188 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2024-04-10 17:46:06 +05:45
namespace LiteSpeed;
defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit;
$_panels = array(
'all' => array(
'title' => __( 'Clean All', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => '',
'revision' => array(
'title' => __( 'Post Revisions', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean all post revisions', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'auto_draft' => array(
'title' => __( 'Auto Drafts', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean all auto saved drafts', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'trash_post' => array(
'title' => __( 'Trashed Posts', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean all trashed posts and pages', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'spam_comment' => array(
'title' => __( 'Spam Comments', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean all spam comments', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'trash_comment' => array(
'title' => __( 'Trashed Comments', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean all trashed comments', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'trackback-pingback' => array(
'title' => __( 'Trackbacks/Pingbacks', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean all trackbacks and pingbacks', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'expired_transient' => array(
'title' => __( 'Expired Transients', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean expired transient options', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'all_transients' => array(
'title' => __( 'All Transients', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Clean all transient options', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'optimize_tables' => array(
'title' => __( 'Optimize Tables', 'litespeed-cache' ),
'desc' => __( 'Optimize all tables in your database', 'litespeed-cache' ),
$rev_max = $this->conf( Base::O_DB_OPTM_REVISIONS_MAX );
$rev_age = $this->conf( Base::O_DB_OPTM_REVISIONS_AGE );
if ( $rev_max || $rev_age ) {
$_panels[ 'revision' ][ 'desc' ] = sprintf( __( 'Clean revisions older than %1$s day(s), excluding %2$s latest revisions', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<strong>' . $rev_age . '</strong>' , '<strong>' . $rev_max . '</strong>' );
$total = 0;
foreach ( $_panels as $tag => $v ) {
if ( $tag != 'all' ) {
$_panels[ $tag ][ 'count' ] = $this->cls( 'DB_Optm' )->db_count( $tag );
if ( ! in_array( $tag, array( 'optimize_tables' ) ) ) {
$total += $_panels[ $tag ][ 'count' ];
$_panels[ $tag ][ 'link' ] = Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_DB_OPTM, $tag );
$_panels[ 'all' ][ 'count' ] = $total;
$autoload_summary = DB_Optm::cls()->autoload_summary();
<h3 class="litespeed-title">
<?php echo __('Database Optimizer', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>
<?php Doc::learn_more( 'https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/database/' ); ?>
<div class="litespeed-panel-wrapper litespeed-cards-wrapper">
<?php foreach ( $_panels as $tag => $v ): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $v[ 'link' ]; ?>" class="litespeed-panel postbox">
<section class="litespeed-panel-wrapper-icon">
<span class="litespeed-panel-icon-<?php echo $tag; ?>"></span>
<section class="litespeed-panel-content">
<div class="litespeed-h3">
<?php echo $v[ 'title' ]; ?>
<span class="litespeed-panel-counter<?php if ( $v[ 'count' ] > 0 ) echo '-red'; ?>">(<?php echo $v[ 'count' ]; ?><?php echo DB_Optm::hide_more() ? '+' : ''; ?>)</span>
<span class="litespeed-panel-para"><?php echo $v[ 'desc' ]; ?></span>
<section class="litespeed-panel-wrapper-top-right">
<span class="litespeed-panel-top-right-icon<?php echo $v[ 'count' ] > 0 ? '-cross' : '-tick'; ?>"></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<h3 class="litespeed-title"><?php echo __( 'Database Table Engine Converter', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></h3>
<div class="litespeed-panel-wrapper">
<table class="wp-list-table widefat striped">
<thead><tr >
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'Table', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th>
<th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'Engine', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th>
<th scope="col"><?php echo __( 'Tool', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></th>
$list = DB_Optm::cls()->list_myisam();
if ( $list ) :
foreach ( $list as $k => $v ) :
<td><?php echo $k + 1; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $v->TABLE_NAME; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $v->ENGINE; ?></td>
<a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_DB_OPTM, DB_Optm::TYPE_CONV_TB, false, false, array( 'tb' => $v->TABLE_NAME ) ); ?>">
<?php echo __( 'Convert to InnoDB', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<td colspan="4" class="litespeed-success litespeed-text-center">
<?php echo __( 'We are good. No table uses MyISAM engine.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<style type="text/css">
.litespeed-body .field-col {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
margin-left: 20px;
margin-right: 20px;
.litespeed-body .field-col:first-child{
<h3 class="litespeed-title"><?php echo __( 'Database Summary', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></h3>
<div class="field-col">
Autoload size: <strong><?php echo Utility::real_size( $autoload_summary->autoload_size ); ?></strong></p>
<p>Autoload entries: <strong><?php echo $autoload_summary->autload_entries; ?></strong></p>
<div class="field-col">
<p>Autoload top list:</p>
<table class="wp-list-table widefat striped litespeed-width-auto litespeed-table-compact">
<thead><tr >
<th scope="col">#</th>
<th scope="col"><?php echo __('Option Name', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></th>
<th scope="col"><?php echo __('Size', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></th>
<?php foreach ( $autoload_summary->autoload_toplist as $k => $v ) : ?>
<td><?php echo $k + 1; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $v->option_name; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $v->option_value_length; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>