2 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': !props.disabled && context.focused, 'cursor-default opacity-60': props.disabled }, // States { 'peer-focus-visible:ring-2 peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-400': !props.disabled, 'cursor-default opacity-60': props.disabled }, // Transitions 'transition-colors', 'duration-200' ] }), input: { class: [ 'peer', // Size 'w-full ', 'h-full', // Position 'absolute', 'top-0 left-0', 'z-10', // Spacing 'p-0', 'm-0', // Shape 'rounded', 'border', // Shape 'opacity-0', 'rounded-md', 'outline-none', 'border-2 border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-700', // Misc 'appearance-none' ] }, icon: { class: [ // Font 'text-normal', // Size 'w-3', 'h-3', // Colors 'text-white dark:text-surface-900', // Transitions 'transition-all', 'duration-200' ] } }, transition: { enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-y-[0.8]', enterActiveClass: 'transition-[transform,opacity] duration-[120ms] ease-[cubic-bezier(0,0,0.2,1)]', leaveActiveClass: 'transition-opacity duration-100 ease-linear', leaveToClass: 'opacity-0' } }, bodyrow: ({ context, props }) => ({ class: [ // Color 'dark:text-white/80', { 'bg-surface-100 dark:bg-surface-500/30': context.selected && context.stripedRows }, { 'bg-surface-50 dark:bg-surface-500/30': context.selected && !context.stripedRows }, { 'bg-surface-0 text-surface-600 dark:bg-surface-800': !context.selected }, { 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800': props.frozenRow }, { 'odd:bg-surface-0 odd:text-surface-600 dark:odd:bg-surface-800 even:bg-surface-50 even:text-surface-600 dark:even:bg-surface-900/60': context.stripedRows && !context.selected }, // State { 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-primary-500 ring-inset dark:focus:ring-primary-400': props.selectionMode }, { 'hover:bg-surface-300/20 hover:text-surface-600': props.selectionMode && !context.selected }, // Transition { 'transition duration-200': (props.selectionMode && !context.selected) || props.rowHover }, // Misc { 'cursor-pointer': props.selectionMode } ] }), rowexpansion: { class: 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800 text-surface-600 dark:text-white/80' }, rowgroupheader: { class: ['sticky z-20', 'bg-surface-0 text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70', 'dark:bg-surface-800'] }, rowgroupfooter: { class: ['sticky z-20', 'bg-surface-0 text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70', 'dark:bg-surface-800'] }, rowgrouptoggler: { class: [ 'relative', // Flex & Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', 'text-left', // Spacing 'm-0 p-0', // Size 'w-8 h-8', // Shape 'border-0 rounded-full', // Color 'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/70', 'bg-transparent', 'focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:outline-offset-0', 'focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:focus-visible:ring-primary-400', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'overflow-hidden', 'cursor-pointer select-none' ] }, rowgrouptogglericon: { class: 'inline-block w-4 h-4' }, resizehelper: { class: 'absolute hidden w-[2px] z-20 bg-primary-500 dark:bg-primary-400' } };