Change these values as you need/desire 'opt_name' => 'theme_options_' . sanitize_title(__('Ultimo WP Settings', $this->td)), // This is where your data is stored in the database and also becomes your global variable name. 'display_name' => __('Ultimo WP Settings', $this->td), // Name that appears at the top of your panel 'display_version' => '', // Version that appears at the top of your panel 'menu_type' => 'menu', //Specify if the admin menu should appear or not. Options: menu or submenu (Under appearance only) 'allow_sub_menu' => true, // Show the sections below the admin menu item or not 'menu_title' => __('Ultimo WP', $this->td), 'page' => __('Ultimo WP', $this->td), 'google_api_key' => 'AIzaSyBDmSLNoNF5Tk1zRUy6ZJMVlB58amxjFVQ', // Must be defined to add google fonts to the typography module 'global_variable' => 'ultimoSettings', // Set a different name for your global variable other than the opt_name 'dev_mode' => false, // Show the time the page took to load, etc 'customizer' => false, // Enable basic customizer support // OPTIONAL -> Give you extra features 'page_priority' => 109020.3, // Order where the menu appears in the admin area. If there is any conflict, something will not show. Warning. 'page_parent' => 'ultimo-wp', // For a full list of options, visit: 'page_permissions' => 'manage_options', // Permissions needed to access the options panel. 'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-marker', // Specify a custom URL to an icon //'last_tab' => '', // Force your panel to always open to a specific tab (by id) //'page_icon' => 'icon-marker', // Icon displayed in the admin panel next to your menu_title 'page_slug' => 'ultimo-wp', // Page slug used to denote the panel 'save_defaults' => true, // On load save the defaults to DB before user clicks save or not 'default_show' => false, // If true, shows the default value next to each field that is not the default value. 'default_mark' => '*', // What to print by the field's title if the value shown is default. Suggested: * 'class' => 'plugins-732-redux', 'ajax_save' => false, // CAREFUL -> These options are for advanced use only 'transient_time' => 60 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS, 'output' => true, // Global shut-off for dynamic CSS output by the framework. Will also disable google fonts output 'output_tag' => false, // Allows dynamic CSS to be generated for customizer and google fonts, but stops the dynamic CSS from going to the head //'domain' => 'redux-framework', // Translation domain key. Don't change this unless you want to retranslate all of Redux. 'footer_credit' => '', // Disable the footer credit of Redux. Please leave if you can help it. // FUTURE -> Not in use yet, but reserved or partially implemented. Use at your own risk. //'database' => '', // possible: options, theme_mods, theme_mods_expanded, transient. Not fully functional, warning! //'show_import_export' => true, // REMOVE //'system_info' => false, // REMOVE //'help_tabs' => array(), //'help_sidebar' => '', // __( '', $args['domain'] ); ); // SOCIAL ICONS -> Setup custom links in the footer for quick links in your panel footer icons. /*$args['share_icons'][] = array( 'url' => '', 'title' => 'Visit us on GitHub', 'icon' => 'el-icon-github' // 'img' => '', // You can use icon OR img. IMG needs to be a full URL. );*/ /* * Adding INJECTED fields to the arguments */ //$args = apply_filters("inject_redux_configs", $args); /* * Pass $sections back to the class */ $this->args = $args;