<?php if (!defined('WPO_VERSION')) die('No direct access allowed'); class WP_Optimize_Htaccess { /** * Full path to .htaccess file. * * @var string */ private $_htaccess_file = ''; /** * Structured content of .htaccess file. * * @var array */ private $_file_tree = array(); /** * WP_Optimize_Htaccess constructor. * * @param string $htaccess_file Full path to .htaccess file. */ public function __construct($htaccess_file = '') { $this->_htaccess_file = ('' != $htaccess_file) ? $htaccess_file : $this->get_home_path() . '.htaccess'; // read .htaccess content into $_file_tree. $this->read_file(); } /** * Returns .htaccess filename. * * @return string */ public function get_filename() { return $this->_htaccess_file; } /** * Checks if .htaccess file exists. * * @return bool */ public function is_exists() { return is_file($this->_htaccess_file); } /** * Checks if .htaccess file is readaable. * * @return bool */ public function is_readable() { return is_readable($this->_htaccess_file); } /** * Checks if .htaccess file is writable. * * @return bool */ public function is_writable() { return is_writable($this->_htaccess_file); } /** * Read content of .htaccess file and store it as a tree in $_file_tree variable. * For ex. * [0] => '# BEGIN WordPress', * [1] => [ * [0] => '<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>', * [1] => 'RewriteEngine On', * [2] => 'RewriteBase /', * [3] => 'RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]', * [4] => 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f', * [5] => 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d', * [6] => 'RewriteRule . /index.php [L]', * [7] => '</IfModule>', * [2] => '# END WordPress' * * @return void */ public function read_file() { if (false == $this->is_exists() || false == $this->is_readable()) return; $content = file_get_contents($this->_htaccess_file); $content = explode("\n", $content); $content_tree = array(); $section = array(); $sections = array(); foreach ($content as $line) { $line = trim($line); if (preg_match("/^\<\/(.+)(\s.*)?\>/", $line, $matches)) { $section[] = $line; // close section if (!empty($sections)) { $_section = $section; $section = array_pop($sections); $section[] = $_section; } else { $content_tree[] = $section; $section = array(); } } elseif (preg_match('/^\<(.+)>/', $line, $matches)) { // open section if (!empty($section)) { $sections[] = $section; } $section = array(); $section[] = $line; } elseif (!empty($section)) { $section[] = $line; } else { $content_tree[] = $line; } } $this->_file_tree = $content_tree; } /** * Write current $_file_tree content into .htaccess file. */ public function write_file() { $content = implode(PHP_EOL, $this->get_flat_array($this->_file_tree)); file_put_contents($this->_htaccess_file, $content); } /** * Recursive function used to prepare data for output - build flat array from $_file_tree. * * @param array $array * @param string $prefix * * @return array */ public function get_flat_array($array, $prefix = '') { $flat_array = array(); if (!empty($array)) { foreach ($array as $item) { if (is_array($item)) { $item = $this->get_flat_array($item, "\t"); $flat_array = array_merge($flat_array, $item); } else { $flat_array[] = $item; } } } reset($flat_array); $first = key($flat_array); end($flat_array); $last = key($flat_array); foreach ($flat_array as $key => $value) { if ('' != $value && '#' == $value[0]) { // never add prefix for comment lines. $flat_array[$key] = $value; } else { $flat_array[$key] = ($key == $first || $key == $last) ? $value : $prefix . $value; } } return $flat_array; } /** * Update commented section in array $_file_tree, i.e. section wrapped with comments * # BEGIN WP-Optimize Browser Cache * ... * # END WP-Optimize Browser Cache * * @param array $content * @param string $section */ public function update_commented_section($content, $section = 'WP-Optimize Browser Cache') { $section_begin = $this->get_section_begin_comment($section); $section_end = $this->get_section_end_comment($section); // add begin-end section comments. array_unshift($content, $section_begin); array_push($content, $section_end); $section_index = $this->search_commented_section($section); // check if section with cache settings already in the file. if (false === $section_index) { // no section in file then add it to the end of file. $this->_file_tree = array_merge($this->_file_tree, $content); } else { $remove_length = (false === $section_index['end']) ? null : ($section_index['end'] - $section_index['begin'] + 1); array_splice($this->_file_tree, $section_index['begin'], $remove_length, $content); } } /** * Removes commented section in $_file_tree, i.e. section wrapped with comments * # BEGIN WP-Optimize Browser Cache * ... * # END WP-Optimize Browser Cache * * @param string $comment * * @return bool */ public function remove_commented_section($comment = 'WP-Optimize Browser Cache') { $section_index = $this->search_commented_section($comment); if (false === $section_index) return false; $remove_length = (false === $section_index['end']) ? null : ($section_index['end'] - $section_index['begin'] + 1); array_splice($this->_file_tree, $section_index['begin'], $remove_length); $this->_file_tree = array_values($this->_file_tree); return true; } /** * Check if section exists wrapped by comments like * * # BEGIN WP-Optimize Browser Cache * ... * # END WP-Optimize Browser Cache * * @param string $section * @return bool */ public function is_commented_section_exists($section = 'WP-Optimize Browser Cache') { $search = $this->search_commented_section($section); return (false === $search) ? false : true; } /** * Search section in $_file_tree array wrapped by begin and end comments. * * @param string $section * @return array|bool */ private function search_commented_section($section) { $section_begin = $this->get_section_begin_comment($section); $section_end = $this->get_section_end_comment($section); $section_begin_index = $section_end_index = false; $section_begin_normalized = $this->normalize_string($section_begin); $section_end_normalized = $this->normalize_string($section_end); foreach ($this->_file_tree as $i => $value) { // if it is subsection then we don't go in deep. if (is_array($value)) continue; $value = $this->normalize_string($value); if ($value == $section_begin_normalized) $section_begin_index = $i; if ($value == $section_end_normalized) $section_end_index = $i; } if (false == $section_begin_index) { return false; } else { return array( 'begin' => $section_begin_index, 'end' => $section_end_index, ); } } /** * Generate begin cache section comment. * * @param string $section * @return string */ public function get_section_begin_comment($section = 'WP-Optimize Browser Cache') { return '# BEGIN ' . $section; } /** * Generate end cache section comment. * * @param string $section * @return string */ public function get_section_end_comment($section = 'WP-Optimize Browser Cache') { return '# END ' . $section; } /** * Normalize string - make all letters lowercase and remove spaces. * * @param string $string * @return string */ private function normalize_string($string) { return strtolower(str_replace(array("\n", "\r", ' '), '', $string)); } /** * Get the absolute filesystem path to the root of the WordPress installation. * WP_Core function from wp-admin/includes/file.php. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @return string Full filesystem path to the root of the WordPress installation */ private function get_home_path() { if (function_exists('get_home_path')) { return get_home_path(); } $home = set_url_scheme(get_option('home'), 'http'); $siteurl = set_url_scheme(get_option('siteurl'), 'http'); if (!empty($home) && 0 !== strcasecmp($home, $siteurl)) { $wp_path_rel_to_home = str_ireplace($home, '', $siteurl); /* $siteurl - $home */ $pos = strripos(str_replace('\\', '/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), trailingslashit($wp_path_rel_to_home)); $home_path = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, $pos); $home_path = trailingslashit($home_path); } else { $home_path = ABSPATH; } return str_replace('\\', '/', $home_path); } }