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                    <h1>Nepal At Glance</h1>
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                 <span class="pt-section-sub-title">Niwida Concern</span>       
                 <h5 class="pt-section-title">Nepal At Glance</h5>
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                   <p>Historically, Nepal has been providing manpower services for nearly two centuries. Nepalese workers are always recognized as loyal, dedicated, reliable, trustworthy, hardworking and honest. They respond admirably well to kind treatment and just dealings but at the same time they are conscious of their self-respect. They are religious and are proud of their Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and other religious heritage and culture.</p>
                   <p>They are quick in the uptake and are always willing to learn and acquire more skills and so increase their productivity. And are adaptable and can adjust quickly to climate and social environment conditions. Nepalese workers are in particular physically and psychologically best suited to Gulf, Middle East and Western Countries and commands considerable respect among the people and with the Government of Nepal.</p>
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                   <p class="mt-30">The performance of Nepalese workers in Gulf and Middle East countries has vouched for their qualities, capacity and hardworking. In fact, they have set established and are maintaining a good record of which we are proud of and at the same time the employers consider them as a result - NEPAL is considered an outstanding labour market country. The availability of workers in Nepal is in excess of national needs thus Nepal is well positioned to be able to assist other countries where labour in acute short supply at times causing hold ups in development programmes.</p>
                   <h6>Why NEPAL has been accepted and hence recognized as the wonderful and marvelous labour market Country?</h6>
                   <p>Over the years, Nepal has been recognized as one of the best labour-market recruitment country. A growing number of employers from overseas countries are directing their attention to Nepal form recruitment of manpower to accomplish and fulfill increasing demand for human resources required in their countries. Largely because Nepalese workers are found to be loyal, dedicated, hardworking and honest and are responsive in their job assignments, duties responsibilities. The overseas countries have realized that in compare of other countries, Nepalese workers like to learn new techniques and ways to improve their productiveness.</p>
                   <strong>The following are the reasons for employing Nepalese workers for overseas countries:-</strong>
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                        <i aria-hidden="true" class="ion ion-android-done-all"></i></span>
                        <span class="pt-icon-list-text">More feasible and viable to recruit Nepalese workers compared to other manpower exporting countries.</span>
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                        <span class="pt-icon-list-icon">
                        <i aria-hidden="true" class="ion ion-android-done-all"></i></span>
                        <span class="pt-icon-list-text">Nepalese workers are simple minded, dedicated, hardworking, disciplined, honest, calm nature, peace loving and extremely loyal to their employees. They possess the sense of humor and job accountability.</span>
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                        <span class="pt-icon-list-icon">
                        <i aria-hidden="true" class="ion ion-android-done-all"></i></span>
                        <span class="pt-icon-list-text">Nepalese workers are laborious and sustain their working capability even in the most exhausting conditions.</span>
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                        <i aria-hidden="true" class="ion ion-android-done-all"></i></span>
                        <span class="pt-icon-list-text">All categories of workers - professionals, skilled and unskilled almost in fields are readily available for immediate placement.</span>
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                        <i aria-hidden="true" class="ion ion-android-done-all"></i></span>
                        <span class="pt-icon-list-text">Nepalese workers discharge their duties relentlessly without any hitch and any kind of discontent.</span>
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                        <i aria-hidden="true" class="ion ion-android-done-all"></i></span>
                        <span class="pt-icon-list-text">The Government of Nepal procedures and formalities for overseas recruitment are comparatively simple to follow.</span>
                   <p>History has shown, particularly during the last two World Wars, that the Nepalese labour force has proved its ability and capability to adapt to even the most hostile environment and climatic conditions in any part of the world.</p>