" . "\r\n"; $emailBody = " New Request for Quote

New Request for Quote

Contact Details

"; if ($travel_type == 'One way') { $emailBody .= ""; } elseif ($travel_type == 'Round trip') { $emailBody .= ""; } elseif ($travel_type == 'Multi city') { foreach ($from as $key => $item) { $emailBody .= ""; } } $emailBody .= ""; if ($adult > 0) { foreach ($adult_gender as $key => $adult) { $emailBody .= ""; } } if ($children > 0) { foreach ($children_gender as $key => $child) { $emailBody .= ""; } } if ($infant > 0) { foreach ($infant_gender as $key => $infant) { $emailBody .= ""; } } $emailBody .= "
Name$gender $fname $lname
Travel Type$travel_type
Departure Date$s_departure_date
Flexibility on Departure$s_flexibility_on_dep
Departure Date$t_departure_date
Flexibility on Departure$t_flexibility_on_dep
Return Date$t_return_date
Flexibility on Return$t_flexibility_on_return
No. of Adults$adult
No. of Children$children
No. of Infants$infant
Additional Requirements$additional_req
Adult Name$adult_gender[$key] $adult_first_name[$key] $adult_last_name[$key]
Child DOB$children_dob[$key]
Child Name$children_gender[$key] $children_first_name[$key] $children_last_name[$key]
Infant DOB$infant_dob[$key]
Infant Name$infant_gender[$key] $infant_first_name[$key] $infant_last_name[$key]
"; if (mail($toEmail, $subject, $emailBody, $mailHeaders)) { $message = "Your contact information has been received successfully."; } else { $message = "Failed to send email. Please try again later."; error_log("Mail failed to send."); } } } ?>

Request a Quote Form

Please enter departure airport
Please enter destination airport
Please select your travel type
Name and Contact Details: Please fill in your personal information for this form.
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please select your gender
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter valid phone number
When traveling, it's essential that the names of all passengers match exactly what is stated on the passports they will be using.

(Including you)

(Age 2-11)

(0-23 Months)

Adult Information
Children Information
Infant Information