export default { root: { class: [ // Sizing and Shape 'min-w-[12rem]', 'rounded-md', 'shadow-md', // Spacing 'p-1.5', // Colors 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-700', 'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80', 'dark:border dark:border-surface-700' ] }, menu: { class: [ // Spacings and Shape 'list-none', 'm-0', 'p-0', 'outline-none' ] }, menuitem: { class: 'relative' }, content: ({ context }) => ({ class: [ //Shape 'rounded-md', // Colors { 'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/70': !context.focused && !context.active, 'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/70 bg-surface-200 dark:bg-black/70': context.focused && !context.active, 'text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0/80 bg-surface-50 dark:bg-black/70': context.focused && context.active, 'text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0/80 bg-surface-50 dark:bg-black/70': !context.focused && context.active }, // Hover States { 'hover:bg-surface-50 dark:hover:bg-surface-800': !context.active, 'hover:bg-surface-100 dark:hover:bg-black/40 text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0/80': context.active }, // Transitions 'transition-shadow', 'duration-200', // Disabled { 'opacity-60 pointer-events-none cursor-default': context.disabled } ] }), action: { class: [ 'relative', // Font 'font-semibold', // Flexbox 'flex', 'items-center', // Spacing 'py-2', 'px-3', // Misc 'no-underline', 'overflow-hidden', 'cursor-pointer', 'select-none' ] }, icon: { class: [ // Spacing 'mr-2', 'leading-6', 'text-sm' ] }, label: { class: ['leading-6', 'text-sm'] }, submenu: ({ props }) => ({ class: [ // Size 'w-full sm:w-48', // Spacing 'p-1.5', 'm-0', 'list-none', // Shape 'shadow-md', 'rounded-md', // Position 'static sm:absolute', 'z-10', { 'sm:absolute sm:left-full sm:top-0': props.level > 1 }, // Color 'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-700' ] }), submenuicon: { class: ['ml-auto'] }, separator: { class: 'border-t border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-600 my-1' }, transition: { enterFromClass: 'opacity-0', enterActiveClass: 'transition-opacity duration-250' } };