get_header('x_wp_nonce'))), 'wp_rest')) { return; } // Some special cases for development. $this->baseUrl = $request->get_header('x_extendify_dev_mode') !== 'false' ? App::$config['api']['dev'] : App::$config['api']['live']; $this->baseUrl = $request->get_header('x_extendify_local_mode') !== 'false' ? App::$config['api']['local'] : $this->baseUrl; $this->data = [ 'wp_language' => \get_locale(), 'wp_theme' => \get_option('template'), 'mode' => App::$environment, 'uuid' => User::data('uuid'), 'library_version' => App::$version, 'wp_active_plugins' => $request->get_method() === 'POST' ? \get_option('active_plugins') : [], 'sdk_partner' => App::$sdkPartner, ]; $this->headers = [ 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'referer' => $request->get_header('referer'), 'user_agent' => $request->get_header('user_agent'), ]; } /** * Register dynamic routes * * @param string $endpoint - The endpoint. * @param array $data - The data to include. * @param array $headers - The headers to include. * * @return array */ public function getHandler($endpoint, $data = [], $headers = []) { $url = \esc_url_raw( \add_query_arg( \urlencode_deep(\urldecode_deep(array_merge($this->data, $data))), $this->baseUrl . $endpoint ) ); $response = \wp_remote_get( $url, [ 'headers' => array_merge($this->headers, $headers), ] ); $responseBody = \wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); return json_decode($responseBody, true); } /** * Register dynamic routes * * @param string $endpoint - The endpoint. * @param array $data - The arguments to include. * @param array $headers - The headers to include. * * @return array */ public function postHandler($endpoint, $data = [], $headers = []) { $response = \wp_remote_post( $this->baseUrl . $endpoint, [ 'headers' => array_merge($this->headers, $headers), 'body' => array_merge($this->data, $data), ] ); $responseBody = \wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); return json_decode($responseBody, true); } /** * The caller * * @param string $name - The name of the method to call. * @param array $arguments - The arguments to pass in. * * @return mixed */ public static function __callStatic($name, array $arguments) { if ($name === 'init') { self::$instance = new static($arguments[0]); return; } $name = "{$name}Handler"; $r = self::$instance; return $r->$name(...$arguments); } }