2024-09-06 17:20:59 +05:45
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< section class = " cover-background " style = " background-image: url('images/demo-seo-agency-bg-02.jpg') " >
< div class = " container " >
< div class = " position-absolute left-0px top-0px background-no-repeat background-size-100 h-100 w-100 animation-float " style = " background-image: url('images/demo-real-estate-10.png'); " ></ div >
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< div class = " row row-cols-1 row-cols-lg-2 justify-content-center align-items-center bg-base-color pt-4 pb-4 ps-6 pe-6 lg-p-5 border-radius-6px g-0 " >
< div class = " col-xl-6 col-lg-7 md-mb-25px sm-mb-15px position-relative text-center text-lg-start " >
< h3 class = " pb-4 alt-font fw-500 text-white ls-minus-1px mb-10px shadow-none shadow-in " data - shadow - animation = " true " data - animation - delay = " 700 " > Secure Your < span class = " fw-700 text-highlight d-inline-block " > Future Today < span class = " bg-white h-10px bottom-1px opacity-3 separator-animation " ></ span ></ span ></ h3 >
< span class = " fs-20 text-white " > " Take the first step towards achieving your academic and career goals—apply now and secure your future with Access Education Network. " </ span > </ div >
2024-09-15 13:39:27 +05:45
< div class = " col-lg-5 offset-xl-1 text-center " > < a href = " contact.php " class = " btn btn-large btn-rounded with-rounded btn-white btn-box-shadow fw-600 " style = " " > Apply Now < span class = " bg-base-color text-white " >< i class = " bi bi-arrow-right-short icon-extra-medium " ></ i ></ span ></ a > </ div >
2024-09-06 17:20:59 +05:45
</ div >
<!-- end newsletter -->
</ div >
</ section >
2024-09-11 18:02:24 +05:45
<!-- Popup Module End -->