608 lines
16 KiB
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2024-04-03 10:16:39 +05:45
export default {
root: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
// Display and Position
// Misc
{ 'opacity-40 select-none pointer-events-none cursor-default': props.disabled }
input: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
// Display
'flex flex-auto',
// Font
'font-sans leading-none sm:text-sm',
// Colors
'text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-0',
'placeholder:text-surface-400 dark:placeholder:text-surface-500',
'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-900',
'ring-1 ring-inset ring-offset-0',
{ 'ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700': !props.invalid },
// Invalid State
{ 'ring-red-500 dark:ring-red-400': props.invalid },
// Spacing
'm-0 py-1.5 px-3',
// Shape
{ 'rounded-md': !props.showIcon || props.iconDisplay == 'input' },
{ 'rounded-l-md flex-1 pr-9 ': props.showIcon && props.iconDisplay !== 'input' },
{ 'rounded-md flex-1 pr-9': props.showIcon && props.iconDisplay === 'input' },
// Transitions
// States
'outline-none focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400'
inputicon: {
class: ['sm:text-sm', 'absolute top-[50%] -mt-2', 'text-surface-600 dark:text-surface-200', 'right-[.75rem]']
dropdownbutton: {
root: {
class: [
'relative text-sm',
// Alignments
'items-center inline-flex text-center align-bottom',
// Shape
// Size
'px-2.5 py-1.5 leading-none',
// Colors
'text-surface-600 dark:text-surface-100',
'bg-surface-100 dark:bg-surface-800',
'ring-1 ring-inset ring-surface-300 dark:ring-surface-700',
// States
'hover:bg-surface-200 dark:hover:bg-surface-700',
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-1',
'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400'
panel: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
// Display & Position
absolute: !props.inline,
'inline-block': props.inline
// Size
{ 'w-auto p-2 ': !props.inline },
{ 'min-w-[80vw] w-auto p-2 ': props.touchUI },
{ 'p-2 min-w-full': props.inline },
// Shape
'shadow-md ring-1': !props.inline
// Colors
'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800',
'ring-surface-200 dark:ring-surface-700',
{ 'overflow-x-auto': props.inline }
datepickerMask: {
class: ['fixed top-0 left-0 w-full h-full', 'flex items-center justify-center', 'bg-black bg-opacity-90']
header: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
'font-semibold text-md',
// Flexbox and Alignment
'flex items-center justify-between',
// Spacing
{ 'py-2 pl-2 pb-4': !(props.numberOfMonths > 1), 'py-2 pb-4': props.numberOfMonths > 1 },
// Shape
// Colors
'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80',
'bg-surface-0 dark:bg-surface-800'
previousbutton: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center',
{ ' order-2': !(props.numberOfMonths > 1), 'order-1': props.numberOfMonths > 1 },
// Size
'p-1.5 m-0',
// Colors
'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/60',
// States
'hover:text-surface-700 dark:hover:text-white/80',
// Misc
'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden'
title: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
// Text
{ 'mr-auto': !(props.numberOfMonths > 1), ' mx-auto': props.numberOfMonths > 1 }
monthTitle: {
class: [
// Font
'text-base leading-6',
// Colors
'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80',
// Transitions
'transition duration-200',
// Spacing
'm-0 mr-2',
// States
'hover:text-primary-500 dark:hover:text-primary-400',
// Misc
yearTitle: {
class: [
// Font
'text-base leading-6',
// Colors
'text-surface-700 dark:text-white/80',
// Transitions
'transition duration-200',
// Spacing
// States
'hover:text-primary-500 dark:hover:text-primary-400',
// Misc
nextbutton: ({ props }) => ({
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center order-3',
{ ' order-3': !(props.numberOfMonths > 1), 'order-1': props.numberOfMonths > 1 },
// Size
'p-1.5 m-0',
// Colors
'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/60',
// States
'hover:text-surface-700 dark:hover:text-white/80',
// Misc
'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden'
table: {
class: [
// Size & Shape
// Spacing
'm-0 my-2'
tableheadercell: {
class: [
// Spacing
'p-0 md:p-2'
tablebodyrow: {
class: ['border-b border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700 last:border-b-0']
weekheader: {
class: ['leading-6 text-sm font-normal', 'text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70', 'opacity-40 cursor-default', 'mb-2']
weeknumber: {
class: ['text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70 font-normal', 'opacity-40 cursor-default']
weekday: {
class: [
// Colors
'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/60 font-normal'
day: {
class: [
// Spacing
'p-0 md:p-2'
weeklabelcontainer: ({ context }) => ({
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'flex items-center justify-center',
// Shape & Size
'w-10 h-10',
'border-transparent border',
// Colors
'text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70 bg-transparent': !context.selected && !context.disabled,
'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400': context.selected && !context.disabled
// States
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring focus:ring-primary-400/50 dark:focus:ring-primary-300/50',
'hover:bg-surface-100 dark:hover:bg-surface-800/80': !context.disabled
'opacity-40 cursor-default': context.disabled,
'cursor-pointer': !context.disabled
daylabel: ({ context }) => ({
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'flex items-center justify-center',
// Shape & Size
'w-8 h-8',
// Colors
'text-surface-0 bg-surface-900 dark:text-surface-900 dark:bg-surface-0': context.date.today && !context.selected && !context.disabled,
'text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70 bg-transparent': !context.selected && !context.disabled && !context.date.today,
'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400': context.selected && !context.disabled && !context.date.today,
'text-primary-200 dark:text-primary-600 bg-surface-900 dark:bg-surface-0': context.selected && !context.disabled && context.date.today
// States
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400',
'hover:bg-surface-100 dark:hover:bg-surface-600/80': !context.disabled,
'hover:bg-surface-700 dark:hover:bg-surface-200': !context.disabled && context.date.today
'opacity-40 cursor-default': context.disabled,
'cursor-pointer': !context.disabled
monthpicker: {
class: [
// Spacing
month: ({ context }) => ({
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center',
// Size
'px-2.5 py-1.5',
'text-md leading-none',
// Shape
// Colors
'text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70 bg-transparent': !context.selected && !context.disabled,
'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400': context.selected && !context.disabled
// States
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400',
'hover:bg-surface-100 dark:hover:bg-surface-600/80',
// Misc
yearpicker: {
class: [
// Spacing
year: ({ context }) => ({
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center',
// Size
'px-2.5 py-1.5',
'text-md leading-none',
// Shape
// Colors
'text-surface-600 dark:text-white/70 bg-transparent': !context.selected && !context.disabled,
'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400': context.selected && !context.disabled
// States
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400',
'hover:bg-surface-100 dark:hover:bg-surface-600/80',
// Misc
timepicker: {
class: [
// Flexbox
'justify-center items-center',
// Spacing
separatorcontainer: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
// Spacing
separator: {
class: [
// Text
hourpicker: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
// Spacing
minutepicker: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
// Spacing
secondPicker: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
// Spacing
ampmpicker: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
// Spacing
incrementbutton: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center',
// Size
'p-1.5 m-0',
// Colors
'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/60',
// States
'hover:text-surface-700 dark:hover:text-white/80',
// Misc
'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden'
decrementbutton: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center',
// Size
'p-1.5 m-0',
// Colors
'text-surface-500 dark:text-white/60',
// States
'hover:text-surface-700 dark:hover:text-white/80',
// Misc
'cursor-pointer overflow-hidden'
groupcontainer: {
class: [
// Flexbox
group: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Sizing
// Borders
'border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700',
// Spacing
// Pseudo-Classes
buttonbar: {
class: [
// Flexbox
'flex justify-between items-center',
// Spacing
'pt-2.5 pb-1.5 px-0',
// Shape
'border-t border-surface-200 dark:border-surface-700'
todaybutton: {
root: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center',
// Spacing
'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm leading-none',
// Shape
// Colors
'bg-transparent border-transparent',
'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400',
// Transitions
'transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out',
// States
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 ring-inset',
'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400',
// Misc
clearbutton: {
root: {
class: [
// Flexbox and Alignment
'inline-flex items-center justify-center',
// Spacing
'px-2.5 py-1.5 text-sm leading-none',
// Shape
// Colors
'bg-transparent border-transparent',
'text-primary-500 dark:text-primary-400',
// Transitions
'transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out',
// States
'focus:outline-none focus:outline-offset-0 focus:ring-2 ring-inset',
'focus:ring-primary-500 dark:focus:ring-primary-400',
// Misc
transition: {
enterFromClass: 'opacity-0 scale-y-[0.8]',
enterActiveClass: 'transition-[transform,opacity] duration-[120ms] ease-[cubic-bezier(0,0,0.2,1)]',
leaveActiveClass: 'transition-opacity duration-100 ease-linear',
leaveToClass: 'opacity-0'