capability = App::$requiredCapability; add_filter( 'rest_request_before_callbacks', // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.FoundInExtendedClassBeforeLastUsed function ($response, $handler, $request) { // Add the request to our helper class. if ($request->get_header('x_extendify')) { Http::init($request); } return $response; }, 10, 3 ); } /** * Check the authorization of the request * * @return boolean */ public function checkPermission() { // Check for the nonce on the server (used by WP REST). if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WP_NONCE']) && \wp_verify_nonce(sanitize_text_field(wp_unslash($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WP_NONCE'])), 'wp_rest')) { return \current_user_can($this->capability); } return false; } /** * Register dynamic routes * * @param string $namespace - The api name space. * @param string $endpoint - The endpoint. * @param function $callback - The callback to run. * * @return void */ public function getHandler($namespace, $endpoint, $callback) { \register_rest_route( $namespace, $endpoint, [ 'methods' => 'GET', 'callback' => $callback, 'permission_callback' => [ $this, 'checkPermission', ], ] ); } /** * The post handler * * @param string $namespace - The api name space. * @param string $endpoint - The endpoint. * @param string $callback - The callback to run. * * @return void */ public function postHandler($namespace, $endpoint, $callback) { \register_rest_route( $namespace, $endpoint, [ 'methods' => 'POST', 'callback' => $callback, 'permission_callback' => [ $this, 'checkPermission', ], ] ); } /** * The caller * * @param string $name - The name of the method to call. * @param array $arguments - The arguments to pass in. * * @return mixed */ public static function __callStatic($name, array $arguments) { $name = "{$name}Handler"; if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new static(); } $r = self::$instance; return $r->$name(APP::$slug . '/' . APP::$apiVersion, ...$arguments); } }