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2024-04-29 13:12:44 +05:45
/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_browse-fields-modal.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_browse-fields-modal.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony import */ var _babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! @babel/runtime/helpers/defineProperty */ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty.js");
function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; }
function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { (0,_babel_runtime_helpers_defineProperty__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; }
* Extends acf.models.Modal to create the field browser.
* @package Advanced Custom Fields
(function ($, undefined, acf) {
const browseFieldsModal = {
data: {
openedBy: null,
currentFieldType: null,
popularFieldTypes: ['text', 'textarea', 'email', 'url', 'file', 'gallery', 'select', 'true_false', 'link', 'post_object', 'relationship', 'repeater', 'flexible_content', 'clone']
events: {
'click .acf-modal-close': 'onClickClose',
'keydown .acf-browse-fields-modal': 'onPressEscapeClose',
'click .acf-select-field': 'onClickSelectField',
'click .acf-field-type': 'onClickFieldType',
'changed:currentFieldType': 'onChangeFieldType',
'input .acf-search-field-types': 'onSearchFieldTypes',
'click .acf-browse-popular-fields': 'onClickBrowsePopular'
setup: function (props) {
$.extend(this.data, props);
this.$el = $(this.tmpl());
initialize: function () {
acf.doAction('show', this.$el);
tmpl: function () {
return $('#tmpl-acf-browse-fields-modal').html();
getFieldTypes: function (category, search) {
let fieldTypes;
if (!acf.get('is_pro')) {
// Add in the pro fields.
fieldTypes = Object.values(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, acf.get('fieldTypes')), acf.get('PROFieldTypes')));
} else {
fieldTypes = Object.values(acf.get('fieldTypes'));
if (category) {
if ('popular' === category) {
return fieldTypes.filter(fieldType => this.get('popularFieldTypes').includes(fieldType.name));
if ('pro' === category) {
return fieldTypes.filter(fieldType => fieldType.pro);
fieldTypes = fieldTypes.filter(fieldType => fieldType.category === category);
if (search) {
fieldTypes = fieldTypes.filter(fieldType => {
const label = fieldType.label.toLowerCase();
const labelParts = label.split(' ');
let match = false;
if (label.startsWith(search.toLowerCase())) {
match = true;
} else if (labelParts.length > 1) {
labelParts.forEach(part => {
if (part.startsWith(search.toLowerCase())) {
match = true;
return match;
return fieldTypes;
render: function () {
acf.doAction('append', this.$el);
const $tabs = this.$el.find('.acf-field-types-tab');
const self = this;
$tabs.each(function () {
const category = $(this).data('category');
const fieldTypes = self.getFieldTypes(category);
fieldTypes.forEach(fieldType => {
getFieldTypeHTML: function (fieldType) {
const iconName = fieldType.name.replaceAll('_', '-');
return `
<a href="#" class="acf-field-type" data-field-type="${fieldType.name}">
${fieldType.pro && !acf.get('is_pro') ? '<span class="field-type-requires-pro"><i class="acf-icon acf-icon-lock"></i>PRO</span>' : fieldType.pro ? '<span class="field-type-requires-pro">PRO</span>' : ''}
<i class="field-type-icon field-type-icon-${iconName}"></i>
<span class="field-type-label">${fieldType.label}</span>
decodeFieldTypeURL: function (url) {
if (typeof url != 'string') return url;
return url.replaceAll('&#038;', '&');
renderFieldTypeDesc: function (fieldType) {
const fieldTypeInfo = this.getFieldTypes().filter(fieldTypeFilter => fieldTypeFilter.name === fieldType)[0] || {};
const args = acf.parseArgs(fieldTypeInfo, {
label: '',
description: '',
doc_url: false,
tutorial_url: false,
preview_image: false,
pro: false
if (args.doc_url) {
this.$el.find('.field-type-doc').attr('href', this.decodeFieldTypeURL(args.doc_url)).show();
} else {
if (args.tutorial_url) {
this.$el.find('.field-type-tutorial').attr('href', this.decodeFieldTypeURL(args.tutorial_url)).parent().show();
} else {
if (args.preview_image) {
this.$el.find('.field-type-image').attr('src', args.preview_image).show();
} else {
const isPro = acf.get('is_pro');
const $upgateToProButton = this.$el.find('.acf-btn-pro');
const $upgradeToUnlockButton = this.$el.find('.field-type-upgrade-to-unlock');
if (args.pro && !isPro) {
$upgateToProButton.attr('href', $upgateToProButton.data('urlBase') + fieldType);
$upgradeToUnlockButton.attr('href', $upgradeToUnlockButton.data('urlBase') + fieldType);
this.$el.find('.acf-insert-field-label').attr('disabled', true);
} else {
this.$el.find('.acf-insert-field-label').attr('disabled', false);
initializeFieldType: function () {
var _fieldObject$data;
const fieldObject = this.get('openedBy');
const fieldType = fieldObject === null || fieldObject === void 0 || (_fieldObject$data = fieldObject.data) === null || _fieldObject$data === void 0 ? void 0 : _fieldObject$data.type;
// Select default field type
if (fieldType) {
this.set('currentFieldType', fieldType);
} else {
this.set('currentFieldType', 'text');
// Select first tab with selected field type
// If type selected is wthin Popular, select Popular Tab
// Else select first tab the type belongs
const fieldTypes = this.getFieldTypes();
const isFieldTypePopular = this.get('popularFieldTypes').includes(fieldType);
let category = '';
if (isFieldTypePopular) {
category = 'popular';
} else {
const selectedFieldType = fieldTypes.find(x => {
return x.name === fieldType;
category = selectedFieldType.category;
const uppercaseCategory = category[0].toUpperCase() + category.slice(1);
const searchTabElement = `.acf-modal-content .acf-tab-wrap a:contains('${uppercaseCategory}')`;
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
initializeFieldLabel: function () {
const fieldObject = this.get('openedBy');
const labelText = fieldObject.$fieldLabel().val();
const $fieldLabel = this.$el.find('.acf-insert-field-label');
if (labelText) {
} else {
updateFieldObjectFieldLabel: function () {
const label = this.$el.find('.acf-insert-field-label').val();
const fieldObject = this.get('openedBy');
onChangeFieldType: function () {
const fieldType = this.get('currentFieldType');
this.$el.find('.acf-field-type[data-field-type="' + fieldType + '"]').addClass('selected');
onSearchFieldTypes: function (e) {
const $modal = this.$el.find('.acf-browse-fields-modal');
const inputVal = this.$el.find('.acf-search-field-types').val();
const self = this;
let searchString,
resultsHtml = '';
let matches = [];
if ('string' === typeof inputVal) {
searchString = inputVal.trim();
matches = this.getFieldTypes(false, searchString);
if (searchString.length && matches.length) {
} else {
if (!matches.length) {
} else {
matches.forEach(fieldType => {
resultsHtml = resultsHtml + self.getFieldTypeHTML(fieldType);
this.set('currentFieldType', matches[0].name);
onClickBrowsePopular: function () {
this.$el.find('.acf-tab-wrap a').first().trigger('click');
onClickSelectField: function (e) {
const fieldObject = this.get('openedBy');
onClickFieldType: function (e) {
const $fieldType = $(e.currentTarget);
this.set('currentFieldType', $fieldType.data('field-type'));
onClickClose: function () {
onPressEscapeClose: function (e) {
if (e.key === 'Escape') {
close: function () {
focus: function () {
acf.models.browseFieldsModal = acf.models.Modal.extend(browseFieldsModal);
acf.newBrowseFieldsModal = props => new acf.models.browseFieldsModal(props);
})(window.jQuery, undefined, window.acf);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-compatibility.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-compatibility.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
(function ($, undefined) {
var _acf = acf.getCompatibility(acf);
* fieldGroupCompatibility
* Compatibility layer for extinct acf.field_group
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.7.0
* @param void
* @return void
_acf.field_group = {
save_field: function ($field, type) {
type = type !== undefined ? type : 'settings';
delete_field: function ($field, animate) {
animate = animate !== undefined ? animate : true;
animate: animate
update_field_meta: function ($field, name, value) {
acf.getFieldObject($field).prop(name, value);
delete_field_meta: function ($field, name) {
acf.getFieldObject($field).prop(name, null);
* fieldGroupCompatibility.field_object
* Compatibility layer for extinct acf.field_group.field_object
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.7.0
* @param void
* @return void
_acf.field_group.field_object = acf.model.extend({
// vars
type: '',
o: {},
$field: null,
$settings: null,
tag: function (tag) {
// vars
var type = this.type;
// explode, add 'field' and implode
// - open => open_field
// - change_type => change_field_type
var tags = tag.split('_');
tags.splice(1, 0, 'field');
tag = tags.join('_');
// add type
if (type) {
tag += '/type=' + type;
// return
return tag;
selector: function () {
// vars
var selector = '.acf-field-object';
var type = this.type;
// add type
if (type) {
selector += '-' + type;
selector = acf.str_replace('_', '-', selector);
// return
return selector;
_add_action: function (name, callback) {
// vars
var model = this;
// add action
acf.add_action(this.tag(name), function ($field) {
// focus
model.set('$field', $field);
// callback
model[callback].apply(model, arguments);
_add_filter: function (name, callback) {
// vars
var model = this;
// add action
acf.add_filter(this.tag(name), function ($field) {
// focus
model.set('$field', $field);
// callback
model[callback].apply(model, arguments);
_add_event: function (name, callback) {
// vars
var model = this;
var event = name.substr(0, name.indexOf(' '));
var selector = name.substr(name.indexOf(' ') + 1);
var context = this.selector();
// add event
$(document).on(event, context + ' ' + selector, function (e) {
// append $el to event object
e.$el = $(this);
e.$field = e.$el.closest('.acf-field-object');
// focus
model.set('$field', e.$field);
// callback
model[callback].apply(model, [e]);
_set_$field: function () {
// vars
this.o = this.$field.data();
// els
this.$settings = this.$field.find('> .settings > table > tbody');
// focus
focus: function () {
// do nothing
setting: function (name) {
return this.$settings.find('> .acf-field-setting-' + name);
* field
* This model fires actions and filters for registered fields
* @type function
* @date 21/02/2014
* @since 3.5.1
* @param n/a
* @return n/a
var actionManager = new acf.Model({
actions: {
open_field_object: 'onOpenFieldObject',
close_field_object: 'onCloseFieldObject',
add_field_object: 'onAddFieldObject',
duplicate_field_object: 'onDuplicateFieldObject',
delete_field_object: 'onDeleteFieldObject',
change_field_object_type: 'onChangeFieldObjectType',
change_field_object_label: 'onChangeFieldObjectLabel',
change_field_object_name: 'onChangeFieldObjectName',
change_field_object_parent: 'onChangeFieldObjectParent',
sortstop_field_object: 'onChangeFieldObjectParent'
onOpenFieldObject: function (field) {
acf.doAction('open_field', field.$el);
acf.doAction('open_field/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
acf.doAction('render_field_settings', field.$el);
acf.doAction('render_field_settings/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onCloseFieldObject: function (field) {
acf.doAction('close_field', field.$el);
acf.doAction('close_field/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onAddFieldObject: function (field) {
acf.doAction('add_field', field.$el);
acf.doAction('add_field/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onDuplicateFieldObject: function (field) {
acf.doAction('duplicate_field', field.$el);
acf.doAction('duplicate_field/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onDeleteFieldObject: function (field) {
acf.doAction('delete_field', field.$el);
acf.doAction('delete_field/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onChangeFieldObjectType: function (field) {
acf.doAction('change_field_type', field.$el);
acf.doAction('change_field_type/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
acf.doAction('render_field_settings', field.$el);
acf.doAction('render_field_settings/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onChangeFieldObjectLabel: function (field) {
acf.doAction('change_field_label', field.$el);
acf.doAction('change_field_label/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onChangeFieldObjectName: function (field) {
acf.doAction('change_field_name', field.$el);
acf.doAction('change_field_name/type=' + field.get('type'), field.$el);
onChangeFieldObjectParent: function (field) {
acf.doAction('update_field_parent', field.$el);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-conditions.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-conditions.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
(function ($, undefined) {
* ConditionalLogicFieldSetting
* description
* @date 3/2/18
* @since 5.6.5
* @param type $var Description. Default.
* @return type Description.
var ConditionalLogicFieldSetting = acf.FieldSetting.extend({
type: '',
name: 'conditional_logic',
events: {
'change .conditions-toggle': 'onChangeToggle',
'click .add-conditional-group': 'onClickAddGroup',
'focus .condition-rule-field': 'onFocusField',
'change .condition-rule-field': 'onChangeField',
'change .condition-rule-operator': 'onChangeOperator',
'click .add-conditional-rule': 'onClickAdd',
'click .remove-conditional-rule': 'onClickRemove'
$rule: false,
scope: function ($rule) {
this.$rule = $rule;
return this;
ruleData: function (name, value) {
return this.$rule.data.apply(this.$rule, arguments);
$input: function (name) {
return this.$rule.find('.condition-rule-' + name);
$td: function (name) {
return this.$rule.find('td.' + name);
$toggle: function () {
return this.$('.conditions-toggle');
$control: function () {
return this.$('.rule-groups');
$groups: function () {
return this.$('.rule-group');
$rules: function () {
return this.$('.rule');
$tabLabel: function () {
return this.fieldObject.$el.find('.conditional-logic-badge');
open: function () {
var $div = this.$control();
close: function () {
var $div = this.$control();
render: function () {
// show
if (this.$toggle().prop('checked')) {
// hide
} else {
renderRules: function () {
// vars
var self = this;
// loop
this.$rules().each(function () {
renderRule: function ($rule) {
renderField: function () {
// vars
var choices = [];
var validFieldTypes = [];
var cid = this.fieldObject.cid;
var $select = this.$input('field');
// loop
acf.getFieldObjects().map(function (fieldObject) {
// vars
var choice = {
id: fieldObject.getKey(),
text: fieldObject.getLabel()
// bail early if is self
if (fieldObject.cid === cid) {
choice.text += ' ' + acf.__('(this field)');
choice.disabled = true;
// get selected field conditions
var conditionTypes = acf.getConditionTypes({
fieldType: fieldObject.getType()
// bail early if no types
if (!conditionTypes.length) {
choice.disabled = true;
// calulate indents
var indents = fieldObject.getParents().length;
choice.text = '- '.repeat(indents) + choice.text;
// append
// allow for scenario where only one field exists
if (!choices.length) {
id: '',
text: acf.__('No toggle fields available')
// render
acf.renderSelect($select, choices);
// set
this.ruleData('field', $select.val());
renderOperator: function () {
// bail early if no field selected
if (!this.ruleData('field')) {
// vars
var $select = this.$input('operator');
var val = $select.val();
var choices = [];
// set saved value on first render
// - this allows the 2nd render to correctly select an option
if ($select.val() === null) {
acf.renderSelect($select, [{
id: this.ruleData('operator'),
text: ''
// get selected field
var $field = acf.findFieldObject(this.ruleData('field'));
var field = acf.getFieldObject($field);
// get selected field conditions
var conditionTypes = acf.getConditionTypes({
fieldType: field.getType()
// html
conditionTypes.map(function (model) {
id: model.prototype.operator,
text: model.prototype.label
// render
acf.renderSelect($select, choices);
// set
this.ruleData('operator', $select.val());
renderValue: function () {
// bail early if no field selected
if (!this.ruleData('field') || !this.ruleData('operator')) {
// vars
var $select = this.$input('value');
var $td = this.$td('value');
var val = $select.val();
// get selected field
var $field = acf.findFieldObject(this.ruleData('field'));
var field = acf.getFieldObject($field);
// get selected field conditions
var conditionTypes = acf.getConditionTypes({
fieldType: field.getType(),
operator: this.ruleData('operator')
// html
var conditionType = conditionTypes[0].prototype;
var choices = conditionType.choices(field);
// create html: array
if (choices instanceof Array) {
var $newSelect = $('<select></select>');
acf.renderSelect($newSelect, choices);
// create html: string (<input />)
} else {
var $newSelect = $(choices);
// append
// copy attrs
// timeout needed to avoid browser bug where "disabled" attribute is not applied
setTimeout(function () {
['class', 'name', 'id'].map(function (attr) {
$newSelect.attr(attr, $select.attr(attr));
}, 0);
// select existing value (if not a disabled input)
if (!$newSelect.prop('disabled')) {
acf.val($newSelect, val, true);
// set
this.ruleData('value', $newSelect.val());
onChangeToggle: function () {
onClickAddGroup: function (e, $el) {
addGroup: function () {
// vars
var $group = this.$('.rule-group:last');
// duplicate
var $group2 = acf.duplicate($group);
// update h4
// remove all tr's except the first one
// save field
onFocusField: function (e, $el) {
onChangeField: function (e, $el) {
// scope
// set data
this.ruleData('field', $el.val());
// render
onChangeOperator: function (e, $el) {
// scope
// set data
this.ruleData('operator', $el.val());
// render
onClickAdd: function (e, $el) {
// duplciate
var $rule = acf.duplicate($el.closest('.rule'));
// render
onClickRemove: function (e, $el) {
// vars
var $rule = $el.closest('.rule');
// save field
// remove group
if ($rule.siblings('.rule').length == 0) {
// remove
* conditionalLogicHelper
* description
* @date 20/4/18
* @since 5.6.9
* @param type $var Description. Default.
* @return type Description.
var conditionalLogicHelper = new acf.Model({
actions: {
duplicate_field_objects: 'onDuplicateFieldObjects'
onDuplicateFieldObjects: function (children, newField, prevField) {
// vars
var data = {};
var $selects = $();
// reference change in key
children.map(function (child) {
// store reference of changed key
data[child.get('prevKey')] = child.get('key');
// append condition select
$selects = $selects.add(child.$('.condition-rule-field'));
// loop
$selects.each(function () {
// vars
var $select = $(this);
var val = $select.val();
// bail early if val is not a ref key
if (!val || !data[val]) {
// modify selected option
$select.find('option:selected').attr('value', data[val]);
// set new val
/***/ }),
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-field.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-field.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
(function ($, undefined) {
acf.FieldObject = acf.Model.extend({
// class used to avoid nested event triggers
eventScope: '.acf-field-object',
// variable for field type select2
fieldTypeSelect2: false,
// events
events: {
'click .copyable': 'onClickCopy',
'click .handle': 'onClickEdit',
'click .close-field': 'onClickEdit',
'click a[data-key="acf_field_settings_tabs"]': 'onChangeSettingsTab',
'click .delete-field': 'onClickDelete',
'click .duplicate-field': 'duplicate',
'click .move-field': 'move',
'click .browse-fields': 'browseFields',
'focus .edit-field': 'onFocusEdit',
'blur .edit-field, .row-options a': 'onBlurEdit',
'change .field-type': 'onChangeType',
'change .field-required': 'onChangeRequired',
'blur .field-label': 'onChangeLabel',
'blur .field-name': 'onChangeName',
change: 'onChange',
changed: 'onChanged'
// data
data: {
// Similar to ID, but used for HTML puposes.
// It is possbile for a new field to have an ID of 0, but an id of 'field_123' */
id: 0,
// The field key ('field_123')
key: '',
// The field type (text, image, etc)
type: ''
// The $post->ID of this field
//ID: 0,
// The field's parent
//parent: 0,
// The menu order
//menu_order: 0
setup: function ($field) {
// set $el
this.$el = $field;
// inherit $field data (id, key, type)
// load additional props
// - this won't trigger 'changed'
$input: function (name) {
return $('#' + this.getInputId() + '-' + name);
$meta: function () {
return this.$('.meta:first');
$handle: function () {
return this.$('.handle:first');
$settings: function () {
return this.$('.settings:first');
$setting: function (name) {
return this.$('.acf-field-settings:first .acf-field-setting-' + name);
$fieldTypeSelect: function () {
return this.$('.field-type');
$fieldLabel: function () {
return this.$('.field-label');
getParent: function () {
return acf.getFieldObjects({
child: this.$el,
limit: 1
getParents: function () {
return acf.getFieldObjects({
child: this.$el
getFields: function () {
return acf.getFieldObjects({
parent: this.$el
getInputName: function () {
return 'acf_fields[' + this.get('id') + ']';
getInputId: function () {
return 'acf_fields-' + this.get('id');
newInput: function (name, value) {
// vars
var inputId = this.getInputId();
var inputName = this.getInputName();
// append name
if (name) {
inputId += '-' + name;
inputName += '[' + name + ']';
// create input (avoid HTML + JSON value issues)
var $input = $('<input />').attr({
id: inputId,
name: inputName,
value: value
this.$('> .meta').append($input);
// return
return $input;
getProp: function (name) {
// check data
if (this.has(name)) {
return this.get(name);
// get input value
var $input = this.$input(name);
var value = $input.length ? $input.val() : null;
// set data silently (cache)
this.set(name, value, true);
// return
return value;
setProp: function (name, value) {
// get input
var $input = this.$input(name);
var prevVal = $input.val();
// create if new
if (!$input.length) {
$input = this.newInput(name, value);
// remove
if (value === null) {
// update
} else {
//console.log('setProp', name, value, this);
// set data silently (cache)
if (!this.has(name)) {
//console.log('setting silently');
this.set(name, value, true);
// set data allowing 'change' event to fire
} else {
//console.log('setting loudly!');
this.set(name, value);
// return
return this;
prop: function (name, value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
return this.setProp(name, value);
} else {
return this.getProp(name);
props: function (props) {
Object.keys(props).map(function (key) {
this.setProp(key, props[key]);
}, this);
getLabel: function () {
// get label with empty default
var label = this.prop('label');
if (label === '') {
label = acf.__('(no label)');
// return
return label;
getName: function () {
return this.prop('name');
getType: function () {
return this.prop('type');
getTypeLabel: function () {
var type = this.prop('type');
var types = acf.get('fieldTypes');
return types[type] ? types[type].label : type;
getKey: function () {
return this.prop('key');
initialize: function () {
makeCopyable: function (text) {
if (!navigator.clipboard) return '<span class="copyable copy-unsupported">' + text + '</span>';
return '<span class="copyable">' + text + '</span>';
checkCopyable: function () {
if (!navigator.clipboard) {
initializeFieldTypeSelect2: function () {
if (this.fieldTypeSelect2) return;
// Support disabling via filter.
if (this.$fieldTypeSelect().hasClass('disable-select2')) return;
// Check for a full modern version of select2, bail loading if not found with a console warning.
try {
} catch (err) {
console.warn('ACF was not able to load the full version of select2 due to a conflicting version provided by another plugin or theme taking precedence. Select2 fields may not work as expected.');
this.fieldTypeSelect2 = acf.newSelect2(this.$fieldTypeSelect(), {
field: false,
ajax: false,
multiple: false,
allowNull: false,
suppressFilters: true,
dropdownCssClass: 'field-type-select-results',
templateResult: function (selection) {
if (selection.loading || selection.element && selection.element.nodeName === 'OPTGROUP') {
var $selection = $('<span class="acf-selection"></span>');
} else {
var $selection = $('<i class="field-type-icon field-type-icon-' + selection.id.replaceAll('_', '-') + '"></i><span class="acf-selection has-icon">' + acf.escHtml(selection.text) + '</span>');
$selection.data('element', selection.element);
return $selection;
templateSelection: function (selection) {
var $selection = $('<i class="field-type-icon field-type-icon-' + selection.id.replaceAll('_', '-') + '"></i><span class="acf-selection has-icon">' + acf.escHtml(selection.text) + '</span>');
$selection.data('element', selection.element);
return $selection;
this.fieldTypeSelect2.on('select2:open', function () {
$('.field-type-select-results input.select2-search__field').attr('placeholder', acf.__('Type to search...'));
this.fieldTypeSelect2.on('change', function (e) {
$(e.target).parents('ul:first').find('button.browse-fields').prop('disabled', true);
// When typing happens on the li element above the select2.
this.fieldTypeSelect2.$el.parent().on('keydown', '.select2-selection.select2-selection--single', this.onKeyDownSelect);
addProFields: function () {
// Make sure we're only running this on free version.
if (acf.get('is_pro')) {
// Make sure we haven't appended these fields before.
var $fieldTypeSelect = this.$fieldTypeSelect();
if ($fieldTypeSelect.hasClass('acf-free-field-type')) return;
// Loop over each pro field type and append it to the select.
const PROFieldTypes = acf.get('PROFieldTypes');
if (typeof PROFieldTypes !== 'object') return;
const $layoutGroup = $fieldTypeSelect.find('optgroup option[value="group"]').parent();
const $contentGroup = $fieldTypeSelect.find('optgroup option[value="image"]').parent();
for (const [name, field] of Object.entries(PROFieldTypes)) {
const $useGroup = field.category === 'content' ? $contentGroup : $layoutGroup;
$useGroup.append('<option value="null" disabled="disabled">' + field.label + ' (' + acf.__('PRO Only') + ')</option>');
render: function () {
// vars
var $handle = this.$('.handle:first');
var menu_order = this.prop('menu_order');
var label = this.getLabel();
var name = this.prop('name');
var type = this.getTypeLabel();
var key = this.prop('key');
var required = this.$input('required').prop('checked');
// update menu order
$handle.find('.acf-icon').html(parseInt(menu_order) + 1);
// update required
if (required) {
label += ' <span class="acf-required">*</span>';
// update label
$handle.find('.li-field-label strong a').html(label);
// update name
// update type
const iconName = acf.strSlugify(this.getType());
$handle.find('.field-type-label').text(' ' + type);
$handle.find('.field-type-icon').removeClass().addClass('field-type-icon field-type-icon-' + iconName);
// update key
// action for 3rd party customization
acf.doAction('render_field_object', this);
refresh: function () {
acf.doAction('refresh_field_object', this);
isOpen: function () {
return this.$el.hasClass('open');
onClickCopy: function (e) {
if (!navigator.clipboard || $(e.target).is('input')) return;
// Find the value to copy depending on input or text elements.
let copyValue;
if ($(e.target).hasClass('acf-input-wrap')) {
copyValue = $(e.target).find('input').first().val();
} else {
copyValue = $(e.target).text();
navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyValue).then(() => {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 2000);
onClickEdit: function (e) {
$target = $(e.target);
if ($target.parent().hasClass('row-options') && !$target.hasClass('edit-field')) return;
this.isOpen() ? this.close() : this.open();
onChangeSettingsTab: function () {
const $settings = this.$el.children('.settings');
acf.doAction('show', $settings);
* Adds 'active' class to row options nearest to the target.
onFocusEdit: function (e) {
var $rowOptions = $(e.target).closest('li').find('.row-options');
* Removes 'active' class from row options if links in same row options area are no longer in focus.
onBlurEdit: function (e) {
var focusDelayMilliseconds = 50;
var $rowOptionsBlurElement = $(e.target).closest('li').find('.row-options');
// Timeout so that `activeElement` gives the new element in focus instead of the body.
setTimeout(function () {
var $rowOptionsFocusElement = $(document.activeElement).closest('li').find('.row-options');
if (!$rowOptionsBlurElement.is($rowOptionsFocusElement)) {
}, focusDelayMilliseconds);
open: function () {
// vars
var $settings = this.$el.children('.settings');
// initialise field type select
// action (open)
acf.doAction('open_field_object', this);
// action (show)
acf.doAction('show', $settings);
// open
onKeyDownSelect: function (e) {
// Omit events from special keys.
if (!(e.which >= 186 && e.which <= 222 ||
// punctuation and special characters
[8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 91, 92, 93, 144, 145].includes(e.which) ||
// Special keys
e.which >= 112 && e.which <= 123)) {
// Function keys
close: function () {
// vars
var $settings = this.$el.children('.settings');
// close
// action (close)
acf.doAction('close_field_object', this);
// action (hide)
acf.doAction('hide', $settings);
serialize: function () {
return acf.serialize(this.$el, this.getInputName());
save: function (type) {
// defaults
type = type || 'settings'; // meta, settings
// vars
var save = this.getProp('save');
// bail if already saving settings
if (save === 'settings') {
// prop
this.setProp('save', type);
// debug
this.$el.attr('data-save', type);
// action
acf.doAction('save_field_object', this, type);
submit: function () {
// vars
var inputName = this.getInputName();
var save = this.get('save');
// close
if (this.isOpen()) {
// allow all inputs to save
if (save == 'settings') {
// do nothing
// allow only meta inputs to save
} else if (save == 'meta') {
this.$('> .settings [name^="' + inputName + '"]').remove();
// prevent all inputs from saving
} else {
this.$('[name^="' + inputName + '"]').remove();
// action
acf.doAction('submit_field_object', this);
onChange: function (e, $el) {
// save settings
// action for 3rd party customization
acf.doAction('change_field_object', this);
onChanged: function (e, $el, name, value) {
if (this.getType() === $el.attr('data-type')) {
$('button.acf-btn.browse-fields').prop('disabled', false);
// ignore 'save'
if (name == 'save') {
// save meta
if (['menu_order', 'parent'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
// save field
} else {
// render
if (['menu_order', 'label', 'required', 'name', 'type', 'key'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
// action for 3rd party customization
acf.doAction('change_field_object_' + name, this, value);
onChangeLabel: function (e, $el) {
// set
var label = $el.val();
this.set('label', label);
// render name
if (this.prop('name') == '') {
var name = acf.applyFilters('generate_field_object_name', acf.strSanitize(label), this);
this.prop('name', name);
onChangeName: function (e, $el) {
// set
var name = $el.val();
this.set('name', name);
// error
if (name.substr(0, 6) === 'field_') {
alert(acf.__('The string "field_" may not be used at the start of a field name'));
onChangeRequired: function (e, $el) {
// set
var required = $el.prop('checked') ? 1 : 0;
this.set('required', required);
delete: function (args) {
// defaults
args = acf.parseArgs(args, {
animate: true
// add to remove list
var id = this.prop('ID');
if (id) {
var $input = $('#_acf_delete_fields');
var newVal = $input.val() + '|' + id;
// action
acf.doAction('delete_field_object', this);
// animate
if (args.animate) {
} else {
onClickDelete: function (e, $el) {
// Bypass confirmation when holding down "shift" key.
if (e.shiftKey) {
return this.delete();
// add class
// add tooltip
var tooltip = acf.newTooltip({
confirmRemove: true,
target: $el,
context: this,
confirm: function () {
cancel: function () {
removeAnimate: function () {
// vars
var field = this;
var $list = this.$el.parent();
var $fields = acf.findFieldObjects({
sibling: this.$el
// remove
target: this.$el,
endHeight: $fields.length ? 0 : 50,
complete: function () {
acf.doAction('removed_field_object', field, $list);
// action
acf.doAction('remove_field_object', field, $list);
duplicate: function () {
// vars
var newKey = acf.uniqid('field_');
// duplicate
var $newField = acf.duplicate({
target: this.$el,
search: this.get('id'),
replace: newKey
// set new key
$newField.attr('data-key', newKey);
// get instance
var newField = acf.getFieldObject($newField);
// update newField label / name
var label = newField.prop('label');
var name = newField.prop('name');
var end = name.split('_').pop();
var copy = acf.__('copy');
// increase suffix "1"
if (acf.isNumeric(end)) {
var i = end * 1 + 1;
label = label.replace(end, i);
name = name.replace(end, i);
// increase suffix "(copy1)"
} else if (end.indexOf(copy) === 0) {
var i = end.replace(copy, '') * 1;
i = i ? i + 1 : 2;
// replace
label = label.replace(end, copy + i);
name = name.replace(end, copy + i);
// add default "(copy)"
} else {
label += ' (' + copy + ')';
name += '_' + copy;
newField.prop('ID', 0);
newField.prop('label', label);
newField.prop('name', name);
newField.prop('key', newKey);
// close the current field if it's open.
if (this.isOpen()) {
// open the new field and initialise correctly.
// focus label
var $label = newField.$setting('label input');
setTimeout(function () {
}, 251);
// action
acf.doAction('duplicate_field_object', this, newField);
acf.doAction('append_field_object', newField);
wipe: function () {
// vars
var prevId = this.get('id');
var prevKey = this.get('key');
var newKey = acf.uniqid('field_');
// rename
target: this.$el,
search: prevId,
replace: newKey
// data
this.set('id', newKey);
this.set('prevId', prevId);
this.set('prevKey', prevKey);
// props
this.prop('key', newKey);
this.prop('ID', 0);
// attr
this.$el.attr('data-key', newKey);
this.$el.attr('data-id', newKey);
// action
acf.doAction('wipe_field_object', this);
move: function () {
// helper
var hasChanged = function (field) {
return field.get('save') == 'settings';
// vars
var changed = hasChanged(this);
// has sub fields changed
if (!changed) {
parent: this.$el
}).map(function (field) {
changed = hasChanged(field) || field.changed;
// bail early if changed
if (changed) {
alert(acf.__('This field cannot be moved until its changes have been saved'));
// step 1.
var id = this.prop('ID');
var field = this;
var popup = false;
var step1 = function () {
// popup
popup = acf.newPopup({
title: acf.__('Move Custom Field'),
loading: true,
width: '300px',
openedBy: field.$el.find('.move-field')
// ajax
var ajaxData = {
action: 'acf/field_group/move_field',
field_id: id
// get HTML
url: acf.get('ajaxurl'),
data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxData),
type: 'post',
dataType: 'html',
success: step2
var step2 = function (html) {
// update popup
// submit form
popup.on('submit', 'form', step3);
var step3 = function (e, $el) {
// prevent
// disable
// ajax
var ajaxData = {
action: 'acf/field_group/move_field',
field_id: id,
field_group_id: popup.$('select').val()
// get HTML
url: acf.get('ajaxurl'),
data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxData),
type: 'post',
dataType: 'html',
success: step4
var step4 = function (html) {
if (wp.a11y && wp.a11y.speak && acf.__) {
wp.a11y.speak(acf.__('Field moved to other group'), 'polite');
// start
browseFields: function (e, $el) {
const modal = acf.newBrowseFieldsModal({
openedBy: this
onChangeType: function (e, $el) {
// clea previous timout
if (this.changeTimeout) {
// set new timeout
// - prevents changing type multiple times whilst user types in newType
this.changeTimeout = this.setTimeout(function () {
}, 300);
changeType: function (newType) {
var prevType = this.prop('type');
var prevClass = acf.strSlugify('acf-field-object-' + prevType);
var newClass = acf.strSlugify('acf-field-object-' + newType);
// Update props.
this.$el.attr('data-type', newType);
this.$el.data('type', newType);
// Abort XHR if this field is already loading AJAX data.
if (this.has('xhr')) {
// Store old settings so they can be reused later.
const $oldSettings = {};
this.$el.find('.acf-field-settings:first > .acf-field-settings-main > .acf-field-type-settings').each(function () {
let tab = $(this).data('parent-tab');
let $tabSettings = $(this).children().removeData();
$oldSettings[tab] = $tabSettings;
this.set('settings-' + prevType, $oldSettings);
// Show the settings if we already have them cached.
if (this.has('settings-' + newType)) {
let $newSettings = this.get('settings-' + newType);
this.set('type', newType);
// Add loading spinner.
const $loading = $('<div class="acf-field"><div class="acf-input"><div class="acf-loading"></div></div></div>');
this.$el.find('.acf-field-settings-main-general .acf-field-type-settings').before($loading);
const ajaxData = {
action: 'acf/field_group/render_field_settings',
field: this.serialize(),
prefix: this.getInputName()
// Get the settings for this field type over AJAX.
var xhr = $.ajax({
url: acf.get('ajaxurl'),
data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxData),
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
context: this,
success: function (response) {
if (!acf.isAjaxSuccess(response)) {
complete: function () {
// also triggered by xhr.abort();
this.set('type', newType);
// set
this.set('xhr', xhr);
showFieldTypeSettings: function (settings) {
if ('object' !== typeof settings) {
const self = this;
const tabs = Object.keys(settings);
tabs.forEach(tab => {
const $tab = self.$el.find('.acf-field-settings-main-' + tab.replace('_', '-') + ' .acf-field-type-settings');
let tabContent = '';
if (['object', 'string'].includes(typeof settings[tab])) {
tabContent = settings[tab];
acf.doAction('append', $tab);
updateParent: function () {
// vars
var ID = acf.get('post_id');
// check parent
var parent = this.getParent();
if (parent) {
ID = parseInt(parent.prop('ID')) || parent.prop('key');
// update
this.prop('parent', ID);
hideEmptyTabs: function () {
const $settings = this.$settings();
const $tabs = $settings.find('.acf-field-settings:first > .acf-field-settings-main');
$tabs.each(function () {
const $tabContent = $(this);
const tabName = $tabContent.find('.acf-field-type-settings:first').data('parentTab');
const $tabLink = $settings.find('.acf-settings-type-' + tabName).first();
if ($.trim($tabContent.text()) === '') {
} else if ($tabLink.is(':hidden')) {
/***/ }),
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-fields.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-fields.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
(function ($, undefined) {
* acf.findFieldObject
* Returns a single fieldObject $el for a given field key
* @date 1/2/18
* @since 5.7.0
* @param string key The field key
* @return jQuery
acf.findFieldObject = function (key) {
return acf.findFieldObjects({
key: key,
limit: 1
* acf.findFieldObjects
* Returns an array of fieldObject $el for the given args
* @date 1/2/18
* @since 5.7.0
* @param object args
* @return jQuery
acf.findFieldObjects = function (args) {
// vars
args = args || {};
var selector = '.acf-field-object';
var $fields = false;
// args
args = acf.parseArgs(args, {
id: '',
key: '',
type: '',
limit: false,
list: null,
parent: false,
sibling: false,
child: false
// id
if (args.id) {
selector += '[data-id="' + args.id + '"]';
// key
if (args.key) {
selector += '[data-key="' + args.key + '"]';
// type
if (args.type) {
selector += '[data-type="' + args.type + '"]';
// query
if (args.list) {
$fields = args.list.children(selector);
} else if (args.parent) {
$fields = args.parent.find(selector);
} else if (args.sibling) {
$fields = args.sibling.siblings(selector);
} else if (args.child) {
$fields = args.child.parents(selector);
} else {
$fields = $(selector);
// limit
if (args.limit) {
$fields = $fields.slice(0, args.limit);
// return
return $fields;
* acf.getFieldObject
* Returns a single fieldObject instance for a given $el|key
* @date 1/2/18
* @since 5.7.0
* @param string|jQuery $field The field $el or key
* @return jQuery
acf.getFieldObject = function ($field) {
// allow key
if (typeof $field === 'string') {
$field = acf.findFieldObject($field);
// instantiate
var field = $field.data('acf');
if (!field) {
field = acf.newFieldObject($field);
// return
return field;
* acf.getFieldObjects
* Returns an array of fieldObject instances for the given args
* @date 1/2/18
* @since 5.7.0
* @param object args
* @return array
acf.getFieldObjects = function (args) {
// query
var $fields = acf.findFieldObjects(args);
// loop
var fields = [];
$fields.each(function () {
var field = acf.getFieldObject($(this));
// return
return fields;
* acf.newFieldObject
* Initializes and returns a new FieldObject instance
* @date 1/2/18
* @since 5.7.0
* @param jQuery $field The field $el
* @return object
acf.newFieldObject = function ($field) {
// instantiate
var field = new acf.FieldObject($field);
// action
acf.doAction('new_field_object', field);
// return
return field;
* actionManager
* description
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.6.5
* @param type $var Description. Default.
* @return type Description.
var eventManager = new acf.Model({
priority: 5,
initialize: function () {
// actions
var actions = ['prepare', 'ready', 'append', 'remove'];
// loop
actions.map(function (action) {
}, this);
addFieldActions: function (action) {
// vars
var pluralAction = action + '_field_objects'; // ready_field_objects
var singleAction = action + '_field_object'; // ready_field_object
var singleEvent = action + 'FieldObject'; // readyFieldObject
// global action
var callback = function ($el /*, arg1, arg2, etc*/) {
// vars
var fieldObjects = acf.getFieldObjects({
parent: $el
// call plural
if (fieldObjects.length) {
/// get args [$el, arg1]
var args = acf.arrayArgs(arguments);
// modify args [pluralAction, fields, arg1]
args.splice(0, 1, pluralAction, fieldObjects);
acf.doAction.apply(null, args);
// plural action
var pluralCallback = function (fieldObjects /*, arg1, arg2, etc*/) {
/// get args [fields, arg1]
var args = acf.arrayArgs(arguments);
// modify args [singleAction, fields, arg1]
// loop
fieldObjects.map(function (fieldObject) {
// modify args [singleAction, field, arg1]
args[1] = fieldObject;
acf.doAction.apply(null, args);
// single action
var singleCallback = function (fieldObject /*, arg1, arg2, etc*/) {
/// get args [$field, arg1]
var args = acf.arrayArgs(arguments);
// modify args [singleAction, $field, arg1]
// action variations (ready_field/type=image)
var variations = ['type', 'name', 'key'];
variations.map(function (variation) {
args[0] = singleAction + '/' + variation + '=' + fieldObject.get(variation);
acf.doAction.apply(null, args);
// modify args [arg1]
args.splice(0, 2);
// event
fieldObject.trigger(singleEvent, args);
// add actions
acf.addAction(action, callback, 5);
acf.addAction(pluralAction, pluralCallback, 5);
acf.addAction(singleAction, singleCallback, 5);
* fieldManager
* description
* @date 4/1/18
* @since 5.6.5
* @param type $var Description. Default.
* @return type Description.
var fieldManager = new acf.Model({
id: 'fieldManager',
events: {
'submit #post': 'onSubmit',
'mouseenter .acf-field-list': 'onHoverSortable',
'click .add-field': 'onClickAdd'
actions: {
removed_field_object: 'onRemovedField',
sortstop_field_object: 'onReorderField',
delete_field_object: 'onDeleteField',
change_field_object_type: 'onChangeFieldType',
duplicate_field_object: 'onDuplicateField'
onSubmit: function (e, $el) {
// vars
var fields = acf.getFieldObjects();
// loop
fields.map(function (field) {
setFieldMenuOrder: function (field) {
onHoverSortable: function (e, $el) {
// bail early if already sortable
if ($el.hasClass('ui-sortable')) return;
// sortable
helper: function (event, element) {
// https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/16972#comment:22
return element.clone().find(':input').attr('name', function (i, currentName) {
return 'sort_' + parseInt(Math.random() * 100000, 10).toString() + '_' + currentName;
handle: '.acf-sortable-handle',
connectWith: '.acf-field-list',
start: function (e, ui) {
var field = acf.getFieldObject(ui.item);
acf.doAction('sortstart_field_object', field, $el);
update: function (e, ui) {
var field = acf.getFieldObject(ui.item);
acf.doAction('sortstop_field_object', field, $el);
onRemovedField: function (field, $list) {
onReorderField: function (field, $list) {
onDeleteField: function (field) {
// delete children
field.getFields().map(function (child) {
animate: false
onChangeFieldType: function (field) {
// enable browse field modal button
field.$el.find('button.browse-fields').prop('disabled', false);
onDuplicateField: function (field, newField) {
// check for children
var children = newField.getFields();
if (children.length) {
// loop
children.map(function (child) {
// wipe field
// if the child is open, re-fire the open method to ensure it's initialised correctly.
if (child.isOpen()) {
// update parent
// action
acf.doAction('duplicate_field_objects', children, newField, field);
// set menu order
renderFields: function ($list) {
// vars
var fields = acf.getFieldObjects({
list: $list
// no fields
if (!fields.length) {
// has fields
// prop
fields.map(function (field, i) {
field.prop('menu_order', i);
onClickAdd: function (e, $el) {
let $list;
if ($el.hasClass('add-first-field')) {
$list = $el.parents('.acf-field-list').eq(0);
} else if ($el.parent().hasClass('acf-headerbar-actions') || $el.parent().hasClass('no-fields-message-inner')) {
$list = $('.acf-field-list:first');
} else if ($el.parent().hasClass('acf-sub-field-list-header')) {
$list = $el.parents('.acf-input:first').find('.acf-field-list:first');
} else {
$list = $el.closest('.acf-tfoot').siblings('.acf-field-list');
addField: function ($list) {
// vars
var html = $('#tmpl-acf-field').html();
var $el = $(html);
var prevId = $el.data('id');
var newKey = acf.uniqid('field_');
// duplicate
var $newField = acf.duplicate({
target: $el,
search: prevId,
replace: newKey,
append: function ($el, $el2) {
// get instance
var newField = acf.getFieldObject($newField);
// props
newField.prop('key', newKey);
newField.prop('ID', 0);
newField.prop('label', '');
newField.prop('name', '');
// attr
$newField.attr('data-key', newKey);
$newField.attr('data-id', newKey);
// update parent prop
// focus type
var $type = newField.$input('type');
setTimeout(function () {
if ($list.hasClass('acf-auto-add-field')) {
} else {
}, 251);
// open
// set menu order
// action
acf.doAction('add_field_object', newField);
acf.doAction('append_field_object', newField);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-locations.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-locations.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
(function ($, undefined) {
* locationManager
* Field group location rules functionality
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.7.0
* @param void
* @return void
var locationManager = new acf.Model({
id: 'locationManager',
wait: 'ready',
events: {
'click .add-location-rule': 'onClickAddRule',
'click .add-location-group': 'onClickAddGroup',
'click .remove-location-rule': 'onClickRemoveRule',
'change .refresh-location-rule': 'onChangeRemoveRule'
initialize: function () {
this.$el = $('#acf-field-group-options');
addProLocations: function () {
// Make sure we're only running this on free version.
if (acf.get('is_pro')) {
// Loop over each pro field type and append it to the select.
const PROLocationTypes = acf.get('PROLocationTypes');
if (typeof PROLocationTypes !== 'object') return;
const $formsGroup = this.$el.find('select.refresh-location-rule').find('optgroup[label="Forms"]');
for (const [key, name] of Object.entries(PROLocationTypes)) {
$formsGroup.append('<option value="null" disabled="disabled">' + name + ' (' + acf.__('PRO Only') + ')</option>');
onClickAddRule: function (e, $el) {
onClickRemoveRule: function (e, $el) {
onChangeRemoveRule: function (e, $el) {
onClickAddGroup: function (e, $el) {
addRule: function ($tr) {
removeRule: function ($tr) {
if ($tr.siblings('tr').length == 0) {
} else {
// Update h4
var $group = this.$('.rule-group:first');
$group.find('h4').text(acf.__('Show this field group if'));
changeRule: function ($rule) {
// vars
var $group = $rule.closest('.rule-group');
var prefix = $rule.find('td.param select').attr('name').replace('[param]', '');
// ajaxdata
var ajaxdata = {};
ajaxdata.action = 'acf/field_group/render_location_rule';
ajaxdata.rule = acf.serialize($rule, prefix);
ajaxdata.rule.id = $rule.data('id');
ajaxdata.rule.group = $group.data('id');
// temp disable
// ajax
url: acf.get('ajaxurl'),
data: acf.prepareForAjax(ajaxdata),
type: 'post',
dataType: 'html',
success: function (html) {
if (!html) return;
addGroup: function () {
// vars
var $group = this.$('.rule-group:last');
// duplicate
$group2 = acf.duplicate($group);
// update h4
// remove all tr's except the first one
// update the groups class
updateGroupsClass: function () {
var $group = this.$('.rule-group:last');
var $ruleGroups = $group.closest('.rule-groups');
var rows_count = $ruleGroups.find('.acf-table tr').length;
if (rows_count > 1) {
} else {
/***/ }),
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-settings.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-settings.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
(function ($, undefined) {
* mid
* Calculates the model ID for a field type
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.6.5
* @param string type
* @return string
var modelId = function (type) {
return acf.strPascalCase(type || '') + 'FieldSetting';
* registerFieldType
* description
* @date 14/12/17
* @since 5.6.5
* @param type $var Description. Default.
* @return type Description.
acf.registerFieldSetting = function (model) {
var proto = model.prototype;
var mid = modelId(proto.type + ' ' + proto.name);
this.models[mid] = model;
* newField
* description
* @date 14/12/17
* @since 5.6.5
* @param type $var Description. Default.
* @return type Description.
acf.newFieldSetting = function (field) {
// vars
var type = field.get('setting') || '';
var name = field.get('name') || '';
var mid = modelId(type + ' ' + name);
var model = acf.models[mid] || null;
// bail early if no setting
if (model === null) return false;
// instantiate
var setting = new model(field);
// return
return setting;
* acf.getFieldSetting
* description
* @date 19/4/18
* @since 5.6.9
* @param type $var Description. Default.
* @return type Description.
acf.getFieldSetting = function (field) {
// allow jQuery
if (field instanceof jQuery) {
field = acf.getField(field);
// return
return field.setting;
* settingsManager
* @since 5.6.5
* @param object The object containing the extended variables and methods.
* @return void
var settingsManager = new acf.Model({
actions: {
new_field: 'onNewField'
onNewField: function (field) {
field.setting = acf.newFieldSetting(field);
* acf.FieldSetting
* @since 5.6.5
* @param object The object containing the extended variables and methods.
* @return void
acf.FieldSetting = acf.Model.extend({
field: false,
type: '',
name: '',
wait: 'ready',
eventScope: '.acf-field',
events: {
change: 'render'
setup: function (field) {
// vars
var $field = field.$el;
// set props
this.$el = $field;
this.field = field;
this.$fieldObject = $field.closest('.acf-field-object');
this.fieldObject = acf.getFieldObject(this.$fieldObject);
// inherit data
$.extend(this.data, field.data);
initialize: function () {
render: function () {
// do nothing
* Accordion and Tab Endpoint Settings
* The 'endpoint' setting on accordions and tabs requires an additional class on the
* field object row when enabled.
* @since 6.0.0
* @param object The object containing the extended variables and methods.
* @return void
var EndpointFieldSetting = acf.FieldSetting.extend({
type: '',
name: '',
render: function () {
var $endpoint_setting = this.fieldObject.$setting('endpoint');
var $endpoint_field = $endpoint_setting.find('input[type="checkbox"]:first');
if ($endpoint_field.is(':checked')) {
} else {
var AccordionEndpointFieldSetting = EndpointFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'accordion',
name: 'endpoint'
var TabEndpointFieldSetting = EndpointFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'tab',
name: 'endpoint'
* Date Picker
* This field type requires some extra logic for its settings
* @since 5.0.0
* @param object The object containing the extended variables and methods.
* @return void
var DisplayFormatFieldSetting = acf.FieldSetting.extend({
type: '',
name: '',
render: function () {
var $input = this.$('input[type="radio"]:checked');
if ($input.val() != 'other') {
var DatePickerDisplayFormatFieldSetting = DisplayFormatFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'date_picker',
name: 'display_format'
var DatePickerReturnFormatFieldSetting = DisplayFormatFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'date_picker',
name: 'return_format'
* Date Time Picker
* This field type requires some extra logic for its settings
* @since 5.0.0
* @param object The object containing the extended variables and methods.
* @return void
var DateTimePickerDisplayFormatFieldSetting = DisplayFormatFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'date_time_picker',
name: 'display_format'
var DateTimePickerReturnFormatFieldSetting = DisplayFormatFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'date_time_picker',
name: 'return_format'
* Time Picker
* This field type requires some extra logic for its settings
* @since 5.0.0
* @param object The object containing the extended variables and methods.
* @return void
var TimePickerDisplayFormatFieldSetting = DisplayFormatFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'time_picker',
name: 'display_format'
var TimePickerReturnFormatFieldSetting = DisplayFormatFieldSetting.extend({
type: 'time_picker',
name: 'return_format'
* Color Picker Settings.
* @date 16/12/20
* @since 5.9.4
* @param object The object containing the extended variables and methods.
* @return void
var ColorPickerReturnFormat = acf.FieldSetting.extend({
type: 'color_picker',
name: 'enable_opacity',
render: function () {
var $return_format_setting = this.fieldObject.$setting('return_format');
var $default_value_setting = this.fieldObject.$setting('default_value');
var $labelText = $return_format_setting.find('input[type="radio"][value="string"]').parent('label').contents().last();
var $defaultPlaceholder = $default_value_setting.find('input[type="text"]');
var l10n = acf.get('colorPickerL10n');
if (this.field.val()) {
$defaultPlaceholder.attr('placeholder', 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)');
} else {
$defaultPlaceholder.attr('placeholder', '#FFFFFF');
/***/ }),
/***/ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group.js":
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group.js ***!
/***/ (() => {
(function ($, undefined) {
* fieldGroupManager
* Generic field group functionality
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.7.0
* @param void
* @return void
var fieldGroupManager = new acf.Model({
id: 'fieldGroupManager',
events: {
'submit #post': 'onSubmit',
'click a[href="#"]': 'onClick',
'click .acf-delete-field-group': 'onClickDeleteFieldGroup',
'blur input#title': 'validateTitle',
'input input#title': 'validateTitle'
filters: {
find_fields_args: 'filterFindFieldArgs',
find_fields_selector: 'filterFindFieldsSelector'
initialize: function () {
acf.addAction('prepare', this.maybeInitNewFieldGroup);
acf.add_filter('select2_args', this.setBidirectionalSelect2Args);
acf.add_filter('select2_ajax_data', this.setBidirectionalSelect2AjaxDataArgs);
setBidirectionalSelect2Args: function (args, $select, settings, field, instance) {
var _field$data;
if ((field === null || field === void 0 || (_field$data = field.data) === null || _field$data === void 0 ? void 0 : _field$data.call(field, 'key')) !== 'bidirectional_target') return args;
args.dropdownCssClass = 'field-type-select-results';
args.templateResult = function (selection) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof selection.element) {
return selection;
if (selection.children) {
return selection.text;
if (selection.loading || selection.element && selection.element.nodeName === 'OPTGROUP') {
var $selection = $('<span class="acf-selection"></span>');
return $selection;
if ('undefined' === typeof selection.human_field_type || 'undefined' === typeof selection.field_type || 'undefined' === typeof selection.this_field) {
return selection.text;
var $selection = $('<i title="' + acf.escHtml(selection.human_field_type) + '" class="field-type-icon field-type-icon-' + acf.escHtml(selection.field_type.replaceAll('_', '-')) + '"></i><span class="acf-selection has-icon">' + acf.escHtml(selection.text) + '</span>');
if (selection.this_field) {
$selection.last().append('<span class="acf-select2-default-pill">' + acf.__('This Field') + '</span>');
$selection.data('element', selection.element);
return $selection;
return args;
setBidirectionalSelect2AjaxDataArgs: function (data, args, $input, field, instance) {
if (data.field_key !== 'bidirectional_target') return data;
const $fieldObject = acf.findFieldObjects({
child: field
const fieldObject = acf.getFieldObject($fieldObject);
data.field_key = '_acf_bidirectional_target';
data.parent_key = fieldObject.get('key');
data.field_type = fieldObject.get('type');
// This might not be needed, but I wanted to figure out how to get a field setting in the JS API when the key isn't unique.
data.post_type = acf.getField(acf.findFields({
parent: $fieldObject,
key: 'post_type'
return data;
maybeInitNewFieldGroup: function () {
let $field_list_wrapper = $('#acf-field-group-fields > .inside > .acf-field-list-wrap.acf-auto-add-field');
if ($field_list_wrapper.length) {
$('.acf-headerbar-actions .add-field').trigger('click');
$('.acf-title-wrap #title').trigger('focus');
onSubmit: function (e, $el) {
// vars
var $title = $('.acf-title-wrap #title');
// empty
if (!$title.val()) {
// prevent default
// unlock form
// focus
onClick: function (e) {
onClickDeleteFieldGroup: function (e, $el) {
// Add confirmation tooltip.
confirm: true,
target: $el,
context: this,
text: acf.__('Move field group to trash?'),
confirm: function () {
window.location.href = $el.attr('href');
cancel: function () {
validateTitle: function (e, $el) {
let $submitButton = $('.acf-publish');
if (!$el.val()) {
} else {
filterFindFieldArgs: function (args) {
args.visible = true;
if (args.parent && (args.parent.hasClass('acf-field-object') || args.parent.hasClass('acf-browse-fields-modal-wrap') || args.parent.parents('.acf-field-object').length)) {
args.visible = false;
args.excludeSubFields = true;
// If the field has any open subfields, don't exclude subfields as they're already being displayed.
if (args.parent && args.parent.find('.acf-field-object.open').length) {
args.excludeSubFields = false;
return args;
filterFindFieldsSelector: function (selector) {
return selector + ', .acf-field-acf-field-group-settings-tabs';
* screenOptionsManager
* Screen options functionality
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.7.0
* @param void
* @return void
var screenOptionsManager = new acf.Model({
id: 'screenOptionsManager',
wait: 'prepare',
events: {
'change #acf-field-key-hide': 'onFieldKeysChange',
'change #acf-field-settings-tabs': 'onFieldSettingsTabsChange',
'change [name="screen_columns"]': 'render'
initialize: function () {
// vars
var $div = $('#adv-settings');
var $append = $('#acf-append-show-on-screen');
// append
$div.find('.metabox-prefs br').remove();
// clean up
// initialize
this.$el = $('#screen-options-wrap');
// render
isFieldKeysChecked: function () {
return this.$el.find('#acf-field-key-hide').prop('checked');
isFieldSettingsTabsChecked: function () {
const $input = this.$el.find('#acf-field-settings-tabs');
// Screen option is hidden by filter.
if (!$input.length) {
return false;
return $input.prop('checked');
getSelectedColumnCount: function () {
return this.$el.find('input[name="screen_columns"]:checked').val();
onFieldKeysChange: function (e, $el) {
var val = this.isFieldKeysChecked() ? 1 : 0;
acf.updateUserSetting('show_field_keys', val);
onFieldSettingsTabsChange: function () {
const val = this.isFieldSettingsTabsChecked() ? 1 : 0;
acf.updateUserSetting('show_field_settings_tabs', val);
render: function () {
if (this.isFieldKeysChecked()) {
} else {
if (!this.isFieldSettingsTabsChecked()) {
$('.acf-field-settings-main').removeClass('acf-hidden').prop('hidden', false);
} else {
$('.acf-field-object').each(function () {
const tabFields = acf.getFields({
type: 'tab',
parent: $(this),
excludeSubFields: true,
limit: 1
if (tabFields.length) {
tabFields[0].tabs.set('initialized', false);
acf.doAction('show', $(this));
if (this.getSelectedColumnCount() == 1) {
} else {
* appendFieldManager
* Appends fields together
* @date 15/12/17
* @since 5.7.0
* @param void
* @return void
var appendFieldManager = new acf.Model({
actions: {
new_field: 'onNewField'
onNewField: function (field) {
// bail early if not append
if (!field.has('append')) return;
// vars
var append = field.get('append');
var $sibling = field.$el.siblings('[data-name="' + append + '"]').first();
// bail early if no sibling
if (!$sibling.length) return;
// ul
var $div = $sibling.children('.acf-input');
var $ul = $div.children('ul');
// create ul
if (!$ul.length) {
$div.wrapInner('<ul class="acf-hl"><li></li></ul>');
$ul = $div.children('ul');
// li
var html = field.$('.acf-input').html();
var $li = $('<li>' + html + '</li>');
$ul.attr('data-cols', $ul.children().length);
// clean up
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty.js":
!*** ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ _defineProperty)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _toPropertyKey_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./toPropertyKey.js */ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toPropertyKey.js");
function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
key = (0,_toPropertyKey_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(key);
if (key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: value,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toPrimitive.js":
!*** ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toPrimitive.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ toPrimitive)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _typeof_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./typeof.js */ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof.js");
function toPrimitive(t, r) {
if ("object" != (0,_typeof_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(t) || !t) return t;
var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive];
if (void 0 !== e) {
var i = e.call(t, r || "default");
if ("object" != (0,_typeof_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(i)) return i;
throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.");
return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toPropertyKey.js":
!*** ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toPropertyKey.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ toPropertyKey)
/* harmony export */ });
/* harmony import */ var _typeof_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./typeof.js */ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof.js");
/* harmony import */ var _toPrimitive_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./toPrimitive.js */ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/toPrimitive.js");
function toPropertyKey(t) {
var i = (0,_toPrimitive_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["default"])(t, "string");
return "symbol" == (0,_typeof_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["default"])(i) ? i : String(i);
/***/ }),
/***/ "./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof.js":
!*** ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof.js ***!
/***/ ((__unused_webpack___webpack_module__, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) => {
"use strict";
/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": () => (/* binding */ _typeof)
/* harmony export */ });
function _typeof(o) {
"@babel/helpers - typeof";
return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) {
return typeof o;
} : function (o) {
return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o;
}, _typeof(o);
/***/ })
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/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
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/******/ return module.exports;
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/******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ () => (module['default']) :
/******/ () => (module);
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ return getter;
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/******/ for(var key in definition) {
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/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ }
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/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))
/******/ })();
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/******/ (() => {
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/******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' });
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var __webpack_exports__ = {};
// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be in strict mode.
(() => {
"use strict";
!*** ./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/acf-field-group.js ***!
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_field-group.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group.js");
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_field_group_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__);
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_field_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_field-group-field.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-field.js");
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_field_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_field_group_field_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__);
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_field-group-settings.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-settings.js");
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_field_group_settings_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__);
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_conditions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_field-group-conditions.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-conditions.js");
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_conditions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_field_group_conditions_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__);
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_fields_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_field-group-fields.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-fields.js");
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_fields_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_field_group_fields_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__);
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_locations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_field-group-locations.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-locations.js");
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_locations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_field_group_locations_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__);
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_compatibility_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_field-group-compatibility.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_field-group-compatibility.js");
/* harmony import */ var _field_group_compatibility_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_field_group_compatibility_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__);
/* harmony import */ var _browse_fields_modal_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ./_browse-fields-modal.js */ "./src/advanced-custom-fields-pro/assets/src/js/_browse-fields-modal.js");
/******/ })()
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