[ "title" => "EASY STARTUP", "features" => [ "Features included!", "Astonishing, Responsive and Adaptive Design", "SEO Integrated Content Management System", "Presentation/Homepage slider", "4-10 unique website pages", "Clients' Testimonials, Photo Gallery", "Contact Details, Google Location Map", "Social Media & Google Analytics Integration", "Contact/Feedback form" ] ], "growing_business" => [ "title" => "GROWING BUSINESS", "features" => [ "Features included!", "Astonishing, Responsive and Adaptive Design", "Testimonials/Portfolios/Our team", "Sliders for Clients/Certifications/Achievements", "Presentation/Homepage slider", "Contact Details, Google Location Map", "Social Media & Google Analytics Integration", "Contact/Feedback form / Live-Chat Integration", "Online Booking/Ordering (E-Commerce)" ] ], "customized_solution" => [ "title" => "CUSTOMIZED SOLUTION", "features" => [ "Features included!", "Astonishing, Responsive and Adaptive Design", "Fully featured with SEO and SMO requirements.", "Sliders for Clients/Certifications/Achievements", "Presentation/Homepage slider", "Contact Details, Google Location Map", "Social Media & Google Analytics Integration", "Contact/Feedback form / Live-Chat Integration", "Online Booking/Ordering (E-Commerce)" ] ] ]; ?>