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2024-04-29 13:12:44 +05:45
if (!defined('WPO_VERSION')) die('No direct access allowed');
global $wpo_backup_initialized, $wpo_take_backup_checkbox_id;
$updraftplus_admin = !empty($GLOBALS['updraftplus_admin']) ? $GLOBALS['updraftplus_admin'] : null;
$updraftplus = !empty($GLOBALS['updraftplus']) ? $GLOBALS['updraftplus'] : null;
// Check if UpdraftPlus plugin status.
$updraftplus_status = $this->is_installed('UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore');
$check_version = false;
// If UpdraftPlus Admin exists along with Method and active, then call the update modal.
if (is_a($updraftplus_admin, 'UpdraftPlus_Admin') && is_callable(array($updraftplus_admin, 'add_backup_scaffolding'))) {
if (!$wpo_backup_initialized) {
$updraftplus_admin->add_backup_scaffolding(__('Backup before running optimizations', 'wp-optimize'), array($updraftplus_admin, 'backupnow_modal_contents'));
$wpo_backup_initialized = true;
$check_version = true;
} else {
// When pulling this template from UDC-RPC it gives $updraftplus_admin as null and the above condition
// will always result into $disabled_backup = 'disabled', making the backup checkbox on UDC unclickable,
// this makes sense since we're not logging directly into the admin dashboard but through UDC. Since,
// we're giving the user an option to make a backup using UDP before optimizing on UDC, therefore we
// need a way to enable the checkbox (making it clickable), giving control to the user whether he or she
// needs to backup before running the optimization process.
// Having to check whether UDP is installed and active is enough for UDC to run its local backup process
// if the user wishes to backup before optimizing. Of course, when $updraftplus_admin is null we assumed
// that the request is coming from UDC-RPC.
if (null === $updraftplus_admin && true === $updraftplus_status['installed'] && true === $updraftplus_status['active']) {
$disabled_backup = '';
$check_version = true;
} else {
// Disabled UpdraftPlus.
$disabled_backup = 'disabled';
if (true === $check_version) {
// Check version.
if (version_compare($updraftplus->version, '1.12.33', '<')) {
$disabled_backup = 'disabled';
$updraftplus_version_check = true;
} else {
$disabled_backup = '';
$updraftplus_version_check = false;
$label_text = (isset($label) && '' !== $label) ? $label : __('Take a backup with UpdraftPlus before doing this', 'wp-optimize');
if (!isset($default_checkbox_value)) {
$default_checkbox_value = 'false';
$option_value = $options->get_option($checkbox_name, $default_checkbox_value);
$is_checked = ('true' == $option_value);
<p class="wpo-take-a-backup">
<input class="enable-auto-backup" name="<?php echo $checkbox_name; ?>" id="<?php echo $checkbox_name; ?>" type="checkbox" value="true" <?php checked($is_checked);?> <?php echo $disabled_backup; ?> />
<label for="<?php echo $checkbox_name; ?>"> <?php echo $label_text; ?> </label>
// UpdraftPlus is not installed.
if ('disabled' == $disabled_backup && !$updraftplus_status['installed']) {
echo '<small><a href="'.wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=updraftplus'), 'install-plugin_updraftplus').'"> '.__('Follow this link to install UpdraftPlus, to take a backup before optimization', 'wp-optimize').' </a></small>';
} else {
// Build activate url.
$activate_url = add_query_arg(array(
'_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce('activate-plugin_updraftplus/updraftplus.php'),
'action' => 'activate',
'plugin' => 'updraftplus/updraftplus.php'
), network_admin_url('plugins.php'));
// If is network admin then add to link newtwork activation.
if (is_network_admin()) {
$activate_url = add_query_arg(array('networkwide' => 1), $activate_url);
// Check updraftplus version first.
if (!empty($updraftplus_version_check)) {
echo '<small>'.__('UpdraftPlus needs to be updated to 1.12.33 or higher in order to backup the database before optimization.', 'wp-optimize').' <a href="'.admin_url('update-core.php').'">'.__('Please update UpdraftPlus to the latest version.', 'wp-optimize').'</a></small>';
} else {
if ($updraftplus_status['installed'] && !$updraftplus_status['active']) {
echo '<small><a href="'.$activate_url.'"> '.__('UpdraftPlus is installed but currently not active. Follow this link to activate UpdraftPlus, to take a backup before optimization.', 'wp-optimize').' </a></small>';