<?php if (!defined('WPO_VERSION')) die('No direct access allowed'); ?> <div class="wpo_section wpo_group"> <div id="wpo_settings_warnings"></div> <form> <h3><?php _e('JavaScript options', 'wp-optimize'); ?></h3> <div class="wpo-fieldgroup"> <fieldset> <label for="enable_js_minification"> <input name="enable_js_minification" type="checkbox" id="enable_js_minification" value="1" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['enable_js_minification']); ?> > <?php _e('Enable minification of JavaScript files', 'wp-optimize'); ?> </label> <label for="enable_merging_of_js"> <input name="enable_merging_of_js" type="checkbox" id="enable_merging_of_js" value="1" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['enable_merging_of_js']); ?> > <?php _e('Enable merging of JavaScript files', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php _e('If some functionality is breaking on the frontend, disabling merging of JavaScript might fix the issues.', 'wp-optimize');?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> </span> </label> <label for="enable_js_trycatch"> <input name="enable_js_trycatch" type="checkbox" id="enable_js_trycatch" value="1" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['enable_js_trycatch']); ?> > <?php _e('Contain each included file in its own block', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <em><?php _e('(enable if trying to isolate a JavaScript error introduced by minifying or merging)', 'wp-optimize'); ?></em> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('When enabled, the content of each JavaScript file that is combined will be wrapped in its own "try / catch" statement. This means that if one file has an error, it should not impede execution of other, independent files.', 'wp-optimize'); ?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> </span> </label> </fieldset> </div> <h3><?php _e('Exclude JavaScript from processing', 'wp-optimize'); ?></h3> <div class="wpo-fieldgroup"> <fieldset> <label for="exclude_js"> <?php _e('Any JavaScript files that match the paths below will be completely ignored', 'wp-optmize'); ?> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('Use this if you are having issues with a certain JavaScript file.', 'wp-optmize'); ?> <?php esc_attr_e('Any file present here will be loaded normally by WordPress', 'wp-optimize');?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></span> </label> <textarea name="exclude_js" rows="7" cols="50" id="exclude_js" class="large-text code" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('e.g.: /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js', 'wp-optimize'); ?>" ><?php echo esc_textarea($wpo_minify_options['exclude_js']);?></textarea> <br> <?php _e('Some files known for causing issues when combined / minified are excluded by default.', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <?php _e('You can see / edit them in the Advanced tab.', 'wp-optimize'); ?> </fieldset> </div> <h3><?php _e('Defer JavaScript', 'wp-optimize'); ?></h3> <div class="wpo-fieldgroup"> <fieldset class="async-js-manual-list"> <h4><label> <input name="enable_defer_js" type="radio" value="individual" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['enable_defer_js'], 'individual'); ?> > <?php _e('Defer selected JavaScript files', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('The files in the list will be loaded asynchronously, and will not be minified or merged.', 'wp-optimize');?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></span> </label> </h4> <div class="defer-js-settings"> <label for="async_js"> <?php _e('Any JavaScript files that match the paths below will be loaded asynchronously.', 'wp-optmize'); ?> <br/> <?php _e('Use this if you have a completely independent script or would like to exclude scripts from page speed tests (PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix...)', 'wp-optmize'); ?> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('Independent scripts are for example \'analytics\' or \'pixel\' scripts. They are not required for the website to work', 'wp-optimize');?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></span> </label> <textarea name="async_js" rows="7" cols="50" id="async_js" class="large-text code" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e('e.g.: /js/main.js', 'wp-optimize'); ?>" ><?php echo esc_textarea($wpo_minify_options['async_js']); ?></textarea> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <h4> <label> <input name="enable_defer_js" type="radio" value="all" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['enable_defer_js'], 'all'); ?> > <?php _e('Defer all the JavaScript files', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('All files - including the ones processed by WP-Optimize - will be deferred, except the ones in the exclusion list above.', 'wp-optimize');?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></span> </label> </h4> <div class="defer-js-settings"> <div class="notice notice-warning below-h2"> <p class="wpo_min-bold-green wpo_min-rowintro"> <?php _e('Some themes and plugins need render blocking scripts to work.', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <?php _e('Please check the browser console for any eventual JavaScript errors caused by deferring the scripts.', 'wp-optimize'); ?> </p> </div> <h4><?php _e('Defer method:', 'wp-optimize'); ?></h4> <label> <input name="defer_js_type" type="radio" value="defer" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['defer_js_type'], 'defer'); ?> > <?php _e('Use the "defer" html attribute', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('Supported by all modern browsers.', 'wp-optimize');?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></span> </label> <label> <input name="defer_js_type" type="radio" value="async_using_js" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['defer_js_type'], 'async_using_js'); ?> > <?php _e('Defer using JavaScript', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <em><?php printf(__('(Use this method if you require support for %solder browsers%s).', 'wp-optimize'), '<a href="https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_script_defer.asp" target="_blank">', '</a>');?></em> </label> <label for="defer_jquery"> <input name="defer_jquery" type="checkbox" id="defer_jquery" value="1" <?php echo checked($wpo_minify_options['defer_jquery']); ?> > <?php _e('Defer jQuery', 'wp-optimize'); ?> <em><?php _e('(Note that as jQuery is a common dependency, it probably needs to be loaded synchronously).', 'wp-optimize'); ?></em> <span tabindex="0" data-tooltip="<?php esc_attr_e('Disable this setting if you have an error \'jQuery undefined\'.', 'wp-optimize');?>"><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span></span> </label> </div> </fieldset> </div> <p class="submit"> <input class="wp-optimize-save-minify-settings button button-primary" type="submit" value="<?php esc_attr_e('Save settings', 'wp-optimize'); ?>" > <img class="wpo_spinner" src="<?php echo esc_attr(admin_url('images/spinner-2x.gif')); ?>" alt="..."> <span class="save-done dashicons dashicons-yes display-none"></span> </p> </form> </div>