export default { root: ({ props, state }) => ({ class: [ // Display and Position 'inline-flex', 'relative', // Shape 'rounded-md', 'shadow-sm', // Color and Background 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-900', // States { 'ring-1 ring-inset': !state.focused, 'ring-2 ring-inset ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': state.focused }, { 'ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-600': !props.invalid && !state.focused }, // Invalid State { 'ring-red-500 dark:ring-red-400': props.invalid && !state.focused }, // Misc 'cursor-default', 'select-none', { 'opacity-60': props.disabled, 'pointer-events-none': props.disabled } ] }), labelContainer: { class: ['overflow-hidden flex flex-auto cursor-pointer'] }, label: { class: [ 'block leading-5', // Space 'py-1.5 px-3', // Color 'text-surface-800 dark:text-white/80', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'overflow-hidden whitespace-nowrap cursor-pointer overflow-ellipsis' ] }, trigger: { class: [ //Font 'sm:text-sm', // Flexbox 'flex items-center justify-center', 'shrink-0', // Color and Background 'bg-transparent', 'text-surface-500', // Size 'w-12', // Shape 'rounded-tr-md', 'rounded-br-md' ] }, panel: { class: [ // Position 'absolute top-0 left-0', 'mt-2', // Shape 'border-0', 'rounded-md', 'shadow-md', // Color 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800', 'text-surface-800 dark:text-white/80', 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700' ] }, wrapper: { class: [ // Sizing 'max-h-[200px]', // Misc 'overflow-auto' ] }, tree: { root: { class: [ 'relative', // Space 'p-1.5' ] }, wrapper: { class: ['overflow-auto'] }, container: { class: [ // Spacing 'm-0 p-0', // Misc 'list-none overflow-auto' ] }, node: { class: ['p-[2px]', 'rounded-md', 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400'] }, content: ({ context, props }) => ({ class: [ // Flex and Alignment 'flex items-center', // Shape 'rounded-md', // Spacing 'p-2', // Colors 'text-surface-700 dark:text-surface-0', { 'bg-surface-100 text-primary-500 dark:bg-surface-300/10 dark:text-primary-400': context.selected }, // States { 'hover:bg-surface-200 dark:hover:bg-surface-400/10': props.selectionMode == 'single' || props.selectionMode == 'multiple' }, // Transition 'transition-shadow duration-200', { 'cursor-pointer select-none': props.selectionMode == 'single' || props.selectionMode == 'multiple' } ] }), toggler: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ // Flex and Alignment 'inline-flex items-center justify-center', // Shape 'border-0 rounded-full', // Size and Spacing 'mr-2', 'w-6 h-6', // Spacing 'mr-2', // Colors 'text-surface-500', 'bg-transparent', { invisible: context.leaf }, // States 'hover:text-surface-700 dark:hover:text-white/80', 'hover:bg-surface-100 dark:hover:bg-surface-800/80', 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-inset', 'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', // Transition 'transition duration-200', // Misc 'cursor-pointer select-none' ] }), togglericon: { class: [ // Size 'w-4 h-4', // Color 'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/70' ] }, nodeCheckbox: ({ props, context, instance }) => ({ root: { class: [ 'relative', // Alignment 'inline-flex', 'align-bottom', // Size 'w-4', 'h-4', // Spacing 'mr-2', // Misc 'cursor-default', 'select-none' ] }, box: { class: [ // Alignment 'flex', 'items-center', 'justify-center', // Size 'w-4', 'h-4', // Shape 'rounded', 'border', // Colors 'text-surface-600', { 'border-surface-300 bg-surface-0 dark:border-surface-700 dark:bg-surface-900': !context.checked, 'border-primary-500 bg-primary-500 dark:border-primary-400 dark:bg-primary-400': context.checked }, { 'ring-2 ring-primary-500 dark:ring-primary-400': !props.disabled && context.focused, 'cursor-default opacity-60': props.disabled }, // States { 'peer-focus-visible:ring-2 peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-500 dark:peer-focus-visible:ring-primary-400': !props.disabled, 'cursor-default opacity-60': props.disabled }, // Transitions 'transition-colors', 'duration-200' ] }, input: { class: [ 'peer', // Size 'w-full ', 'h-full', // Position 'absolute', 'top-0 left-0', 'z-10', // Spacing 'p-0', 'm-0', // Shape 'rounded', 'border', // Shape 'opacity-0', 'rounded-md', 'outline-none', 'border-2 border-surface-300 dark:border-surface-700', // Misc 'appearance-none' ] }, icon: { class: [ // Font 'text-normal', // Size 'w-3', 'h-3', // Colors { 'text-white dark:text-surface-900': !instance.partialChecked, 'text-gray dark:text-white': instance.partialChecked }, // Transitions 'transition-all', 'duration-200' ] } }), nodeicon: { class: [ // Space 'mr-2', // Color 'text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70' ] }, subgroup: { class: ['m-0 list-none p-0 pl-2 mt-1'] }, filtercontainer: { class: [ 'relative block', // Space 'mb-2', // Size 'w-full' ] }, input: { class: [ 'relative', // Font 'font-sans leading-6', 'sm:text-sm', // Spacing 'm-0', 'py-1.5 px-3 pr-10', // Size 'w-full', // Shape 'rounded-md', // Colors 'text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0', 'placeholder:text-surface-400 dark:placeholder:text-surface-500', 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-900', 'ring-1 ring-inset ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700 ring-offset-0', // States 'hover:border-primary-500 dark:hover:border-primary-400', 'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400', // Transition & Misc 'appearance-none', 'transition-colors duration-200' ] }, loadingicon: { class: ['text-surface-500 dark:text-surface-0/70', 'absolute top-[50%] right-[50%] -mt-2 -mr-2 animate-spin'] }, searchicon: { class: [ // Position 'absolute top-1/2 -mt-2 right-3', // Color 'text-surface-600 dark:hover:text-white/70' ] } }, transition: { enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-y-[0.8]', enterActiveClass: 'transition-[transform,opacity] duration-[120ms] ease-[cubic-bezier(0,0,0.2,1)]', leaveActiveClass: 'transition-opacity duration-100 ease-linear', leaveToClass: 'opacity-0' } };