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2024-04-18 17:45:44 +05:45
if ( ! class_exists( 'acf_field__group' ) ) :
class acf_field__group extends acf_field {
* __construct
* This function will setup the field type data
* @type function
* @date 5/03/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param n/a
* @return n/a
function initialize() {
// vars
$this->name = 'group';
$this->label = __( 'Group', 'acf' );
$this->category = 'layout';
$this->description = __( 'Provides a way to structure fields into groups to better organize the data and the edit screen.', 'acf' );
$this->preview_image = acf_get_url() . '/assets/images/field-type-previews/field-preview-group.png';
$this->doc_url = acf_add_url_utm_tags( 'https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/group/', 'docs', 'field-type-selection' );
$this->defaults = array(
'sub_fields' => array(),
'layout' => 'block',
$this->have_rows = 'single';
// field filters
$this->add_field_filter( 'acf/prepare_field_for_export', array( $this, 'prepare_field_for_export' ) );
$this->add_field_filter( 'acf/prepare_field_for_import', array( $this, 'prepare_field_for_import' ) );
* load_field()
* This filter is appied to the $field after it is loaded from the database
* @type filter
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $field - the field array holding all the field options
* @return $field - the field array holding all the field options
function load_field( $field ) {
// vars
$sub_fields = acf_get_fields( $field );
// append
if ( $sub_fields ) {
$field['sub_fields'] = $sub_fields;
// return
return $field;
* load_value()
* This filter is applied to the $value after it is loaded from the db
* @type filter
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $value (mixed) the value found in the database
* @param $post_id (mixed) the $post_id from which the value was loaded
* @param $field (array) the field array holding all the field options
* @return $value
function load_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
// bail early if no sub fields
if ( empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
return $value;
// modify names
$field = $this->prepare_field_for_db( $field );
// load sub fields
$value = array();
// loop
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
// load
$value[ $sub_field['key'] ] = acf_get_value( $post_id, $sub_field );
// return
return $value;
* This filter is appied to the $value after it is loaded from the db and before it is returned to the template
* @type filter
* @since 3.6
* @param mixed $value The value which was loaded from the database.
* @param mixed $post_id The $post_id from which the value was loaded.
* @param array $field The field array holding all the field options.
* @param boolean $escape_html Should the field return a HTML safe formatted value.
* @return mixed the modified value
public function format_value( $value, $post_id, $field, $escape_html = false ) {
// bail early if no value
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
return false;
// modify names
$field = $this->prepare_field_for_db( $field );
// loop
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
// extract value
$sub_value = acf_extract_var( $value, $sub_field['key'] );
// format value
$sub_value = acf_format_value( $sub_value, $post_id, $sub_field, $escape_html );
// append to $row
$value[ $sub_field['_name'] ] = $sub_value;
// return
return $value;
* update_value()
* This filter is appied to the $value before it is updated in the db
* @type filter
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $value - the value which will be saved in the database
* @param $field - the field array holding all the field options
* @param $post_id - the $post_id of which the value will be saved
* @return $value - the modified value
function update_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
// bail early if no value
if ( ! acf_is_array( $value ) ) {
return null;
// bail early if no sub fields
if ( empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
return null;
// modify names
$field = $this->prepare_field_for_db( $field );
// loop
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
// vars
$v = false;
// key (backend)
if ( isset( $value[ $sub_field['key'] ] ) ) {
$v = $value[ $sub_field['key'] ];
// name (frontend)
} elseif ( isset( $value[ $sub_field['_name'] ] ) ) {
$v = $value[ $sub_field['_name'] ];
// empty
} else {
// input is not set (hidden by conditioanl logic)
// update value
acf_update_value( $v, $post_id, $sub_field );
// return
return '';
* prepare_field_for_db
* This function will modify sub fields ready for update / load
* @type function
* @date 4/11/16
* @since 5.5.0
* @param $field (array)
* @return $field
function prepare_field_for_db( $field ) {
// bail early if no sub fields
if ( empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
return $field;
// loop
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as &$sub_field ) {
// prefix name
$sub_field['name'] = $field['name'] . '_' . $sub_field['_name'];
// return
return $field;
* render_field()
* Create the HTML interface for your field
* @param $field - an array holding all the field's data
* @type action
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
function render_field( $field ) {
// bail early if no sub fields
if ( empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
// load values
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as &$sub_field ) {
// add value
if ( isset( $field['value'][ $sub_field['key'] ] ) ) {
// this is a normal value
$sub_field['value'] = $field['value'][ $sub_field['key'] ];
} elseif ( isset( $sub_field['default_value'] ) ) {
// no value, but this sub field has a default value
$sub_field['value'] = $sub_field['default_value'];
// update prefix to allow for nested values
$sub_field['prefix'] = $field['name'];
// restore required
if ( $field['required'] ) {
$sub_field['required'] = 0;
// render
if ( $field['layout'] == 'table' ) {
$this->render_field_table( $field );
} else {
$this->render_field_block( $field );
* render_field_block
* description
* @type function
* @date 12/07/2016
* @since 5.4.0
* @param $post_id (int)
* @return $post_id (int)
function render_field_block( $field ) {
// vars
$label_placement = ( $field['layout'] == 'block' ) ? 'top' : 'left';
// html
echo '<div class="acf-fields -' . $label_placement . ' -border">';
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
acf_render_field_wrap( $sub_field );
echo '</div>';
* render_field_table
* description
* @type function
* @date 12/07/2016
* @since 5.4.0
* @param $post_id (int)
* @return $post_id (int)
function render_field_table( $field ) {
<table class="acf-table">
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) :
// prepare field (allow sub fields to be removed)
$sub_field = acf_prepare_field( $sub_field );
// bail early if no field
if ( ! $sub_field ) {
// vars
$atts = array();
$atts['class'] = 'acf-th';
$atts['data-name'] = $sub_field['_name'];
$atts['data-type'] = $sub_field['type'];
$atts['data-key'] = $sub_field['key'];
// Add custom width
if ( $sub_field['wrapper']['width'] ) {
$atts['data-width'] = $sub_field['wrapper']['width'];
$atts['style'] = 'width: ' . $sub_field['wrapper']['width'] . '%;';
<th <?php echo acf_esc_attrs( $atts ); ?>>
<?php acf_render_field_label( $sub_field ); ?>
<?php acf_render_field_instructions( $sub_field ); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<tr class="acf-row">
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
acf_render_field_wrap( $sub_field, 'td' );
* render_field_settings()
* Create extra options for your field. This is rendered when editing a field.
* The value of $field['name'] can be used (like bellow) to save extra data to the $field
* @type action
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $field - an array holding all the field's data
function render_field_settings( $field ) {
// vars
$args = array(
'fields' => $field['sub_fields'],
'parent' => $field['ID'],
'is_subfield' => true,
<div class="acf-field acf-field-setting-sub_fields" data-setting="group" data-name="sub_fields">
<div class="acf-label">
<label><?php _e( 'Sub Fields', 'acf' ); ?></label>
<div class="acf-input acf-input-sub">
acf_get_view( 'acf-field-group/fields', $args );
// layout
'label' => __( 'Layout', 'acf' ),
'instructions' => __( 'Specify the style used to render the selected fields', 'acf' ),
'type' => 'radio',
'name' => 'layout',
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'choices' => array(
'block' => __( 'Block', 'acf' ),
'table' => __( 'Table', 'acf' ),
'row' => __( 'Row', 'acf' ),
* validate_value
* description
* @type function
* @date 11/02/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param $post_id (int)
* @return $post_id (int)
function validate_value( $valid, $value, $field, $input ) {
// bail early if no $value
if ( empty( $value ) ) {
return $valid;
// bail early if no sub fields
if ( empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
return $valid;
// loop
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
// get sub field
$k = $sub_field['key'];
// bail early if value not set (conditional logic?)
if ( ! isset( $value[ $k ] ) ) {
// required
if ( $field['required'] ) {
$sub_field['required'] = 1;
// validate
acf_validate_value( $value[ $k ], $sub_field, "{$input}[{$k}]" );
// return
return $valid;
* duplicate_field()
* This filter is appied to the $field before it is duplicated and saved to the database
* @type filter
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $field - the field array holding all the field options
* @return $field - the modified field
function duplicate_field( $field ) {
// get sub fields
$sub_fields = acf_extract_var( $field, 'sub_fields' );
// save field to get ID
$field = acf_update_field( $field );
// duplicate sub fields
acf_duplicate_fields( $sub_fields, $field['ID'] );
// return
return $field;
* prepare_field_for_export
* Prepares the field for export.
* @date 11/03/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $field The field settings.
* @return array
function prepare_field_for_export( $field ) {
// Check for sub fields.
if ( ! empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
$field['sub_fields'] = acf_prepare_fields_for_export( $field['sub_fields'] );
return $field;
* prepare_field_for_import
* Returns a flat array of fields containing all sub fields ready for import.
* @date 11/03/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param array $field The field settings.
* @return array
function prepare_field_for_import( $field ) {
// Check for sub fields.
if ( ! empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
$sub_fields = acf_extract_var( $field, 'sub_fields' );
// Modify sub fields.
foreach ( $sub_fields as $i => $sub_field ) {
$sub_fields[ $i ]['parent'] = $field['key'];
$sub_fields[ $i ]['menu_order'] = $i;
// Return array of [field, sub_1, sub_2, ...].
return array_merge( array( $field ), $sub_fields );
return $field;
* delete_value
* Called when deleting this field's value.
* @date 1/07/2015
* @since 5.2.3
* @param mixed $post_id The post ID being saved
* @param string $meta_key The field name as seen by the DB
* @param array $field The field settings
* @return void
function delete_value( $post_id, $meta_key, $field ) {
// bail early if no sub fields
if ( empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
return null;
// modify names
$field = $this->prepare_field_for_db( $field );
// loop
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
acf_delete_value( $post_id, $sub_field );
* delete_field
* Called when deleting a field of this type.
* @date 8/11/18
* @since 5.8.0
* @param arra $field The field settings.
* @return void
function delete_field( $field ) {
// loop over sub fields and delete them
if ( $field['sub_fields'] ) {
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
acf_delete_field( $sub_field['ID'] );
* Return the schema array for the REST API.
* @param array $field
* @return array
public function get_rest_schema( array $field ) {
$schema = array(
'type' => array( 'object', 'null' ),
'properties' => array(),
'required' => ! empty( $field['required'] ),
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
if ( $sub_field_schema = acf_get_field_rest_schema( $sub_field ) ) {
$schema['properties'][ $sub_field['name'] ] = $sub_field_schema;
return $schema;
* Apply basic formatting to prepare the value for default REST output.
* @param mixed $value
* @param int|string $post_id
* @param array $field
* @return array|mixed
public function format_value_for_rest( $value, $post_id, array $field ) {
if ( empty( $value ) || ! is_array( $value ) || empty( $field['sub_fields'] ) ) {
return $value;
// Loop through each row and within that, each sub field to process sub fields individually.
foreach ( $field['sub_fields'] as $sub_field ) {
// Extract the sub field 'field_key'=>'value' pair from the $value and format it.
$sub_value = acf_extract_var( $value, $sub_field['key'] );
$sub_value = acf_format_value_for_rest( $sub_value, $post_id, $sub_field );
// Add the sub field value back to the $value but mapped to the field name instead
// of the key reference.
$value[ $sub_field['name'] ] = $sub_value;
return $value;
// initialize
acf_register_field_type( 'acf_field__group' );
endif; // class_exists check