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2024-04-10 17:46:06 +05:45
* The ACF Blocks PHP code.
* @package ACF
// Exit if accessed directly.
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
// Register store.
acf_register_store( 'block-types' );
acf_register_store( 'block-cache' );
// Register block.json support handlers.
add_filter( 'block_type_metadata', 'acf_add_block_namespace' );
add_filter( 'block_type_metadata_settings', 'acf_handle_json_block_registration', 99, 2 );
add_action( 'acf_block_render_template', 'acf_block_render_template', 10, 6 );
* Prefix block names for ACF blocks registered through block.json
* @since 6.0.0
* @param array $metadata The block metadata array.
* @return array The original array with a prefixed block name if it's an ACF block.
function acf_add_block_namespace( $metadata ) {
if ( acf_is_acf_block_json( $metadata ) ) {
// If the block doesn't already have a namespace, append ACF's.
if ( strpos( $metadata['name'], '/' ) === false ) {
$metadata['name'] = 'acf/' . acf_slugify( $metadata['name'] );
return $metadata;
* Handle an ACF block registered through block.json
* @since 6.0.0
* @param array $settings The compiled block settings.
* @param array $metadata The raw json metadata.
* @return array Block registration settings with ACF required additions.
function acf_handle_json_block_registration( $settings, $metadata ) {
if ( ! acf_is_acf_block_json( $metadata ) ) {
return $settings;
// Setup ACF defaults.
$settings = wp_parse_args(
'render_template' => false,
'render_callback' => false,
'enqueue_style' => false,
'enqueue_script' => false,
'enqueue_assets' => false,
'post_types' => array(),
'uses_context' => array(),
'supports' => array(),
'attributes' => array(),
'acf_block_version' => 2,
'api_version' => 2,
// Add user provided attributes to ACF's required defaults.
$settings['attributes'] = wp_parse_args(
acf_get_block_type_default_attributes( $metadata ),
// Add default ACF 'supports' settings.
$settings['supports'] = wp_parse_args(
'align' => true,
'html' => false,
'mode' => true,
'jsx' => true,
// Add default ACF 'uses_context' settings.
$settings['uses_context'] = array_values(
// Map custom ACF properties from the ACF key, with localization.
$property_mappings = array(
'renderCallback' => 'render_callback',
'renderTemplate' => 'render_template',
'mode' => 'mode',
'blockVersion' => 'acf_block_version',
'postTypes' => 'post_types',
$textdomain = ! empty( $metadata['textdomain'] ) ? $metadata['textdomain'] : 'acf';
$i18n_schema = get_block_metadata_i18n_schema();
foreach ( $property_mappings as $key => $mapped_key ) {
if ( isset( $metadata['acf'][ $key ] ) ) {
unset( $settings[ $key ] );
$settings[ $mapped_key ] = $metadata['acf'][ $key ];
if ( $textdomain && isset( $i18n_schema->$key ) ) {
$settings[ $mapped_key ] = translate_settings_using_i18n_schema( $i18n_schema->$key, $settings[ $key ], $textdomain );
// Add the block name and registration path to settings.
$settings['name'] = $metadata['name'];
$settings['path'] = dirname( $metadata['file'] );
acf_get_store( 'block-types' )->set( $metadata['name'], $settings );
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'acf_enqueue_block_assets' );
// Ensure our render callback is used.
$settings['render_callback'] = 'acf_render_block_callback';
return $settings;
* Check if a block.json block is an ACF block.
* @since 6.0.0
* @param array $metadata The raw block metadata array.
* @return bool
function acf_is_acf_block_json( $metadata ) {
return ( isset( $metadata['acf'] ) && $metadata['acf'] );
* Registers a block type.
* @date 18/2/19
* @since 5.8.0
* @param array $block The block settings.
* @return (array|false)
function acf_register_block_type( $block ) {
// Validate block type settings.
$block = acf_validate_block_type( $block );
* Filters the arguments for registering a block type.
* @since 5.8.9
* @param array $block The array of arguments for registering a block type.
$block = apply_filters( 'acf/register_block_type_args', $block );
// Require name.
if ( ! $block['name'] ) {
$message = __( 'Block type name is required.', 'acf' );
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, $message, '5.8.0' ); //phpcs:ignore -- escape not required.
return false;
// Bail early if already exists.
if ( acf_has_block_type( $block['name'] ) ) {
/* translators: The name of the block type */
$message = sprintf( __( 'Block type "%s" is already registered.', 'acf' ), $block['name'] );
_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, $message, '5.8.0' ); //phpcs:ignore -- escape not required.
return false;
// Set ACF required attributes.
$block['attributes'] = acf_get_block_type_default_attributes( $block );
if ( ! isset( $block['api_version'] ) ) {
$block['api_version'] = 2;
if ( ! isset( $block['acf_block_version'] ) ) {
$block['acf_block_version'] = 1;
// Add to storage.
acf_get_store( 'block-types' )->set( $block['name'], $block );
// Overwrite callback for WordPress registration.
$block['render_callback'] = 'acf_render_block_callback';
// Register block type in WP.
if ( function_exists( 'register_block_type' ) ) {
// Register action.
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', 'acf_enqueue_block_assets' );
// Return block.
return $block;
* See acf_register_block_type().
* @date 18/2/19
* @since 5.7.12
* @param array $block The block settings.
* @return (array|false)
function acf_register_block( $block ) {
return acf_register_block_type( $block );
* Returns true if a block type exists for the given name.
* @since 5.7.12
* @param string $name The block type name.
* @return bool
function acf_has_block_type( $name ) {
return acf_get_store( 'block-types' )->has( $name );
* Returns an array of all registered block types.
* @since 5.7.12
* @return array
function acf_get_block_types() {
return acf_get_store( 'block-types' )->get();
* Returns a block type for the given name.
* @since 5.7.12
* @param string $name The block type name.
* @return (array|null)
function acf_get_block_type( $name ) {
return acf_get_store( 'block-types' )->get( $name );
* Removes a block type for the given name.
* @since 5.7.12
* @param string $name The block type name.
* @return void
function acf_remove_block_type( $name ) {
acf_get_store( 'block-types' )->remove( $name );
* Returns an array of default attribute settings for a block type.
* @date 19/11/18
* @since 5.8.0
* @param array $block_type A block configuration array.
* @return array
function acf_get_block_type_default_attributes( $block_type ) {
$attributes = array(
'name' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'default' => '',
'data' => array(
'type' => 'object',
'default' => array(),
'align' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'default' => '',
'mode' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'default' => '',
foreach ( acf_get_block_back_compat_attribute_key_array() as $new => $old ) {
if ( isset( $block_type['supports'][ $old ] ) ) {
$block_type['supports'][ $new ] = $block_type['supports'][ $old ];
unset( $block_type['supports'][ $old ] );
if ( ! empty( $block_type['supports']['alignText'] ) ) {
$attributes['alignText'] = array(
'type' => 'string',
'default' => '',
if ( ! empty( $block_type['supports']['alignContent'] ) ) {
$attributes['alignContent'] = array(
'type' => 'string',
'default' => '',
if ( ! empty( $block_type['supports']['fullHeight'] ) ) {
$attributes['fullHeight'] = array(
'type' => 'boolean',
'default' => '',
// For each of ACF's block attributes, check if the user's block attributes contains a default value we should use.
if ( isset( $block_type['attributes'] ) && is_array( $block_type['attributes'] ) ) {
foreach ( array_keys( $attributes ) as $key ) {
if ( isset( $block_type['attributes'][ $key ] ) && is_array( $block_type['attributes'][ $key ] ) && isset( $block_type['attributes'][ $key ]['default'] ) ) {
$attributes[ $key ]['default'] = $block_type['attributes'][ $key ]['default'];
return $attributes;
* Validates a block type ensuring all settings exist.
* @since 5.8.0
* @param array $block The block settings.
* @return array
function acf_validate_block_type( $block ) {
// Add default settings.
$block = wp_parse_args(
'name' => '',
'title' => '',
'description' => '',
'category' => 'common',
'icon' => '',
'mode' => 'preview',
'keywords' => array(),
'supports' => array(),
'post_types' => array(),
'uses_context' => array(),
'render_template' => false,
'render_callback' => false,
'enqueue_style' => false,
'enqueue_script' => false,
'enqueue_assets' => false,
// Generate name with prefix.
if ( $block['name'] ) {
$block['name'] = 'acf/' . acf_slugify( $block['name'] );
// Add default 'supports' settings.
$block['supports'] = wp_parse_args(
'align' => true,
'html' => false,
'mode' => true,
// Add default 'uses_context' settings.
$block['uses_context'] = wp_parse_args(
// Correct "Experimental" flags.
if ( isset( $block['supports']['__experimental_jsx'] ) ) {
$block['supports']['jsx'] = $block['supports']['__experimental_jsx'];
// Return block.
return $block;
* Prepares a block for use in render_callback by merging in all settings and attributes.
* @since 5.8.0
* @param array $block The block props.
* @return array
function acf_prepare_block( $block ) {
// Bail early if no name.
if ( ! isset( $block['name'] ) ) {
return false;
// Get block type and return false if doesn't exist.
$block_type = acf_get_block_type( $block['name'] );
if ( ! $block_type ) {
return false;
// Generate default attributes.
$attributes = array();
foreach ( acf_get_block_type_default_attributes( $block_type ) as $k => $v ) {
$attributes[ $k ] = $v['default'];
// Merge together arrays in order of least to most specific.
$block = array_merge( $block_type, $attributes, $block );
// Add backward compatibility attributes.
$block = acf_add_back_compat_attributes( $block );
// Return block.
return $block;
* Add backwards compatible attribute values.
* @since 6.0.0
* @param array $block The original block.
* @return array Modified block array with backwards compatibility attributes.
function acf_add_back_compat_attributes( $block ) {
foreach ( acf_get_block_back_compat_attribute_key_array() as $new => $old ) {
if ( ! empty( $block[ $new ] ) || ( isset( $block[ $new ] ) && ! isset( $block[ $old ] ) ) ) {
$block[ $old ] = $block[ $new ];
return $block;
* Get back compat new values and old values.
* @since 6.0.0
* @return array back compat key array.
function acf_get_block_back_compat_attribute_key_array() {
return array(
'fullHeight' => 'full_height',
'alignText' => 'align_text',
'alignContent' => 'align_content',
* The render callback for all ACF blocks.
* @date 28/10/20
* @since 5.9.2
* @param array $attributes The block attributes.
* @param string $content The block content.
* @param WP_Block $wp_block The block instance (since WP 5.5).
* @return string The block HTML.
function acf_render_block_callback( $attributes, $content = '', $wp_block = null ) {
$is_preview = false;
$post_id = get_the_ID();
// Set preview flag to true when rendering for the block editor.
if ( is_admin() && acf_is_block_editor() ) {
$is_preview = true;
// If ACF's block save method hasn't been called yet, try to initialize a default block.
if ( empty( $attributes['name'] ) && ! empty( $wp_block->name ) ) {
$attributes['name'] = $wp_block->name;
// Return rendered block HTML.
return acf_rendered_block( $attributes, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, $wp_block );
* Returns the rendered block HTML.
* @date 28/2/19
* @since 5.7.13
* @param array $attributes The block attributes.
* @param string $content The block content.
* @param bool $is_preview Whether or not the block is being rendered for editing preview.
* @param int $post_id The current post being edited or viewed.
* @param WP_Block $wp_block The block instance (since WP 5.5).
* @param array $context The block context array.
* @return string The block HTML.
function acf_rendered_block( $attributes, $content = '', $is_preview = false, $post_id = 0, $wp_block = null, $context = false ) {
$mode = isset( $attributes['mode'] ) ? $attributes['mode'] : 'auto';
$form = ( 'edit' === $mode && $is_preview );
// If context is available from the WP_Block class object and we have no context of our own, use that.
if ( empty( $context ) && ! empty( $wp_block->context ) ) {
$context = $wp_block->context;
// Check if we need to generate a block ID.
$attributes['id'] = acf_get_block_id( $attributes, $context );
// Check if we've already got a cache of this block ID and return it to save rendering if we're in the backend.
if ( $is_preview ) {
$cached_block = acf_get_store( 'block-cache' )->get( $attributes['id'] );
if ( $cached_block ) {
if ( $form ) {
if ( $cached_block['form'] ) {
return $cached_block['html'];
} else {
if ( ! $cached_block['form'] ) {
return $cached_block['html'];
if ( $form ) {
// Load the block form since we're in edit mode.
// Set flag for post REST cleanup of media enqueue count during preloads.
acf_set_data( 'acf_did_render_block_form', true );
$block = acf_prepare_block( $attributes );
acf_setup_meta( $block['data'], $block['id'], true );
$fields = acf_get_block_fields( $block );
if ( $fields ) {
acf_prefix_fields( $fields, "acf-{$block['id']}" );
echo '<div class="acf-block-fields acf-fields">';
acf_render_fields( $fields, $block['id'], 'div', 'field' );
echo '</div>';
} else {
echo acf_get_empty_block_form_html( $attributes['name'] ); //phpcs:ignore -- escaped in function.
} else {
// Capture block render output.
acf_render_block( $attributes, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, $wp_block, $context );
$html = ob_get_clean();
$html = is_string( $html ) ? $html : '';
// Replace <InnerBlocks /> placeholder on front-end, or if we're rendering an ACF block inside another ACF block template.
if ( ! $is_preview || doing_action( 'acf_block_render_template' ) ) {
// Escape "$" character to avoid "capture group" interpretation.
$content = str_replace( '$', '\$', $content );
// Wrap content in our acf-inner-container wrapper if necessary.
if ( $wp_block && $wp_block->block_type->acf_block_version > 1 && apply_filters( 'acf/blocks/wrap_frontend_innerblocks', true, $attributes['name'] ) ) {
// Check for a class (or className) provided in the template to become the InnerBlocks wrapper class.
$matches = array();
if ( preg_match( '/<InnerBlocks(?:[^<]+?)(?:class|className)=(?:["\']\W+\s*(?:\w+)\()?["\']([^\'"]+)[\'"]/', $html, $matches ) ) {
$class = isset( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : 'acf-innerblocks-container';
} else {
$class = 'acf-innerblocks-container';
$content = '<div class="' . $class . '">' . $content . '</div>';
$html = preg_replace( '/<InnerBlocks([\S\s]*?)\/>/', $content, $html );
// Store in cache for preloading if we're in the backend.
acf_get_store( 'block-cache' )->set(
'form' => $form,
'html' => $html,
// Prevent edit forms being output to rest endpoints.
if ( $form && acf_get_data( 'acf_inside_rest_call' ) && apply_filters( 'acf/blocks/prevent_edit_forms_on_rest_endpoints', true ) ) {
return '';
return $html;
* Renders the block HTML.
* @since 5.7.12
* @param array $attributes The block attributes.
* @param string $content The block content.
* @param bool $is_preview Whether or not the block is being rendered for editing preview.
* @param int $post_id The current post being edited or viewed.
* @param WP_Block $wp_block The block instance (since WP 5.5).
* @param array $context The block context array.
* @return void|string
function acf_render_block( $attributes, $content = '', $is_preview = false, $post_id = 0, $wp_block = null, $context = false ) {
// Prepare block ensuring all settings and attributes exist.
$block = acf_prepare_block( $attributes );
if ( ! $block ) {
return '';
// Find post_id if not defined.
if ( ! $post_id ) {
$post_id = get_the_ID();
// Enqueue block type assets.
acf_enqueue_block_type_assets( $block );
// Ensure block ID is prefixed for render.
$block['id'] = acf_ensure_block_id_prefix( $block['id'] );
// Setup postdata allowing get_field() to work.
acf_setup_meta( $block['data'], $block['id'], true );
// Call render_callback.
if ( is_callable( $block['render_callback'] ) ) {
call_user_func( $block['render_callback'], $block, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, $wp_block, $context );
// Or include template.
} elseif ( $block['render_template'] ) {
do_action( 'acf_block_render_template', $block, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, $wp_block, $context );
// Reset postdata.
acf_reset_meta( $block['id'] );
* Locate and include an ACF block's template.
* @since 6.0.4
* @param array $block The block props.
function acf_block_render_template( $block, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, $wp_block, $context ) {
// Locate template.
if ( isset( $block['path'] ) && file_exists( $block['path'] . '/' . $block['render_template'] ) ) {
$path = $block['path'] . '/' . $block['render_template'];
} elseif ( file_exists( $block['render_template'] ) ) {
$path = $block['render_template'];
} else {
$path = locate_template( $block['render_template'] );
// Include template.
if ( file_exists( $path ) ) {
include $path;
* Returns an array of all fields for the given block.
* @date 24/10/18
* @since 5.8.0
* @param array $block The block props.
* @return array
function acf_get_block_fields( $block ) {
// Vars.
$fields = array();
// Get field groups for this block.
$field_groups = acf_get_field_groups(
'block' => $block['name'],
// Loop over results and append fields.
if ( $field_groups ) {
foreach ( $field_groups as $field_group ) {
$fields = array_merge( $fields, acf_get_fields( $field_group ) );
// Return fields.
return $fields;
* Enqueues and localizes block scripts and styles.
* @since 5.7.13
* @return void
function acf_enqueue_block_assets() {
// Localize text.
'Switch to Edit' => __( 'Switch to Edit', 'acf' ),
'Switch to Preview' => __( 'Switch to Preview', 'acf' ),
'Change content alignment' => __( 'Change content alignment', 'acf' ),
/* translators: %s: Block type title */
'%s settings' => __( '%s settings', 'acf' ),
// Get block types.
$block_types = array_map(
function( $block ) {
// Render Callback may contain a incompatible class for JSON encoding. Turn it into a boolean for the frontend.
$block['render_callback'] = ! empty( $block['render_callback'] );
return $block;
// Localize data.
'blockTypes' => array_values( $block_types ),
'postType' => get_post_type(),
// Enqueue script.
$min = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
$blocks_js_path = acf_get_url( "assets/build/js/pro/acf-pro-blocks{$min}.js" );
wp_enqueue_script( 'acf-blocks', $blocks_js_path, array( 'acf-input', 'wp-blocks' ), ACF_VERSION, true );
// Enqueue block assets.
array_map( 'acf_enqueue_block_type_assets', $block_types );
// During the edit screen loading, WordPress renders all blocks in its own attempt to preload data.
// Retrieve any cached block HTML and include this in the localized data.
if ( acf_get_setting( 'preload_blocks' ) ) {
$preloaded_blocks = acf_get_store( 'block-cache' )->get_data();
'preloadedBlocks' => $preloaded_blocks,
* Enqueues scripts and styles for a specific block type.
* @since 5.7.13
* @param array $block_type The block type settings.
* @return void
function acf_enqueue_block_type_assets( $block_type ) {
// Generate handle from name.
$handle = 'block-' . acf_slugify( $block_type['name'] );
// Enqueue style.
if ( $block_type['enqueue_style'] ) {
wp_enqueue_style( $handle, $block_type['enqueue_style'], array(), ACF_VERSION, 'all' );
// Enqueue script.
if ( $block_type['enqueue_script'] ) {
wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $block_type['enqueue_script'], array(), ACF_VERSION, true );
// Enqueue assets callback.
if ( $block_type['enqueue_assets'] && is_callable( $block_type['enqueue_assets'] ) ) {
call_user_func( $block_type['enqueue_assets'], $block_type );
* Handles the ajax request for block data.
* @since 5.7.13
* @return void
function acf_ajax_fetch_block() {
// Validate ajax request.
if ( ! acf_verify_ajax() ) {
// Get request args.
$args = acf_request_args(
'post_id' => 0,
'clientId' => null,
'query' => array(),
$args['block'] = isset( $_REQUEST['block'] ) ? $_REQUEST['block'] : false; //phpcs:ignore -- requires auth; designed to contain unescaped html.
$args['context'] = isset( $_REQUEST['context'] ) ? $_REQUEST['context'] : array(); //phpcs:ignore -- requires auth; designed to contain unescaped html.
$block = $args['block'];
$query = $args['query'];
$client_id = $args['clientId'];
$raw_context = $args['context'];
$post_id = $args['post_id'];
// Bail early if no block.
if ( ! $block ) {
// Unslash and decode $_POST data for block and context.
$block = wp_unslash( $block );
$block = json_decode( $block, true );
$context = false;
if ( ! empty( $raw_context ) ) {
$raw_context = wp_unslash( $raw_context );
$raw_context = json_decode( $raw_context, true );
if ( is_array( $raw_context ) ) {
$context = $raw_context;
// Check if a postId is set in the context, otherwise try and use it the default post_id.
$post_id = isset( $context['postId'] ) ? intval( $context['postId'] ) : intval( $args['post_id'] );
// Check if clientId should become $block['id'].
if ( empty( $block['id'] ) && ! empty( $client_id ) ) {
$block['id'] = $client_id;
// Prepare block ensuring all settings and attributes exist.
$block = acf_prepare_block( $block );
if ( ! $block ) {
// Load field defaults when first previewing a block.
if ( ! empty( $query['preview'] ) && ! $block['data'] ) {
$fields = acf_get_block_fields( $block );
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
$block['data'][ "_{$field['name']}" ] = $field['key'];
// Setup postdata allowing form to load meta.
acf_setup_meta( $block['data'], acf_ensure_block_id_prefix( $block['id'] ), true );
// Setup main postdata for post_id.
global $post;
//phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited -- required for block template rendering.
$post = get_post( $post_id );
setup_postdata( $post );
// Vars.
$response = array( 'clientId' => $client_id );
// Query form.
if ( ! empty( $query['form'] ) ) {
// Load fields for form.
$fields = acf_get_block_fields( $block );
// Prefix field inputs to avoid multiple blocks using the same name/id attributes.
acf_prefix_fields( $fields, "acf-{$block['id']}" );
if ( $fields ) {
// Start Capture.
// Render.
echo '<div class="acf-block-fields acf-fields">';
acf_render_fields( $fields, acf_ensure_block_id_prefix( $block['id'] ), 'div', 'field' );
echo '</div>';
// Store Capture.
$response['form'] = ob_get_clean();
} else {
// There are no fields on this block.
$response['form'] = acf_get_empty_block_form_html( $block['name'] ); //phpcs:ignore -- escaped in function.
// Query preview.
if ( ! empty( $query['preview'] ) ) {
// Render_callback vars.
$content = '';
$is_preview = true;
// Render and store HTML.
$response['preview'] = acf_rendered_block( $block, $content, $is_preview, $post_id, null, $context );
// Send response.
wp_send_json_success( $response );
// Register ajax action.
acf_register_ajax( 'fetch-block', 'acf_ajax_fetch_block' );
* Render the empty block form for when a block has no fields assigned.
* @since 6.0.0
* @param string $block_name The block name current being rendered.
* @return string The html that makes up a block form with no fields.
function acf_get_empty_block_form_html( $block_name ) {
$message = __( 'This block contains no editable fields.', 'acf' );
if ( acf_current_user_can_admin() ) {
$message .= ' ';
$message .= sprintf(
/* translators: %s: an admin URL to the field group edit screen */
__( 'Assign a <a href="%s" target="_blank">field group</a> to add fields to this block.', 'acf' ),
admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=acf-field-group' )
$message = apply_filters( 'acf/blocks/no_fields_assigned_message', $message, $block_name );
return empty( $message ) ? '' : acf_esc_html( '<div class="acf-block-fields acf-fields acf-empty-block-fields">' . $message . '</div>' );
* Parse content that may contain HTML block comments and saves ACF block meta.
* @since 5.7.13
* @param string $text Content that may contain HTML block comments.
* @return string
function acf_parse_save_blocks( $text = '' ) {
// Search text for dynamic blocks and modify attrs.
return addslashes(
stripslashes( $text )
// Hook into saving process.
add_filter( 'content_save_pre', 'acf_parse_save_blocks', 5, 1 );
* Callback used in preg_replace to modify ACF Block comment.
* @since 5.7.13
* @param array $matches The preg matches.
* @return string
function acf_parse_save_blocks_callback( $matches ) {
// Defaults.
$name = isset( $matches['name'] ) ? $matches['name'] : '';
$attrs = isset( $matches['attrs'] ) ? json_decode( $matches['attrs'], true ) : '';
$void = isset( $matches['void'] ) ? $matches['void'] : '';
// Bail early if missing data or not an ACF Block.
if ( ! $name || ! $attrs || ! acf_has_block_type( $name ) ) {
return $matches[0];
// Check if we need to generate a block ID.
$block_id = acf_get_block_id( $attrs );
// Convert "data" to "meta".
// No need to check if already in meta format. Local Meta will do this for us.
if ( isset( $attrs['data'] ) ) {
$attrs['data'] = acf_setup_meta( $attrs['data'], acf_ensure_block_id_prefix( $block_id ) );
* Filters the block attributes before saving.
* @date 18/3/19
* @since 5.7.14
* @param array $attrs The block attributes.
$attrs = apply_filters( 'acf/pre_save_block', $attrs );
// Gutenberg expects a specific encoding format.
$attrs = acf_serialize_block_attributes( $attrs );
return '<!-- wp:' . $name . ' ' . $attrs . ' ' . $void . '-->';
* Return or generate a block ID.
* @since 6.0.0
* @param array $attributes A block attributes array.
* @param array $context The block context array, defaults to an empty array.
* @return string A block ID.
function acf_get_block_id( $attributes, $context = array() ) {
$attributes['_acf_context'] = $context;
if ( empty( $attributes['id'] ) ) {
unset( $attributes['id'] );
// Remove all empty string values as they're not present in JS hash building.
foreach ( $attributes as $key => $value ) {
if ( '' === $value ) {
unset( $attributes[ $key ] );
// Check if data is empty and remove it if so to match JS hash building.
if ( isset( $attributes['data'] ) && empty( $attributes['data'] ) ) {
unset( $attributes['data'] );
ksort( $attributes );
return md5( wp_json_encode( $attributes, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE ) );
return $attributes['id'];
* Ensure a block ID always has a block_ prefix for post meta internals.
* @since 6.0.0
* @param string $block_id A possibly non-prefixed block ID.
* @return string A prefixed block ID.
function acf_ensure_block_id_prefix( $block_id ) {
if ( substr( $block_id, 0, 6 ) === 'block_' ) {
return $block_id;
return 'block_' . $block_id;
* This directly copied from the WordPress core `serialize_block_attributes()` function.
* We need this in order to make sure that block attributes are stored in a way that is
* consistent with how Gutenberg sends them over from JS, and so that things like wp_kses()
* work as expected. Copied from core to get around a bug that was fixed in 5.8.1 or on the off chance
* that folks are still using WP 5.3 or below.
* TODO: Remove this when we refactor `acf_parse_save_blocks_callback()` to use `serialize_block()`,
* or when we're confident that folks aren't using WP versions prior to 5.8.
* @since 5.12
* @param array $block_attributes Attributes object.
* @return string Serialized attributes.
function acf_serialize_block_attributes( $block_attributes ) {
$encoded_attributes = wp_json_encode( $block_attributes, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE );
$encoded_attributes = preg_replace( '/--/', '\\u002d\\u002d', $encoded_attributes );
$encoded_attributes = preg_replace( '/</', '\\u003c', $encoded_attributes );
$encoded_attributes = preg_replace( '/>/', '\\u003e', $encoded_attributes );
$encoded_attributes = preg_replace( '/&/', '\\u0026', $encoded_attributes );
// Regex: /\\"/.
$encoded_attributes = preg_replace( '/\\\\"/', '\\u0022', $encoded_attributes );
return $encoded_attributes;
* Set ACF data before a rest call if media scripts have not been enqueued yet for after REST reset.
* @date 07/06/22
* @since 6.0
* @param WP_REST_Response|WP_HTTP_Response|WP_Error|mixed $response The WordPress response object.
* @return mixed
function acf_set_after_rest_media_enqueue_reset_flag( $response ) {
global $wp_actions;
acf_set_data( 'acf_inside_rest_call', true );
acf_set_data( 'acf_should_reset_media_enqueue', empty( $wp_actions['wp_enqueue_media'] ) );
acf_set_data( 'acf_did_render_block_form', false );
return $response;
add_filter( 'rest_request_before_callbacks', 'acf_set_after_rest_media_enqueue_reset_flag' );
* Reset wp_enqueue_media action count after REST call so it can happen inside the main execution if required.
* @date 07/06/22
* @since 6.0
* @param WP_REST_Response|WP_HTTP_Response|WP_Error|mixed $response The WordPress response object.
* @return mixed
function acf_reset_media_enqueue_after_rest( $response ) {
acf_set_data( 'acf_inside_rest_call', false );
if ( acf_get_data( 'acf_should_reset_media_enqueue' ) && acf_get_data( 'acf_did_render_block_form' ) ) {
global $wp_actions;
//phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited -- no other option here as this works around a breaking WordPress change with REST preload scopes.
$wp_actions['wp_enqueue_media'] = 0;
return $response;
add_filter( 'rest_request_after_callbacks', 'acf_reset_media_enqueue_after_rest' );