Type == "varchar(255)") { $q = "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $column->Field $column->Field VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL"; //echo $q;die; DB::select($q); } if ($column->Type == "text") { $q = "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $column->Field $column->Field text NULL DEFAULT NULL"; //echo $q;die; DB::select($q); } if ($column->Type == "int(11)") { $q = "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $column->Field $column->Field int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL"; //echo $q;die; DB::select($q); } if ($column->Type == "date") { $q = "ALTER TABLE $table CHANGE $column->Field $column->Field date NULL DEFAULT NULL"; //echo $q;die; DB::select($q); } } } function createInput($type, $name, $id, $display, $class = "", $value = "", $placeHolder = "", $min = "") { ?>
placeholder="" name="" class="form-control " value="">
placeholder="" name="" class="form-control " value="">
placeholder="" name="" class="form-control " value="">

* Requried
placeholder="" class="form-control " name="" value="" > >

" name="" class="" value=""> $value) { if (in_array($key, $allcolumns)) { DB::table($tableName)->insert($data); return true; } } } function master_updateColumn($tableName, $data, $id) { $TablePK = mid($tableName, 4) . "_id"; $allcolumns = Schema::getColumnListing($tableName); $datakey = array_keys($data); // dd($allcolumns, $data); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $allcolumns)) { DB::table($tableName)->where($tablePK, $id)->update($data); return true; } } } function getForeignTable($all_columns) { $string = '_id'; $foreign = []; foreach ($all_columns as $key => $column) { if (str_contains($column, $string) !== FALSE) { // Yoshi version $foreign[] = $column; } } unset($foreign[0]); $strArray = []; foreach ($foreign as $key => $foreignKey) { $strArray[$key] = explode('_id', $foreignKey); unset($strArray[$key][1]); } if ($strArray) { $all_Foreign_Key_Table = call_user_func_array('array_merge', $strArray); foreach ($all_Foreign_Key_Table as $column) { $tableName[] = "tbl_" . $column; } return $tableName; } else { return []; } } /** * $tableName = Name of table * $pk = primary key of table * $name = table select column name * $class = extra class * $data = Existing data or for edit case showing selected data * $display = Displaying name or showing label name. */ function getSelectForForeignColumn($tableName = "", $pk, $name, $class = "form-control", $data = null, $display = null) { $systems = DB::table($tableName)->where('status', '<>', -1)->orderBy($pk, 'asc')->pluck($name, $pk); customCreateSelect($pk, $pk, $class, $display ?? $name, $systems, ($data) ? $data->$pk : null); } function usersetting($query) { $usersetting = UserSettings::fetch($query)->where('user_id', auth()->user()->id)->first(); return $usersetting ? $usersetting->value : null; } function organizationSetting($query) { $organizationSetting = OrganizationSettings::fetch($query)->first(); return $organizationSetting ? $organizationSetting->value : null; } function notificationSetting($query) { $notificationSetting = NotificationSettings::fetch($query)->first(); return $notificationSetting ? $notificationSetting->value : null; } function includeHelper() { } function getAjaxCreateModalContent($controllerName) { return "App\http\Controllers\\$controllerName"::getAjaxContent('create'); } //get Countries function getCountries() { return Country::getCountries(); } function getStates() { return State::getStates(); } function getStatesByCountryId($country_id) { return State::getStatesByCountryId($country_id); } function getDistricts() { return District::getDistricts(); } function getDistrictsByStateId($state_id) { return District::getDistrictsByStateId($state_id); } function getMunicipalities() { return Municipality::getMunicipalities(); } function getMunicipalityByDistrictId($district_id) { return Municipality::getMunicipalitiesget($district_id); } function slugify($text, string $divider = '-') { // replace non letter or digits by divider $text = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d]+~u', $divider, $text); // transliterate // $text = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $text); // remove unwanted characters $text = preg_replace('~[^-\w]+~', '', $text); // trim $text = trim($text, $divider); // remove duplicate divider $text = preg_replace('~-+~', $divider, $text); // lowercase $text = strtolower($text); if (empty($text)) { return 'n-a'; } return $text; } function getRoles() { return Role::whereNotIn('id', [1])->get(); } function getEmployees() { return Employee::where('status', '<>', '-1')->get(); } function getModules() { return Module::where('status', '<>', '-1')->where('module_id', '<>', '1')->get(); } function getReportingTo($department_id) { return Employee::where('status', '<>', -1)->where('department_id', $department_id)->where('is_head', 'manager')->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get(); } function getEmployeeHasNoLogin() { return Employee::where('status', '<>', -1)->where('is_login', 0)->get(); } //get unique Operation number function getOperationNumber() { $startNumber = date('YmdHis') . rand(1000, 9999); $isExists = OperationLog::where('operation_end_no', $startNumber)->first(); while ($isExists) { $startNumber = date('YmdHis') . rand(1000, 9999); $isExists = OperationLog::where('operation_end_no', $startNumber)->first(); } return $startNumber; } /** * function createLog(operation start number, operation end number, model class full name with path,model Id for create and upodate operation, operation Name, previous values in array, new values in array); */ function createOperationLog($startOperationNumber, $endOperationNumber, $modelName, $modelId, $operationName, $previousValues, $newValues) { $operationId = getOperationNumber(); $user_id = auth()->user()->id; OperationLog::create([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'operation_start_no' => $startOperationNumber, 'operation_end_no' => $endOperationNumber, 'model_name' => $modelName, 'model_id' => $modelId, 'operation_name' => $operationName, 'previous_values' => $previousValues ? json_encode($previousValues) : null, 'new_values' => $newValues ? json_encode($newValues) : null, ]); } function createErrorLog($controllerName, $methodName, $errors) { $user_id = auth()->user()->id; ErrorLog::create([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'controller_name' => $controllerName, 'method_name' => $methodName, 'errors' => $errors, ]); } function createErrorParagraph($name, $class = null) { echo "

"; } function createActivityLog($controllerName, $methodName, $activity) { $user_id = auth()->user()->id; ActivityLog::create([ 'user_id' => $user_id, 'controllerName' => $controllerName, 'methodName' => $methodName, 'actionUrl' => request()->fullUrl(), 'activity' => $activity, ]); } //function by bishwas get all data from tbl_licensingrequireddocuments table // function getDocumentNamesListFromLicensingRequiredDocuments() // { // $documentNames = DB::table('tbl_licensingrequireddocuments')->pluck('documentName'); // $list = ''; // return $list; // } function getFielddatafromtable($tablename, $fieldname,) { $documentNames = DB::table($tablename)->pluck($fieldname); $list = ''; return $list; } function uploadOrReplaceSingleFile($file,$fileName,$location='',$path='',$document_id = null, $existingPath = null, $disk='public') { //Delete Existing path $document = null; if($document_id){ $document = DB::table('tbl_uploadeddocuments')->where('id',$document_id)->first(); if($document){ $existingPath = $document->documentPath; if (Storage::disk($disk)->exist($existingPath)) { Storage::disk($disk)->delete($existingPath); } } }else if($existingPath){ if (Storage::disk($disk)->exist($existingPath)) { Storage::disk($disk)->delete($existingPath); } } $rand = mt_rand(1, 9999); $originalFileName = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $originalFileName = str_replace(' ', '-', $originalFileName); $filename = $path . $rand . uniqid() . $originalFileName; $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); // save to storage/app/photos as the new $filename $path = $file->storeAs($location, $filename, $disk); $imageExtension = ['jpg','JPG','jpeg','JPEG','png','PNG','GIF','gif']; $pdfExtension = ['pdf','PDF']; $documentArr = []; $documentStd = new stdClass; if(in_array($extension, $imageExtension)){ $documentArr['documentType'] = 'Image'; }elseif(in_array($extension, $pdfExtension)){ $documentArr['documentType'] = 'PDF'; }else{ $documentArr['documentType'] = 'Docs'; } $documentArr['documentPath'] = $path; $documentArr['documentName'] = $fileName; $documentArr['documentBasePath'] = url('/').'/storage/'; $documentArr['createdBy'] = auth()->user()->id; $documentStd->documentType = $documentArr['documentType']; $documentStd->documentPath = $documentArr['documentPath']; $documentStd->documentName = $documentArr['documentName']; $documentStd->documentBasePath = $documentArr['documentBasePath']; //if document is exists then update ther wise create. if($document){ $document->update($documentArr); $documentStd->document_id = $document_id; }else{ $document_id = DB::table('tbl_uploadeddocuments')->insertGetId($documentArr); $documentStd->document_id = $document_id; } return $documentStd; }//end of file function uploadFilesFromRepeator($documents,$documentNames,$location) { $uploadedDocuments = []; foreach($documents as $key=>$file){ $docClass = uploadOrReplaceSingleFile($file,$documentNames[$key],$location); $uploadedDocuments['documents'][] = $docClass; $uploadedDocuments['ids'][] = $docClass->document_id; } return $uploadedDocuments; } // File Upload function uploadCommonFile($location, $file, $path, $existingPath = null, $disk='public') //default disk to upload file. { $rand = mt_rand(1, 9999); if ($file) { if ($existingPath) { if (Storage::disk($disk)->exist($existingPath)) { Storage::disk($disk)->delete($existingPath); } } // generate a new filename. getClientOriginalExtension() for the file extension $originalFileName = $file->getClientOriginalName(); $originalFileName = str_replace(' ', '-', $originalFileName); $filename = $path . $rand . time() . $originalFileName .'.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); // save to storage/app/photos as the new $filename $path = $file->storeAs($location, $filename, $disk); $imageExtension = ['jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG', 'png', 'PNG', 'GIF', 'gif']; $pdfExtension = ['pdf', 'PDF']; $documentArr = []; if (in_array($extension, $imageExtension)) { $documentArr['documentType'] = 'Image'; } elseif (in_array($extension, $pdfExtension)) { $documentArr['documentType'] = 'PDF'; } else { $documentArr['documentType'] = 'Docs'; } $documentArr['documentPath'] = $path; return $documentArr; } } //This is new function for upload document with its type function uploadMultipleDocumentsWithNames($DocumentFiles,$documentNames) { if (!empty($DocumentFiles)) { $documentsPathDetails = []; foreach ($DocumentFiles as $key => $value) { $documentsPathDetails[$key] = uploadCommonFile('recommendation', $value, ''); $documentsPathDetails[$key]['documentName'] = $documentNames[$key]; } $uploadedDocuments = []; foreach ($documentsPathDetails as $documentDel) { $uploadedDocuments[] = DB::table('tbl_uploadeddocuments')->insertGetId($documentDel); } $uploadedDocuments = implode(",", $uploadedDocuments); return $uploadedDocuments; } } function UploadDocuments($DocumentFields) { $documentsPath = []; if (!empty($DocumentFields)) { foreach ($DocumentFields as $value) { $documentsPath[] = uploadCommonFile('recommendation', $value, ''); } } $data = $DocumentFields; $uploadedDocuments = array(); if (!empty($data['document_name'])) { foreach ($data['document_name'] as $key => $value) { if ($value != null) { $files = [ 'documentName' => $data['document_name'][$key], 'documentType' => null, //TO BE DETERMIND LATER USING UPLOADER FUNCTION 'documentPath' => $documentsPath[$key] ?? null, ]; $uploadedDocuments[] = DB::table('users')->insertGetId($files); } } } $uploadedDocuments = implode(",", $uploadedDocuments); return $uploadedDocuments; } function correspondingNepaliNumber($num) { switch ($num) { case 0: return '०'; break; case 1: return '१'; break; case 2: return '२'; break; case 3: return '३'; break; case 4: return '४'; break; case 5: return '५'; break; case 6: return '६'; break; case 7: return '७'; break; case 8: return '८'; break; case 9: return '९'; break; default: return ''; } } function getNepaliNumber($number) { $number = str_replace(' ', '', $number); if (isset($number) && is_numeric($number)) { $number = str_split($number); $nepaliNumber = ''; foreach ($number as $num) { $nepaliNumber .= correspondingNepaliNumber($num); } return $nepaliNumber; } else { return false; } } function convertNumAccToLang($num) { if (App::getLocale() == 'ne') { return getNepaliNumber($num); } else { return $num; } } function createUploadRepeater($label="") { ?>