").insertAfter(n)), h.nTBody = a[0], l.children("tfoot"));
if (0 === (n = 0 === n.length && 0 < e.length && ("" !== h.oScroll.sX || "" !== h.oScroll.sY) ? P("").appendTo(l) : n).length || 0 === n.children().length ? l.addClass(p.sNoFooter) : 0 < n.length && (h.nTFoot = n[0], Ct(h.aoFooter, h.nTFoot)), r.aaData)
for (o = 0; o < r.aaData.length; o++) x(h, r.aaData[o]);
else !h.bDeferLoading && "dom" != E(h) || ut(h, P(h.nTBody).children("tr"));
h.aiDisplay = h.aiDisplayMaster.slice(), !(h.bInitialised = !0) === i && Jt(h)
L(h, "aoDrawCallback", de, "state_save"), r.bStateSave ? (S.bStateSave = !0, he(h, 0, t)) : t()
}), y = null, this
c = {},
U = /[\r\n\u2028]/g,
V = /<.*?>/g,
X = /^\d{2,4}[\.\/\-]\d{1,2}[\.\/\-]\d{1,2}([T ]{1}\d{1,2}[:\.]\d{2}([\.:]\d{2})?)?$/,
J = new RegExp("(\\" + ["/", ".", "*", "+", "?", "|", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "$", "^", "-"].join("|\\") + ")", "g"),
q = /['\u00A0,$£€¥%\u2009\u202F\u20BD\u20a9\u20BArfkɃΞ]/gi,
h = function (t) {
return !t || !0 === t || "-" === t
G = function (t, e) {
return c[e] || (c[e] = new RegExp(Ot(e), "g")), "string" == typeof t && "." !== e ? t.replace(/\./g, "").replace(c[e], ".") : t
H = function (t, e, n) {
var a = [],
r = 0,
o = t.length;
if (n !== N)
for (; r < o; r++) t[r] && t[r][e] && a.push(t[r][e][n]);
for (; r < o; r++) t[r] && a.push(t[r][e]);
return a
$ = function (t) {
if (!(t.length < 2))
for (var e = t.slice().sort(), n = e[0], a = 1, r = e.length; a < r; a++) {
if (e[a] === n) return !1;
n = e[a]
return !0
z = function (t) {
if ($(t)) return t.slice();
var e, n, a, r = [],
o = t.length,
i = 0;
t: for (n = 0; n < o; n++) {
for (e = t[n], a = 0; a < i; a++)
if (r[a] === e) continue t;
r.push(e), i++
return r
Y = function (t, e) {
if (Array.isArray(e))
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) Y(t, e[n]);
else t.push(e);
return t
function i(n) {
var a, r, o = {};
P.each(n, function (t, e) {
(a = t.match(/^([^A-Z]+?)([A-Z])/)) && -1 !== "a aa ai ao as b fn i m o s ".indexOf(a[1] + " ") && (r = t.replace(a[0], a[2].toLowerCase()), o[r] = t, "o" === a[1]) && i(n[t])
}), n._hungarianMap = o
function w(n, a, r) {
var o;
n._hungarianMap || i(n), P.each(a, function (t, e) {
(o = n._hungarianMap[t]) === N || !r && a[o] !== N || ("o" === o.charAt(0) ? (a[o] || (a[o] = {}), P.extend(!0, a[o], a[t]), w(n[o], a[o], r)) : a[o] = a[t])
function Z(t) {
var e, n = C.defaults.oLanguage,
a = n.sDecimal;
a && ke(a), t && (e = t.sZeroRecords, !t.sEmptyTable && e && "No data available in table" === n.sEmptyTable && F(t, t, "sZeroRecords", "sEmptyTable"), !t.sLoadingRecords && e && "Loading..." === n.sLoadingRecords && F(t, t, "sZeroRecords", "sLoadingRecords"), t.sInfoThousands && (t.sThousands = t.sInfoThousands), e = t.sDecimal) && a !== e && ke(e)
Array.isArray || (Array.isArray = function (t) {
return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t)
}), Array.prototype.includes || (Array.prototype.includes = s), String.prototype.trim || (String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, "")
}), String.prototype.includes || (String.prototype.includes = s), C.util = {
throttle: function (a, t) {
var r, o, i = t !== N ? t : 200;
return function () {
var t = this,
e = +new Date,
n = arguments;
r && e < r + i ? (clearTimeout(o), o = setTimeout(function () {
r = N, a.apply(t, n)
}, i)) : (r = e, a.apply(t, n))
escapeRegex: function (t) {
return t.replace(J, "\\$1")
set: function (a) {
var d;
return P.isPlainObject(a) ? C.util.set(a._) : null === a ? function () {} : "function" == typeof a ? function (t, e, n) {
a(t, "set", e, n)
} : "string" != typeof a || -1 === a.indexOf(".") && -1 === a.indexOf("[") && -1 === a.indexOf("(") ? function (t, e) {
t[a] = e
} : (d = function (t, e, n) {
for (var a, r, o, i, l = dt(n), n = l[l.length - 1], s = 0, u = l.length - 1; s < u; s++) {
if ("__proto__" === l[s] || "constructor" === l[s]) throw new Error("Cannot set prototype values");
if (a = l[s].match(ft), r = l[s].match(g), a) {
if (l[s] = l[s].replace(ft, ""), t[l[s]] = [], (a = l.slice()).splice(0, s + 1), i = a.join("."), Array.isArray(e))
for (var c = 0, f = e.length; c < f; c++) d(o = {}, e[c], i), t[l[s]].push(o);
else t[l[s]] = e;
r && (l[s] = l[s].replace(g, ""), t = t[l[s]](e)), null !== t[l[s]] && t[l[s]] !== N || (t[l[s]] = {}), t = t[l[s]]
n.match(g) ? t[n.replace(g, "")](e) : t[n.replace(ft, "")] = e
}, function (t, e) {
return d(t, e, a)
get: function (r) {
var o, d;
return P.isPlainObject(r) ? (o = {}, P.each(r, function (t, e) {
e && (o[t] = C.util.get(e))
}), function (t, e, n, a) {
var r = o[e] || o._;
return r !== N ? r(t, e, n, a) : t
}) : null === r ? function (t) {
return t
} : "function" == typeof r ? function (t, e, n, a) {
return r(t, e, n, a)
} : "string" != typeof r || -1 === r.indexOf(".") && -1 === r.indexOf("[") && -1 === r.indexOf("(") ? function (t, e) {
return t[r]
} : (d = function (t, e, n) {
var a, r, o;
if ("" !== n)
for (var i = dt(n), l = 0, s = i.length; l < s; l++) {
if (f = i[l].match(ft), a = i[l].match(g), f) {
if (i[l] = i[l].replace(ft, ""), "" !== i[l] && (t = t[i[l]]), r = [], i.splice(0, l + 1), o = i.join("."), Array.isArray(t))
for (var u = 0, c = t.length; u < c; u++) r.push(d(t[u], e, o));
var f = f[0].substring(1, f[0].length - 1);
t = "" === f ? r : r.join(f);
if (a) i[l] = i[l].replace(g, ""), t = t[i[l]]();
else {
if (null === t || t[i[l]] === N) return N;
t = t[i[l]]
return t
}, function (t, e) {
return d(t, e, r)
var r = function (t, e, n) {
t[e] !== N && (t[n] = t[e])
function K(t) {
r(t, "ordering", "bSort"), r(t, "orderMulti", "bSortMulti"), r(t, "orderClasses", "bSortClasses"), r(t, "orderCellsTop", "bSortCellsTop"), r(t, "order", "aaSorting"), r(t, "orderFixed", "aaSortingFixed"), r(t, "paging", "bPaginate"), r(t, "pagingType", "sPaginationType"), r(t, "pageLength", "iDisplayLength"), r(t, "searching", "bFilter"), "boolean" == typeof t.sScrollX && (t.sScrollX = t.sScrollX ? "100%" : ""), "boolean" == typeof t.scrollX && (t.scrollX = t.scrollX ? "100%" : "");
var e = t.aoSearchCols;
if (e)
for (var n = 0, a = e.length; n < a; n++) e[n] && w(C.models.oSearch, e[n])
function Q(t) {
r(t, "orderable", "bSortable"), r(t, "orderData", "aDataSort"), r(t, "orderSequence", "asSorting"), r(t, "orderDataType", "sortDataType");
var e = t.aDataSort;
"number" != typeof e || Array.isArray(e) || (t.aDataSort = [e])
function tt(t) {
var e, n, a, r;
C.__browser || (C.__browser = e = {}, r = (a = (n = P("").css({
position: "fixed",
top: 0,
left: -1 * P(j).scrollLeft(),
height: 1,
width: 1,
overflow: "hidden"
position: "absolute",
top: 1,
left: 1,
width: 100,
overflow: "scroll"
width: "100%",
height: 10
}))).appendTo("body")).children()).children(), e.barWidth = a[0].offsetWidth - a[0].clientWidth, e.bScrollOversize = 100 === r[0].offsetWidth && 100 !== a[0].clientWidth, e.bScrollbarLeft = 1 !== Math.round(r.offset().left), e.bBounding = !!n[0].getBoundingClientRect().width, n.remove()), P.extend(t.oBrowser, C.__browser), t.oScroll.iBarWidth = C.__browser.barWidth
function et(t, e, n, a, r, o) {
var i, l = a,
s = !1;
for (n !== N && (i = n, s = !0); l !== r;) t.hasOwnProperty(l) && (i = s ? e(i, t[l], l, t) : t[l], s = !0, l += o);
return i
function nt(t, e) {
var n = C.defaults.column,
a = t.aoColumns.length,
n = P.extend({}, C.models.oColumn, n, {
nTh: e || v.createElement("th"),
sTitle: n.sTitle || (e ? e.innerHTML : ""),
aDataSort: n.aDataSort || [a],
mData: n.mData || a,
idx: a
n = (t.aoColumns.push(n), t.aoPreSearchCols);
n[a] = P.extend({}, C.models.oSearch, n[a]), at(t, a, P(e).data())
function at(t, e, n) {
function a(t) {
return "string" == typeof t && -1 !== t.indexOf("@")
var e = t.aoColumns[e],
r = t.oClasses,
o = P(e.nTh),
i = (!e.sWidthOrig && (e.sWidthOrig = o.attr("width") || null, u = (o.attr("style") || "").match(/width:\s*(\d+[pxem%]+)/)) && (e.sWidthOrig = u[1]), n !== N && null !== n && (Q(n), w(C.defaults.column, n, !0), n.mDataProp === N || n.mData || (n.mData = n.mDataProp), n.sType && (e._sManualType = n.sType), n.className && !n.sClass && (n.sClass = n.className), n.sClass && o.addClass(n.sClass), u = e.sClass, P.extend(e, n), F(e, n, "sWidth", "sWidthOrig"), u !== e.sClass && (e.sClass = u + " " + e.sClass), n.iDataSort !== N && (e.aDataSort = [n.iDataSort]), F(e, n, "aDataSort")), e.mData),
l = A(i),
s = e.mRender ? A(e.mRender) : null,
u = (e._bAttrSrc = P.isPlainObject(i) && (a(i.sort) || a(i.type) || a(i.filter)), e._setter = null, e.fnGetData = function (t, e, n) {
var a = l(t, e, N, n);
return s && e ? s(a, e, t, n) : a
}, e.fnSetData = function (t, e, n) {
return b(i)(t, e, n)
}, "number" != typeof i && (t._rowReadObject = !0), t.oFeatures.bSort || (e.bSortable = !1, o.addClass(r.sSortableNone)), -1 !== P.inArray("asc", e.asSorting)),
n = -1 !== P.inArray("desc", e.asSorting);
e.bSortable && (u || n) ? u && !n ? (e.sSortingClass = r.sSortableAsc, e.sSortingClassJUI = r.sSortJUIAscAllowed) : !u && n ? (e.sSortingClass = r.sSortableDesc, e.sSortingClassJUI = r.sSortJUIDescAllowed) : (e.sSortingClass = r.sSortable, e.sSortingClassJUI = r.sSortJUI) : (e.sSortingClass = r.sSortableNone, e.sSortingClassJUI = "")
function O(t) {
if (!1 !== t.oFeatures.bAutoWidth) {
var e = t.aoColumns;
for (var n = 0, a = e.length; n < a; n++) e[n].nTh.style.width = e[n].sWidth
var r = t.oScroll;
"" === r.sY && "" === r.sX || Qt(t), R(t, null, "column-sizing", [t])
function rt(t, e) {
t = it(t, "bVisible");
return "number" == typeof t[e] ? t[e] : null
function ot(t, e) {
t = it(t, "bVisible"), e = P.inArray(e, t);
return -1 !== e ? e : null
function T(t) {
var n = 0;
return P.each(t.aoColumns, function (t, e) {
e.bVisible && "none" !== P(e.nTh).css("display") && n++
}), n
function it(t, n) {
var a = [];
return P.map(t.aoColumns, function (t, e) {
t[n] && a.push(e)
}), a
function lt(t) {
for (var e, n, a, r, o, i, l, s = t.aoColumns, u = t.aoData, c = C.ext.type.detect, f = 0, d = s.length; f < d; f++)
if (l = [], !(o = s[f]).sType && o._sManualType) o.sType = o._sManualType;
else if (!o.sType) {
for (e = 0, n = c.length; e < n; e++) {
for (a = 0, r = u.length; a < r && (l[a] === N && (l[a] = S(t, a, f, "type")), (i = c[e](l[a], t)) || e === c.length - 1) && ("html" !== i || h(l[a])); a++);
if (i) {
o.sType = i;
o.sType || (o.sType = "string")
function st(t, e, n, a) {
var r, o, i, l, s = t.aoColumns;
if (e)
for (r = e.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--)
for (var u, c = (u = e[r]).target !== N ? u.target : u.targets !== N ? u.targets : u.aTargets, f = 0, d = (c = Array.isArray(c) ? c : [c]).length; f < d; f++)
if ("number" == typeof c[f] && 0 <= c[f]) {
for (; s.length <= c[f];) nt(t);
a(c[f], u)
} else if ("number" == typeof c[f] && c[f] < 0) a(s.length + c[f], u);
else if ("string" == typeof c[f])
for (i = 0, l = s.length; i < l; i++) "_all" != c[f] && !P(s[i].nTh).hasClass(c[f]) || a(i, u);
if (n)
for (r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++) a(r, n[r])
function x(t, e, n, a) {
for (var r = t.aoData.length, o = P.extend(!0, {}, C.models.oRow, {
src: n ? "dom" : "data",
idx: r
}), i = (o._aData = e, t.aoData.push(o), t.aoColumns), l = 0, s = i.length; l < s; l++) i[l].sType = null;
e = t.rowIdFn(e);
return e !== N && (t.aIds[e] = o), !n && t.oFeatures.bDeferRender || St(t, r, n, a), r
function ut(n, t) {
var a;
return (t = t instanceof P ? t : P(t)).map(function (t, e) {
return a = mt(n, e), x(n, a.data, e, a.cells)
function S(t, e, n, a) {
"search" === a ? a = "filter" : "order" === a && (a = "sort");
var r = t.iDraw,
o = t.aoColumns[n],
i = t.aoData[e]._aData,
l = o.sDefaultContent,
s = o.fnGetData(i, a, {
settings: t,
row: e,
col: n
if (s === N) return t.iDrawError != r && null === l && (W(t, 0, "Requested unknown parameter " + ("function" == typeof o.mData ? "{function}" : "'" + o.mData + "'") + " for row " + e + ", column " + n, 4), t.iDrawError = r), l;
if (s !== i && null !== s || null === l || a === N) {
if ("function" == typeof s) return s.call(i)
} else s = l;
return null === s && "display" === a ? "" : "filter" === a && (e = C.ext.type.search)[o.sType] ? e[o.sType](s) : s
function ct(t, e, n, a) {
var r = t.aoColumns[n],
o = t.aoData[e]._aData;
r.fnSetData(o, a, {
settings: t,
row: e,
col: n
var ft = /\[.*?\]$/,
g = /\(\)$/;
function dt(t) {
return P.map(t.match(/(\\.|[^\.])+/g) || [""], function (t) {
return t.replace(/\\\./g, ".")
var A = C.util.get,
b = C.util.set;
function ht(t) {
return H(t.aoData, "_aData")
function pt(t) {
t.aoData.length = 0, t.aiDisplayMaster.length = 0, t.aiDisplay.length = 0, t.aIds = {}
function gt(t, e, n) {
for (var a = -1, r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++) t[r] == e ? a = r : t[r] > e && t[r]--; - 1 != a && n === N && t.splice(a, 1)
function bt(n, a, t, e) {
function r(t, e) {
for (; t.childNodes.length;) t.removeChild(t.firstChild);
t.innerHTML = S(n, a, e, "display")
var o, i, l = n.aoData[a];
if ("dom" !== t && (t && "auto" !== t || "dom" !== l.src)) {
var s = l.anCells;
if (s)
if (e !== N) r(s[e], e);
for (o = 0, i = s.length; o < i; o++) r(s[o], o)
} else l._aData = mt(n, l, e, e === N ? N : l._aData).data;
l._aSortData = null, l._aFilterData = null;
var u = n.aoColumns;
if (e !== N) u[e].sType = null;
else {
for (o = 0, i = u.length; o < i; o++) u[o].sType = null;
vt(n, l)
function mt(t, e, n, a) {
function r(t, e) {
var n;
"string" == typeof t && -1 !== (n = t.indexOf("@")) && (n = t.substring(n + 1), b(t)(a, e.getAttribute(n)))
function o(t) {
n !== N && n !== f || (l = d[f], s = t.innerHTML.trim(), l && l._bAttrSrc ? (b(l.mData._)(a, s), r(l.mData.sort, t), r(l.mData.type, t), r(l.mData.filter, t)) : h ? (l._setter || (l._setter = b(l.mData)), l._setter(a, s)) : a[f] = s), f++
var i, l, s, u = [],
c = e.firstChild,
f = 0,
d = t.aoColumns,
h = t._rowReadObject;
a = a !== N ? a : h ? {} : [];
if (c)
for (; c;) "TD" != (i = c.nodeName.toUpperCase()) && "TH" != i || (o(c), u.push(c)), c = c.nextSibling;
for (var p = 0, g = (u = e.anCells).length; p < g; p++) o(u[p]);
var e = e.firstChild ? e : e.nTr;
return e && (e = e.getAttribute("id")) && b(t.rowId)(a, e), {
data: a,
cells: u
function St(t, e, n, a) {
var r, o, i, l, s, u, c = t.aoData[e],
f = c._aData,
d = [];
if (null === c.nTr) {
for (r = n || v.createElement("tr"), c.nTr = r, c.anCells = d, r._DT_RowIndex = e, vt(t, c), l = 0, s = t.aoColumns.length; l < s; l++) i = t.aoColumns[l], (o = (u = !n) ? v.createElement(i.sCellType) : a[l]) || W(t, 0, "Incorrect column count", 18), o._DT_CellIndex = {
row: e,
column: l
}, d.push(o), !u && (!i.mRender && i.mData === l || P.isPlainObject(i.mData) && i.mData._ === l + ".display") || (o.innerHTML = S(t, e, l, "display")), i.sClass && (o.className += " " + i.sClass), i.bVisible && !n ? r.appendChild(o) : !i.bVisible && n && o.parentNode.removeChild(o), i.fnCreatedCell && i.fnCreatedCell.call(t.oInstance, o, S(t, e, l), f, e, l);
R(t, "aoRowCreatedCallback", null, [r, f, e, d])
function vt(t, e) {
var n = e.nTr,
a = e._aData;
n && ((t = t.rowIdFn(a)) && (n.id = t), a.DT_RowClass && (t = a.DT_RowClass.split(" "), e.__rowc = e.__rowc ? z(e.__rowc.concat(t)) : t, P(n).removeClass(e.__rowc.join(" ")).addClass(a.DT_RowClass)), a.DT_RowAttr && P(n).attr(a.DT_RowAttr), a.DT_RowData) && P(n).data(a.DT_RowData)
function yt(t) {
var e, n, a, r = t.nTHead,
o = t.nTFoot,
i = 0 === P("th, td", r).length,
l = t.oClasses,
s = t.aoColumns;
for (i && (n = P("
").appendTo(r)), c = 0, f = s.length; c < f; c++) a = s[c], e = P(a.nTh).addClass(a.sClass), i && e.appendTo(n), t.oFeatures.bSort && (e.addClass(a.sSortingClass), !1 !== a.bSortable) && (e.attr("tabindex", t.iTabIndex).attr("aria-controls", t.sTableId), ue(t, a.nTh, c)), a.sTitle != e[0].innerHTML && e.html(a.sTitle), ve(t, "header")(t, e, a, l);
if (i && Ct(t.aoHeader, r), P(r).children("tr").children("th, td").addClass(l.sHeaderTH), P(o).children("tr").children("th, td").addClass(l.sFooterTH), null !== o)
for (var u = t.aoFooter[0], c = 0, f = u.length; c < f; c++)(a = s[c]) ? (a.nTf = u[c].cell, a.sClass && P(a.nTf).addClass(a.sClass)) : W(t, 0, "Incorrect column count", 18)
function Dt(t, e, n) {
var a, r, o, i, l, s, u, c, f, d = [],
h = [],
p = t.aoColumns.length;
if (e) {
for (n === N && (n = !1), a = 0, r = e.length; a < r; a++) {
for (d[a] = e[a].slice(), d[a].nTr = e[a].nTr, o = p - 1; 0 <= o; o--) t.aoColumns[o].bVisible || n || d[a].splice(o, 1);
for (a = 0, r = d.length; a < r; a++) {
if (u = d[a].nTr)
for (; s = u.firstChild;) u.removeChild(s);
for (o = 0, i = d[a].length; o < i; o++)
if (f = c = 1, h[a][o] === N) {
for (u.appendChild(d[a][o].cell), h[a][o] = 1; d[a + c] !== N && d[a][o].cell == d[a + c][o].cell;) h[a + c][o] = 1, c++;
for (; d[a][o + f] !== N && d[a][o].cell == d[a][o + f].cell;) {
for (l = 0; l < c; l++) h[a + l][o + f] = 1;
P(d[a][o].cell).attr("rowspan", c).attr("colspan", f)
function y(t, e) {
n = "ssp" == E(s = t), (l = s.iInitDisplayStart) !== N && -1 !== l && (s._iDisplayStart = !n && l >= s.fnRecordsDisplay() ? 0 : l, s.iInitDisplayStart = -1);
var n = R(t, "aoPreDrawCallback", "preDraw", [t]);
if (-1 !== P.inArray(!1, n)) D(t, !1);
else {
var a = [],
r = 0,
o = t.asStripeClasses,
i = o.length,
l = t.oLanguage,
s = "ssp" == E(t),
u = t.aiDisplay,
n = t._iDisplayStart,
c = t.fnDisplayEnd();
if (t.bDrawing = !0, t.bDeferLoading) t.bDeferLoading = !1, t.iDraw++, D(t, !1);
else if (s) {
if (!t.bDestroying && !e) return void xt(t)
} else t.iDraw++;
if (0 !== u.length)
for (var f = s ? t.aoData.length : c, d = s ? 0 : n; d < f; d++) {
var h, p = u[d],
g = t.aoData[p],
b = (null === g.nTr && St(t, p), g.nTr);
0 !== i && (h = o[r % i], g._sRowStripe != h) && (P(b).removeClass(g._sRowStripe).addClass(h), g._sRowStripe = h), R(t, "aoRowCallback", null, [b, g._aData, r, d, p]), a.push(b), r++
} else {
e = l.sZeroRecords;
1 == t.iDraw && "ajax" == E(t) ? e = l.sLoadingRecords : l.sEmptyTable && 0 === t.fnRecordsTotal() && (e = l.sEmptyTable), a[0] = P("
", {
class: i ? o[0] : ""
", {
valign: "top",
colSpan: T(t),
class: t.oClasses.sRowEmpty
R(t, "aoHeaderCallback", "header", [P(t.nTHead).children("tr")[0], ht(t), n, c, u]), R(t, "aoFooterCallback", "footer", [P(t.nTFoot).children("tr")[0], ht(t), n, c, u]);
s = P(t.nTBody);
s.children().detach(), s.append(P(a)), R(t, "aoDrawCallback", "draw", [t]), t.bSorted = !1, t.bFiltered = !1, t.bDrawing = !1
function u(t, e) {
var n = t.oFeatures,
a = n.bSort,
n = n.bFilter;
a && ie(t), n ? Rt(t, t.oPreviousSearch) : t.aiDisplay = t.aiDisplayMaster.slice(), !0 !== e && (t._iDisplayStart = 0), t._drawHold = e, y(t), t._drawHold = !1
function _t(t) {
for (var e, n, a, r, o, i, l, s = t.oClasses, u = P(t.nTable), u = P("").insertBefore(u), c = t.oFeatures, f = P("", {
id: t.sTableId + "_wrapper",
class: s.sWrapper + (t.nTFoot ? "" : " " + s.sNoFooter)
}), d = (t.nHolding = u[0], t.nTableWrapper = f[0], t.nTableReinsertBefore = t.nTable.nextSibling, t.sDom.split("")), h = 0; h < d.length; h++) {
if (e = null, "<" == (n = d[h])) {
if (a = P("")[0], "'" == (r = d[h + 1]) || '"' == r) {
for (o = "", i = 2; d[h + i] != r;) o += d[h + i], i++;
"H" == o ? o = s.sJUIHeader : "F" == o && (o = s.sJUIFooter), -1 != o.indexOf(".") ? (l = o.split("."), a.id = l[0].substr(1, l[0].length - 1), a.className = l[1]) : "#" == o.charAt(0) ? a.id = o.substr(1, o.length - 1) : a.className = o, h += i
f.append(a), f = P(a)
} else if (">" == n) f = f.parent();
else if ("l" == n && c.bPaginate && c.bLengthChange) e = $t(t);
else if ("f" == n && c.bFilter) e = Lt(t);
else if ("r" == n && c.bProcessing) e = Zt(t);
else if ("t" == n) e = Kt(t);
else if ("i" == n && c.bInfo) e = Ut(t);
else if ("p" == n && c.bPaginate) e = zt(t);
else if (0 !== C.ext.feature.length)
for (var p = C.ext.feature, g = 0, b = p.length; g < b; g++)
if (n == p[g].cFeature) {
e = p[g].fnInit(t);
} e && ((l = t.aanFeatures)[n] || (l[n] = []), l[n].push(e), f.append(e))
u.replaceWith(f), t.nHolding = null
function Ct(t, e) {
var n, a, r, o, i, l, s, u, c, f, d = P(e).children("tr");
for (t.splice(0, t.length), r = 0, l = d.length; r < l; r++) t.push([]);
for (r = 0, l = d.length; r < l; r++)
for (a = (n = d[r]).firstChild; a;) {
if ("TD" == a.nodeName.toUpperCase() || "TH" == a.nodeName.toUpperCase())
for (u = (u = +a.getAttribute("colspan")) && 0 != u && 1 != u ? u : 1, c = (c = +a.getAttribute("rowspan")) && 0 != c && 1 != c ? c : 1, s = function (t, e, n) {
for (var a = t[e]; a[n];) n++;
return n
}(t, r, 0), f = 1 == u, i = 0; i < u; i++)
for (o = 0; o < c; o++) t[r + o][s + i] = {
cell: a,
unique: f
}, t[r + o].nTr = n;
a = a.nextSibling
function wt(t, e, n) {
var a = [];
n || (n = t.aoHeader, e && Ct(n = [], e));
for (var r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++)
for (var i = 0, l = n[r].length; i < l; i++) !n[r][i].unique || a[i] && t.bSortCellsTop || (a[i] = n[r][i].cell);
return a
function Tt(r, t, n) {
function e(t) {
var e = r.jqXHR ? r.jqXHR.status : null;
(null === t || "number" == typeof e && 204 == e) && Ft(r, t = {}, []), (e = t.error || t.sError) && W(r, 0, e), r.json = t, R(r, null, "xhr", [r, t, r.jqXHR]), n(t)
R(r, "aoServerParams", "serverParams", [t]), t && Array.isArray(t) && (a = {}, o = /(.*?)\[\]$/, P.each(t, function (t, e) {
var n = e.name.match(o);
n ? (n = n[0], a[n] || (a[n] = []), a[n].push(e.value)) : a[e.name] = e.value
}), t = a);
var a, o, i, l = r.ajax,
s = r.oInstance,
u = (P.isPlainObject(l) && l.data && (u = "function" == typeof (i = l.data) ? i(t, r) : i, t = "function" == typeof i && u ? u : P.extend(!0, t, u), delete l.data), {
data: t,
success: e,
dataType: "json",
cache: !1,
type: r.sServerMethod,
error: function (t, e, n) {
var a = R(r, null, "xhr", [r, null, r.jqXHR]); - 1 === P.inArray(!0, a) && ("parsererror" == e ? W(r, 0, "Invalid JSON response", 1) : 4 === t.readyState && W(r, 0, "Ajax error", 7)), D(r, !1)
r.oAjaxData = t, R(r, null, "preXhr", [r, t]), r.fnServerData ? r.fnServerData.call(s, r.sAjaxSource, P.map(t, function (t, e) {
return {
name: e,
value: t
}), e, r) : r.sAjaxSource || "string" == typeof l ? r.jqXHR = P.ajax(P.extend(u, {
url: l || r.sAjaxSource
})) : "function" == typeof l ? r.jqXHR = l.call(s, t, e, r) : (r.jqXHR = P.ajax(P.extend(u, l)), l.data = i)
function xt(e) {
e.iDraw++, D(e, !0), Tt(e, At(e), function (t) {
It(e, t)
function At(t) {
for (var e, n, a, r = t.aoColumns, o = r.length, i = t.oFeatures, l = t.oPreviousSearch, s = t.aoPreSearchCols, u = [], c = I(t), f = t._iDisplayStart, d = !1 !== i.bPaginate ? t._iDisplayLength : -1, h = function (t, e) {
name: t,
value: e
}, p = (h("sEcho", t.iDraw), h("iColumns", o), h("sColumns", H(r, "sName").join(",")), h("iDisplayStart", f), h("iDisplayLength", d), {
draw: t.iDraw,
columns: [],
order: [],
start: f,
length: d,
search: {
value: l.sSearch,
regex: l.bRegex
}), g = 0; g < o; g++) n = r[g], a = s[g], e = "function" == typeof n.mData ? "function" : n.mData, p.columns.push({
data: e,
name: n.sName,
searchable: n.bSearchable,
orderable: n.bSortable,
search: {
value: a.sSearch,
regex: a.bRegex
}), h("mDataProp_" + g, e), i.bFilter && (h("sSearch_" + g, a.sSearch), h("bRegex_" + g, a.bRegex), h("bSearchable_" + g, n.bSearchable)), i.bSort && h("bSortable_" + g, n.bSortable);
i.bFilter && (h("sSearch", l.sSearch), h("bRegex", l.bRegex)), i.bSort && (P.each(c, function (t, e) {
column: e.col,
dir: e.dir
}), h("iSortCol_" + t, e.col), h("sSortDir_" + t, e.dir)
}), h("iSortingCols", c.length));
f = C.ext.legacy.ajax;
return null === f ? t.sAjaxSource ? u : p : f ? u : p
function It(t, n) {
function e(t, e) {
return n[t] !== N ? n[t] : n[e]
var a = Ft(t, n),
r = e("sEcho", "draw"),
o = e("iTotalRecords", "recordsTotal"),
i = e("iTotalDisplayRecords", "recordsFiltered");
if (r !== N) {
if (+r < t.iDraw) return;
t.iDraw = +r
a = a || [], pt(t), t._iRecordsTotal = parseInt(o, 10), t._iRecordsDisplay = parseInt(i, 10);
for (var l = 0, s = a.length; l < s; l++) x(t, a[l]);
t.aiDisplay = t.aiDisplayMaster.slice(), y(t, !0), t._bInitComplete || qt(t, n), D(t, !1)
function Ft(t, e, n) {
t = P.isPlainObject(t.ajax) && t.ajax.dataSrc !== N ? t.ajax.dataSrc : t.sAjaxDataProp;
if (!n) return "data" === t ? e.aaData || e[t] : "" !== t ? A(t)(e) : e;
b(t)(e, n)
function Lt(n) {
function e(t) {
var e = this.value || "";
o.return && "Enter" !== t.key || e != o.sSearch && (Rt(n, {
sSearch: e,
bRegex: o.bRegex,
bSmart: o.bSmart,
bCaseInsensitive: o.bCaseInsensitive,
return: o.return
}), n._iDisplayStart = 0, y(n))
var t = n.oClasses,
a = n.sTableId,
r = n.oLanguage,
o = n.oPreviousSearch,
i = n.aanFeatures,
l = '',
s = (s = r.sSearch).match(/_INPUT_/) ? s.replace("_INPUT_", l) : s + l,
l = P("", {
id: i.f ? null : a + "_filter",
class: t.sFilter
t = null !== n.searchDelay ? n.searchDelay : "ssp" === E(n) ? 400 : 0,
u = P("input", l).val(o.sSearch).attr("placeholder", r.sSearchPlaceholder).on("keyup.DT search.DT input.DT paste.DT cut.DT", t ? ne(e, t) : e).on("mouseup", function (t) {
setTimeout(function () {
e.call(u[0], t)
}, 10)
}).on("keypress.DT", function (t) {
if (13 == t.keyCode) return !1
}).attr("aria-controls", a);
return P(n.nTable).on("search.dt.DT", function (t, e) {
if (n === e) try {
u[0] !== v.activeElement && u.val(o.sSearch)
} catch (t) {}
}), l[0]
function Rt(t, e, n) {
function a(t) {
o.sSearch = t.sSearch, o.bRegex = t.bRegex, o.bSmart = t.bSmart, o.bCaseInsensitive = t.bCaseInsensitive, o.return = t.return
function r(t) {
return t.bEscapeRegex !== N ? !t.bEscapeRegex : t.bRegex
var o = t.oPreviousSearch,
i = t.aoPreSearchCols;
if (lt(t), "ssp" != E(t)) {
Nt(t, e.sSearch, n, r(e), e.bSmart, e.bCaseInsensitive, e.return), a(e);
for (var l = 0; l < i.length; l++) jt(t, i[l].sSearch, l, r(i[l]), i[l].bSmart, i[l].bCaseInsensitive);
} else a(e);
t.bFiltered = !0, R(t, null, "search", [t])
function Pt(t) {
for (var e, n, a = C.ext.search, r = t.aiDisplay, o = 0, i = a.length; o < i; o++) {
for (var l = [], s = 0, u = r.length; s < u; s++) n = r[s], e = t.aoData[n], a[o](t, e._aFilterData, n, e._aData, s) && l.push(n);
r.length = 0, P.merge(r, l)
function jt(t, e, n, a, r, o) {
if ("" !== e) {
for (var i, l = [], s = t.aiDisplay, u = Ht(e, a, r, o), c = 0; c < s.length; c++) i = t.aoData[s[c]]._aFilterData[n], u.test(i) && l.push(s[c]);
t.aiDisplay = l
function Nt(t, e, n, a, r, o) {
var i, l, s, u = Ht(e, a, r, o),
r = t.oPreviousSearch.sSearch,
o = t.aiDisplayMaster,
c = [];
if (0 !== C.ext.search.length && (n = !0), l = Wt(t), e.length <= 0) t.aiDisplay = o.slice();
else {
for ((l || n || a || r.length > e.length || 0 !== e.indexOf(r) || t.bSorted) && (t.aiDisplay = o.slice()), i = t.aiDisplay, s = 0; s < i.length; s++) u.test(t.aoData[i[s]]._sFilterRow) && c.push(i[s]);
t.aiDisplay = c
function Ht(t, e, n, a) {
return t = e ? t : Ot(t), n && (t = "^(?=.*?" + P.map(t.match(/"[^"]+"|[^ ]+/g) || [""], function (t) {
var e;
return (t = '"' === t.charAt(0) ? (e = t.match(/^"(.*)"$/)) ? e[1] : t : t).replace('"', "")
}).join(")(?=.*?") + ").*$"), new RegExp(t, a ? "i" : "")
var Ot = C.util.escapeRegex,
Mt = P("
kt = Mt.textContent !== N;
function Wt(t) {
for (var e, n, a, r, o, i = t.aoColumns, l = !1, s = 0, u = t.aoData.length; s < u; s++)
if (!(o = t.aoData[s])._aFilterData) {
for (a = [], e = 0, n = i.length; e < n; e++) i[e].bSearchable ? "string" != typeof (r = null === (r = S(t, s, e, "filter")) ? "" : r) && r.toString && (r = r.toString()) : r = "", r.indexOf && -1 !== r.indexOf("&") && (Mt.innerHTML = r, r = kt ? Mt.textContent : Mt.innerText), r.replace && (r = r.replace(/[\r\n\u2028]/g, "")), a.push(r);
o._aFilterData = a, o._sFilterRow = a.join(" "), l = !0
} return l
function Et(t) {
return {
search: t.sSearch,
smart: t.bSmart,
regex: t.bRegex,
caseInsensitive: t.bCaseInsensitive
function Bt(t) {
return {
sSearch: t.search,
bSmart: t.smart,
bRegex: t.regex,
bCaseInsensitive: t.caseInsensitive
function Ut(t) {
var e = t.sTableId,
n = t.aanFeatures.i,
a = P("", {
class: t.oClasses.sInfo,
id: n ? null : e + "_info"
return n || (t.aoDrawCallback.push({
fn: Vt,
sName: "information"
}), a.attr("role", "status").attr("aria-live", "polite"), P(t.nTable).attr("aria-describedby", e + "_info")), a[0]
function Vt(t) {
var e, n, a, r, o, i, l = t.aanFeatures.i;
0 !== l.length && (i = t.oLanguage, e = t._iDisplayStart + 1, n = t.fnDisplayEnd(), a = t.fnRecordsTotal(), o = (r = t.fnRecordsDisplay()) ? i.sInfo : i.sInfoEmpty, r !== a && (o += " " + i.sInfoFiltered), o = Xt(t, o += i.sInfoPostFix), null !== (i = i.fnInfoCallback) && (o = i.call(t.oInstance, t, e, n, a, r, o)), P(l).html(o))
function Xt(t, e) {
var n = t.fnFormatNumber,
a = t._iDisplayStart + 1,
r = t._iDisplayLength,
o = t.fnRecordsDisplay(),
i = -1 === r;
return e.replace(/_START_/g, n.call(t, a)).replace(/_END_/g, n.call(t, t.fnDisplayEnd())).replace(/_MAX_/g, n.call(t, t.fnRecordsTotal())).replace(/_TOTAL_/g, n.call(t, o)).replace(/_PAGE_/g, n.call(t, i ? 1 : Math.ceil(a / r))).replace(/_PAGES_/g, n.call(t, i ? 1 : Math.ceil(o / r)))
function Jt(n) {
var a, t, e, r = n.iInitDisplayStart,
o = n.aoColumns,
i = n.oFeatures,
l = n.bDeferLoading;
if (n.bInitialised) {
for (_t(n), yt(n), Dt(n, n.aoHeader), Dt(n, n.aoFooter), D(n, !0), i.bAutoWidth && ee(n), a = 0, t = o.length; a < t; a++)(e = o[a]).sWidth && (e.nTh.style.width = k(e.sWidth));
R(n, null, "preInit", [n]), u(n);
i = E(n);
"ssp" == i && !l || ("ajax" == i ? Tt(n, [], function (t) {
var e = Ft(n, t);
for (a = 0; a < e.length; a++) x(n, e[a]);
n.iInitDisplayStart = r, u(n), D(n, !1), qt(n, t)
}) : (D(n, !1), qt(n)))
} else setTimeout(function () {
}, 200)
function qt(t, e) {
t._bInitComplete = !0, (e || t.oInit.aaData) && O(t), R(t, null, "plugin-init", [t, e]), R(t, "aoInitComplete", "init", [t, e])
function Gt(t, e) {
e = parseInt(e, 10);
t._iDisplayLength = e, Se(t), R(t, null, "length", [t, e])
function $t(a) {
for (var t = a.oClasses, e = a.sTableId, n = a.aLengthMenu, r = Array.isArray(n[0]), o = r ? n[0] : n, i = r ? n[1] : n, l = P("", {
name: e + "_length",
"aria-controls": e,
class: t.sLengthSelect
}), s = 0, u = o.length; s < u; s++) l[0][s] = new Option("number" == typeof i[s] ? a.fnFormatNumber(i[s]) : i[s], o[s]);
var c = P("").addClass(t.sLength);
return a.aanFeatures.l || (c[0].id = e + "_length"), c.children().append(a.oLanguage.sLengthMenu.replace("_MENU_", l[0].outerHTML)), P("select", c).val(a._iDisplayLength).on("change.DT", function (t) {
Gt(a, P(this).val()), y(a)
}), P(a.nTable).on("length.dt.DT", function (t, e, n) {
a === e && P("select", c).val(n)
}), c[0]
function zt(t) {
function c(t) {
var e = t.sPaginationType,
f = C.ext.pager[e],
d = "function" == typeof f,
e = P("").addClass(t.oClasses.sPaging + e)[0],
h = t.aanFeatures;
return d || f.fnInit(t, e, c), h.p || (e.id = t.sTableId + "_paginate", t.aoDrawCallback.push({
fn: function (t) {
if (d)
for (var e = t._iDisplayStart, n = t._iDisplayLength, a = t.fnRecordsDisplay(), r = -1 === n, o = r ? 0 : Math.ceil(e / n), i = r ? 1 : Math.ceil(a / n), l = f(o, i), s = 0, u = h.p.length; s < u; s++) ve(t, "pageButton")(t, h.p[s], s, l, o, i);
else f.fnUpdate(t, c)
sName: "pagination"
})), e
function Yt(t, e, n) {
var a = t._iDisplayStart,
r = t._iDisplayLength,
o = t.fnRecordsDisplay(),
o = (0 === o || -1 === r ? a = 0 : "number" == typeof e ? o < (a = e * r) && (a = 0) : "first" == e ? a = 0 : "previous" == e ? (a = 0 <= r ? a - r : 0) < 0 && (a = 0) : "next" == e ? a + r < o && (a += r) : "last" == e ? a = Math.floor((o - 1) / r) * r : W(t, 0, "Unknown paging action: " + e, 5), t._iDisplayStart !== a);
return t._iDisplayStart = a, o ? (R(t, null, "page", [t]), n && y(t)) : R(t, null, "page-nc", [t]), o
function Zt(t) {
return P("", {
id: t.aanFeatures.r ? null : t.sTableId + "_processing",
class: t.oClasses.sProcessing
function D(t, e) {
t.oFeatures.bProcessing && P(t.aanFeatures.r).css("display", e ? "block" : "none"), R(t, null, "processing", [t, e])
function Kt(t) {
var e, n, a, r, o, i, l, s, u, c, f, d, h = P(t.nTable),
p = t.oScroll;
return "" === p.sX && "" === p.sY ? t.nTable : (e = p.sX, n = p.sY, a = t.oClasses, o = (r = h.children("caption")).length ? r[0]._captionSide : null, s = P(h[0].cloneNode(!1)), i = P(h[0].cloneNode(!1)), u = function (t) {
return t ? k(t) : null
}, (l = h.children("tfoot")).length || (l = null), s = P(f = "", {
class: a.sScrollWrapper
}).append(P(f, {
class: a.sScrollHead
overflow: "hidden",
position: "relative",
border: 0,
width: e ? u(e) : "100%"
}).append(P(f, {
class: a.sScrollHeadInner
"box-sizing": "content-box",
width: p.sXInner || "100%"
}).append(s.removeAttr("id").css("margin-left", 0).append("top" === o ? r : null).append(h.children("thead"))))).append(P(f, {
class: a.sScrollBody
position: "relative",
overflow: "auto",
width: u(e)
}).append(h)), l && s.append(P(f, {
class: a.sScrollFoot
overflow: "hidden",
border: 0,
width: e ? u(e) : "100%"
}).append(P(f, {
class: a.sScrollFootInner
}).append(i.removeAttr("id").css("margin-left", 0).append("bottom" === o ? r : null).append(h.children("tfoot"))))), u = s.children(), c = u[0], f = u[1], d = l ? u[2] : null, e && P(f).on("scroll.DT", function (t) {
var e = this.scrollLeft;
c.scrollLeft = e, l && (d.scrollLeft = e)
}), P(f).css("max-height", n), p.bCollapse || P(f).css("height", n), t.nScrollHead = c, t.nScrollBody = f, t.nScrollFoot = d, t.aoDrawCallback.push({
fn: Qt,
sName: "scrolling"
}), s[0])
function Qt(n) {
function t(t) {
(t = t.style).paddingTop = "0", t.paddingBottom = "0", t.borderTopWidth = "0", t.borderBottomWidth = "0", t.height = 0
var e, a, r, o, i, l = n.oScroll,
s = l.sX,
u = l.sXInner,
c = l.sY,
l = l.iBarWidth,
f = P(n.nScrollHead),
d = f[0].style,
h = f.children("div"),
p = h[0].style,
h = h.children("table"),
g = n.nScrollBody,
b = P(g),
m = g.style,
S = P(n.nScrollFoot).children("div"),
v = S.children("table"),
y = P(n.nTHead),
D = P(n.nTable),
_ = D[0],
C = _.style,
w = n.nTFoot ? P(n.nTFoot) : null,
T = n.oBrowser,
x = T.bScrollOversize,
A = (H(n.aoColumns, "nTh"), []),
I = [],
F = [],
L = [],
R = g.scrollHeight > g.clientHeight;
n.scrollBarVis !== R && n.scrollBarVis !== N ? (n.scrollBarVis = R, O(n)) : (n.scrollBarVis = R, D.children("thead, tfoot").remove(), w && (R = w.clone().prependTo(D), i = w.find("tr"), a = R.find("tr"), R.find("[id]").removeAttr("id")), R = y.clone().prependTo(D), y = y.find("tr"), e = R.find("tr"), R.find("th, td").removeAttr("tabindex"), R.find("[id]").removeAttr("id"), s || (m.width = "100%", f[0].style.width = "100%"), P.each(wt(n, R), function (t, e) {
r = rt(n, t), e.style.width = n.aoColumns[r].sWidth
}), w && M(function (t) {
t.style.width = ""
}, a), f = D.outerWidth(), "" === s ? (C.width = "100%", x && (D.find("tbody").height() > g.offsetHeight || "scroll" == b.css("overflow-y")) && (C.width = k(D.outerWidth() - l)), f = D.outerWidth()) : "" !== u && (C.width = k(u), f = D.outerWidth()), M(t, e), M(function (t) {
var e = j.getComputedStyle ? j.getComputedStyle(t).width : k(P(t).width());
F.push(t.innerHTML), A.push(e)
}, e), M(function (t, e) {
t.style.width = A[e]
}, y), P(e).css("height", 0), w && (M(t, a), M(function (t) {
L.push(t.innerHTML), I.push(k(P(t).css("width")))
}, a), M(function (t, e) {
t.style.width = I[e]
}, i), P(a).height(0)), M(function (t, e) {
t.innerHTML = '
", t.childNodes[0].style.height = "0", t.childNodes[0].style.overflow = "hidden", t.style.width = I[e]
}, a), Math.round(D.outerWidth()) < Math.round(f) ? (o = g.scrollHeight > g.offsetHeight || "scroll" == b.css("overflow-y") ? f + l : f, x && (g.scrollHeight > g.offsetHeight || "scroll" == b.css("overflow-y")) && (C.width = k(o - l)), "" !== s && "" === u || W(n, 1, "Possible column misalignment", 6)) : o = "100%", m.width = k(o), d.width = k(o), w && (n.nScrollFoot.style.width = k(o)), c || x && (m.height = k(_.offsetHeight + l)), R = D.outerWidth(), h[0].style.width = k(R), p.width = k(R), y = D.height() > g.clientHeight || "scroll" == b.css("overflow-y"), p[i = "padding" + (T.bScrollbarLeft ? "Left" : "Right")] = y ? l + "px" : "0px", w && (v[0].style.width = k(R), S[0].style.width = k(R), S[0].style[i] = y ? l + "px" : "0px"), D.children("colgroup").insertBefore(D.children("thead")), b.trigger("scroll"), !n.bSorted && !n.bFiltered || n._drawHold || (g.scrollTop = 0))
function M(t, e, n) {
for (var a, r, o = 0, i = 0, l = e.length; i < l;) {
for (a = e[i].firstChild, r = n ? n[i].firstChild : null; a;) 1 === a.nodeType && (n ? t(a, r, o) : t(a, o), o++), a = a.nextSibling, r = n ? r.nextSibling : null;
var te = /<.*?>/g;
function ee(t) {
var e, n, a = t.nTable,
r = t.aoColumns,
o = t.oScroll,
i = o.sY,
l = o.sX,
o = o.sXInner,
s = r.length,
u = it(t, "bVisible"),
c = P("th", t.nTHead),
f = a.getAttribute("width"),
d = a.parentNode,
h = !1,
p = t.oBrowser,
g = p.bScrollOversize,
b = a.style.width;
for (b && -1 !== b.indexOf("%") && (f = b), D = 0; D < u.length; D++) null !== (e = r[u[D]]).sWidth && (e.sWidth = ae(e.sWidthOrig, d), h = !0);
if (g || !h && !l && !i && s == T(t) && s == c.length)
for (D = 0; D < s; D++) {
var m = rt(t, D);
null !== m && (r[m].sWidth = k(c.eq(D).width()))
} else {
var b = P(a).clone().css("visibility", "hidden").removeAttr("id"),
S = (b.find("tbody tr").remove(), P("
for (b.find("thead, tfoot").remove(), b.append(P(t.nTHead).clone()).append(P(t.nTFoot).clone()), b.find("tfoot th, tfoot td").css("width", ""), c = wt(t, b.find("thead")[0]), D = 0; D < u.length; D++) e = r[u[D]], c[D].style.width = null !== e.sWidthOrig && "" !== e.sWidthOrig ? k(e.sWidthOrig) : "", e.sWidthOrig && l && P(c[D]).append(P("").css({
width: e.sWidthOrig,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
border: 0,
height: 1
if (t.aoData.length)
for (D = 0; D < u.length; D++) e = r[n = u[D]], P(re(t, n)).clone(!1).append(e.sContentPadding).appendTo(S);
P("[name]", b).removeAttr("name");
for (var v = P("").css(l || i ? {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
height: 1,
right: 0,
overflow: "hidden"
} : {}).append(b).appendTo(d), y = (l && o ? b.width(o) : l ? (b.css("width", "auto"), b.removeAttr("width"), b.width() < d.clientWidth && f && b.width(d.clientWidth)) : i ? b.width(d.clientWidth) : f && b.width(f), 0), D = 0; D < u.length; D++) {
var _ = P(c[D]),
C = _.outerWidth() - _.width(),
_ = p.bBounding ? Math.ceil(c[D].getBoundingClientRect().width) : _.outerWidth();
y += _, r[u[D]].sWidth = k(_ - C)
a.style.width = k(y), v.remove()
f && (a.style.width = k(f)), !f && !l || t._reszEvt || (o = function () {
P(j).on("resize.DT-" + t.sInstance, ne(function () {
}, g ? setTimeout(o, 1e3) : o(), t._reszEvt = !0)
var ne = C.util.throttle;
function ae(t, e) {
return t ? (e = (t = P("").css("width", k(t)).appendTo(e || v.body))[0].offsetWidth, t.remove(), e) : 0
function re(t, e) {
var n, a = oe(t, e);
return a < 0 ? null : (n = t.aoData[a]).nTr ? n.anCells[e] : P("
").html(S(t, a, e, "display"))[0]
function oe(t, e) {
for (var n, a = -1, r = -1, o = 0, i = t.aoData.length; o < i; o++)(n = (n = (n = S(t, o, e, "display") + "").replace(te, "")).replace(/ /g, " ")).length > a && (a = n.length, r = o);
return r
function k(t) {
return null === t ? "0px" : "number" == typeof t ? t < 0 ? "0px" : t + "px" : t.match(/\d$/) ? t + "px" : t
function I(t) {
function e(t) {
t.length && !Array.isArray(t[0]) ? h.push(t) : P.merge(h, t)
var n, a, r, o, i, l, s, u = [],
c = t.aoColumns,
f = t.aaSortingFixed,
d = P.isPlainObject(f),
h = [];
for (Array.isArray(f) && e(f), d && f.pre && e(f.pre), e(t.aaSorting), d && f.post && e(f.post), n = 0; n < h.length; n++)
for (r = (o = c[s = h[n][a = 0]].aDataSort).length; a < r; a++) l = c[i = o[a]].sType || "string", h[n]._idx === N && (h[n]._idx = P.inArray(h[n][1], c[i].asSorting)), u.push({
src: s,
col: i,
dir: h[n][1],
index: h[n]._idx,
type: l,
formatter: C.ext.type.order[l + "-pre"]
return u
function ie(t) {
var e, n, a, r, c, f = [],
u = C.ext.type.order,
d = t.aoData,
o = (t.aoColumns, 0),
i = t.aiDisplayMaster;
for (lt(t), e = 0, n = (c = I(t)).length; e < n; e++)(r = c[e]).formatter && o++, fe(t, r.col);
if ("ssp" != E(t) && 0 !== c.length) {
for (e = 0, a = i.length; e < a; e++) f[i[e]] = e;
o === c.length ? i.sort(function (t, e) {
for (var n, a, r, o, i = c.length, l = d[t]._aSortData, s = d[e]._aSortData, u = 0; u < i; u++)
if (0 != (r = (n = l[(o = c[u]).col]) < (a = s[o.col]) ? -1 : a < n ? 1 : 0)) return "asc" === o.dir ? r : -r;
return (n = f[t]) < (a = f[e]) ? -1 : a < n ? 1 : 0
}) : i.sort(function (t, e) {
for (var n, a, r, o = c.length, i = d[t]._aSortData, l = d[e]._aSortData, s = 0; s < o; s++)
if (n = i[(r = c[s]).col], a = l[r.col], 0 !== (r = (u[r.type + "-" + r.dir] || u["string-" + r.dir])(n, a))) return r;
return (n = f[t]) < (a = f[e]) ? -1 : a < n ? 1 : 0
t.bSorted = !0
function le(t) {
for (var e = t.aoColumns, n = I(t), a = t.oLanguage.oAria, r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; r++) {
var i = e[r],
l = i.asSorting,
s = i.ariaTitle || i.sTitle.replace(/<.*?>/g, ""),
u = i.nTh;
u.removeAttribute("aria-sort"), i = i.bSortable ? s + ("asc" === (0 < n.length && n[0].col == r && (u.setAttribute("aria-sort", "asc" == n[0].dir ? "ascending" : "descending"), l[n[0].index + 1]) || l[0]) ? a.sSortAscending : a.sSortDescending) : s, u.setAttribute("aria-label", i)
function se(t, e, n, a) {
function r(t, e) {
var n = t._idx;
return (n = n === N ? P.inArray(t[1], s) : n) + 1 < s.length ? n + 1 : e ? null : 0
var o, i = t.aoColumns[e],
l = t.aaSorting,
s = i.asSorting;
"number" == typeof l[0] && (l = t.aaSorting = [l]), n && t.oFeatures.bSortMulti ? -1 !== (i = P.inArray(e, H(l, "0"))) ? null === (o = null === (o = r(l[i], !0)) && 1 === l.length ? 0 : o) ? l.splice(i, 1) : (l[i][1] = s[o], l[i]._idx = o) : (l.push([e, s[0], 0]), l[l.length - 1]._idx = 0) : l.length && l[0][0] == e ? (o = r(l[0]), l.length = 1, l[0][1] = s[o], l[0]._idx = o) : (l.length = 0, l.push([e, s[0]]), l[0]._idx = 0), u(t), "function" == typeof a && a(t)
function ue(e, t, n, a) {
var r = e.aoColumns[n];
me(t, {}, function (t) {
!1 !== r.bSortable && (e.oFeatures.bProcessing ? (D(e, !0), setTimeout(function () {
se(e, n, t.shiftKey, a), "ssp" !== E(e) && D(e, !1)
}, 0)) : se(e, n, t.shiftKey, a))
function ce(t) {
var e, n, a, r = t.aLastSort,
o = t.oClasses.sSortColumn,
i = I(t),
l = t.oFeatures;
if (l.bSort && l.bSortClasses) {
for (e = 0, n = r.length; e < n; e++) a = r[e].src, P(H(t.aoData, "anCells", a)).removeClass(o + (e < 2 ? e + 1 : 3));
for (e = 0, n = i.length; e < n; e++) a = i[e].src, P(H(t.aoData, "anCells", a)).addClass(o + (e < 2 ? e + 1 : 3))
t.aLastSort = i
function fe(t, e) {
for (var n, a, r, o = t.aoColumns[e], i = C.ext.order[o.sSortDataType], l = (i && (n = i.call(t.oInstance, t, e, ot(t, e))), C.ext.type.order[o.sType + "-pre"]), s = 0, u = t.aoData.length; s < u; s++)(a = t.aoData[s])._aSortData || (a._aSortData = []), a._aSortData[e] && !i || (r = i ? n[s] : S(t, s, e, "sort"), a._aSortData[e] = l ? l(r) : r)
function de(n) {
var t;
n._bLoadingState || (t = {
time: +new Date,
start: n._iDisplayStart,
length: n._iDisplayLength,
order: P.extend(!0, [], n.aaSorting),
search: Et(n.oPreviousSearch),
columns: P.map(n.aoColumns, function (t, e) {
return {
visible: t.bVisible,
search: Et(n.aoPreSearchCols[e])
}, n.oSavedState = t, R(n, "aoStateSaveParams", "stateSaveParams", [n, t]), n.oFeatures.bStateSave && !n.bDestroying && n.fnStateSaveCallback.call(n.oInstance, n, t))
function he(e, t, n) {
var a;
if (e.oFeatures.bStateSave) return (a = e.fnStateLoadCallback.call(e.oInstance, e, function (t) {
pe(e, t, n)
})) !== N && pe(e, a, n), !0;
function pe(n, t, e) {
var a, r, o = n.aoColumns,
i = (n._bLoadingState = !0, n._bInitComplete ? new C.Api(n) : null);
if (t && t.time) {
var l = R(n, "aoStateLoadParams", "stateLoadParams", [n, t]);
if (-1 !== P.inArray(!1, l)) n._bLoadingState = !1;
else {
l = n.iStateDuration;
if (0 < l && t.time < +new Date - 1e3 * l) n._bLoadingState = !1;
else if (t.columns && o.length !== t.columns.length) n._bLoadingState = !1;
else {
if (n.oLoadedState = P.extend(!0, {}, t), t.length !== N && (i ? i.page.len(t.length) : n._iDisplayLength = t.length), t.start !== N && (null === i ? (n._iDisplayStart = t.start, n.iInitDisplayStart = t.start) : Yt(n, t.start / n._iDisplayLength)), t.order !== N && (n.aaSorting = [], P.each(t.order, function (t, e) {
n.aaSorting.push(e[0] >= o.length ? [0, e[1]] : e)
})), t.search !== N && P.extend(n.oPreviousSearch, Bt(t.search)), t.columns) {
for (a = 0, r = t.columns.length; a < r; a++) {
var s = t.columns[a];
s.visible !== N && (i ? i.column(a).visible(s.visible, !1) : o[a].bVisible = s.visible), s.search !== N && P.extend(n.aoPreSearchCols[a], Bt(s.search))
i && i.columns.adjust()
n._bLoadingState = !1, R(n, "aoStateLoaded", "stateLoaded", [n, t])
} else n._bLoadingState = !1;
function ge(t) {
var e = C.settings,
t = P.inArray(t, H(e, "nTable"));
return -1 !== t ? e[t] : null
function W(t, e, n, a) {
if (n = "DataTables warning: " + (t ? "table id=" + t.sTableId + " - " : "") + n, a && (n += ". For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/" + a), e) j.console && console.log && console.log(n);
else {
e = C.ext, e = e.sErrMode || e.errMode;
if (t && R(t, null, "error", [t, a, n]), "alert" == e) alert(n);
else {
if ("throw" == e) throw new Error(n);
"function" == typeof e && e(t, a, n)
function F(n, a, t, e) {
Array.isArray(t) ? P.each(t, function (t, e) {
Array.isArray(e) ? F(n, a, e[0], e[1]) : F(n, a, e)
}) : (e === N && (e = t), a[t] !== N && (n[e] = a[t]))
function be(t, e, n) {
var a, r;
for (r in e) e.hasOwnProperty(r) && (a = e[r], P.isPlainObject(a) ? (P.isPlainObject(t[r]) || (t[r] = {}), P.extend(!0, t[r], a)) : n && "data" !== r && "aaData" !== r && Array.isArray(a) ? t[r] = a.slice() : t[r] = a);
return t
function me(e, t, n) {
P(e).on("click.DT", t, function (t) {
P(e).trigger("blur"), n(t)
}).on("keypress.DT", t, function (t) {
13 === t.which && (t.preventDefault(), n(t))
}).on("selectstart.DT", function () {
return !1
function L(t, e, n, a) {
n && t[e].push({
fn: n,
sName: a
function R(n, t, e, a) {
var r = [];
return t && (r = P.map(n[t].slice().reverse(), function (t, e) {
return t.fn.apply(n.oInstance, a)
})), null !== e && (t = P.Event(e + ".dt"), P(n.nTable).trigger(t, a), r.push(t.result)), r
function Se(t) {
var e = t._iDisplayStart,
n = t.fnDisplayEnd(),
a = t._iDisplayLength;
n <= e && (e = n - a), e -= e % a, t._iDisplayStart = e = -1 === a || e < 0 ? 0 : e
function ve(t, e) {
var t = t.renderer,
n = C.ext.renderer[e];
return P.isPlainObject(t) && t[e] ? n[t[e]] || n._ : "string" == typeof t && n[t] || n._
function E(t) {
return t.oFeatures.bServerSide ? "ssp" : t.ajax || t.sAjaxSource ? "ajax" : "dom"
function ye(t, n) {
var a;
return Array.isArray(t) ? P.map(t, function (t) {
return ye(t, n)
}) : "number" == typeof t ? [n[t]] : (a = P.map(n, function (t, e) {
return t.nTable
}), P(a).filter(t).map(function (t) {
var e = P.inArray(this, a);
return n[e]
function De(r, o, t) {
var e, n;
t && (e = new B(r)).one("draw", function () {
}), "ssp" == E(r) ? u(r, o) : (D(r, !0), (n = r.jqXHR) && 4 !== n.readyState && n.abort(), Tt(r, [], function (t) {
for (var e = Ft(r, t), n = 0, a = e.length; n < a; n++) x(r, e[n]);
u(r, o), D(r, !1)
function _e(t, e, n, a, r) {
for (var o, i, l, s, u = [], c = typeof e, f = 0, d = (e = e && "string" != c && "function" != c && e.length !== N ? e : [e]).length; f < d; f++)
for (l = 0, s = (i = e[f] && e[f].split && !e[f].match(/[\[\(:]/) ? e[f].split(",") : [e[f]]).length; l < s; l++)(o = n("string" == typeof i[l] ? i[l].trim() : i[l])) && o.length && (u = u.concat(o));
var h = p.selector[t];
if (h.length)
for (f = 0, d = h.length; f < d; f++) u = h[f](a, r, u);
return z(u)
function Ce(t) {
return (t = t || {}).filter && t.search === N && (t.search = t.filter), P.extend({
search: "none",
order: "current",
page: "all"
}, t)
function we(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++)
if (0 < t[e].length) return t[0] = t[e], t[0].length = 1, t.length = 1, t.context = [t.context[e]], t;
return t.length = 0, t
function Te(o, t, e, n) {
function i(t, e) {
var n;
if (Array.isArray(t) || t instanceof P)
for (var a = 0, r = t.length; a < r; a++) i(t[a], e);
else t.nodeName && "tr" === t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? l.push(t) : (n = P("
").addClass(e), P("td", n).addClass(e).html(t)[0].colSpan = T(o), l.push(n[0]))
var l = [];
i(e, n), t._details && t._details.detach(), t._details = P(l), t._detailsShow && t._details.insertAfter(t.nTr)
function xe(t, e) {
var n = t.context;
if (n.length && t.length) {
var a = n[0].aoData[t[0]];
if (a._details) {
(a._detailsShow = e) ? (a._details.insertAfter(a.nTr), P(a.nTr).addClass("dt-hasChild")) : (a._details.detach(), P(a.nTr).removeClass("dt-hasChild")), R(n[0], null, "childRow", [e, t.row(t[0])]);
var s = n[0],
r = new B(s),
a = ".dt.DT_details",
e = "draw" + a,
t = "column-sizing" + a,
a = "destroy" + a,
u = s.aoData;
if (r.off(e + " " + t + " " + a), H(u, "_details").length > 0) {
r.on(e, function (t, e) {
if (s !== e) return;
page: "current"
}).eq(0).each(function (t) {
var e = u[t];
if (e._detailsShow) e._details.insertAfter(e.nTr)
r.on(t, function (t, e, n, a) {
if (s !== e) return;
var r, o = T(e);
for (var i = 0, l = u.length; i < l; i++) {
r = u[i];
if (r._details) r._details.children("td[colspan]").attr("colspan", o)
r.on(a, function (t, e) {
if (s !== e) return;
for (var n = 0, a = u.length; n < a; n++)
if (u[n]._details) Re(r, n)
function Ae(t, e, n, a, r) {
for (var o = [], i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++) o.push(S(t, r[i], e));
return o
var Ie = [],
o = Array.prototype,
B = function (t, e) {
if (!(this instanceof B)) return new B(t, e);
function n(t) {
var e, n, a, r;
t = t, a = C.settings, r = P.map(a, function (t, e) {
return t.nTable
}), (t = t ? t.nTable && t.oApi ? [t] : t.nodeName && "table" === t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? -1 !== (e = P.inArray(t, r)) ? [a[e]] : null : t && "function" == typeof t.settings ? t.settings().toArray() : ("string" == typeof t ? n = P(t) : t instanceof P && (n = t), n ? n.map(function (t) {
return -1 !== (e = P.inArray(this, r)) ? a[e] : null
}).toArray() : void 0) : []) && o.push.apply(o, t)
var o = [];
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var a = 0, r = t.length; a < r; a++) n(t[a]);
else n(t);
this.context = z(o), e && P.merge(this, e), this.selector = {
rows: null,
cols: null,
opts: null
}, B.extend(this, this, Ie)
Fe = (C.Api = B, P.extend(B.prototype, {
any: function () {
return 0 !== this.count()
concat: o.concat,
context: [],
count: function () {
return this.flatten().length
each: function (t) {
for (var e = 0, n = this.length; e < n; e++) t.call(this, this[e], e, this);
return this
eq: function (t) {
var e = this.context;
return e.length > t ? new B(e[t], this[t]) : null
filter: function (t) {
var e = [];
if (o.filter) e = o.filter.call(this, t, this);
for (var n = 0, a = this.length; n < a; n++) t.call(this, this[n], n, this) && e.push(this[n]);
return new B(this.context, e)
flatten: function () {
var t = [];
return new B(this.context, t.concat.apply(t, this.toArray()))
join: o.join,
indexOf: o.indexOf || function (t, e) {
for (var n = e || 0, a = this.length; n < a; n++)
if (this[n] === t) return n;
return -1
iterator: function (t, e, n, a) {
var r, o, i, l, s, u, c, f, d = [],
h = this.context,
p = this.selector;
for ("string" == typeof t && (a = n, n = e, e = t, t = !1), o = 0, i = h.length; o < i; o++) {
var g = new B(h[o]);
if ("table" === e)(r = n.call(g, h[o], o)) !== N && d.push(r);
else if ("columns" === e || "rows" === e)(r = n.call(g, h[o], this[o], o)) !== N && d.push(r);
else if ("column" === e || "column-rows" === e || "row" === e || "cell" === e)
for (c = this[o], "column-rows" === e && (u = Fe(h[o], p.opts)), l = 0, s = c.length; l < s; l++) f = c[l], (r = "cell" === e ? n.call(g, h[o], f.row, f.column, o, l) : n.call(g, h[o], f, o, l, u)) !== N && d.push(r)
return d.length || a ? ((t = (a = new B(h, t ? d.concat.apply([], d) : d)).selector).rows = p.rows, t.cols = p.cols, t.opts = p.opts, a) : this
lastIndexOf: o.lastIndexOf || function (t, e) {
return this.indexOf.apply(this.toArray.reverse(), arguments)
length: 0,
map: function (t) {
var e = [];
if (o.map) e = o.map.call(this, t, this);
for (var n = 0, a = this.length; n < a; n++) e.push(t.call(this, this[n], n));
return new B(this.context, e)
pluck: function (t) {
let e = C.util.get(t);
return this.map(function (t) {
return e(t)
pop: o.pop,
push: o.push,
reduce: o.reduce || function (t, e) {
return et(this, t, e, 0, this.length, 1)
reduceRight: o.reduceRight || function (t, e) {
return et(this, t, e, this.length - 1, -1, -1)
reverse: o.reverse,
selector: null,
shift: o.shift,
slice: function () {
return new B(this.context, this)
sort: o.sort,
splice: o.splice,
toArray: function () {
return o.slice.call(this)
to$: function () {
return P(this)
toJQuery: function () {
return P(this)
unique: function () {
return new B(this.context, z(this))
unshift: o.unshift
}), B.extend = function (t, e, n) {
if (n.length && e && (e instanceof B || e.__dt_wrapper))
for (var a, r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++) e[(a = n[r]).name] = "function" === a.type ? function (e, n, a) {
return function () {
var t = n.apply(e, arguments);
return B.extend(t, t, a.methodExt), t
}(t, a.val, a) : "object" === a.type ? {} : a.val, e[a.name].__dt_wrapper = !0, B.extend(t, e[a.name], a.propExt)
}, B.register = e = function (t, e) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var n = 0, a = t.length; n < a; n++) B.register(t[n], e);
for (var r = t.split("."), o = Ie, i = 0, l = r.length; i < l; i++) {
var s, u, c = function (t, e) {
for (var n = 0, a = t.length; n < a; n++)
if (t[n].name === e) return t[n];
return null
}(o, u = (s = -1 !== r[i].indexOf("()")) ? r[i].replace("()", "") : r[i]);
c || o.push(c = {
name: u,
val: {},
methodExt: [],
propExt: [],
type: "object"
}), i === l - 1 ? (c.val = e, c.type = "function" == typeof e ? "function" : P.isPlainObject(e) ? "object" : "other") : o = s ? c.methodExt : c.propExt
}, B.registerPlural = t = function (t, e, n) {
B.register(t, n), B.register(e, function () {
var t = n.apply(this, arguments);
return t === this ? this : t instanceof B ? t.length ? Array.isArray(t[0]) ? new B(t.context, t[0]) : t[0] : N : t
}, e("tables()", function (t) {
return t !== N && null !== t ? new B(ye(t, this.context)) : this
}), e("table()", function (t) {
var t = this.tables(t),
e = t.context;
return e.length ? new B(e[0]) : t
}), t("tables().nodes()", "table().node()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return t.nTable
}, 1)
}), t("tables().body()", "table().body()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return t.nTBody
}, 1)
}), t("tables().header()", "table().header()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return t.nTHead
}, 1)
}), t("tables().footer()", "table().footer()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return t.nTFoot
}, 1)
}), t("tables().containers()", "table().container()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return t.nTableWrapper
}, 1)
}), e("draw()", function (e) {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
"page" === e ? y(t) : u(t, !1 === (e = "string" == typeof e ? "full-hold" !== e : e))
}), e("page()", function (e) {
return e === N ? this.page.info().page : this.iterator("table", function (t) {
Yt(t, e)
}), e("page.info()", function (t) {
var e, n, a, r, o;
return 0 === this.context.length ? N : (n = (e = this.context[0])._iDisplayStart, a = e.oFeatures.bPaginate ? e._iDisplayLength : -1, r = e.fnRecordsDisplay(), {
page: (o = -1 === a) ? 0 : Math.floor(n / a),
pages: o ? 1 : Math.ceil(r / a),
start: n,
end: e.fnDisplayEnd(),
length: a,
recordsTotal: e.fnRecordsTotal(),
recordsDisplay: r,
serverSide: "ssp" === E(e)
}), e("page.len()", function (e) {
return e === N ? 0 !== this.context.length ? this.context[0]._iDisplayLength : N : this.iterator("table", function (t) {
Gt(t, e)
}), e("ajax.json()", function () {
var t = this.context;
if (0 < t.length) return t[0].json
}), e("ajax.params()", function () {
var t = this.context;
if (0 < t.length) return t[0].oAjaxData
}), e("ajax.reload()", function (e, n) {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
De(t, !1 === n, e)
}), e("ajax.url()", function (e) {
var t = this.context;
return e === N ? 0 === t.length ? N : (t = t[0]).ajax ? P.isPlainObject(t.ajax) ? t.ajax.url : t.ajax : t.sAjaxSource : this.iterator("table", function (t) {
P.isPlainObject(t.ajax) ? t.ajax.url = e : t.ajax = e
}), e("ajax.url().load()", function (e, n) {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
De(t, !1 === n, e)
}), function (t, e) {
var n, a = [],
r = t.aiDisplay,
o = t.aiDisplayMaster,
i = e.search,
l = e.order,
e = e.page;
if ("ssp" == E(t)) return "removed" === i ? [] : f(0, o.length);
if ("current" == e)
for (u = t._iDisplayStart, c = t.fnDisplayEnd(); u < c; u++) a.push(r[u]);
else if ("current" == l || "applied" == l) {
if ("none" == i) a = o.slice();
else if ("applied" == i) a = r.slice();
else if ("removed" == i) {
for (var s = {}, u = 0, c = r.length; u < c; u++) s[r[u]] = null;
a = P.map(o, function (t) {
return s.hasOwnProperty(t) ? null : t
} else if ("index" == l || "original" == l)
for (u = 0, c = t.aoData.length; u < c; u++)("none" == i || -1 === (n = P.inArray(u, r)) && "removed" == i || 0 <= n && "applied" == i) && a.push(u);
return a
Le = (e("rows()", function (e, n) {
e === N ? e = "" : P.isPlainObject(e) && (n = e, e = ""), n = Ce(n);
var t = this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return _e("row", e, function (n) {
var t = d(n),
a = r.aoData;
if (null !== t && !o) return [t];
if (i = i || Fe(r, o), null !== t && -1 !== P.inArray(t, i)) return [t];
if (null === n || n === N || "" === n) return i;
if ("function" == typeof n) return P.map(i, function (t) {
var e = a[t];
return n(t, e._aData, e.nTr) ? t : null
if (n.nodeName) return t = n._DT_RowIndex, e = n._DT_CellIndex, t !== N ? a[t] && a[t].nTr === n ? [t] : [] : e ? a[e.row] && a[e.row].nTr === n.parentNode ? [e.row] : [] : (t = P(n).closest("*[data-dt-row]")).length ? [t.data("dt-row")] : [];
if ("string" == typeof n && "#" === n.charAt(0)) {
var e = r.aIds[n.replace(/^#/, "")];
if (e !== N) return [e.idx]
t = _(m(r.aoData, i, "nTr"));
return P(t).filter(n).map(function () {
return this._DT_RowIndex
}, r = t, o = n);
var r, o, i
}, 1);
return t.selector.rows = e, t.selector.opts = n, t
}), e("rows().nodes()", function () {
return this.iterator("row", function (t, e) {
return t.aoData[e].nTr || N
}, 1)
}), e("rows().data()", function () {
return this.iterator(!0, "rows", function (t, e) {
return m(t.aoData, e, "_aData")
}, 1)
}), t("rows().cache()", "row().cache()", function (n) {
return this.iterator("row", function (t, e) {
t = t.aoData[e];
return "search" === n ? t._aFilterData : t._aSortData
}, 1)
}), t("rows().invalidate()", "row().invalidate()", function (n) {
return this.iterator("row", function (t, e) {
bt(t, e, n)
}), t("rows().indexes()", "row().index()", function () {
return this.iterator("row", function (t, e) {
return e
}, 1)
}), t("rows().ids()", "row().id()", function (t) {
for (var e = [], n = this.context, a = 0, r = n.length; a < r; a++)
for (var o = 0, i = this[a].length; o < i; o++) {
var l = n[a].rowIdFn(n[a].aoData[this[a][o]]._aData);
e.push((!0 === t ? "#" : "") + l)
return new B(n, e)
}), t("rows().remove()", "row().remove()", function () {
var f = this;
return this.iterator("row", function (t, e, n) {
var a, r, o, i, l, s, u = t.aoData,
c = u[e];
for (u.splice(e, 1), a = 0, r = u.length; a < r; a++)
if (s = (l = u[a]).anCells, null !== l.nTr && (l.nTr._DT_RowIndex = a), null !== s)
for (o = 0, i = s.length; o < i; o++) s[o]._DT_CellIndex.row = a;
gt(t.aiDisplayMaster, e), gt(t.aiDisplay, e), gt(f[n], e, !1), 0 < t._iRecordsDisplay && t._iRecordsDisplay--, Se(t);
n = t.rowIdFn(c._aData);
n !== N && delete t.aIds[n]
}), this.iterator("table", function (t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t.aoData.length; e < n; e++) t.aoData[e].idx = e
}), this
}), e("rows.add()", function (o) {
var t = this.iterator("table", function (t) {
for (var e, n = [], a = 0, r = o.length; a < r; a++)(e = o[a]).nodeName && "TR" === e.nodeName.toUpperCase() ? n.push(ut(t, e)[0]) : n.push(x(t, e));
return n
}, 1),
e = this.rows(-1);
return e.pop(), P.merge(e, t), e
}), e("row()", function (t, e) {
return we(this.rows(t, e))
}), e("row().data()", function (t) {
var e, n = this.context;
return t === N ? n.length && this.length ? n[0].aoData[this[0]]._aData : N : ((e = n[0].aoData[this[0]])._aData = t, Array.isArray(t) && e.nTr && e.nTr.id && b(n[0].rowId)(t, e.nTr.id), bt(n[0], this[0], "data"), this)
}), e("row().node()", function () {
var t = this.context;
return t.length && this.length && t[0].aoData[this[0]].nTr || null
}), e("row.add()", function (e) {
e instanceof P && e.length && (e = e[0]);
var t = this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return e.nodeName && "TR" === e.nodeName.toUpperCase() ? ut(t, e)[0] : x(t, e)
return this.row(t[0])
}), P(v).on("plugin-init.dt", function (t, e) {
var n = new B(e),
a = "on-plugin-init";
const r = "stateSaveParams." + a,
o = "destroy." + a;
n.on(r, function (t, e, n) {
for (var a = e.rowIdFn, r = e.aoData, o = [], i = 0; i < r.length; i++) r[i]._detailsShow && o.push("#" + a(r[i]._aData));
n.childRows = o
}), n.on(o, function () {
n.off(r + " " + o)
a = n.state.loaded();
a && a.childRows && n.rows(P.map(a.childRows, function (t) {
return t.replace(/:/g, "\\:")
})).every(function () {
R(e, null, "requestChild", [this])
}), C.util.throttle(function (t) {
}, 500)),
Re = function (t, e) {
var n = t.context;
n.length && (e = n[0].aoData[e !== N ? e : t[0]]) && e._details && (e._details.remove(), e._detailsShow = N, e._details = N, P(e.nTr).removeClass("dt-hasChild"), Le(n))
Pe = "row().child",
je = Pe + "()",
Ne = (e(je, function (t, e) {
var n = this.context;
return t === N ? n.length && this.length ? n[0].aoData[this[0]]._details : N : (!0 === t ? this.child.show() : !1 === t ? Re(this) : n.length && this.length && Te(n[0], n[0].aoData[this[0]], t, e), this)
}), e([Pe + ".show()", je + ".show()"], function (t) {
return xe(this, !0), this
}), e([Pe + ".hide()", je + ".hide()"], function () {
return xe(this, !1), this
}), e([Pe + ".remove()", je + ".remove()"], function () {
return Re(this), this
}), e(Pe + ".isShown()", function () {
var t = this.context;
return t.length && this.length && t[0].aoData[this[0]]._detailsShow || !1
}), /^([^:]+):(name|visIdx|visible)$/),
He = (e("columns()", function (n, a) {
n === N ? n = "" : P.isPlainObject(n) && (a = n, n = ""), a = Ce(a);
var t = this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return e = n, l = a, s = (i = t).aoColumns, u = H(s, "sName"), c = H(s, "nTh"), _e("column", e, function (n) {
var a, t = d(n);
if ("" === n) return f(s.length);
if (null !== t) return [0 <= t ? t : s.length + t];
if ("function" == typeof n) return a = Fe(i, l), P.map(s, function (t, e) {
return n(e, Ae(i, e, 0, 0, a), c[e]) ? e : null
var r = "string" == typeof n ? n.match(Ne) : "";
if (r) switch (r[2]) {
case "visIdx":
case "visible":
var e, o = parseInt(r[1], 10);
return o < 0 ? [(e = P.map(s, function (t, e) {
return t.bVisible ? e : null
}))[e.length + o]] : [rt(i, o)];
case "name":
return P.map(u, function (t, e) {
return t === r[1] ? e : null
return []
return n.nodeName && n._DT_CellIndex ? [n._DT_CellIndex.column] : (t = P(c).filter(n).map(function () {
return P.inArray(this, c)
}).toArray()).length || !n.nodeName ? t : (t = P(n).closest("*[data-dt-column]")).length ? [t.data("dt-column")] : []
}, i, l);
var i, e, l, s, u, c
}, 1);
return t.selector.cols = n, t.selector.opts = a, t
}), t("columns().header()", "column().header()", function (t, e) {
return this.iterator("column", function (t, e) {
return t.aoColumns[e].nTh
}, 1)
}), t("columns().footer()", "column().footer()", function (t, e) {
return this.iterator("column", function (t, e) {
return t.aoColumns[e].nTf
}, 1)
}), t("columns().data()", "column().data()", function () {
return this.iterator("column-rows", Ae, 1)
}), t("columns().dataSrc()", "column().dataSrc()", function () {
return this.iterator("column", function (t, e) {
return t.aoColumns[e].mData
}, 1)
}), t("columns().cache()", "column().cache()", function (o) {
return this.iterator("column-rows", function (t, e, n, a, r) {
return m(t.aoData, r, "search" === o ? "_aFilterData" : "_aSortData", e)
}, 1)
}), t("columns().nodes()", "column().nodes()", function () {
return this.iterator("column-rows", function (t, e, n, a, r) {
return m(t.aoData, r, "anCells", e)
}, 1)
}), t("columns().visible()", "column().visible()", function (f, n) {
var e = this,
t = this.iterator("column", function (t, e) {
if (f === N) return t.aoColumns[e].bVisible;
var n, a, r = e,
e = f,
o = t.aoColumns,
i = o[r],
l = t.aoData;
if (e === N) i.bVisible;
else if (i.bVisible !== e) {
if (e)
for (var s = P.inArray(!0, H(o, "bVisible"), r + 1), u = 0, c = l.length; u < c; u++) a = l[u].nTr, n = l[u].anCells, a && a.insertBefore(n[r], n[s] || null);
else P(H(t.aoData, "anCells", r)).detach();
i.bVisible = e
return f !== N && this.iterator("table", function (t) {
Dt(t, t.aoHeader), Dt(t, t.aoFooter), t.aiDisplay.length || P(t.nTBody).find("td[colspan]").attr("colspan", T(t)), de(t), e.iterator("column", function (t, e) {
R(t, null, "column-visibility", [t, e, f, n])
}), n !== N && !n || e.columns.adjust()
}), t
}), t("columns().indexes()", "column().index()", function (n) {
return this.iterator("column", function (t, e) {
return "visible" === n ? ot(t, e) : e
}, 1)
}), e("columns.adjust()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
}, 1)
}), e("column.index()", function (t, e) {
var n;
if (0 !== this.context.length) return n = this.context[0], "fromVisible" === t || "toData" === t ? rt(n, e) : "fromData" === t || "toVisible" === t ? ot(n, e) : void 0
}), e("column()", function (t, e) {
return we(this.columns(t, e))
}), e("cells()", function (g, t, b) {
var a, r, o, i, l, s, e;
return P.isPlainObject(g) && (g.row === N ? (b = g, g = null) : (b = t, t = null)), P.isPlainObject(t) && (b = t, t = null), null === t || t === N ? this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return a = t, t = g, e = Ce(b), f = a.aoData, d = Fe(a, e), n = _(m(f, d, "anCells")), h = P(Y([], n)), p = a.aoColumns.length, _e("cell", t, function (t) {
var e, n = "function" == typeof t;
if (null === t || t === N || n) {
for (o = [], i = 0, l = d.length; i < l; i++)
for (r = d[i], s = 0; s < p; s++) u = {
row: r,
column: s
}, (!n || (c = f[r], t(u, S(a, r, s), c.anCells ? c.anCells[s] : null))) && o.push(u);
return o
return P.isPlainObject(t) ? t.column !== N && t.row !== N && -1 !== P.inArray(t.row, d) ? [t] : [] : (e = h.filter(t).map(function (t, e) {
return {
row: e._DT_CellIndex.row,
column: e._DT_CellIndex.column
}).toArray()).length || !t.nodeName ? e : (c = P(t).closest("*[data-dt-row]")).length ? [{
row: c.data("dt-row"),
column: c.data("dt-column")
}] : []
}, a, e);
var a, e, r, o, i, l, s, u, c, f, d, n, h, p
}) : (e = b ? {
page: b.page,
order: b.order,
search: b.search
} : {}, a = this.columns(t, e), r = this.rows(g, e), e = this.iterator("table", function (t, e) {
var n = [];
for (o = 0, i = r[e].length; o < i; o++)
for (l = 0, s = a[e].length; l < s; l++) n.push({
row: r[e][o],
column: a[e][l]
return n
}, 1), e = b && b.selected ? this.cells(e, b) : e, P.extend(e.selector, {
cols: t,
rows: g,
opts: b
}), e)
}), t("cells().nodes()", "cell().node()", function () {
return this.iterator("cell", function (t, e, n) {
t = t.aoData[e];
return t && t.anCells ? t.anCells[n] : N
}, 1)
}), e("cells().data()", function () {
return this.iterator("cell", function (t, e, n) {
return S(t, e, n)
}, 1)
}), t("cells().cache()", "cell().cache()", function (a) {
return a = "search" === a ? "_aFilterData" : "_aSortData", this.iterator("cell", function (t, e, n) {
return t.aoData[e][a][n]
}, 1)
}), t("cells().render()", "cell().render()", function (a) {
return this.iterator("cell", function (t, e, n) {
return S(t, e, n, a)
}, 1)
}), t("cells().indexes()", "cell().index()", function () {
return this.iterator("cell", function (t, e, n) {
return {
row: e,
column: n,
columnVisible: ot(t, n)
}, 1)
}), t("cells().invalidate()", "cell().invalidate()", function (a) {
return this.iterator("cell", function (t, e, n) {
bt(t, e, a, n)
}), e("cell()", function (t, e, n) {
return we(this.cells(t, e, n))
}), e("cell().data()", function (t) {
var e = this.context,
n = this[0];
return t === N ? e.length && n.length ? S(e[0], n[0].row, n[0].column) : N : (ct(e[0], n[0].row, n[0].column, t), bt(e[0], n[0].row, "data", n[0].column), this)
}), e("order()", function (e, t) {
var n = this.context;
return e === N ? 0 !== n.length ? n[0].aaSorting : N : ("number" == typeof e ? e = [
[e, t]
] : e.length && !Array.isArray(e[0]) && (e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)), this.iterator("table", function (t) {
t.aaSorting = e.slice()
}), e("order.listener()", function (e, n, a) {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
ue(t, e, n, a)
}), e("order.fixed()", function (e) {
var t;
return e ? this.iterator("table", function (t) {
t.aaSortingFixed = P.extend(!0, {}, e)
}) : (t = (t = this.context).length ? t[0].aaSortingFixed : N, Array.isArray(t) ? {
pre: t
} : t)
}), e(["columns().order()", "column().order()"], function (a) {
var r = this;
return this.iterator("table", function (t, e) {
var n = [];
P.each(r[e], function (t, e) {
n.push([e, a])
}), t.aaSorting = n
}), e("search()", function (e, n, a, r) {
var t = this.context;
return e === N ? 0 !== t.length ? t[0].oPreviousSearch.sSearch : N : this.iterator("table", function (t) {
t.oFeatures.bFilter && Rt(t, P.extend({}, t.oPreviousSearch, {
sSearch: e + "",
bRegex: null !== n && n,
bSmart: null === a || a,
bCaseInsensitive: null === r || r
}), 1)
}), t("columns().search()", "column().search()", function (a, r, o, i) {
return this.iterator("column", function (t, e) {
var n = t.aoPreSearchCols;
if (a === N) return n[e].sSearch;
t.oFeatures.bFilter && (P.extend(n[e], {
sSearch: a + "",
bRegex: null !== r && r,
bSmart: null === o || o,
bCaseInsensitive: null === i || i
}), Rt(t, t.oPreviousSearch, 1))
}), e("state()", function () {
return this.context.length ? this.context[0].oSavedState : null
}), e("state.clear()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
t.fnStateSaveCallback.call(t.oInstance, t, {})
}), e("state.loaded()", function () {
return this.context.length ? this.context[0].oLoadedState : null
}), e("state.save()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
}), C.versionCheck = C.fnVersionCheck = function (t) {
for (var e, n, a = C.version.split("."), r = t.split("."), o = 0, i = r.length; o < i; o++)
if ((e = parseInt(a[o], 10) || 0) !== (n = parseInt(r[o], 10) || 0)) return n < e;
return !0
}, C.isDataTable = C.fnIsDataTable = function (t) {
var r = P(t).get(0),
o = !1;
return t instanceof C.Api || (P.each(C.settings, function (t, e) {
var n = e.nScrollHead ? P("table", e.nScrollHead)[0] : null,
a = e.nScrollFoot ? P("table", e.nScrollFoot)[0] : null;
e.nTable !== r && n !== r && a !== r || (o = !0)
}), o)
}, C.tables = C.fnTables = function (e) {
var t = !1,
n = (P.isPlainObject(e) && (t = e.api, e = e.visible), P.map(C.settings, function (t) {
if (!e || P(t.nTable).is(":visible")) return t.nTable
return t ? new B(n) : n
}, C.camelToHungarian = w, e("$()", function (t, e) {
e = this.rows(e).nodes(), e = P(e);
return P([].concat(e.filter(t).toArray(), e.find(t).toArray()))
}), P.each(["on", "one", "off"], function (t, n) {
e(n + "()", function () {
var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
e = (t[0] = P.map(t[0].split(/\s/), function (t) {
return t.match(/\.dt\b/) ? t : t + ".dt"
}).join(" "), P(this.tables().nodes()));
return e[n].apply(e, t), this
}), e("clear()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
}), e("settings()", function () {
return new B(this.context, this.context)
}), e("init()", function () {
var t = this.context;
return t.length ? t[0].oInit : null
}), e("data()", function () {
return this.iterator("table", function (t) {
return H(t.aoData, "_aData")
}), e("destroy()", function (c) {
return c = c || !1, this.iterator("table", function (e) {
var n, t = e.oClasses,
a = e.nTable,
r = e.nTBody,
o = e.nTHead,
i = e.nTFoot,
l = P(a),
r = P(r),
s = P(e.nTableWrapper),
u = P.map(e.aoData, function (t) {
return t.nTr
i = (e.bDestroying = !0, R(e, "aoDestroyCallback", "destroy", [e]), c || new B(e).columns().visible(!0), s.off(".DT").find(":not(tbody *)").off(".DT"), P(j).off(".DT-" + e.sInstance), a != o.parentNode && (l.children("thead").detach(), l.append(o)), i && a != i.parentNode && (l.children("tfoot").detach(), l.append(i)), e.aaSorting = [], e.aaSortingFixed = [], ce(e), P(u).removeClass(e.asStripeClasses.join(" ")), P("th, td", o).removeClass(t.sSortable + " " + t.sSortableAsc + " " + t.sSortableDesc + " " + t.sSortableNone), r.children().detach(), r.append(u), e.nTableWrapper.parentNode),
o = c ? "remove" : "detach",
u = (l[o](), s[o](), !c && i && (i.insertBefore(a, e.nTableReinsertBefore), l.css("width", e.sDestroyWidth).removeClass(t.sTable), n = e.asDestroyStripes.length) && r.children().each(function (t) {
P(this).addClass(e.asDestroyStripes[t % n])
}), P.inArray(e, C.settings)); - 1 !== u && C.settings.splice(u, 1)
}), P.each(["column", "row", "cell"], function (t, s) {
e(s + "s().every()", function (o) {
var i = this.selector.opts,
l = this;
return this.iterator(s, function (t, e, n, a, r) {
o.call(l[s](e, "cell" === s ? n : i, "cell" === s ? i : N), e, n, a, r)
}), e("i18n()", function (t, e, n) {
var a = this.context[0],
t = A(t)(a.oLanguage);
return t === N && (t = e), (t = n !== N && P.isPlainObject(t) ? t[n] !== N ? t[n] : t._ : t).replace("%d", n)
}), C.version = "1.13.1", C.settings = [], C.models = {}, C.models.oSearch = {
bCaseInsensitive: !0,
sSearch: "",
bRegex: !1,
bSmart: !0,
return: !1
}, C.models.oRow = {
nTr: null,
anCells: null,
_aData: [],
_aSortData: null,
_aFilterData: null,
_sFilterRow: null,
_sRowStripe: "",
src: null,
idx: -1
}, C.models.oColumn = {
idx: null,
aDataSort: null,
asSorting: null,
bSearchable: null,
bSortable: null,
bVisible: null,
_sManualType: null,
_bAttrSrc: !1,
fnCreatedCell: null,
fnGetData: null,
fnSetData: null,
mData: null,
mRender: null,
nTh: null,
nTf: null,
sClass: null,
sContentPadding: null,
sDefaultContent: null,
sName: null,
sSortDataType: "std",
sSortingClass: null,
sSortingClassJUI: null,
sTitle: null,
sType: null,
sWidth: null,
sWidthOrig: null
}, C.defaults = {
aaData: null,
aaSorting: [
[0, "asc"]
aaSortingFixed: [],
ajax: null,
aLengthMenu: [10, 25, 50, 100],
aoColumns: null,
aoColumnDefs: null,
aoSearchCols: [],
asStripeClasses: null,
bAutoWidth: !0,
bDeferRender: !1,
bDestroy: !1,
bFilter: !0,
bInfo: !0,
bLengthChange: !0,
bPaginate: !0,
bProcessing: !1,
bRetrieve: !1,
bScrollCollapse: !1,
bServerSide: !1,
bSort: !0,
bSortMulti: !0,
bSortCellsTop: !1,
bSortClasses: !0,
bStateSave: !1,
fnCreatedRow: null,
fnDrawCallback: null,
fnFooterCallback: null,
fnFormatNumber: function (t) {
return t.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, this.oLanguage.sThousands)
fnHeaderCallback: null,
fnInfoCallback: null,
fnInitComplete: null,
fnPreDrawCallback: null,
fnRowCallback: null,
fnServerData: null,
fnServerParams: null,
fnStateLoadCallback: function (t) {
try {
return JSON.parse((-1 === t.iStateDuration ? sessionStorage : localStorage).getItem("DataTables_" + t.sInstance + "_" + location.pathname))
} catch (t) {
return {}
fnStateLoadParams: null,
fnStateLoaded: null,
fnStateSaveCallback: function (t, e) {
try {
(-1 === t.iStateDuration ? sessionStorage : localStorage).setItem("DataTables_" + t.sInstance + "_" + location.pathname, JSON.stringify(e))
} catch (t) {}
fnStateSaveParams: null,
iStateDuration: 7200,
iDeferLoading: null,
iDisplayLength: 10,
iDisplayStart: 0,
iTabIndex: 0,
oClasses: {},
oLanguage: {
oAria: {
sSortAscending: ": activate to sort column ascending",
sSortDescending: ": activate to sort column descending"
oPaginate: {
sFirst: "First",
sLast: "Last",
sNext: "Next",
sPrevious: "Previous"
sEmptyTable: "No data available in table",
sInfo: "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
sInfoEmpty: "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
sInfoFiltered: "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
sInfoPostFix: "",
sDecimal: "",
sThousands: ",",
sLengthMenu: "Show _MENU_ entries",
sLoadingRecords: "Loading...",
sProcessing: "",
sSearch: "Search:",
sSearchPlaceholder: "",
sUrl: "",
sZeroRecords: "No matching records found"
oSearch: P.extend({}, C.models.oSearch),
sAjaxDataProp: "data",
sAjaxSource: null,
sDom: "lfrtip",
searchDelay: null,
sPaginationType: "simple_numbers",
sScrollX: "",
sScrollXInner: "",
sScrollY: "",
sServerMethod: "GET",
renderer: null,
rowId: "DT_RowId"
}, i(C.defaults), C.defaults.column = {
aDataSort: null,
iDataSort: -1,
asSorting: ["asc", "desc"],
bSearchable: !0,
bSortable: !0,
bVisible: !0,
fnCreatedCell: null,
mData: null,
mRender: null,
sCellType: "td",
sClass: "",
sContentPadding: "",
sDefaultContent: null,
sName: "",
sSortDataType: "std",
sTitle: null,
sType: null,
sWidth: null
}, i(C.defaults.column), C.models.oSettings = {
oFeatures: {
bAutoWidth: null,
bDeferRender: null,
bFilter: null,
bInfo: null,
bLengthChange: null,
bPaginate: null,
bProcessing: null,
bServerSide: null,
bSort: null,
bSortMulti: null,
bSortClasses: null,
bStateSave: null
oScroll: {
bCollapse: null,
iBarWidth: 0,
sX: null,
sXInner: null,
sY: null
oLanguage: {
fnInfoCallback: null
oBrowser: {
bScrollOversize: !1,
bScrollbarLeft: !1,
bBounding: !1,
barWidth: 0
ajax: null,
aanFeatures: [],
aoData: [],
aiDisplay: [],
aiDisplayMaster: [],
aIds: {},
aoColumns: [],
aoHeader: [],
aoFooter: [],
oPreviousSearch: {},
aoPreSearchCols: [],
aaSorting: null,
aaSortingFixed: [],
asStripeClasses: null,
asDestroyStripes: [],
sDestroyWidth: 0,
aoRowCallback: [],
aoHeaderCallback: [],
aoFooterCallback: [],
aoDrawCallback: [],
aoRowCreatedCallback: [],
aoPreDrawCallback: [],
aoInitComplete: [],
aoStateSaveParams: [],
aoStateLoadParams: [],
aoStateLoaded: [],
sTableId: "",
nTable: null,
nTHead: null,
nTFoot: null,
nTBody: null,
nTableWrapper: null,
bDeferLoading: !1,
bInitialised: !1,
aoOpenRows: [],
sDom: null,
searchDelay: null,
sPaginationType: "two_button",
iStateDuration: 0,
aoStateSave: [],
aoStateLoad: [],
oSavedState: null,
oLoadedState: null,
sAjaxSource: null,
sAjaxDataProp: null,
jqXHR: null,
json: N,
oAjaxData: N,
fnServerData: null,
aoServerParams: [],
sServerMethod: null,
fnFormatNumber: null,
aLengthMenu: null,
iDraw: 0,
bDrawing: !1,
iDrawError: -1,
_iDisplayLength: 10,
_iDisplayStart: 0,
_iRecordsTotal: 0,
_iRecordsDisplay: 0,
oClasses: {},
bFiltered: !1,
bSorted: !1,
bSortCellsTop: null,
oInit: null,
aoDestroyCallback: [],
fnRecordsTotal: function () {
return "ssp" == E(this) ? +this._iRecordsTotal : this.aiDisplayMaster.length
fnRecordsDisplay: function () {
return "ssp" == E(this) ? +this._iRecordsDisplay : this.aiDisplay.length
fnDisplayEnd: function () {
var t = this._iDisplayLength,
e = this._iDisplayStart,
n = e + t,
a = this.aiDisplay.length,
r = this.oFeatures,
o = r.bPaginate;
return r.bServerSide ? !1 === o || -1 === t ? e + a : Math.min(e + t, this._iRecordsDisplay) : !o || a < n || -1 === t ? a : n
oInstance: null,
sInstance: null,
iTabIndex: 0,
nScrollHead: null,
nScrollFoot: null,
aLastSort: [],
oPlugins: {},
rowIdFn: null,
rowId: null
}, C.ext = p = {
buttons: {},
classes: {},
builder: "-source-",
errMode: "alert",
feature: [],
search: [],
selector: {
cell: [],
column: [],
row: []
internal: {},
legacy: {
ajax: null
pager: {},
renderer: {
pageButton: {},
header: {}
order: {},
type: {
detect: [],
search: {},
order: {}
_unique: 0,
fnVersionCheck: C.fnVersionCheck,
iApiIndex: 0,
oJUIClasses: {},
sVersion: C.version
}, P.extend(p, {
afnFiltering: p.search,
aTypes: p.type.detect,
ofnSearch: p.type.search,
oSort: p.type.order,
afnSortData: p.order,
aoFeatures: p.feature,
oApi: p.internal,
oStdClasses: p.classes,
oPagination: p.pager
}), P.extend(C.ext.classes, {
sTable: "",
sNoFooter: "",
sPageButton: "paginate_button",
sPageButtonActive: "current",
sPageButtonDisabled: "disabled",
sStripeOdd: "odd",
sStripeEven: "even",
sRowEmpty: "dataTables_empty",
sWrapper: "dataTables_wrapper",
sFilter: "dataTables_filter",
sInfo: "dataTables_info",
sPaging: "dataTables_paginate paging_",
sLength: "dataTables_length",
sProcessing: "dataTables_processing",
sSortAsc: "sorting_asc",
sSortDesc: "sorting_desc",
sSortable: "sorting",
sSortableAsc: "sorting_desc_disabled",
sSortableDesc: "sorting_asc_disabled",
sSortableNone: "sorting_disabled",
sSortColumn: "sorting_",
sFilterInput: "",
sLengthSelect: "",
sScrollWrapper: "dataTables_scroll",
sScrollHead: "dataTables_scrollHead",
sScrollHeadInner: "dataTables_scrollHeadInner",
sScrollBody: "dataTables_scrollBody",
sScrollFoot: "dataTables_scrollFoot",
sScrollFootInner: "dataTables_scrollFootInner",
sHeaderTH: "",
sFooterTH: "",
sSortJUIAsc: "",
sSortJUIDesc: "",
sSortJUI: "",
sSortJUIAscAllowed: "",
sSortJUIDescAllowed: "",
sSortJUIWrapper: "",
sSortIcon: "",
sJUIHeader: "",
sJUIFooter: ""
}), C.ext.pager);
function Oe(t, e) {
var n = [],
a = He.numbers_length,
r = Math.floor(a / 2);
return e <= a ? n = f(0, e) : t <= r ? ((n = f(0, a - 2)).push("ellipsis"), n.push(e - 1)) : ((e - 1 - r <= t ? n = f(e - (a - 2), e) : ((n = f(t - r + 2, t + r - 1)).push("ellipsis"), n.push(e - 1), n)).splice(0, 0, "ellipsis"), n.splice(0, 0, 0)), n.DT_el = "span", n
P.extend(He, {
simple: function (t, e) {
return ["previous", "next"]
full: function (t, e) {
return ["first", "previous", "next", "last"]
numbers: function (t, e) {
return [Oe(t, e)]
simple_numbers: function (t, e) {
return ["previous", Oe(t, e), "next"]
full_numbers: function (t, e) {
return ["first", "previous", Oe(t, e), "next", "last"]
first_last_numbers: function (t, e) {
return ["first", Oe(t, e), "last"]
_numbers: Oe,
numbers_length: 7
}), P.extend(!0, C.ext.renderer, {
pageButton: {
_: function (u, t, c, e, f, d) {
function h(t, e) {
for (var n, a, r = b.sPageButtonDisabled, o = function (t) {
Yt(u, t.data.action, !0)
}, i = 0, l = e.length; i < l; i++)
if (n = e[i], Array.isArray(n)) {
var s = P("<" + (n.DT_el || "div") + "/>").appendTo(t);
h(s, n)
} else {
switch (p = null, g = n, a = u.iTabIndex, n) {
case "ellipsis":
case "first":
p = m.sFirst, 0 === f && (a = -1, g += " " + r);
case "previous":
p = m.sPrevious, 0 === f && (a = -1, g += " " + r);
case "next":
p = m.sNext, 0 !== d && f !== d - 1 || (a = -1, g += " " + r);
case "last":
p = m.sLast, 0 !== d && f !== d - 1 || (a = -1, g += " " + r);
p = u.fnFormatNumber(n + 1), g = f === n ? b.sPageButtonActive : ""
null !== p && me(P("", {
class: b.sPageButton + " " + g,
"aria-controls": u.sTableId,
"aria-label": S[n],
"data-dt-idx": n,
tabindex: a,
id: 0 === c && "string" == typeof n ? u.sTableId + "_" + n : null
}).html(p).appendTo(t), {
action: n
}, o)
var p, g, n, b = u.oClasses,
m = u.oLanguage.oPaginate,
S = u.oLanguage.oAria.paginate || {};
try {
n = P(t).find(v.activeElement).data("dt-idx")
} catch (t) {}
h(P(t).empty(), e), n !== N && P(t).find("[data-dt-idx=" + n + "]").trigger("focus")
}), P.extend(C.ext.type.detect, [function (t, e) {
e = e.oLanguage.sDecimal;
return l(t, e) ? "num" + e : null
}, function (t, e) {
var n;
return (!t || t instanceof Date || X.test(t)) && (null !== (n = Date.parse(t)) && !isNaN(n) || h(t)) ? "date" : null
}, function (t, e) {
e = e.oLanguage.sDecimal;
return l(t, e, !0) ? "num-fmt" + e : null
}, function (t, e) {
e = e.oLanguage.sDecimal;
return a(t, e) ? "html-num" + e : null
}, function (t, e) {
e = e.oLanguage.sDecimal;
return a(t, e, !0) ? "html-num-fmt" + e : null
}, function (t, e) {
return h(t) || "string" == typeof t && -1 !== t.indexOf("<") ? "html" : null
}]), P.extend(C.ext.type.search, {
html: function (t) {
return h(t) ? t : "string" == typeof t ? t.replace(U, " ").replace(V, "") : ""
string: function (t) {
return !h(t) && "string" == typeof t ? t.replace(U, " ") : t
function Me(t, e, n, a) {
return 0 === t || t && "-" !== t ? +(t = (t = e ? G(t, e) : t).replace && (n && (t = t.replace(n, "")), a) ? t.replace(a, "") : t) : -1 / 0
function ke(n) {
num: function (t) {
return Me(t, n)
"num-fmt": function (t) {
return Me(t, n, q)
"html-num": function (t) {
return Me(t, n, V)
"html-num-fmt": function (t) {
return Me(t, n, V, q)
}, function (t, e) {
p.type.order[t + n + "-pre"] = e, t.match(/^html\-/) && (p.type.search[t + n] = p.type.search.html)
P.extend(p.type.order, {
"date-pre": function (t) {
t = Date.parse(t);
return isNaN(t) ? -1 / 0 : t
"html-pre": function (t) {
return h(t) ? "" : t.replace ? t.replace(/<.*?>/g, "").toLowerCase() : t + ""
"string-pre": function (t) {
return h(t) ? "" : "string" == typeof t ? t.toLowerCase() : t.toString ? t.toString() : ""
"string-asc": function (t, e) {
return t < e ? -1 : e < t ? 1 : 0
"string-desc": function (t, e) {
return t < e ? 1 : e < t ? -1 : 0
}), ke(""), P.extend(!0, C.ext.renderer, {
header: {
_: function (r, o, i, l) {
P(r.nTable).on("order.dt.DT", function (t, e, n, a) {
r === e && (e = i.idx, o.removeClass(l.sSortAsc + " " + l.sSortDesc).addClass("asc" == a[e] ? l.sSortAsc : "desc" == a[e] ? l.sSortDesc : i.sSortingClass))
jqueryui: function (r, o, i, l) {
P("").addClass(l.sSortJUIWrapper).append(o.contents()).append(P("").addClass(l.sSortIcon + " " + i.sSortingClassJUI)).appendTo(o), P(r.nTable).on("order.dt.DT", function (t, e, n, a) {
r === e && (e = i.idx, o.removeClass(l.sSortAsc + " " + l.sSortDesc).addClass("asc" == a[e] ? l.sSortAsc : "desc" == a[e] ? l.sSortDesc : i.sSortingClass), o.find("span." + l.sSortIcon).removeClass(l.sSortJUIAsc + " " + l.sSortJUIDesc + " " + l.sSortJUI + " " + l.sSortJUIAscAllowed + " " + l.sSortJUIDescAllowed).addClass("asc" == a[e] ? l.sSortJUIAsc : "desc" == a[e] ? l.sSortJUIDesc : i.sSortingClassJUI))
function We(t) {
return "string" == typeof (t = Array.isArray(t) ? t.join(",") : t) ? t.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """) : t
function Ee(t, e, n, a, r) {
return j.moment ? t[e](r) : j.luxon ? t[n](r) : a ? t[a](r) : t
var Be = !1;
function Ue(t, e, n) {
var a;
if (j.moment) {
if (!(a = j.moment.utc(t, e, n, !0)).isValid()) return null
} else if (j.luxon) {
if (!(a = e && "string" == typeof t ? j.luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(t, e) : j.luxon.DateTime.fromISO(t)).isValid) return null;
} else e ? (Be || alert("DataTables warning: Formatted date without Moment.js or Luxon - https://datatables.net/tn/17"), Be = !0) : a = new Date(t);
return a
function Ve(s) {
return function (a, r, o, i) {
0 === arguments.length ? (o = "en", a = r = null) : 1 === arguments.length ? (o = "en", r = a, a = null) : 2 === arguments.length && (o = r, r = a, a = null);
var l = "datetime-" + r;
return C.ext.type.order[l] || (C.ext.type.detect.unshift(function (t) {
return t === l && l
}), C.ext.type.order[l + "-asc"] = function (t, e) {
t = t.valueOf(), e = e.valueOf();
return t === e ? 0 : t < e ? -1 : 1
}, C.ext.type.order[l + "-desc"] = function (t, e) {
t = t.valueOf(), e = e.valueOf();
return t === e ? 0 : e < t ? -1 : 1
function (t, e) {
var n;
return null !== t && t !== N || (t = "--now" === i ? (n = new Date, new Date(Date.UTC(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate(), n.getHours(), n.getMinutes(), n.getSeconds()))) : ""), "type" === e ? l : "" === t ? "sort" !== e ? "" : Ue("0000-01-01 00:00:00", null, o) : !(null === r || a !== r || "sort" === e || "type" === e || t instanceof Date) || null === (n = Ue(t, a, o)) ? t : "sort" === e ? n : (t = null === r ? Ee(n, "toDate", "toJSDate", "")[s]() : Ee(n, "format", "toFormat", "toISOString", r), "display" === e ? We(t) : t)
var Xe = ",",
Je = ".";
if (Intl) try {
for (var qe = (new Intl.NumberFormat).formatToParts(100000.1), n = 0; n < qe.length; n++) "group" === qe[n].type ? Xe = qe[n].value : "decimal" === qe[n].type && (Je = qe[n].value)
} catch (t) {}
function Ge(e) {
return function () {
var t = [ge(this[C.ext.iApiIndex])].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
return C.ext.internal[e].apply(this, t)
return C.datetime = function (n, a) {
var r = "datetime-detect-" + n;
a = a || "en", C.ext.type.order[r] || (C.ext.type.detect.unshift(function (t) {
var e = Ue(t, n, a);
return !("" !== t && !e) && r
}), C.ext.type.order[r + "-pre"] = function (t) {
return Ue(t, n, a) || 0
}, C.render = {
date: Ve("toLocaleDateString"),
datetime: Ve("toLocaleString"),
time: Ve("toLocaleTimeString"),
number: function (a, r, o, i, l) {
return null !== a && a !== N || (a = Xe), null !== r && r !== N || (r = Je), {
display: function (t) {
if ("number" != typeof t && "string" != typeof t) return t;
if ("" === t || null === t) return t;
var e = t < 0 ? "-" : "",
n = parseFloat(t);
if (isNaN(n)) return We(t);
n = n.toFixed(o), t = Math.abs(n);
n = parseInt(t, 10), t = o ? r + (t - n).toFixed(o).substring(2) : "";
return (e = 0 === n && 0 === parseFloat(t) ? "" : e) + (i || "") + n.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, a) + t + (l || "")
text: function () {
return {
display: We,
filter: We
}, P.extend(C.ext.internal, {
_fnExternApiFunc: Ge,
_fnBuildAjax: Tt,
_fnAjaxUpdate: xt,
_fnAjaxParameters: At,
_fnAjaxUpdateDraw: It,
_fnAjaxDataSrc: Ft,
_fnAddColumn: nt,
_fnColumnOptions: at,
_fnAdjustColumnSizing: O,
_fnVisibleToColumnIndex: rt,
_fnColumnIndexToVisible: ot,
_fnVisbleColumns: T,
_fnGetColumns: it,
_fnColumnTypes: lt,
_fnApplyColumnDefs: st,
_fnHungarianMap: i,
_fnCamelToHungarian: w,
_fnLanguageCompat: Z,
_fnBrowserDetect: tt,
_fnAddData: x,
_fnAddTr: ut,
_fnNodeToDataIndex: function (t, e) {
return e._DT_RowIndex !== N ? e._DT_RowIndex : null
_fnNodeToColumnIndex: function (t, e, n) {
return P.inArray(n, t.aoData[e].anCells)
_fnGetCellData: S,
_fnSetCellData: ct,
_fnSplitObjNotation: dt,
_fnGetObjectDataFn: A,
_fnSetObjectDataFn: b,
_fnGetDataMaster: ht,
_fnClearTable: pt,
_fnDeleteIndex: gt,
_fnInvalidate: bt,
_fnGetRowElements: mt,
_fnCreateTr: St,
_fnBuildHead: yt,
_fnDrawHead: Dt,
_fnDraw: y,
_fnReDraw: u,
_fnAddOptionsHtml: _t,
_fnDetectHeader: Ct,
_fnGetUniqueThs: wt,
_fnFeatureHtmlFilter: Lt,
_fnFilterComplete: Rt,
_fnFilterCustom: Pt,
_fnFilterColumn: jt,
_fnFilter: Nt,
_fnFilterCreateSearch: Ht,
_fnEscapeRegex: Ot,
_fnFilterData: Wt,
_fnFeatureHtmlInfo: Ut,
_fnUpdateInfo: Vt,
_fnInfoMacros: Xt,
_fnInitialise: Jt,
_fnInitComplete: qt,
_fnLengthChange: Gt,
_fnFeatureHtmlLength: $t,
_fnFeatureHtmlPaginate: zt,
_fnPageChange: Yt,
_fnFeatureHtmlProcessing: Zt,
_fnProcessingDisplay: D,
_fnFeatureHtmlTable: Kt,
_fnScrollDraw: Qt,
_fnApplyToChildren: M,
_fnCalculateColumnWidths: ee,
_fnThrottle: ne,
_fnConvertToWidth: ae,
_fnGetWidestNode: re,
_fnGetMaxLenString: oe,
_fnStringToCss: k,
_fnSortFlatten: I,
_fnSort: ie,
_fnSortAria: le,
_fnSortListener: se,
_fnSortAttachListener: ue,
_fnSortingClasses: ce,
_fnSortData: fe,
_fnSaveState: de,
_fnLoadState: he,
_fnImplementState: pe,
_fnSettingsFromNode: ge,
_fnLog: W,
_fnMap: F,
_fnBindAction: me,
_fnCallbackReg: L,
_fnCallbackFire: R,
_fnLengthOverflow: Se,
_fnRenderer: ve,
_fnDataSource: E,
_fnRowAttributes: vt,
_fnExtend: be,
_fnCalculateEnd: function () {}
}), ((P.fn.dataTable = C).$ = P).fn.dataTableSettings = C.settings, P.fn.dataTableExt = C.ext, P.fn.DataTable = function (t) {
return P(this).dataTable(t).api()
}, P.each(C, function (t, e) {
P.fn.DataTable[t] = e
}), C