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2024-04-29 13:12:44 +05:45
* Admin Class
* Handles the admin functionality
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
class Wpos_Anylc_Admin {
function __construct() {
global $wpos_analytics_module;
// Plugin action links
if( ! empty( $wpos_analytics_module ) ) {
foreach ($wpos_analytics_module as $module_key => $module) {
// Filter to add Opt In / Out row
add_filter( 'plugin_action_links_' . $module_key, array($this, 'wpos_anylc_add_action_links'), 10, 4 );
// Action to remove admin menu
add_action( 'admin_menu', array($this, 'wpos_anylc_remove_admin_menu'), 999 );
// Action to add admin menu
add_action( 'admin_menu', array($this, 'wpos_anylc_register_admin_menu'), 15 );
// Action to redirect plugin / theme on activation
add_action( 'admin_init', array($this, 'wpos_anylc_admin_init_process') );
// Action to show optin notice
add_action( 'admin_notices', array($this, 'wpos_anylc_optin_notice') );
// Action to add Attachment Popup HTML
add_action( 'admin_footer', array($this,'wpos_anylc_optout_popup') );
// Action to perform analytic action
add_action( 'wp_loaded', array($this, 'wpos_anylc_action_process') );
* Remove admin menus
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_remove_admin_menu() {
global $menu, $submenu, $wpos_analytics_module;
if( !empty( $wpos_analytics_module ) ) {
foreach ($wpos_analytics_module as $module_key => $module) {
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_get_option( $module['anylc_optin'] );
if( !empty( $module['menu'] ) && !isset( $opt_in_data['status'] ) ) {
remove_menu_page( $module['menu'] );
* Add menu
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_register_admin_menu() {
global $menu, $submenu, $wpos_analytics_module;
if( !empty( $wpos_analytics_module ) ) {
// WP Menu data
$wpos_menu_data = wp_list_pluck( $menu, 2 );
$anylc_page = isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['page'] ) : null;
foreach ($wpos_analytics_module as $module_key => $module) {
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_get_option( $module['anylc_optin'] );
$optin_status = isset( $opt_in_data['status'] ) ? $opt_in_data['status'] : null;
// Offers Page
if( !empty( $module['offers'] ) && $anylc_page == $module['slug'].'-offers' ) {
add_submenu_page( $module['menu'], 'WPOS Offers', '<span style="color:#2ECC71">Premium Offers</span>', 'manage_options', $module['slug'].'-offers', array($this, 'wpos_anylc_offers_html') );
// If data is set
if( $optin_status == 1 ) {
// Taking some variables
$menu_args = array();
if( $optin_status === 0 || $optin_status === 2 ) {
// Register admin menu
if( $anylc_page == $module['slug'] ) {
add_submenu_page( $module['menu'], $module['name'].' '.'Opt In', $module['name'].' '.'Opt In', 'manage_options', $module['slug'], array($this, 'wpos_anylc_page_html') );
} else {
if( !empty( $wpos_menu_data ) ) {
$orig_menu_pos = array_search( $module['menu'], $wpos_menu_data );
if( $orig_menu_pos !== false ) {
$menu_args = array(
'name' => $menu[ $orig_menu_pos ][0],
'icon' => $menu[ $orig_menu_pos ][6],
'position' => $orig_menu_pos,
// Taking default name and icon
if( empty( $menu_args ) ) {
$menu_args = array(
'name' => $module['name'],
'icon' => false,
'position' => null,
// Register admin menu
add_menu_page( $menu_args['name'], $menu_args['name'], 'manage_options', $module['slug'], array($this, 'wpos_anylc_page_html'), $menu_args['icon'], $menu_args['position'] );
} // End of for each
* Display Opt in form HTML
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_page_html() {
global $current_user, $wpos_analytics_product;
$anylc_product_name = !empty( $_GET['page'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['page'] ) : '';
// if no data is set then return
if( ! isset( $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_product_name ] ) ) {
// Taking soem data
$optin_form_data = wpos_anylc_optin_data();
$analy_product = $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_product_name ];
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_get_option( $analy_product['anylc_optin'] );
$opt_in = isset( $opt_in_data['status'] ) ? $opt_in_data['status'] : null;
$user_name = !empty( $current_user->first_name ) ? $current_user->first_name : '';
$user_name = empty( $user_name ) ? $current_user->nickname : $user_name;
$product_name = $analy_product['name'];
$skip_url = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => $anylc_product_name, 'wpos_anylc_action' => 'skip'), admin_url('admin.php') );
$skip_url = wp_nonce_url( $skip_url, 'wpos_anylc_act' );
require_once WPOS_ANYLC_DIR .'/templates/analytic.php';
* Display Offers HTML
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_offers_html() {
global $wpos_analytics_product;
$anylc_product_name = isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['page'] ) : '';
$anylc_product_name = str_replace( '-offers', '', $anylc_product_name );
// if no data is set then return
if( ! isset( $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_product_name ] ) ) {
// Taking soem data
$analy_product = $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_product_name ];
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_get_option( $analy_product['anylc_optin'] );
$opt_in = isset( $opt_in_data['status'] ) ? $opt_in_data['status'] : null;
include_once( WPOS_ANYLC_DIR .'/templates/offers.php' );
* Add Action links
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_add_action_links( $actions, $plugin_file, $plugin_data, $context ) {
global $wpos_analytics_module;
// Taking some data
$module_data = !empty( $wpos_analytics_module[ $plugin_file ] ) ? $wpos_analytics_module[ $plugin_file ] : '';
// If analytics module data is there
if( $module_data ) {
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_get_option( $module_data['anylc_optin'] );
$opt_in = isset( $opt_in_data['status'] ) ? $opt_in_data['status'] : -1;
// If user has opt in
if( $opt_in == 1 ) {
$new_links['wpos_anylc'] = '<a href="#" class="wpos-anylc-opt-out-link" data-id="'.$module_data['id'].'">'.__('Opt Out', 'wpos_analytic').'</a>';
} else {
$opt_in_link = wpos_anylc_optin_url( $module_data, $opt_in );
$new_links['wpos_anylc'] = '<a href="'.esc_url( $opt_in_link ).'" class="wpos-anylc-opt-in-link">'.__('Opt In', 'wpos_analytic').'</a>';
$actions = array_merge( $new_links, $actions );
return $actions;
* Redirect plugin / theme on activation to its opt in menu
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_admin_init_process() {
if( isset( $_GET['message'] ) && 'wpos-anylc-dismiss-notice' == $_GET['message'] && ! empty( $_GET['anylc_id'] )
&& isset( $_GET['_wpnonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_wpnonce'], 'wpos-anylc-dismiss-notice-nonce' )
) {
$anylc_id = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['anylc_id'] );
set_transient( 'wpos_anylc_optin_notice_'.$anylc_id, true, 172800 );
// Flush the redirect transient
if( isset( $_GET['anylc_nonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['anylc_nonce'], 'wpos-anylc-redirect-nonce' ) ) {
update_option( 'wpos_anylc_redirect', '' );
// Check if any redirect is set after plugin activation
$redirect = get_option( 'wpos_anylc_redirect' );
if ( $redirect ) {
* Little Tweak to avoid the infinite looping.
parse_str( parse_url( $redirect, PHP_URL_QUERY ), $url_data );
if( ! isset( $url_data['anylc_nonce'] ) || ( isset( $url_data['anylc_nonce'] ) && ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['anylc_nonce'], 'wpos-anylc-redirect-nonce' ) ) ) {
$redirect = add_query_arg( array( 'anylc_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wpos-anylc-redirect-nonce' ) ), $redirect );
// Redirect to page
wp_safe_redirect( $redirect );
* Display Analytic Optin notice
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_optin_notice() {
global $current_screen, $wpos_analytics_module, $wpos_analytics_product;
// Taking some variables
$screen_id = isset( $current_screen->id ) ? $current_screen->id : '';
// Plugin action links
if( $screen_id == 'dashboard' && current_user_can('manage_options') && !empty( $wpos_analytics_module ) ) {
foreach ($wpos_analytics_module as $module_key => $module) {
$anylc_pdt_id = $module['id'];
$notice_transient = get_transient( 'wpos_anylc_optin_notice_'.$anylc_pdt_id );
if( $notice_transient == false ) {
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_get_option( $module['anylc_optin'] );
$opt_in = isset( $opt_in_data['status'] ) ? $opt_in_data['status'] : -1;
$notice_link = add_query_arg( array( 'message' => 'wpos-anylc-dismiss-notice', 'anylc_id' => $anylc_pdt_id, '_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wpos-anylc-dismiss-notice-nonce' ) ), admin_url('index.php') );
// If user has opt in
if( $opt_in == -1 ) {
$anylc_pdt_name = $module['name'];
$anylc_optin_url = wpos_anylc_optin_url( $module, $opt_in );
echo '<div class="updated notice wpos-anylc-notice wpos-anylc-optin-notice">
<p><strong>'.wp_kses_post( $anylc_pdt_name ).'</strong> - We made a few tweaks to the plugin, <a href="'.esc_url( $anylc_optin_url ).'">Opt in to make it Better!</a></p>
<a href="'.esc_url( $notice_link ).'" class="notice-dismiss"></a>
} // End of if
if( isset($_GET['message']) && $_GET['message'] == 'optout_success' ) {
echo '<div class="updated notice wpos-anylc-optin-notice is-dismissible">
<p><strong>Sorry to let you go. You are now opted out from the plugin.</strong></p>
// Process Promotion Data
if( !empty($_GET['message']) && $_GET['message'] == 'wpos_anylc_promotion' && !empty($_GET['wpos_anylc_pdt']) && !empty($_GET['wpos_anylc_promo_pdt']) ) {
$promotion = 1;
$wpos_anylc_promo_pdt = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['wpos_anylc_promo_pdt'] );
$promotion_pdt = explode( ',', $wpos_anylc_promo_pdt );
$anylc_pdt = sanitize_text_field( $_GET['wpos_anylc_pdt'] );
$anylc_pdt_data = isset( $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_pdt ] ) ? $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_pdt ] : false;
if( !empty($promotion_pdt) ) {
foreach ($promotion_pdt as $pdt_key => $pdt) {
if( isset( $anylc_pdt_data['promotion'][$pdt]['file'] ) ) {
$promotion_pdt_data[] = '<a href="'.$anylc_pdt_data['promotion'][$pdt]['file'].'">'.$anylc_pdt_data['promotion'][$pdt]['name'].'</a>';
if( $promotion_pdt_data ) {
echo '<div class="updated notice wpos-anylc-optin-notice is-dismissible" style="display:block !important;">
<p><strong>Your Download has been started. In case if it is intrupted then download it from here. '.join(' | ', $promotion_pdt_data).'</strong></p>
* Analytic Optout Popup HTML
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_optout_popup() {
global $pagenow, $wpos_analytics_module;
if( $pagenow == 'plugins.php' && !empty( $wpos_analytics_module ) ) {
foreach ($wpos_analytics_module as $module_key => $module) {
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_get_option( $module['anylc_optin'] );
$opt_in = isset( $opt_in_data['status'] ) ? $opt_in_data['status'] : false;
// If user has opt in
if( $opt_in == 1 ) {
// Creating redirect URL
$plugin_status = isset( $_GET['plugin_status'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['plugin_status'] ) : false;
$paged = isset( $_GET['paged'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['paged'] ) : false;
$s = isset( $_GET['s'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['s'] ) : false;
$redirect_url = add_query_arg( array( 'plugin_status' => $plugin_status, 'paged' => $paged, 's' => $s, 'wpos_anylc_pdt' => $module['slug'] ), admin_url( 'plugins.php' ) );
$redirect_url = wp_nonce_url( $redirect_url, 'wpos_anylc_act'.'|'.$module['slug'] );
// Form Data
$optin_form_data = wpos_anylc_optin_data( $module['slug'], $redirect_url );
include( WPOS_ANYLC_DIR .'/templates/optout-popup.php' );
* Analytic Action Process
* @package Wpos Analytic
* @since 1.0
function wpos_anylc_action_process() {
// Skip if not admin area
if ( !is_admin() ) {
return false;
if( !empty($_GET['wpos_anylc_action']) && isset($_GET['_wpnonce']) ) {
global $wpos_analytics_product;
$anylc_pdt = !empty( $_GET['wpos_anylc_pdt'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['wpos_anylc_pdt'] ) : '';
$anylc_pdt = ( ! $anylc_pdt && !empty( $_GET['page'] ) ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['page'] ) : $anylc_pdt;
$anylc_pdt_data = isset( $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_pdt ] ) ? $wpos_analytics_product[ $anylc_pdt ] : false;
// If valid product data found
if( $anylc_pdt_data ) {
// Process Optin
if( $_GET['wpos_anylc_action'] == 'optin' ) {
// Verify nonce
if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_wpnonce'], 'wpos_anylc_act' ) ) {
wp_die( __('Sorry, Something happened wrong.', 'wpos_analytic'), 'wpos_anylc_err', array('back_link' => true) );
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_update_option( $anylc_pdt_data['anylc_optin'], array('status' => 1) );
// Redirect to original menu
$redirect_url = wpos_anylc_pdt_url( $anylc_pdt_data, 'offer-promotion' );
if( $redirect_url ) {
wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
// Process Skip
if( $_GET['wpos_anylc_action'] == 'skip' ) {
// Verify nonce
if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_wpnonce'], 'wpos_anylc_act' ) ) {
wp_die( __('Sorry, Something happened wrong.', 'wpos_analytic'), 'wpos_anylc_err', array('back_link' => true) );
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_update_option( $anylc_pdt_data['anylc_optin'], array('status' => 2) );
// Redirect to original menu
$redirect_url = wpos_anylc_pdt_url( $anylc_pdt_data, 'offer' );
if( $redirect_url ) {
wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
// Process Opt Out
if( $_GET['wpos_anylc_action'] == 'optout' ) {
// Verify nonce
if( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_wpnonce'], 'wpos_anylc_act'.'|'.$_GET['wpos_anylc_pdt'] ) ) {
wp_die( __('Sorry, Something happened wrong.', 'wpos_analytic'), 'wpos_anylc_err', array('back_link' => true) );
$opt_in_data = wpos_anylc_update_option( $anylc_pdt_data['anylc_optin'], array('status' => 0) );
// Redirect with success message
$redirect_url = add_query_arg( array( 'message' => 'optout_success', 'wpos_anylc_action' => false, 'wpos_anylc_pdt' => false, '_wpnonce' => false ) );
if( $redirect_url ) {
wp_redirect( $redirect_url );
} // End of main if
$wpos_anylc_admin = new Wpos_Anylc_Admin();