14493 lines
329 KiB
14493 lines
329 KiB
[Master Stylesheet]
Theme Name: Logistika - Transportation & Logistics HTML Template
Version: 1.0.0
1. General
1.1 Theme Reset Style
1.2 Global Elements
2. header
2.1 topbar
2.2 navigation
3. content
3.1 hero-slider
3.2 wpo-about-section
3.3 wpo-service-section
3.4 wpo-funfact-section
3.5 wpo-get-quate-section
3.6 wpo-features-section
3.7 wpo-process-section
3.9 wpo-testimonial-section
3.10 wpo-partner-section
3.11 wpo-cta-section
3.12 wpo-team-section
3.13 wpo-blog-section
3.14 wpo-map-section
4. wpo-footer
5. Home-style-2
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5.2 wpo-service-section-s2
5.3 wpo-funfact-section-s2
5.4 wpo-about-section-s2
5.5 wpo-request-quate-section
5.6 wpo-process-section-s2
5.7 wpo-features-section-s2
5.8 wpo-pricing-section
5.9 wpo-portfolio-testimonial-section
5.10 wpo-project-section-s2
5.11 wpo-testimonial-section-s2
5.12 wpo-partner-section-s2
5.13 wpo-faq-section
5.14 wpo-blog-section-s2
5.15 wpo-get-touch-section
5.16 wpo-cta-section-s2
6. Home-style-3
6.1 wpo-get-quate-section-s2
6.2 wpo-partner-section-s3
6.3 wpo-introCounter-section
6.4 wpo-features-section-s3
6.5 wpo-funfact-section-s3
6.6 wpo-service-section-s3
6.7 wpo-get-quate-section-s3
6.8 wpo-pricing-section-s2
6.9 wpo-project-section-s3
6.10 wpo-process-section-s3
6.11 wpo-testimonial-section-s3
6.12 wpo-faq-section-s2
6.13 wpo-cta-section-s3
6.14 wpo-blog-section-s3
7. wpo-service-single-page
8. wpo-project-single-page
9. wpo-shop-page
10. wpo-shop-single-page
11. wpo-cart-page-style
12. wpo-checkout-page-style
13. wpo-blog-pg-section
14. wpo-blog-single-section
15. wpo-contact-page
16. error-404-section
17. track-page
1. General
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blog sidebar
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/*** about-widget ***/
/*** category-widget ***/
/*** recent-post-widget ***/
/*** instagram-widget ***/
/*** tag-widget ***/
/*** wpo-contact-widget ***/
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2. header
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3. content
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/** slider controls **/
/*** hero slider animation ***/
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4. wpo-footer
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/*3.7 wpo-process-section */
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/*3.8 wpo-process-section */
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/*3.9 wpo-testimonial-section */
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5. Home-style-2
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6. Home-style-3
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9. wpo-shop-page
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10. wpo-shop-single-page
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11. wpo-cart-page-style
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12. wpo-checkout-page-style
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13. wpo-blog-pg-section
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14. wpo-blog-single-section
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