
2205 lines
76 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-04-10 17:46:06 +05:45
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access allowed');
class WP_Optimize_Minify_Front_End {
private $collect_preload_js = array();
private $collect_preload_css = array();
private $collect_google_fonts = array();
private $minify_cache_incremented = false;
private $options = array();
* Initialize actions and filters
* @return void
public function __construct() {
$this->options = wp_optimize_minify_config()->get();
// Main process
add_action('wp', array($this, 'init'));
// Beaver builder
add_action('fl_builder_after_save_layout', array('WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions', 'reset'));
// extra_preload_headers is currently not available to users
// add_action('send_headers', array($this, 'extra_preload_headers'));
* Fired on wp init
* @return void
public function init() {
* Check whether Minify is run on the current page
if (!$this->run_on_page()) return;
if ($this->options['emoji_removal']) {
if ($this->options['clean_header_one']) {
// Headers & Preload JS/CSS/Extra
if ($this->options['enabled_css_preload'] || $this->options['enabled_js_preload']) {
add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'generate_preload_headers'), PHP_INT_MAX);
if ($this->options['enable_js']) {
if ($this->options['enable_css']) {
// Preload tags
if (trim($this->options['hpreload'])) {
add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'add_assets_preload'), 2);
if ($this->should_process_html()) {
add_action('template_redirect', array('WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions', 'html_compression_start'), PHP_INT_MAX);
if ($this->should_use_loadCSS()) {
add_action('wp_footer', array('WP_Optimize_Minify_Print', 'add_load_css'), PHP_INT_MAX);
* Detects whether cache preloading is running or not
* @return bool
private function is_cache_preload() {
* Wether to run the feature on a page or not
* @param string $context - Optional, The context where the check is done
* @return boolean
public function run_on_page($context = 'default') {
* Filters wether the functionality is ran on the current page.
* @param boolean $run_on_page
* @param string $context - Optional, The feature where the check is done
return apply_filters(
&& (!defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') || !SCRIPT_DEBUG)
&& !is_preview()
&& (!function_exists('is_customize_preview') || !is_customize_preview())
&& !($this->options['disable_when_logged_in'] && is_user_logged_in())
&& !(function_exists('is_amp_endpoint') && is_amp_endpoint())
&& !WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::exclude_contents(),
* Inline css in place, instead of inlining the large file
* @param String $html
* @param String $handle
* @param String $href
* @param String $media
* @return String
public function inline_css($html, $handle, $href, $media) {
$exclude_css = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['exclude_css'])));
$ignore_list = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::compile_ignore_list($exclude_css);
$blacklist = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_ie_blacklist();
$async_css = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['async_css'])));
$master_ignore = array_merge($ignore_list, $blacklist);
// make sure href is complete
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($href);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Inline CSS processing start $handle / $href -->\n";
// skip all this, if the async css option is enabled
if ($this->options['loadcss']) return $html;
// remove all css?
if ($this->options['remove_css']) return false;
// leave conditionals alone
if (wp_styles()->get_data($handle, 'conditional')) return $html;
// mediatype fix for some plugins + remove print mediatypes
if ('screen' == $media
|| 'screen, print' == $media
|| empty($media)
|| is_null($media)
|| false == $media
) {
$media = 'all';
if (!empty($this->options['remove_print_mediatypes']) && 'print' == $media) {
return false;
// Exclude specific CSS files from PageSpeedInsights?
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $async_css)) {
return false;
// remove wpo_min from the ignore list
$ignore_list = array_filter($ignore_list, array($this, 'check_wpo'));
// return if in any ignore or black list
if (count($master_ignore) > 0 && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $master_ignore)) {
return $html;
// check if working with a font awesom link
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_font_awesome($href)) {
// font awesome processing, async css
if ('async' == $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::async_style($href, $media);
return false;
} elseif ('exclude' === $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
// font awesome processing, async and exclude from PageSpeedIndex
return false;
} elseif ('inline' == $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::inline_style($handle, $href);
return false;
// Check if working with google font url
if ('' == parse_url($href, PHP_URL_HOST)) {
// check if google fonts should be removed
if ($this->options['remove_googlefonts']) return false;
// check if google fonts should be merged
if ($this->options['merge_google_fonts']) {
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_flatsome_handle($handle)) {
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::fix_flatsome_google_fonts_url($href);
$this->collect_google_fonts[$handle] = $href;
} else {
$this->collect_google_fonts[$handle] = $href;
return false;
} else {
if ('inline' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_flatsome_handle($handle)) {
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::fix_flatsome_google_fonts_url($href);
// download, minify, cache
$tkey = 'css-'.hash('adler32', $handle.$href).'.css';
$json = false;
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::get_transient($tkey);
if (false === $json) {
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::download_and_minify($href, null, $this->options['enable_css_minification'], 'css', $handle);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Uncached file processing now for $handle / $href -->\n";
WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::set_transient($tkey, $json);
// decode
$res = json_decode($json, true);
// add font-display
$res['code'] = str_ireplace('font-style:normal;', 'font-display:block;font-style:normal;', $res['code']);
// inline css or fail
if (false != $res['status']) {
echo '<style class="optimize_css_1" type="text/css" media="all">'.$res['code'].'</style>' . "\n";
return false;
} else {
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Google fonts request failed for $href -->\n";
return $html;
} elseif ('async' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
return false;
} elseif ('exclude' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
return false;
// skip external scripts that are not specifically allowed
if (false === WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::internal_url($href, site_url()) || empty($href)) {
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Skipped the next external enqueued CSS -->\n";
return $html;
$file_size = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_file_size($href);
// If we can't determine file size, then we still need to proceed with normal minify process
if (apply_filters('wp_optimize_skip_inlining', false === $file_size || $file_size > 20480, $file_size, $href)) return $html;
// download, minify, cache
$tkey = 'css-'.hash('adler32', $handle.$href).'.css';
$json = false;
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::get_transient($tkey);
if (false === $json) {
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::download_and_minify($href, null, $this->options['enable_css_minification'], 'css', $handle);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Uncached file processing now for $handle / $href -->" . "\n";
WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::set_transient($tkey, $json);
// decode
$res = json_decode($json, true);
// inline it + other inlined children styles
if (false != $res['status']) {
echo '<style class="optimize_css_2" type="text/css" media="'.$media.'">'.$res['code'].'</style>' . "\n";
// get inline_styles for this handle, minify and print
$inline_styles = array();
$inline_styles = wp_styles()->get_data($handle, 'after');
if (false != $inline_styles) {
// string type
if (is_string($inline_styles)) {
$code = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_css($href, $inline_styles, $this->options['enable_css_minification']);
if (!empty($code) && false != $code) {
echo '<style class="optimize_css_3" type="text/css" media="'.$media.'">'.$code.'</style>' . "\n";
// array type
if (is_array($inline_styles)) {
foreach ($inline_styles as $st) {
$code = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_css($href, $st, $this->options['enable_css_minification']);
if (!empty($code) && false != $code) {
echo '<style class="optimize_css_4" type="text/css" media="'.$media.'">'.$code.'</style>' . "\n";
// prevent default
return false;
} else {
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: $handle / $href returned an empty from minification -->" . "\n";
return $html;
echo "<!-- ERROR: WPO-Minify couldn't catch the CSS file below. Please report this on -->\n";
return $html;
* Enable defer for JavaScript (WP 4.1 and above) and remove query strings for ignored files
* @param String $tag
* @param String $handle
* @param String $src
* @return String
public function defer_js($tag, $handle, $src) {
$wp_domain = trim(str_ireplace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', trim(site_url(), '/')));
$exclude_js = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['exclude_js'])));
$ignore_list = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::compile_ignore_list($exclude_js);
// Should this defer the Poly fills for IE?
$blacklist = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_ie_blacklist();
// no query strings
if (false !== stripos($src, '?ver')) {
$srcf = stristr($src, '?ver', true); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.NewFunctionParameters.stristr_before_needleFound
$tag = str_ireplace($src, $srcf, $tag);
$src = $srcf;
// return if defer option is set to individual
if ('individual' === $this->options['enable_defer_js']) {
return $tag;
// return the tag if it's a polyfill
if (count($blacklist) > 0 && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($src, $blacklist)) {
return $tag;
// Skip deferring the jQuery library option, if the defer jQuery option is disabled
if (!$this->options['defer_jquery']
&& (false !== stripos($tag, '/jquery.js')
|| false !== stripos($tag, '/jquery.min.js')
|| (false !== stripos($tag, '/jquery-') && false !== stripos($tag, '.js')))
) {
return $tag;
// return if external script url
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_local_domain($src) !== true) {
return $tag;
// bypass if already optimized
if (false !== stripos($tag, 'navigator.userAgent.match')) {
return $tag;
// should we exclude defer on the login page?
if ($this->options['exclude_defer_login']
&& false !== stripos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], strrchr(wp_login_url(), '/'))
) {
return $tag;
// add defer attribute, but only if not having async or defer already
if (stripos($tag, 'defer') === false && stripos($tag, 'async') === false) {
// add cdn for PageSpeedIndex
if (!empty($this->options['cdn_url'])) {
$cdn_url = trim(trim(str_ireplace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', trim($this->options['cdn_url'], '/'))), '/');
$src = str_ireplace($wp_domain, $cdn_url, $src);
if ('async_using_js' === $this->options['defer_js_type']) {
return WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::async_script($src, false);
// remove wpo_min from the ignore list
$ignore_list = array_filter($ignore_list, array($this, 'check_wpo'));
if (count($ignore_list) > 0 && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($src, $ignore_list)) {
return $tag;
} else {
* Filters whether to use the defer attribute or async.
* @default string 'defer' (any other value will be set to async)
* @param string $value - 'defer' or 'async'
* @param string $tag - The <script> tag
* @param string $handle - The WP handle for the script
* @param string $src - The SRC for the script
* @return string - 'defer' or 'async'
$defer_or_async = apply_filters('wpo_minify_defer_or_async', 'defer', $tag, $handle, $src);
if ('defer' === $defer_or_async) {
return str_ireplace('<script ', '<script defer ', $tag);
} else {
return str_ireplace('<script ', '<script async ', $tag);
// fallback
return $tag;
* Add inline CSS code / Critical Path
* @return void
public function add_critical_path() {
if (is_front_page() && !empty($this->options['critical_path_css_is_front_page'])) {
echo '<style id="critical-path-is-front-page" type="text/css" media="all">' . "\n" . $this->options['critical_path_css_is_front_page'] . "\n" . '</style>' . "\n";
} elseif (!empty($this->options['critical_path_css'])) {
echo '<style id="critical-path-global" type="text/css" media="all">' . "\n" . $this->options['critical_path_css'] . "\n" . '</style>' . "\n";
* Add critical assets preload
* @return void
public function add_assets_preload() {
$preload = json_decode($this->options['hpreload']);
if (is_array($preload)) {
foreach ($preload as $asset) {
if (!empty($asset)) {
echo '<link rel="preload" href="'.esc_url($asset->href).'" as="'.esc_attr($asset->type).'"'.($asset->crossorigin ? ' crossorigin' : '').'>';
* Process header CSS
* @return boolean
public function process_header_css() {
global $wp_styles;
if (!is_object($wp_styles)) return false;
$cache_path = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::cache_path();
$cache_dir = $cache_path['cachedir'];
$cache_dir_url = $cache_path['cachedirurl'];
$exclude_css = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['exclude_css'])));
$ignore_list = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::compile_ignore_list($exclude_css);
$async_css = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['async_css'])));
$minify_css = $this->options['enable_css_minification'];
$merge_css = $this->options['enable_merging_of_css'];
$merge_inline_extra_css_js = $this->options['merge_inline_extra_css_js'];
$process_css = $minify_css || $merge_css;
$styles = clone $wp_styles;
$done = $styles->done;
$header = array();
$google_fonts = array();
$process = array();
$inline_css = array();
$log = '';
// dequeue all styles
if (isset($this->options['remove_css']) && $this->options['remove_css']) {
foreach ($styles->to_do as $handle) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// remove from queue
$wp_styles->done = $done;
return false;
// get list of handles to process, dequeue duplicate css urls and keep empty source handles (for dependencies)
$uniq = array();
foreach ($styles->to_do as $handle) {
// conditionals
$conditional = null; if (isset($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra["conditional"])) {
$conditional = $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra["conditional"]; // such as ie7, ie8, ie9, etc
// mediatype
$mt = isset($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->args) ? $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->args : 'all';
if ('screen' == $mt || 'screen, print' == $mt || empty($mt) || is_null($mt) || false == $mt) {
$mt = 'all';
$mediatype = $mt;
// full url or empty
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src);
$version = $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->ver;
// inlined scripts without file
if (empty($href)) continue;
// mark duplicates as done and remove from the queue
if (!empty($href)) {
$key = hash('adler32', $href . $version);
if (isset($uniq[$key])) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} else {
$uniq[$key] = $handle;
// Exclude specific CSS files from PageSpeedIndex?
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $async_css)) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// Fonts Awesome Processing
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_font_awesome($href)) {
if ('inline' === $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::inline_style($handle, $href);
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} elseif ('async' === $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::async_style($href, $mediatype);
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} elseif ('exclude' === $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// Exclude Print mediatype
if (!empty($this->options['remove_print_mediatypes']) && 'print' === $mediatype) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// array of info to save
$arr = array(
'handle' => $handle,
'url' => $href,
'conditional' => $conditional,
'mediatype' => $mediatype
// google fonts to the top (collect and skip process array)
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_google_font($href)) {
if ($this->options['remove_googlefonts']) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_flatsome_handle($handle)) {
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::fix_flatsome_google_fonts_url($href);
$google_fonts[$handle] = $href;
} else {
$google_fonts[$handle] = $href;
$process[$handle] = $arr;
// Process Google fonts
if (count($google_fonts) > 0) {
// merge google fonts if force inlining is enabled?
$nfonts = array();
if ($this->options['merge_google_fonts']) {
$nfonts[] = WP_Optimize_Minify_Fonts::concatenate_google_fonts($google_fonts);
} else {
foreach ($google_fonts as $h => $a) {
if (!empty($a)) {
$nfonts[$h] = $a;
// foreach google font (will be one if merged is not disabled)
foreach ($nfonts as $handle => $href) {
if ('inline' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
// download, minify, cache
$tkey = 'css-'.hash('adler32', $href).'.css';
// this returns false if the cache is empty! but it doesn't check for failed
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::get_transient($tkey);
$json = json_decode($json, true);
// check if the cache is empty or if the cache has code
if (false === $json || empty($json['code'])) {
$res = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::download_and_minify($href, null, $minify_css, 'css', null);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Uncached file processing now for $href -->\n";
WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::set_transient($tkey, $res);
// decode
$json = json_decode($res, true);
// inline css or fail
if (!empty($json['code'])) {
// add font-display
$json['code'] = str_ireplace('font-style:normal;', 'font-display:block;font-style:normal;', $json['code']);
echo '<style type="text/css" media="all">'.$json['code'].'</style>' . "\n";
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} else {
echo "<!-- GOOGLE FONTS REQUEST FAILED for $href -->" . "\n";
// inlining failed, so enqueue again
wp_enqueue_style($handle, $href, array(), null);
} elseif ('async' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} elseif ('exclude' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
// make a stylesheet, hide from PageSpeedIndex
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// get groups of handles
foreach ($styles->to_do as $handle) {
// skip already processed google fonts and empty dependencies
if (isset($google_fonts[$handle]) && 'inherit' !== $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
if (empty($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src)) {
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($handle, $done)) {
if (!isset($process[$handle])) {
// get full url
$href = $process[$handle]['url'];
$conditional = $process[$handle]['conditional'];
$mediatype = $process[$handle]['mediatype'];
// IE only files don't increment things
$ieonly = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_url_in_ie_blacklist($href);
if ($ieonly) {
$file_size = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_file_size($href);
// If we can't determine file size, then we still need to proceed with normal minify process
if (!apply_filters('wp_optimize_skip_inlining', false === $file_size || $file_size > 20480 || !$this->options['inline_css'], $file_size, $href)) continue;
// skip ignore list, conditional css, external css, font-awesome merge
if (($process_css && !WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $ignore_list) && !isset($conditional) && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::internal_url($href, site_url()))
|| empty($href)
|| ($process_css && 'inherit' == $this->options['fawesome_method'] && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_font_awesome($href))
|| ($process_css && 'inherit' == $this->options['gfonts_method'] && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_google_font($href))
) {
// colect inline css for this handle
if (isset($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after']) && is_array($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])) {
$inline_css[$handle] = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::minify_css_string(implode('', $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])); // save
$wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after'] = null; // dequeue
// process
if (isset($header[count($header)-1]['handle']) || count($header) == 0 || $header[count($header)-1]['media'] != $mediatype || !$merge_css) {
array_push($header, array('handles' => array(), 'media' => $mediatype, 'versions' => array()));
// push it to the array
array_push($header[count($header)-1]['handles'], $handle);
array_push($header[count($header)-1]['handles'], $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->ver);
// external and ignored css
} else {
// normal enqueuing
array_push($header, array('handle' => $handle));
* Filters the array of stylesheets before processing them
* @param array $list - The list of items filtered
* @param string $location - The location of the list (footer or header)
* @return array
$header = apply_filters('wpo_minify_stylesheets', $header, 'header');
// loop through header css and merge
for ($i=0,$l=count($header); $i<$l; $i++) {
if (!isset($header[$i]['handle'])) {
if ($merge_css) {
// get hash for the inline css in this group
$inline_css_group = array();
foreach ($header[$i]['handles'] as $h) {
if (isset($inline_css[$h]) && !empty($inline_css[$h])) {
$inline_css_group[] = $inline_css[$h];
$inline_css_hash = md5(implode('', $inline_css_group));
$hash = hash('adler32', implode('', $header[$i]['handles']).$inline_css_hash . implode('', $header[$i]['versions']));
} else {
$hash = implode('', $header[$i]['handles']) . implode('', $header[$i]['versions']);
// static cache file info
$file_name = 'wpo-minify-header-'.$hash.($minify_css ? '.min' : '');
// create cache files and urls
$file = $cache_dir.'/'.$file_name.'.css';
$file_url = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_protocol("$cache_dir_url/$file_name.css");
// generate a new cache file
if (!file_exists($file)) {
// code and log initialization
$log = array(
'header' => "PROCESSED on ".date('r')." from ".home_url(add_query_arg(null, null)),
'files' => array()
$code = '';
// minify and write to file
foreach ($header[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (!empty($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src)) {
// get href per handle
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src);
$version = $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->ver;
// inlined scripts without file
if (empty($href)) continue;
// download, minify, cache
$tkey = 'css-'.hash('adler32', $handle . $href).'.css';
$json = false;
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::get_transient($tkey);
if (false === $json) {
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::download_and_minify($href, null, $this->options['enable_css_minification'], 'css', $handle, $version);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Uncached file processing now for $handle / $href / $version -->" . "\n";
WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::set_transient($tkey, $json);
// decode
$res = json_decode($json, true);
if (isset($res['request']['version']) && $res['request']['version'] != $version && !$this->minify_cache_incremented) {
$this->minify_cache_incremented = true;
// response has failed
if (true != $res['status']) {
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
// Only add the $handle to $done if it was successfully downloaded
$done[] = $handle;
// append code to merged file
$code .= isset($res['code']) ? $res['code'] : '';
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
// append inlined styles
if ($merge_inline_extra_css_js && isset($inline_css[$handle]) && !empty($inline_css[$handle])) {
$code.= $inline_css[$handle];
// consider dependencies on handles with an empty src
} else {
// generate cache, write log
if (!empty($code)) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::write_combined_asset($file, $code, $log);
} else {
$log_file = $file.'.json';
if (file_exists($log_file)) {
$saved_log = json_decode(file_get_contents($log_file));
if (is_object($saved_log) && property_exists($saved_log, 'files')) {
$files = (array) $saved_log->files;
foreach ($header[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (isset($files[$handle]) && $files[$handle]->success) {
$done[] = $handle;
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $header[$i]['handles']);
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $header[$i]['handles']);
// the developers tab, takes precedence
// Async CSS with loadCSS ?
if ($this->options['loadcss'] && empty($this->options['remove_css'])) {
$mt = $header[$i]['media'];
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::async_style($file_url, $mt);
// enqueue file, if not empty
} else {
if (file_exists($file) && filesize($file) > 0) {
// inline CSS if mediatype is not of type "all" (such as mobile only), if the file is smaller than 20KB
if (filesize($file) < 20000 && 'all' != $header[$i]['media']) {
echo '<style id="wpo-min-header-'.$i.'" media="'.$header[$i]['media'].'">'.file_get_contents($file).'</style>' . "\n";
} else {
// enqueue it
wp_enqueue_style("wpo_min-header-$i", $file_url, array(), 'mycoolversion', $header[$i]['media']);
foreach ($header[$i]['handles'] as $h) {
if (!$merge_inline_extra_css_js && isset($inline_css[$h]) && !empty($inline_css[$h])) {
wp_add_inline_style("wpo_min-header-$i", $inline_css[$h]);
} else {
// file could not be generated, output something meaningful
echo "<!-- ERROR: WP-Optimize Minify was not allowed to save its cache on - ".str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $file)." -->";
echo "<!-- Please check if the path above is correct and ensure your server has write permission there! -->";
// other css need to be requeued for the order of files to be kept
} else {
// remove from queue
$wp_styles->done = $done;
return true;
* Process JS in the footer
* @return void
public function process_footer_scripts() {
global $wp_scripts;
if (!is_object($wp_scripts)) {
$cache_path = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::cache_path();
$cache_dir = $cache_path['cachedir'];
$cache_dir_url = $cache_path['cachedirurl'];
$exclude_js = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['exclude_js'])));
$ignore_list = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::compile_ignore_list($exclude_js);
$async_js = trim($this->options['async_js']) ? array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['async_js']))) : array();
$scripts = clone $wp_scripts;
$footer = array();
$minify_js = $this->options['enable_js_minification'];
$merge_js = $this->options['enable_merging_of_js'];
$process_js = $minify_js || $merge_js;
$merge_inline_extra_css_js = $this->options['merge_inline_extra_css_js'];
// mark as done (as we go)
$done = $scripts->done;
// get groups of handles
foreach ($scripts->to_do as $handle) :
// get full url
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src);
// inlined scripts without file
if (empty($href)) {
// Exclude JS files from PageSpeedIndex (Async) takes priority over the ignore list
if (false != $async_js || is_array($async_js)) {
// check for string match
$skipjs = false;
foreach ($async_js as $l) {
if (stripos($href, $l) !== false) {
// print code if there are no linebreaks, or return
$skipjs = true;
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
if (false != $skipjs) {
// IE only files don't increment things
$ieonly = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_url_in_ie_blacklist($href);
if ($ieonly) {
// skip ignore list, scripts with conditionals, external scripts
if (($process_js && !WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $ignore_list) && !isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra["conditional"]) && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::internal_url($href, site_url()))
|| empty($href)
) {
// process
if (isset($footer[count($footer)-1]['handle']) || !count($footer) || !$merge_js) {
array_push($footer, array('handles' => array(), 'versions' => array()));
if (isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])) {
if (!empty($footer[count($footer)-1]['handles'])) {
array_push($footer, array('handles' => array(), 'versions' => array()));
// push it to the array
array_push($footer[count($footer)-1]['handles'], $handle);
array_push($footer[count($footer)-1]['versions'], $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->ver);
// external and ignored scripts
} else {
array_push($footer, array('handle' => $handle));
// loop through footer scripts and merge
for ($i=0,$l=count($footer); $i<$l; $i++) {
if (!isset($footer[$i]['handle'])) {
if ($merge_js) {
// Change the hash based on version numbers
$hash = hash('adler32', implode('', $footer[$i]['handles']) . implode('', $footer[$i]['versions']));
} else {
$hash = implode('', $footer[$i]['handles']) . implode('', $footer[$i]['versions']);
// static cache file info
$file_name = 'wpo-minify-footer-'.$hash.($minify_js ? '.min' : '');
// create cache files and urls
$file = $cache_dir.'/'.$file_name.'.js';
$file_url = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_protocol($cache_dir_url.'/'.$file_name.'.js');
// generate a new cache file
if (!file_exists($file)) {
// code and log initialization
$log = array(
'header' => "PROCESSED on ".date('r')." from ".home_url(add_query_arg(null, null)),
'files' => array()
$code = '';
// minify and write to file
foreach ($footer[$i]['handles'] as $handle) :
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src)) {
// get href per handle
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src);
$version = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->ver;
// inlined scripts without file
if (empty($href)) {
// download, minify, cache
$tkey = 'js-'.hash('adler32', $handle . $href).'.js';
$json = false;
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::get_transient($tkey);
if (false === $json) {
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::download_and_minify($href, null, $minify_js, 'js', $handle, $version);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Uncached file processing now for $handle / $href / $version -->\n";
WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::set_transient($tkey, $json);
// decode
$res = json_decode($json, true);
if (isset($res['request']['version']) && $res['request']['version'] != $version && !$this->minify_cache_incremented) {
$this->minify_cache_incremented = true;
// response has failed
if (true != $res['status']) {
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
$done[] = $handle;
// Add extra data from wp_add_inline_script before
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra)) {
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])) {
if ($merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$code.= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])), $href . ' - BEFORE');
// Add translation
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->textdomain)) {
$code .= "\n" . $wp_scripts->print_translations($handle, false);
// append code to merged file
$code .= isset($res['code']) ? WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js($res['code'], $href) : '';
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
// Add extra data from wp_add_inline_script after
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra)) {
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])) {
if ($merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$code.= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])), $href. ' - AFTER');
// consider dependencies on handles with an empty src
} else {
// generate cache, write log
if (!empty($code)) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::write_combined_asset($file, $code, $log);
} else {
$log_file = $file.'.json';
if (file_exists($log_file)) {
$saved_log = json_decode(file_get_contents($log_file));
if (is_object($saved_log) && property_exists($saved_log, 'files')) {
$files = (array) $saved_log->files;
foreach ($footer[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (isset($files[$handle]) && $files[$handle]->success) {
$done[] = $handle;
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $footer[$i]['handles']);
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $footer[$i]['handles']);
// register minified file
wp_register_script("wpo_min-footer-$i", $file_url, array(), null, false);
// add all extra data from wp_localize_script
$before_code = '';
$data = array();
$after_code = '';
foreach ($footer[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['data'])) {
$data[] = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['data'];
// Add extra data from wp_add_inline_script before
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra)) {
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])) {
if (!$merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$before_code.= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])), $href.' - BEFORE');
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])) {
if (!$merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$after_code.= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])), $href.' - AFTER');
if (count($data) > 0) {
$wp_scripts->registered["wpo_min-footer-$i"]->extra['data'] = implode("\n", $data);
// enqueue file, if not empty
if (file_exists($file) && (filesize($file) > 0 || count($data) > 0)) {
if (!empty($before_code)) {
wp_add_inline_script("wpo_min-footer-$i", $before_code, 'before');
if (!empty($after_code)) {
wp_add_inline_script("wpo_min-footer-$i", $after_code, 'after');
} else {
// file could not be generated, output something meaningful
echo "<!-- ERROR: WP-Optimize Minify was not allowed to save its cache on - ".str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $file)." -->";
echo "<!-- Please check if the path above is correct and ensure your server has write permission there! -->";
// other scripts need to be requeued for the order of files to be kept
} else {
// remove from queue
$wp_scripts->done = $done;
* Process header JavaScript
* Dependant on 'enable_js' option
* @return void
public function process_header_scripts() {
global $wp_scripts;
if (!is_object($wp_scripts)) return;
$cache_path = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::cache_path();
$cache_dir = $cache_path['cachedir'];
$cache_dir_url = $cache_path['cachedirurl'];
$exclude_js = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['exclude_js'])));
$ignore_list = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::compile_ignore_list($exclude_js);
$async_js = trim($this->options['async_js']) ? array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['async_js']))) : array();
$scripts = clone $wp_scripts;
$minify_js = $this->options['enable_js_minification'];
$merge_js = $this->options['enable_merging_of_js'];
$process_js = $minify_js || $merge_js;
$merge_inline_extra_css_js = $this->options['merge_inline_extra_css_js'];
$header = array();
// mark as done (as we go)
$done = $scripts->done;
$excluded_dependencies = array();
// Prepare and separate assets (get groups of handles)
foreach ($scripts->to_do as $handle) {
// get full url
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src);
// inlined scripts without file
if (empty($href)) {
wp_enqueue_script($handle, false);
// Only go through items without a group
if (!$scripts->groups[$handle]) {
// Exclude JS files from PageSpeedIndex (Async) takes priority over the ignore list
// check for string match
$skipjs = false;
foreach ($async_js as $l) {
if (stripos($href, $l) !== false) {
$skipjs = true;
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// IE only files don't increment things
if ($skipjs
|| WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_url_in_ie_blacklist($href)
) {
// Skip jQuery from the merged files if defering is ENABLED and defer_jquery is DISABLED
if ('all' === $this->options['enable_defer_js']
&& !$this->options['defer_jquery']
&& (false !== stripos($href, '/jquery.js')
|| false !== stripos($href, '/jquery.min.js')
|| (false !== stripos($href, '/jquery-') && false !== stripos($href, '.js')))
) {
// Group handles - skip ignore list, scripts with conditionals, external scripts
if (($process_js && !WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $ignore_list) && !isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra["conditional"]) && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::internal_url($href, site_url()))
|| empty($href)
) {
// process
if (isset($header[count($header)-1]['handle']) || !count($header) || !$merge_js) {
array_push($header, array('handles' => array(), 'versions' => array()));
// Force loading of dependencies
foreach ($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->deps as $dep) {
// If the handle is not present in $done yet, or excluded, enqueue it.
$dep_href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_scripts->registered[$dep]->src);
if (!in_array($dep, $done) && !WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($dep_href, $ignore_list)) {
// Include any dependency
array_push($header[count($header)-1]['handles'], $dep);
array_push($header[count($header)-1]['versions'], $wp_scripts->registered[$dep]->ver);
} elseif (!in_array($dep, $done) && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($dep_href, $ignore_list)) {
// The dependency is in the exclude list
array_push($header, array('handle' => $dep));
// Record dependency to be added to the minified script as dependency array
if (isset($excluded_dependencies[count($header)])) {
$excluded_dependencies[count($header)][] = $dep;
} else {
$excluded_dependencies[count($header)] = array($dep);
// Adds the 'handles' record for the main script
array_push($header, array('handles' => array(), 'versions' => array()));
if (isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])) {
if (!empty($header[count($header)-1]['handles'])) {
array_push($header, array('handles' => array(), 'versions' => array()));
// push it to the array
array_push($header[count($header)-1]['handles'], $handle);
array_push($header[count($header)-1]['versions'], $scripts->registered[$handle]->ver);
// external and ignored scripts
} else {
// add the ignored assets
array_push($header, array('handle' => $handle));
// make sure that the scripts skipped here, show up in the footer
} else {
wp_enqueue_script($handle, $href, array(), null, true);
// loop through header scripts and merge
for ($i=0,$l=count($header); $i < $l; $i++) {
if (!isset($header[$i]['handle'])) {
if ($merge_js) {
$hash = hash('adler32', implode('', $header[$i]['handles']) . implode('', $header[$i]['versions']));
} else {
$hash = implode('', $header[$i]['handles']) . implode('', $header[$i]['versions']);
// static cache file info
$file_name = 'wpo-minify-header-'.$hash.($minify_js ? '.min' : '');
// create cache files and urls
$file = $cache_dir.'/'.$file_name.'.js';
$file_url = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_protocol($cache_dir_url.'/'.$file_name.'.js');
// generate a new cache file
if (!file_exists($file)) {
// code and log initialization
$log = array(
'header' => "PROCESSED on ".date('r')." from ".home_url(add_query_arg(null, null)),
'files' => array()
$code = '';
// minify and write to file
foreach ($header[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src)) {
// get href per handle
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->src);
$version = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->ver;
if (empty($href)) continue;
// download, minify, cache
$tkey = 'js-'.hash('adler32', $handle . $href).'.js';
$json = false;
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::get_transient($tkey);
if (false === $json) {
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::download_and_minify($href, null, $minify_js, 'js', $handle, $version);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Uncached file processing now for $handle / $href / $version -->" . "\n";
WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::set_transient($tkey, $json);
// decode
$res = json_decode($json, true);
if (isset($res['request']['version']) && $res['request']['version'] != $version && !$this->minify_cache_incremented) {
$this->minify_cache_incremented = true;
// response has failed
if (true != $res['status']) {
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
// Add extra data from wp_add_inline_script before
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra)) {
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])) {
if ($merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$code .= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])), $href.' - BEFORE');
// Only add the $handle to $done if it was successfully downloaded
$done[] = $handle;
// Add translations
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->textdomain)) {
$code .= "\n" . $wp_scripts->print_translations($handle, false);
// append code to merged file
$code .= isset($res['code']) ? WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js($res['code'], $href) : '';
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
// Add extra data from wp_add_inline_script after
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra)) {
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])) {
if ($merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$code.= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])), $href.' - AFTER');
// consider dependencies on handles with an empty src
} else {
// generate cache, write log
if (!empty($code)) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::write_combined_asset($file, $code, $log);
} else {
$log_file = $file.'.json';
if (file_exists($log_file)) {
$saved_log = json_decode(file_get_contents($log_file));
if (is_object($saved_log) && property_exists($saved_log, 'files')) {
$files = (array) $saved_log->files;
foreach ($header[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (isset($files[$handle]) && $files[$handle]->success) {
$done[] = $handle;
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $header[$i]['handles']);
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $header[$i]['handles']);
// register minified file
$dependencies = isset($excluded_dependencies[$i]) ? $excluded_dependencies[$i] : array();
wp_register_script("wpo_min-header-$i", $file_url, $dependencies, null, false);
// add all extra data from wp_localize_script
$before_code = '';
$data = array();
$after_code = '';
foreach ($header[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (isset($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['data'])) {
$data[] = $wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['data'];
// Add extra data from wp_add_inline_script before
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra)) {
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])) {
if (!$merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$before_code.= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['before'])), $href.' - BEFORE');
if (!empty($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after']) && is_array($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])) {
if (!$merge_inline_extra_css_js) {
$after_code.= "\n" . WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::prepare_merged_js(implode("\n", array_filter($wp_scripts->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])), $href.' - AFTER');
if (count($data) > 0) {
$wp_scripts->registered["wpo_min-header-$i"]->extra['data'] = implode("\n", $data);
// enqueue file, if not empty
if (file_exists($file) && (filesize($file) > 0 || count($data) > 0)) {
if (!empty($before_code)) {
wp_add_inline_script("wpo_min-header-$i", $before_code, 'before');
if (!empty($after_code)) {
wp_add_inline_script("wpo_min-header-$i", $after_code, 'after');
} else {
// file could not be generated, output something meaningful
echo "<!-- ERROR: WP-Optimize minify was not allowed to save its cache on - ".str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $file)." -->";
echo "<!-- Please check if the path above is correct and ensure your server has write permission there! -->";
echo "<!-- If you found a bug, please report this on -->";
// other scripts need to be requeued for the order of files to be kept
} else {
// remove from queue
$wp_scripts->done = $done;
* Process CSS in the footer
* @return void
public function process_footer_css() {
global $wp_styles;
if (!is_object($wp_styles)) return;
$cache_path = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::cache_path();
$cache_dir = $cache_path['cachedir'];
$cache_dir_url = $cache_path['cachedirurl'];
$exclude_css = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['exclude_css'])));
$ignore_list = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::compile_ignore_list($exclude_css);
$async_css = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['async_css'])));
$minify_css = $this->options['enable_css_minification'];
$merge_css = $this->options['enable_merging_of_css'];
$process_css = $minify_css || $merge_css;
$log = "";
$code = "";
$styles = clone $wp_styles;
$done = $styles->done;
$footer = array();
$google_fonts = array();
$inline_css = array();
// dequeue all styles
if (isset($this->options['remove_css']) && $this->options['remove_css']) {
foreach ($styles->to_do as $handle) :
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// remove from queue
$wp_styles->done = $done;
// dequeue and get a list of google fonts, or requeue external
foreach ($styles->to_do as $handle) {
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src);
// inlined scripts without file
if (empty($href)) continue;
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_google_font($href)) {
if ($this->options['remove_googlefonts']) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// mark as done if to be removed
if ($this->options['merge_google_fonts']
|| 'inline' === $this->options['gfonts_method']
) {
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_flatsome_handle($handle)) {
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::fix_flatsome_google_fonts_url($href);
$google_fonts[$handle] = $href;
} else {
$google_fonts[$handle] = $href;
} else {
// skip google fonts optimization?
} else {
// failsafe
// concat google fonts, if enabled
if ($this->options['merge_google_fonts']
&& count($google_fonts) > 0
|| ('inline' === $this->options['gfonts_method'] && count($google_fonts) > 0)
) {
// merge google fonts if force inlining is enabled?
$nfonts = array();
if ($this->options['merge_google_fonts']) {
$nfonts[] = WP_Optimize_Minify_Fonts::concatenate_google_fonts($google_fonts);
} else {
foreach ($google_fonts as $h => $a) {
if (!empty($a)) {
$nfonts[$h] = $a;
// foreach google font (will be one if merged is not disabled)
if (count($nfonts) > 0) {
foreach ($nfonts as $handle => $href) {
// hide from PageSpeedIndex, async, inline, or default
if ('exclude' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} elseif ('async' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
// async CSS
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} elseif ('inline' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
// inline css
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::inline_style($handle, $href);
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} else {
// fallback, enqueue google fonts
wp_enqueue_style($handle, $href, array(), null, 'all');
// get groups of handles
$uniq = array();
foreach ($styles->to_do as $handle) {
// skip already processed google fonts
if (isset($google_fonts[$handle])) {
// conditionals
$conditional = null; if (isset($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra["conditional"])) {
$conditional = $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra["conditional"]; // such as ie7, ie8, ie9, etc
// mediatype
$mt = isset($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->args) ? $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->args : 'all';
if ('screen' == $mt || 'screen, print' == $mt || empty($mt) || is_null($mt) || false == $mt) {
$mt = 'all';
$mediatype = $mt;
// get full url
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src);
$version = $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->ver;
// inlined scripts without file
if (empty($href)) {
// mark duplicates as done and remove from the queue
if (!empty($href)) {
$key = hash('adler32', $href . $version);
if (isset($uniq[$key])) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} else {
$uniq[$key] = $handle;
// IE only files don't increment things
$ieonly = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_url_in_ie_blacklist($href);
if ($ieonly) {
// Exclude specific CSS files from PageSpeedIndex?
if (false != $async_css && is_array($async_css) && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $async_css)) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
if (WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::is_font_awesome($href)) {
if ('inline' === $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::inline_style($handle, $href);
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} elseif ('async' === $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::async_style($href, $mediatype);
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
} elseif ('exclude' === $this->options['fawesome_method']) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// Exclude Print mediatype
if ($this->options['remove_print_mediatypes'] && 'print' === $mediatype) {
$done = array_merge($done, array($handle));
// skip ignore list, conditional css, external css, font-awesome merge
if (($process_css && !WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::in_arrayi($href, $ignore_list) && !isset($conditional) && WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::internal_url($href, site_url()))
|| empty($href)
) {
// colect inline css for this handle
if (isset($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after']) && is_array($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])) {
$inline_css[$handle] = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::minify_css_string(implode('', $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after'])); // save
$wp_styles->registered[$handle]->extra['after'] = null; // dequeue
// process
if (isset($footer[count($footer)-1]['handle']) || !count($footer) || $footer[count($footer)-1]['media'] != $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->args || !$merge_css) {
array_push($footer, array('handles' => array(), 'media' => $mediatype, 'versions' => array()));
// push it to the array get latest modified time
array_push($footer[count($footer)-1]['handles'], $handle);
array_push($footer[count($footer)-1]['handles'], $version);
// external and ignored css
} else {
// normal enqueueing
array_push($footer, array('handle' => $handle));
* Filters the array of stylesheets before processing them
* @param array $list - The list of items filtered
* @param string $location - The location of the list (footer or header)
* @return array
$footer = apply_filters('wpo_minify_stylesheets', $footer, 'footer');
// loop through footer css and merge
for ($i=0,$l=count($footer); $i<$l; $i++) {
if (!isset($footer[$i]['handle'])) {
if ($merge_css) {
// get hash for the inline css in this group
$inline_css_group = array();
foreach ($footer[$i]['handles'] as $h) {
if (isset($inline_css[$h]) && !empty($inline_css[$h])) {
$inline_css_group[] = $inline_css[$h];
$inline_css_hash = md5(implode('', $inline_css_group));
$hash = hash('adler32', implode('', $footer[$i]['handles']) . $inline_css_hash . implode('', $footer[$i]['versions']));
} else {
$hash = implode('', $footer[$i]['handles']) . implode('', $footer[$i]['versions']);
// static cache file info
$file_name = 'wpo-minify-footer-'.$hash.($minify_css ? '.min' : '');
// create cache files and urls
$file = $cache_dir.'/'.$file_name.'.css';
$file_url = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_protocol($cache_dir_url.'/'.$file_name.'.css');
// generate a new cache file
if (!file_exists($file)) {
// code and log initialization
$log = array(
'header' => "PROCESSED on ".date('r')." from ".home_url(add_query_arg(null, null)),
'files' => array()
$code = '';
// minify and write to file
foreach ($footer[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (!empty($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src)) {
// get href per handle
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::get_hurl($wp_styles->registered[$handle]->src);
$version = $wp_styles->registered[$handle]->ver;
// inlined scripts without hreffile
if (empty($href)) continue;
// download, minify, cache
$tkey = 'css-'.hash('adler32', $handle . $href).'.css';
$json = false;
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::get_transient($tkey);
if (false === $json) {
$json = WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions::download_and_minify($href, null, $minify_css, 'css', $handle, $version);
if ($this->options['debug']) {
echo "<!-- wpo_min DEBUG: Uncached file processing now for $handle / $href / $version -->" . "\n";
WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::set_transient($tkey, $json);
// decode
$res = json_decode($json, true);
if (isset($res['request']['version']) && $res['request']['version'] != $version && !$this->minify_cache_incremented) {
$this->minify_cache_incremented = true;
// response has failed
if (true != $res['status']) {
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
$done[] = $handle;
// append code to merged file
$code .= isset($res['code']) ? $res['code'] : '';
$log['files'][$handle] = $res['log'];
// append inlined styles
if (isset($inline_css[$handle]) && !empty($inline_css[$handle])) {
$code.= $inline_css[$handle];
// consider dependencies on handles with an empty src
} else {
// generate cache, add inline css, write log
if (!empty($code)) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::write_combined_asset($file, $code, $log);
} else {
$log_file = $file.'.json';
if (file_exists($log_file)) {
$saved_log = json_decode(file_get_contents($log_file));
if (is_object($saved_log) && property_exists($saved_log, 'files')) {
$files = (array) $saved_log->files;
foreach ($footer[$i]['handles'] as $handle) {
if (isset($files[$handle]) && $files[$handle]->success) {
$done[] = $handle;
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $footer[$i]['handles']);
} else {
// The merged file already exists, so add all files to $done.
$done = array_merge($done, $footer[$i]['handles']);
// Async CSS with loadCSS ?
if ($this->options['loadcss'] && !$this->options['remove_css']) {
$mt = $footer[$i]['media'];
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::async_style($file_url, $mt);
// enqueue file, if not empty
} else {
if (file_exists($file) && filesize($file) > 0) {
// inline if the file is smaller than 20KB or option has been enabled
if (filesize($file) < 20000 && $this->options['inline_css']) {
$this->inline_css(file_get_contents($file), $handle, $file_url, $footer[$i]['media']);
} else {
// enqueue it
wp_enqueue_style("wpo_min-footer-$i", $file_url, array(), null, $footer[$i]['media']);
} else {
// file could not be generated, output something meaningful
echo "<!-- ERROR: WP-Optimize Minify was not allowed to save its cache on - ".str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $file)." -->";
echo "<!-- Please check if the path above is correct and ensure your server has write permission there! -->";
// other css need to be requeued for the order of files to be kept
} else {
// remove from queue
$wp_styles->done = $done;
* Orders the CSS per media type
* @param array $list - The list of assets
* @return array
public function order_stylesheets_per_media_type($list) {
// get unique mediatypes
$allmedia = array();
foreach ($list as $array) {
if (isset($array['media'])) {
$allmedia[$array['media']] = '';
// extract handles by mediatype
$grouphandles = array();
foreach ($allmedia as $md => $var) {
foreach ($list as $array) {
if (isset($array['media']) && $array['media'] === $md) {
foreach ($array['handles'] as $h) {
$grouphandles[$md][] = $h;
// reset and reorder list by mediatypes
$newlist = array();
foreach ($allmedia as $md => $var) {
$newlist[] = array('handles' => $grouphandles[$md], 'media' => $md);
if (count($newlist) > 0) {
$list = $newlist;
return $list;
* Merged google font
* @return void;
public function add_google_fonts_merged() {
// must have something to do
if (count($this->collect_google_fonts) == 0) return;
// merge google fonts
$href = WP_Optimize_Minify_Fonts::concatenate_google_fonts($this->collect_google_fonts);
if (empty($href)) {
// hide google fonts from PageSpeedIndex
if ('exclude' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
// make a stylesheet, hide from PageSpeedIndex
} elseif ('async' === $this->options['gfonts_method']) {
// load google fonts async
} else {
// fallback to normal inline
// unset per hook
foreach ($this->collect_google_fonts as $k => $v) {
* Check if the string given contains 'wpo-minify'
* @param string $var
* @return boolean
public function check_wpo($var) {
return (false === strpos($var, 'assets/wpo-minify'));
* Generate preload headers file
* @return boolean
public function generate_preload_headers() {
// always false for admin pages
if (is_admin()) return false;
// get host with multisite support and query strings
$host = htmlentities($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
if (empty($host)) {
$host = htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$request_query = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
$request_uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
// initialize headers
$headers = array();
// css headers
if ($this->options['enabled_css_preload']
&& count($this->collect_preload_css) > 0
) {
foreach ($this->collect_preload_css as $u) {
// filter out footer footer files, because they are not in the critical path
if (strpos($u, '/assets/wpo-minify-footer-') !== false) {
// add headers
$headers[] = "Link: <$u>; rel=preload; as=style";
// js headers
if ($this->options['enabled_js_preload']
&& count($this->collect_preload_js) > 0
) {
foreach ($this->collect_preload_js as $u) {
// filter out footer footer files, because they are not in the critical path
if (false !== strpos($u, '/assets/wpo-minify-footer-')) {
// add headers
$headers[] = "Link: <$u>; rel=preload; as=script";
// must have something
if (count($headers) == 0) {
return false;
} else {
$headers = implode("\n", $headers);
// get cache path
$cache_path = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::cache_path();
$header_dir = $cache_path['headerdir'];
// possible cache file locations
$b = $header_dir . '/' . md5($host.'-'.$request_uri) . '.header';
$a = $header_dir . '/' . md5($host.'-'.$request_uri . $request_query).'.header';
// reset file cache
// if there are no query strings
if ($b == $a) {
if (!file_exists($a)) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::write_header($a, $headers);
return false;
} elseif (!file_exists($b)) {
WP_Optimize_Minify_Print::write_header($b, $headers);
return false;
* Collect all wpo_min JS files and save them to a headers file
* @param String $html
* @param String $handle
* @param String $src
* @return String
public function collect_js_preload_headers($html, $handle, $src) {
if (false !== strpos($src, 'assets/wpo-minify')) {
if (!in_array($src, $this->collect_preload_js)) {
$this->collect_preload_js[] = $src;
return $html . "\n";
* Collect all wpo_min CSS files and save them to a headers file
* this function intercepts the styles that are enqueued
* take note that if the css is loaded ASYNC, it's not enqueued
* @param string $html - Html string
* @param string $handle - Handle
* @param string $src - The CSS file path
* @return string
public function collect_css_preload_headers($html, $handle, $src) {
if (false !== strpos($src, 'assets/wpo-minify')) {
if (!in_array($src, $this->collect_preload_css)) {
$this->collect_preload_css[] = $src;
return $html . "\n";
* Get current headers file for the url
* @return bool|string
private function get_preload_headers() {
// always false for admin pages
if (is_admin()) return false;
$enabled_css_preload = $this->options['enabled_css_preload'];
$enabled_js_preload = $this->options['enabled_js_preload'];
if (!$enabled_css_preload && !$enabled_js_preload) {
return false;
// get host with multisite support and query strings
$host = htmlentities($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
if (empty($host)) {
$host = htmlentities($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$request_query = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY);
$request_uri = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
// get cache path
$cache_path = WP_Optimize_Minify_Cache_Functions::cache_path();
$header_dir = $cache_path['headerdir'];
$cache_file_base = $header_dir . '/';
// possible cache file locations
$b = $cache_file_base . md5("$host-$request_uri").'.header';
$a = $cache_file_base . md5("$host-$request_uri$request_query").'.header';
// reset file cache
// return header files or fallback
if ($b == $a && file_exists($a)) {
return file_get_contents($a);
if ($b != $a && file_exists($b)) {
return file_get_contents($b);
return false;
* Add pre-connect and pre-load headers
* @return void
public function extra_preload_headers() {
if (!$this->run_on_page('extra_preload_headers')) return;
// fetch headers
$pre_connect = array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['hpreconnect'])));
// preload
if (is_array($pre_connect) && count($pre_connect) > 0) {
foreach ($pre_connect as $url) {
if (!empty($url) && filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
header("Link: <$url>; rel=preconnect", false);
$headers = $this->get_preload_headers();
if (false != $headers) {
$nh = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $headers));
foreach ($nh as $h) {
if (!empty($h)) {
header($h, false);
* Includes dependency files
private function include_dependencies() {
if (!class_exists('WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions')) {
include WP_OPTIMIZE_MINIFY_DIR.'/class-wp-optimize-minify-functions.php';
if (!class_exists('WP_Optimize_Minify_Print')) {
include WP_OPTIMIZE_MINIFY_DIR.'/class-wp-optimize-minify-print.php';
if (!class_exists('WP_Optimize_Minify_Fonts')) {
include WP_OPTIMIZE_MINIFY_DIR.'/class-wp-optimize-minify-fonts.php';
* Handles emoji removal
private function disable_emojis() {
add_filter('tiny_mce_plugins', array('WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions', 'disable_emojis_tinymce' ));
* Handles header meta information removal
private function remove_header_meta_info() {
// no resource hints, generator tag, shortlinks, manifest link, etc
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_resource_hints', 2);
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
remove_action('template_redirect', 'wp_shortlink_header', 11);
remove_action('wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'rsd_link');
remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head', 10, 0);
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links', 2);
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3);
* Handles javascript processing
private function process_js() {
add_action('wp_print_scripts', array($this, 'process_header_scripts'), PHP_INT_MAX);
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'process_footer_scripts'), 9);
// Defer JS
add_filter('script_loader_tag', array($this, 'defer_js'), 10, 3);
// Preloading
if ($this->options['enabled_js_preload']) {
add_filter('script_loader_tag', array($this, 'collect_js_preload_headers'), PHP_INT_MAX, 3);
// add the LoadAsync JavaScript function
$async_js = trim($this->options['async_js']) ? array_map('trim', explode("\n", trim($this->options['async_js']))) : array();
if (count($async_js) > 0
|| ( 'all' === $this->options['enable_defer_js'] && 'async_using_js' === $this->options['defer_js_type'] )
) {
add_action('wp_head', array('WP_Optimize_Minify_Print', 'add_load_async'), 0);
* Handles css processing
private function process_css() {
add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'add_critical_path'), 2);
// merge, if inline is selected but prevent optimization for these locations
if ($this->options['inline_css']) {
// this prints the styles (not fonts) and checks the 'colllect google fonts'
add_filter('style_loader_tag', array($this, 'inline_css'), PHP_INT_MAX, 4);
// this prints the google fonts
add_action('wp_print_styles', array($this, 'add_google_fonts_merged'), PHP_INT_MAX);
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'add_google_fonts_merged'), PHP_INT_MAX);
// Preloading
if ($this->options['enabled_css_preload']) {
add_filter('style_loader_tag', array($this, 'collect_css_preload_headers'), PHP_INT_MAX, 3);
// Optimize the css and collect the google fonts for merging
add_action('wp_print_styles', array($this, 'process_header_css'), PHP_INT_MAX);
add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'process_footer_css'), 9);
* Filters whether or not to ignore the order of the CSS files, and group them by media type
* @param boolean $maintain_css_order
* @return boolean
* @default true
if (!apply_filters('wpo_minify_maintain_css_order', true)) {
// Reorder stylesheets
add_filter('wpo_minify_stylesheets', array($this, 'order_stylesheets_per_media_type'), 10);
* Determines whether we should minify html or not
private function should_process_html() {
return $this->options['html_minification'] && !is_admin() && $this->is_cache_preload();
* Determines whether to use loadCSS polyfill or not
private function should_use_loadCSS() {
return $this->options['loadcss']
|| 'async' === $this->options['fawesome_method']
|| 'async' === $this->options['gfonts_method'];
* Removes query string from static assets
private function remove_query_string_from_static_assets() {
add_filter('style_loader_src', array('WP_Optimize_Minify_Functions', 'remove_cssjs_ver'), 10, 2);